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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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This is what he updated in his weibo

Thank you for the heads up @TA380! Doraemon locks at Two Lover's Point? How representative of them :) 

This is his accompanying post with the picture:

SUPER SHOW 6 圓滿結束!感謝來到現場的每一位。接下來要播的我們相愛吧?請大家準時收看哦 :^)

SUPER SHOW 6 has ended! Thank you to each and everyone who came. "Let's Fall In Love" will be broadcasting soon after this. Everyone please tune in on time"

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Guest TA380

Yes he must be in really good mood today. His sister already updated in IG a photo with LW. I wonder whether he will update a pic with her too.

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I'm sort of surprised Jiwon dared to upload a pic of her with Liu Wen - I hope she doesn't get any backlash over it. I wonder if this is the first time she and her mum have met LW.

I've no idea if we and they will get their happily ever after, but today is certainly a step in the right direction. ;)

Don't think I'll even bother with the live broadcast at this point - someone, please do share the archived version once it's up! :)

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Really dramatic editing in todays eps... but im enjoying todays eps. Sky dive looks fun.. but today happiness surpassed the TV show.. people will be less interested on the programme now that LW attending ss6 leaked all over.:wub:

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Guest bibidep

Aahhhhh the best episode so far again.  The swimming scene is the best, the Skydiving is second and last for the beach.  Next Liu Wen cry non-stop oh pool baby Liu Wen, cry like no tomorrow.

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Jiwon's post with Liu Wen on her IG has excedeed more than 2000 comments :lol:

I'm a bit worried too @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv.

i dont think she even care at this point... and somehow liu wen dont even care as well with the haters. Haters gonna hate  just like taylor swift song LOL.. they will come clean step by step guys... it will be more clear after the show finished  :) 

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I'm sort of surprised Jiwon dared to upload a pic of her with Liu Wen - I hope she doesn't get any backlash over it.

It's OK. I think the family has thought this over carefully and would've anticipated backlash. They have been in this business long enough. And the great thing is, now there's Papa and Mama Choi's backing as well. Whatever difficulties that come up, they are a stronger unit as a family.

Liu Wen turning up at the concert was no random gesture. It's all down to careful planning, involving all the necessary parties involved. I'm sure SM was given the heads up too and gave the go ahead. Otherwise she wouldn't have been there. Everyone knows how her presence at the concert tonight would be construed.

Edited by silvergrey
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It's OK. I think the family has thought this over carefully and would've anticipated backlash. They have been in this business long enough. And the great thing is, now there's Papa and Mama Choi's backing as well. Whatever difficulties that comes up, they are a stronger unit as a family.

Oh, I know Mama and Papa Choi couldn't give two hoots what the fans think. Still, I don't think it'd thrill Jiwon to read comments musing what she's doing with that monstrous cow next to her. I know it certainly peeves me and I don't even know Liu Wen, so it must be even more unpleasant for Jiwon.

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Super effective editing, starting from them being individually notified that this is their last date through a video footage, showing their moments from the beginning up to the date at the beach, which had Liu Wen crying inconsolably, then rewound back 2 days to the swimming pool scene, then 1 day to the skydiving experience and canoeing competition. Despite him winning and her having to say the words "I really love you", she found it so hard to verbalise it. Love that he did not pressure her... and tried to ally her nervousness. He was very moved when she finally said the words to him, especially because it was in front of so many people. It all ends with their reactions after watching the video - her crying non-stop, while he resolutely walked over to her room, with the Piaget box in hand.

Next week's preview - him hugging her as she cried, then footage of them inside the church building. She looks to be in tears again as she sat there.

Cried watching them realise it was the end of the program, in particular her heartbreak. Am grateful for the events of today, because watching that and still be in a state of uncertainty would have been doubly hard in the wait to next week. The best reveal of the night, apart from her being in the concert, has to be Jiwon's instagram post, which shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has met with the family after the concert. Liu Wen looks absolutely glowing in the photo... what an awesome day this is!

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It's OK. I think the family has thought this over carefully and would've anticipated backlash. They have been in this business long enough. And the great thing is, now there's Papa and Mama Choi's backing as well. Whatever difficulties that comes up, they are a stronger unit as a family.

Oh, I know Mama and Papa Choi couldn't give two hoots what the fans think. Still, I don't think it'd thrill Jiwon to read comments musing what she's doing with that monstrous cow next to her. I know it certainly peeves me and I don't even know Liu Wen, so it must be even more unpleasant for Jiwon.

It's likely she won't read them as she would've expected rubbish to land by her posting the photo. Yet, she still posted it. That must count for something :)

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Blown away by the skydiving tonight. As someone who is afraid of heights, I can relate to the fear and anxiety Liu Wen must've experienced going up in that plane. But this lady is all courage and class. She not only went ahead with it because she wanted to share the experience with Siwon, despite her fear. She literally wanted to throw herself out of the plane after him because "the person she loved had dived out of the plane". I don't think one could get more real in such a situation.

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I just woke up (Pacific Time). I had to pinch myself when I was checking Instagram. First, I saw Jiwon's post and seriously, I thought I was dreaming. Today is seriously the HAPPIEST day ever for WONWEN shippers!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Does anyone know what Siwon's speech was about?? Dying to know what he said that made his Super Junior brothers point toward Liu Wen's direction at the concert! 

They are seriously so adorable together. 

The way Liu Wen has her arms wrapped around Siwon :wub:

"Siwon: you are the most important to me. tell me if you can't do this okay."


Edited by teamwonwen
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@teamwonwen  Thanks for sharing the IG posts. They were all kinds of close tonight, weren't they. Not only skydive but in the pool too. I marveled that she didn't even flinch when he had his hands under her armpits.

"Siwon: You are the most important to me, tell me if you can't do this okay.:wub:


EDIT: I'm tickled by how she calls/refers to him as "10 dollars"

Edited by silvergrey
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