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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Guest gudetamayongg

@xXMzSmilesXx, oh you can always tell me which scene you want to be "giffed" lol and I will do it^^

Welcome @gudetamayongg, welcome to this thread, feel free to spazz and speculate with us.

Like many of newcomers and me included, the premise sounded everything but interesting in fact I gave a shot and opened this thread ONLY because my bias was in it *cough* joo jin mo *cough* But you don't know how much I was wrong about it, not only I love this drama but it become one of my fav of this year alongside Punch and Angry Mom. 

And I think it's one the reasons the ratings don't want to increase, the premise turns off many people. 

Ha, I finally did it! Hahaha. Now that I know you've watched Angry Mom as well, could I ask you one question? Did you hate JH twice as much because he's got the same face as Teacher Do? HAHAHA. Kim Tae Hoon is brilliant at playing villains in dramas; he's kinda like Geoffrey, if you know of Game of Thrones. Just seeing his face makes me hate him to bits, even though the actor himself might be a good person than their fictional counterparts. Haha

My Love Eun Dong for me is a masterpiece. It was written so well and so artfully done. It's an oldschool type of drama, though in a modern setting. A love story that takes us back to the old times, of the classic stories that we loved and touched our hearts. It is so carefully done, that every detail, every scene flows so well with the story. Every scene seems like a beautiful painting. It's indeed a classic love story. Something that we don't usually see nowadays. Stories like this, they were never forgotten. They remain in the hearts of the viewers who were so drawn into the drama. Hyun Soo & Eun Dong makes us all believe in their true love and how they fought for it against all odds. It makes us wish that a love like that could exist in real life. That one great love, that man who waited for decades. It may seem so impossible that someone could love like that, but then it's what makes it so beautiful and inspiring. 


Hi there, I agree with every single word you said. It's really spot on! It's like you arranged my jumbled thoughts and composed them to a well-done comment. The love aspect is what makes MLE special; finding a man like EH is almost impossible to find because he patiently waited for ED even while being surrounded by gorgeous actresses. He's so good-willed and faithful and full of trust; he trusts ED so much that he didn't consider her being married with a kid. (But that was before we learned of ED's circumstance; she's been faithful to EH all this time as well although she lost her memories and didn't remember a thing about EH, which makes their love even more endearing.) 

Even after finding ED, EH still waited. He didn't jump on her right away even if he wanted to; he considered her well-being and feelings first and foremost. Not a lot of guys are able to to that. Every one of my friends who watches MLE with me said, "God, I wish a man like Park Hyunsoo exists." Their love story is truly beautiful; it's quite the companion to my solo Friday and Saturday nights. Hahaha!

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@valsava I agree that adopted mom and dad not only know that Ra ll's father is HS they also know JH ran the red light and the car was hit by the truck, no swerving.  As you said there is no way that there wasn't a police report and that her guardians weren't told the circumstances surrounding the accident.  In my opinion adopted dad blamed ED for not loving JH and loving someones else.  He viewed the her as driving JH to drive so rashly, leading to the accident.  Unless were suppose to suspend belief that the accident was investigated with two people being left disabled and her parents not even curious about the cause of the accident they knew.

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Lol at the end of the interview when Kim Sarang explained how she wasn't that close with JJM yet and ended it by saying she was joking, cut to JJM replying back, "It wasn't a joke." LMAOOOOOOOOO.

@gudetamayongg, Lol, I'm personally one of those who don't hate an actor because of a character, I have no problem seeing him as a discusting character like in Angry Mom or Coward like in MLE or simply dumb in Roaring Currents, he's good in everything he does and I tend to forget their past characters. Like Geoffrey in GOT, don't think I'll have any problem seeing him play a good character hah!

[In fact as much as I ship EunEun couple, I still love how layered KTH's character is, how I wish Seryung was like that too, what a waste of our pretty Kim Yoori.

