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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@liddi  I can't stop smiling!! So happy we kept faith. I have a feeling this will not be picked up in any great way by the Korean media. Unless they are ready to release major news of the couple. I'm guessing with the fallout after the way Sungmin (?) announced his marriage, they are going to play it safe. The boys said as much on Radio Star, which was a pointed give-away. I'm guessing SM has a hand right now in the way news is being reported in Korea. It is also likely Daddy Choi who is possibly going to have some influence in the direction of how this is going to be played out in public. Liu Wen's appearance at the concert, the way SNS posts (Jiwon's) have been released, this print interview and the upcoming Robb Report are part of the way they will ease this news to fans and the general public. I'm not sure how Siwonest is handling the fans side or Elf but I have a feeling the way the photo Jiwon took with the master of the fansite was released was no coincidence either. It'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

If Siwon hasn't met with her parents yet, I think he'd have at least skyped, we-chatted or something with them. That red string in the finale wouldn't have been there without their assent, I believe. :)   He would've wanted to do it the right way, considering how Liu Wen values such things and takes propriety and traditions seriously.

What do you mean by master of the fansite in regards to Jiwon?

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@liddi  I can't stop smiling!! So happy we kept faith. I have a feeling this will not be picked up in any great way by the Korean media. Unless they are ready to release major news of the couple. I'm guessing with the fallout after the way Sungmin (?) announced his marriage, they are going to play it safe. The boys said as much on Radio Star, which was a pointed give-away. I'm guessing SM has a hand right now in the way news is being reported in Korea. It is also likely Daddy Choi who is possibly going to have some influence in the direction of how this is going to be played out in public. Liu Wen's appearance at the concert, the way SNS posts (Jiwon's) have been released, this print interview and the upcoming Robb Report are part of the way they will ease this news to fans and the general public. I'm not sure how Siwonest is handling the fans side or Elf but I have a feeling the way the photo Jiwon took with the master of the fansite was released was no coincidence either. It'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

If Siwon hasn't met with her parents yet, I think he'd have at least skyped, we-chatted or something with them. That red string in the finale wouldn't have been there without their assent, I believe. :)   He would've wanted to do it the right way, considering how Liu Wen values such things and takes propriety and traditions seriously.

What do you mean by master of the fansite in regards to Jiwon?

@liddi  I can't stop smiling!! So happy we kept faith. I have a feeling this will not be picked up in any great way by the Korean media. Unless they are ready to release major news of the couple. I'm guessing with the fallout after the way Sungmin (?) announced his marriage, they are going to play it safe. The boys said as much on Radio Star, which was a pointed give-away. I'm guessing SM has a hand right now in the way news is being reported in Korea. It is also likely Daddy Choi who is possibly going to have some influence in the direction of how this is going to be played out in public. Liu Wen's appearance at the concert, the way SNS posts (Jiwon's) have been released, this print interview and the upcoming Robb Report are part of the way they will ease this news to fans and the general public. I'm not sure how Siwonest is handling the fans side or Elf but I have a feeling the way the photo Jiwon took with the master of the fansite was released was no coincidence either. It'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds.

If Siwon hasn't met with her parents yet, I think he'd have at least skyped, we-chatted or something with them. That red string in the finale wouldn't have been there without their assent, I believe. :)   He would've wanted to do it the right way, considering how Liu Wen values such things and takes propriety and traditions seriously.

What do you mean by master of the fansite in regards to Jiwon?

siwonest japan master fansite met jiwon and they took photo together

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@atky  Jiwon uploaded a photo of herself with Ms Jonho (?), the master of Siwonest Japan, Siwon's fansite, on her IG after the concert. This photo was uploaded between the one she uploaded of herself with Liu Wen, and the one she shared of herself, Liu Wen and Siwon. I'm speculating this was a message that was intentionally sent. Possibly due to the hateful responses that came out of her sharing her photo with Liu Wen.

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Please, as if we needed any confirmation after the last episode! :lol: This Bazaar interview isn't a big deal to me because he readily admits to the relationship in the Chinese press; do the same in your home country, then we'll talk. I don't think that'll ever happen, though, as there's probably a lot more butts he's got to avoid hurting over there.

I'm sure there'll be lots of nods to LW during his upcoming promotional movie tour around China; it'll be interesting to see how that plays out if she's with him. And I suspected as much that she'd have to give up a lot to be with him...nutjob fans, his family which may expect her to sacrifice much if they get married, the pulse, the thrill, the independence of life in N.Y. to an infinitely more constrictive environment in Seoul...I hope love doesn't blind her from realizing what she's getting herself into.

And what freaks are reading all kinds of things into that pic of LW with her agent?! My goodness, the depths to which depraved minds will sink to; there's nothing more to be read into that pic than what is presented!

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I doubt it's because he personally doesn't want to admit it himself in Korea. He is part of a group, and as such, has a responsibility and consideration towards all the others who are a part of this group. His actions do not affect him alone, and that's a sad reality.

Relationships that last aren't financial ledgers which need to be balanced. Her choosing the way she's going to live from here on (and the same goes for him) has little to do with who should be giving up more. Rather, it would be a joint decision on what is best for the individual, as well as for the couple. I don't believe Siwon would accept for Liu Wen to be doing anything that would make her desperately unhappy. He has said so himself, that he prioritises her above all else. It is difficult and unreasonable for outsiders to a relationship to be judges on what's fair for each person within a relationship. I know you have great love for Liu Wen, @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv. Perhaps you can trust in the Liu Wen you know, who has so far steered the course of her life in a way that's made her fulfilled and happy.

EDIT: And her protection and safety would be pretty high on his list of priorities so I do believe he will be making his moves guided by that too.

Edited by silvergrey
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I doubt it's because he personally doesn't want to admit it himself in Korea. He is part of a group, and as such, has a responsibility and consideration towards all the others who are a part of this group. His actions do not affect him alone, and that's a sad reality.

I do not blame Siwon at all for keeping mum about Liu Wen in Korea. If he didn't have responsibilities to a great deal of people other than himself, I'm sure he'd shout it from the rooftops. I'm just lamenting the fact that it has to be that way.

And it is a bit rich to say we shouldn't be judging the relationship; what do you think this thread exists for? The fact that they've agreed to play out the relationship in public view gives us the right to criticize any actions pertaining to the romance. You're right, I am a big fan of Liu Wen, and unlike you, I don't think she's as hard-headed about her life's course as you seem to think she is. It's a bit silly to say we shouldn't express concerns over people we're fans of and that we should just trust that whatever they do is right - there wouldn't be much to talk about if we did that. Discussion forums like these are for us to vent our concerns, and it's not like what we say will make any difference on these people's lives one way or the other.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv  This is a discussion forum which I understand is for sharing and not venting. I wasn't criticising you. However, I said what I did as I also don't think it's reasonable either to say that we have a right to pass a judgement just because they chose to meet and have their relationship documented in a public way. I don't believe she's hard-hearted. From what we've seen and heard (from yourself and other Liu Wen fans), she appears to be a rather mature and thoughtful person who doesn't make decisions rashly. That's why I feel that she would be making decisions that are well thought out, which would involve discussions with her life partner. I'm just saying we don't know all the reasons behind why she/he would make a decision for this relationship, which may look skewed to an outsider. And saying that she'd give it all up for him to lead a mundane life, kow-towing to his or his family's wishes, sounds like she has now become a doormat of sorts to me. However, you obviously think otherwise.

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@iamenn I'm sorry... I would really love to claim I'm multi-lingual but, as @silvergrey pointed out, that is Japanese, which unfortunately I am not at all familiar with. What you get from Google translate is about all I'm able to give you :D

haha sorry i wasn't paying attention with the letters.. I kinda assumed it as Chinese because Zhoumi is Chinese. My bad ..Sorry Sorry :-).. so anyone who knows Japanese please help?

Siwon Insta Update


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Wow... he's busy busy busy. Police entrance exam, then off to Osaka. I wonder if they are flying direct to LA after that for KCON?

Any news whether SuJu were/will be featured on RM as an entire group? Am still hoping that would be a reality.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv  This is a discussion forum which I understand is for sharing and not venting. I wasn't criticising you. However, I said what I did as I also don't think it's reasonable either to say that we have a right to pass a judgement just because they chose to meet and have their relationship documented in a public way. I don't believe she's hard-hearted. From what we've seen and heard (from yourself and other Liu Wen fans), she appears to be a rather mature and thoughtful person who doesn't make decisions rashly. That's why I feel that she would be making decisions that are well thought out, which would involve discussions with her life partner. I'm just saying we don't know all the reasons behind why she/he would make a decision for this relationship, which may look skewed to an outsider. And saying that she'd give it all up for him to lead a mundane life, kow-towing to his or his family's wishes, sounds like she has now become a doormat of sorts to me. However, you obviously think otherwise.