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Yeah @gudetamayongg, like a book that you would read over and over again. When you're tired of dramas with twisted plots, or typical revenge plots or comedies, there's My Love Eun Dong, a drama that is oldschool yet new and refreshing in these modern times. I'm not saying MLE's concept is old but, it reminds us of the past dramas like Autumn In My Heart, Stairway To Heaven, those pure love stories. But what sets it apart from those dramas, is that MLE is not depressing and is not overly-dramatic. It is just the right amount of melodrama, and funny moments which is never awkward. If anyone needs his/her melodrama fix, this is the perfect one. Honestly, MLE arrived at the right time, I needed my own melodrama fix and it came to me. Fate, indeed. 

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Guest gudetamayongg


@gudetamayongg,  I also welcome you,  Enjoyed reading your post but I have to comment on the part about dad not knowing about RA II true linage.. I did because mom told him when she said she wanted to tell ED the truth and he said all would be fine as long as Ed don't know.. Mom said they will receive punishment and things wouldn't be happening if he didn't keep insist on pushing things his way.. Adopted dad had formed a judgement of EH without even knowing him nor did he ever ask ED to meet him all he thought about was EH wouldn't have been able to take care of ED and a baby when JH is there already to step up to the plate so I really believe he knows that the child wasn't JH.. When he got up and step away from the table you could see the worried look on his face but when mom was telling about EH maybe ED one true love he got upset because mom said how could this happen she became the writer of this book her and his story.. Adopted also know he's going to have to accountable to JH parents..


I have to say I don't trust JH around RA II now because the man is very violent and he will harm and knowing that ED can defend herself against him in a chair he won't be attacking her but the defenseless child is a whole different ballgame.. RA II won't be able to stand a chance, JH has learned how to will himself sick and he knows RA II would try and help him even after he has attack the baby.. A man like JH is very scary..


Hello @valsava, I'm sorry to have cut your comment short as I'm afraid it might take too much space. My interpretation of Mom's, "We will receive divine punishment," was that the stepparents prevented ED from getting together with her true soulmate and have lied to her for years. I don't really think it's necessary about RI, although it may also be a possibility. Separating a child from his father is definitely worthy of a grave punishment. And I don't think the reason of Dad's bitterness is necessarily EH; as you remember from ED's ep. 10 flashbacks, she always flinched whenever Dad comes home, ever since she was little. It was crystal clear that ED was afraid of Dad and EH's presence was just the cherry on the cake. 

And even if Dad knows that JH is not RI's bio father, I believe he chose to ignore the fact instead. Or maybe he's in denial as he considers and treats JH as a son and he certainly loves and trusts him more than ED. So what if the perfect son he never had has been lying to him all this time? He's in a delusion that JH is the saint and ED-EH are the wretches.

Although it's a bit unlikely, since Dad claimed that 'MLE' is full of lies to a reporter. His plan could backfire to JH, since EH, ED, and RI are the true victims of this case, and I don't think Dad wants harm to be done to 'poor, poor JH'. That, or he did know and didn't consider that possibility, being blinded by despise towards ED and EH. If ED and JH are no longer together, JH couldn't be his son anymore (that is, if ED and JH are actually married. I don't see a ring. Wedding pictures or it ain't happen.) Well, Dad isn't actually the brightest character of the whole cast.

I agree with you about JH hurting RI, though. ED has recovered her memories. She is strong enough to defend herself from the still-wheelchair bound JH and she doesn't trust him anymore, at all. But RI, on the other hand, is a 10 year old and he still trusts JH very much. I hope nothing bad happens to RI in the future.

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Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope. Nah. Oops. My prejudice got the better of me. My unfamiliarity of the main cast made me view the drama more objectively, without any bias. The directing and acting is top-notch, and just like a lot of you, I’d like to see more of the writer’s works in the future. I’d admit that I was turned off by a series of the plot’s clichéd points; orphaned MC, amnesia, crazy 2nd female lead, and evil stepparents, but EH-ED’s genuine and heartwarming love lulls me into their dream-like romance and it seems like it’ll never let me wake up. Their love and relationship is really intoxicating; I find myself waiting oh-so-eagerly for Fridays and I’d recommend this drama to everyone I know. It’s kinda crazy.

I was also unsure by its melodrama genre, as I am fonder of lighthearted, comedic dramas that ensure a happy ending. But seeing how the direction the story has gone through, I’m quite certain the ending will satisfy everyone (hopefully it’ll end with the realization of ED’s lifetime dream). I’m happy that we got complexly written characters (except for SR. She seems too cookie-cutterish to me) in spite of the seemingly simple ‘guy can’t get over his love for 20 years’ main plot. Like any other person, EH has imperfections. He’s not the perfect, flawless actor. He’s desperate and a bit demanding, but it’s understandable considering the fact that he had to wait 10 years. It’s sad to see him admit that he’s alone in his journey to get ED back, but hopefully, more people will take his and ED’s side. (DG, MS, Stepmom, and hopefully HA after she found out about the test results. And HB as well). And with ED getting her memories back, EH will no longer wait. Instead, he’ll fight for her. As for ED, I really get why EH said that she’s a 90 tailed fox hahaha. Who would’ve thought the passion filled overnight trip was initiated by her? I love that she’s a well-mannered cute girl with good morals, yet with a cheeky and daring edge as well. (Playing footsies under the table! Kinda funny seeing the older HS flustered.)

And while I’m more inclined to the theory that ED’s stepdad doesn’t know of RI’s true parentage, I’m convinced the Mom had at least a hunch that JH is not RI’s biological dad. During the few instances that ED had asked Mom about RI being her first love’s son, Mom would always deny the questions strongly. But unlike the certain Dad, Mom always looked flustered. Her expressions were of a lying person getting caught. Knowing ED better, Mom must’ve at least had a feeling that ED would never sleep with JH. I think Mom was too weak to defy her husband, and it’s refreshing to see that she’s slowly breaking out of his shell. And as for RI, I’m afraid JH might do something dangerous to him. (Remember the accident? JH was really violent in the car.) I’m scared RI will be physically harmed. He thinks highly of JH, and the only way to break the bond is for JH to show his real side. (But I’m sure EH will come to the rescue; RI did say that his dad is a superhero. Hehe.) Either way, RI’s heart will get scarred. Poor kid.

Anyway, rather than spewing more things you all already know about (it must’ve been hard for you guys to scroll this long…), Friday is in two days! I can’t wait to see EH & ED making up for 10 years’ worth of lost time lol, and also possibly the confirmation of RI’s real dad! The wait is killing meㅠㅠ

That's why I also started really late watching the drama... Interesting is that HS' parents had never realised before why HS changed so suddenly his behavior. Only after reading the autobiography, they discovered the real reason. 

As for HB, he is already on EH's side now. He was upset about the sponsoring incident. Moreover  the reasons for his change of heart are:

- SR had threatened him 

- SR spoke so badly about ED

- He witnessed how devastated EH was (drinking soju)

- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

@bebebisous33,  I also think him reading EH book also had a direct impact on him before the soju moment because HB cried himself reading the story..  If the new girl is having influences on him into doing the right thing I cheer her on to keep at it SR is so not worth losing a life long friend from the past into the future.. Til death due the bromance apart..  


July 1,2015        (started writing close to 1:00 AM)

Hello, everyone! 


5.    AMNESIA --- Been looking it up!.   (NOT anterograde type --- no problem with NEW memories)

Retrograde Amnesia - pre-existing memories are lost to conscious recollection. 

(1)      Organic or neurological causes  (damage to brain from physical damage, neurological disease, or  use of certain drugs)/

(2)      Functional or psychogenic  causes (psychological factors, such as mental disorder, post-traumatic stress, or psychological defence mechanisms).

(3)       A third type of amnesia, post-traumatic amnesia,  a state of confusion and memory loss that occurs after a traumatic brain injury.  Amnesia that occurs due to psychological causes is called psychogenic amnesia.

 Note:...While not a usual cause of amnesia, intense stress and electro-convulsive therapy can sometimes cause amnesia.  Older memories usually return first.  But sometimes memory of events immediately before the brain trauma happened  may never be recalled.

Comment: --- I think the Writer studied AMNESIA very carefully before she wrote this drama.  I give up trying to out guess her on this now!      :P

FINAL COMMENT:... Maybe they did use electro-convulsive therapy !  I'm finding discussions and research papers online about the use of this treatment vs drug therapy for severe depression in a pregnant woman.  Instances show up where it is considered OK in all terms of pregnancy!  I can't tell what their final decision has been!  