We have been passing judgments on this relationship ever since the show began. I have the opposite viewpoint from you about Liu Wen, and I didn't say she was hard-hearted; you seem to think she's the sort who's firmly in control of the steering wheel of her life, and it takes a hard-headed person to be like that. After watching this show, I don't think she's like that at all; in fact, I now think she's shy, sensitive, vulnerable and very inexperienced aside from modelling in a lot of things.

I do think she would allow her heart rather than her head to guide her in making decisions. Even her chosen profession was due to her sort of falling into it and wasn't due to any conscious ambitions from the start. That doesn't mean she's devoid of maturity or drive or she wouldn't have made 7 million USD last year, but she's definitely a neophyte in matters of the heart. Her extreme reaction in the last episode makes me shudder to think how easily she could've been hurt and exploited had Siwon been a cad.

So yes, I worry that her heart may lead her into a life which later turns out to be not at all hunky-dory. And I didn't say it definitely wouldn't be hunky-dory; it's just a possibility, a topic of discussion. You must be very sensitive if you object to my raising of such a topic.

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uri handsome namja...heading to osaka :) from mun+won weibo...

#Super Junior#始源、利特因日本SMTOWN演唱会行程通过仁川机场出国。[xkl奔跑]

mod edit: please do not quote images!



Haha whats up with siwon saluting leetuek in that last photo? Hahaha is it after completing his police officer exam? Hahaha

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Guest justafan29

6d1a569djw1eue07h1wufj20cp0jggo3.jpgsiwon holding 2 phones..yay..im on delulu mode..iphone and android..facetime in his freetime..hahhaa

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv   Apologies that I misread "hard-headed" as "hard-hearted". In any case, I don't think she is either, or that she has a firm grip on the steering wheel of her life. She just comes across as a very sensible girl who makes the most of what life throws at her, without compromising on the things that are most important to her. It takes a certain amount of tenacity, astuteness and determination to last in the world of modelling, and rise up to be amongst the elite few, as she has, without having sacrificed the values that she seems to have been brought up with. Falling in love might influence her way of thinking to a degree but I don't think it would essentially change her character that much such that she'd become like a lovesick child who throws away all her dreams, and capacity to think and make sound decisions.

I wouldn't peg myself as overly sensitive. I was responding to what came across as an assumption that she would sacrifice herself for his best interests. I'm happy to stand corrected on that account if that isn't what was intended. :) She is definitely an innocent in matters of the heart as you pointed out, and fortunately, Siwon has turned out to be nothing like a cad.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv   Apologies that I misread "hard-headed" as "hard-hearted". In any case, I don't think she is either, or that she has a firm grip on the steering wheel of her life. She just comes across as a very sensible girl who makes the most of what life throws at her, without compromising on the things that are most important to her. It takes a certain amount of tenacity, astuteness and determination to last in the world of modelling, and rise up to be amongst the elite few, as she has, without having sacrificed the values that she seems to have been brought up with. Falling in love might influence her way of thinking to a degree but I don't think it would essentially change her character that much such that she'd become like a lovesick child who throws away all her dreams, and capacity to think and make sound decisions.

I wouldn't peg myself as overly sensitive. I was responding to what came across as an assumption that she would sacrifice herself for his best interests. I'm happy to stand corrected on that account if that isn't what was intended. :) She is definitely an innocent in matters of the heart as you pointed out, and fortunately, Siwon has turned out to be nothing like a cad.

Oh, no need to apologize for anything. Yes, I don't think she'd ever compromise her values; if all the pressures and temptations which N.Y. and the modelling world have to offer couldn't turn her into a tart, I doubt anything would. However, I didn't realize it until finishing this show that she is very tender-hearted, and she had come to be very dependent on Siwon by the show's end. I think he realized it, too (talking about finally understanding her, "When I'm gone, can you make it on your own?", "How can you live without me?", etc.), and who knows how much one is willing to give up when one has become that reliant on another?

I'm reminded of that Dazed & Confused video interview she did when she was 24 in which she stated that love means everything to her, and this was long before she had ever even been in love!

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