 But if Eun Dong was diagnosed with a severe mental disorder or serious depression, it may have been approved. Did she deny the story JH gave out?  Or deny having sex with him? Claim she could not be pregnant with him?  Was she not eating?  Etc

Good Night.   :(   Maybe her memory will not be recovered completely just yet? 




@mdj101,  I love you for this, Because I just couldn't get the thought out of my mind they did something to her and it was criminal, Yes because ED was still aware of her surroundings when they were putting her on the stretcher.. I think Adopted dad and JH took that chance to try and erase EH out of her memories and replace JH in his place but this   electro-convulsive therapy ED adopted dad was spiteful enough to do this to her this is another thing mom could be stressing to him about he kept pushing it and he saying it was the only way to bound  her to JH..   I think ED was under a lot of stress in the home for not wanting to have anything to do with JH and dad kept pushing her to go out with him and she flat out telling JH she's in love with someone else and may have been begging him not to come around anymore and yet he still comes back.. I bet after she spent time with EH only to come home and see him sitting there waiting for her was a huge turn off and killed the happiness she felt inside after leaving the one person she loved and cherish the most.. My thinking fun had start to be no fun anymore and she set herself out to get pregnant on purpose just so she could have what she wanted and she knew Oppa wanted her and even if she was pregnant he would have married her right away.. So yes you maybe right they used this treatment on her she keeps saying she's not pregnant by the man but yet the have the pregnancy results and her saying he's not the father of the baby but adopted dad and JH telling the lie that she never been with anyone else..  So JH and adopted dad bank on those memories had been totally erased and took the chance and came back to korea only to find  her recovering those memories I had thought they may try and do something to her again but it won't work this time..  And for this we have love vs hate and good vs evil..  I really believe they may have done something like this to her   

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Good morning/night Eundongers :) I've fallen behind again! :angry::P This is now my 'daily k-crack hole' where I go to for my Eundongie fix, where hard as I try, I can't stop my mind from wandering into what will happen in ep 11 and 12, and back into that phone booth with 20s OTP, or their Namhae BBTD... and so I really really need that upcoming kiss and dream night to help me build a new castle in the air...  ipOc4rC.gif I admit I'm THAT shallow, or is it pervvy? :rolleyes: 

(PS: pardon the lang. but the real crack as it's defined,  is never good for anyone! do this k-crack instead. It's healthy for the soul and entertaining for the mind...hehe)


Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope.  


Anyway, rather than spewing more things you all already know about (it must’ve been hard for you guys to scroll this long…), Friday is in two days! I can’t wait to see EH & ED making up for 10 years’ worth of lost time lol, and also possibly the confirmation of RI’s real dad! The wait is killing meㅠㅠ


@gudetamayongg Welcome aboard! MLED is indeed turning out to be a must-watch k-classic of this year, and perhaps this decade! Just like Winter Sonata(2002) was back then for CJW and BYJ, this will be for JJM and KSR, and some other cast/CP+PDnim/writernim. They will enjoy fame and accolades they themselves would not have dreamed of. When MLED hits the other Asia markets, as in regular and public broadcasting, the fame and the accolades will be huge. OTP are already gaining more media interests in every little thing they do, I must say I'm quite surprised at some glowing, seemingly 'biased' reportage. Uncommon but I love them all!

The title does seem bland. And it was what initially turned off many peeps too, esp in the C-netz world. I don't know if C-netz started this or K-netz, but from the early beginning, there already was some comical snides of 'Eun Dong' vs 'Sports Shoes'. And with the airing of ep 10, I highly suspect writernim and/CP+PDnims or their minions do lurk within this and other MLED social sites...hehe. Annyeong haseyo! 0XHC97b.gif). Now, having progressed thus far, I can' think of a better title for this drama, then it is named. Simple yet apt. A bullseye title!

No, it wasn't hard at all to scroll down. It was an enjoyable read. Thank you. I agree with most of what you've stated. I totally subscribe to a 'happy' or 'satisfying' ending of some kind from this writernim too. I can't see how she, having done so well thus far, would be capable of messing it up at the end. Whatever her ending will be, I'm sure it'll be plausible and not be any shocker. (still gotta keep my fingers tightly crossed till the fat lady sings). 


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Guest gudetamayongg

Lol at the end of the interview when Kim Sarang explained how she wasn't that close with JJM yet and ended it by saying she was joking, cut to JJM replying back, "It wasn't a joke." LMAOOOOOOOOO.

@gudetamayongg, Lol, I'm personally one of those who don't hate an actor because of a character, I have no problem seeing him as a discusting character like in Angry Mom or Coward like in MLE or simply dumb in Roaring Currents, he's good in everything he does and I tend to forget their past characters. Like Geoffrey in GOT, don't think I'll have any problem seeing him play a good character hah!

[In fact as much as I ship EunEun couple, I still love how layered KTH's character is, how I wish Seryung was like that too, what a waste of our pretty Kim Yoori.

I'm one who gets attached to drama characters I've watched before that has caused impact to me, so I have this mindset lol. (Even to this day, I still remember Yoon Eun Hye as the girl from Coffee Shop lol... I need to stop this problem). Yes, I wish SR is a more well-rounded character as well. She just seemed like someone who is obsessively after the thing she couldn't have. I wish there's more backstory to SR's character. 

And JJM is just so charming and charismatic; his piercing gaze made me feel... things. Hahaha. His smile is charming as well, and he's a great actor. I can see why the JJM fans in this thread became his fans in the first place. He is underrated tbh.

Yeah @gudetamayongg, like a book that you would read over and over again. When you're tired of dramas with twisted plots, or typical revenge plots or comedies, there's My Love Eun Dong, a drama that is oldschool yet new and refreshing in these modern times. I'm not saying MLE's concept is old but, it reminds us of the past dramas like Autumn In My Heart, Stairway To Heaven, those pure love stories. But what sets it apart from those dramas, is that MLE is not depressing and is not overly-dramatic. It is just the right amount of melodrama, and funny moments which is never awkward. If anyone needs his/her melodrama fix, this is the perfect one. Honestly, MLE arrived at the right time, I needed my own melodrama fix and it came to me. Fate, indeed. 

I agree. Even though MLE is branded as a melodramatic romance, the melodrama isn't overly depressing nor dramatic. Although they're iconic, I don't like dramas like Winter Sonata and Stairway to Heaven simply because they're too depressing for me. But MLE provides comic relief and even their angsty scenes aren't overly angsty so everyone can enjoy the drama, be it fans of comedies or melodramas. 

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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 1


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Guest gudetamayongg

In which episode did the stepfather speak to the reporter and EH's story was a bunch of lies? 

It was during the preview for the 11th episode, just after the end of the 10th :)

@gudetamayongg Welcome aboard! MLED is indeed turning out to be a must-watch k-classic of this year, and perhaps this decade! Just like Winter Sonata(2002) was back then for CJW and BYJ, this will be for JJM and KSR, and some other cast/CP+PDnim/writernim. They will enjoy fame and accolades they themselves would not have dreamed of. When MLED hits the other Asia markets, as in regular and public broadcasting, the fame and the accolades will be huge. OTP are already gaining more media interests in every little thing they do, I must say I'm quite surprised at some glowing, seemingly 'biased' reportage. Uncommon but I love them all!

The title does seem bland. And it was what initially turned off many peeps too, esp in the C-netz world. I don't know if C-netz started this or K-netz, but from the early beginning, there already was some comical snides of 'Eun Dong' vs 'Sports Shoes'. And with the airing of ep 10, I highly suspect writernim and/CP+PDnims or their minions do lurk within this and other MLED social sites...hehe. Annyeong haseyo! 0XHC97b.gif). Now, having progressed thus far, I can' think of a better title for this drama, then it is named. Simple yet apt. A bullseye title!

No, it wasn't hard at all to scroll down. It was an enjoyable read. Thank you. I agree with most of what you've stated. I totally subscribe to a 'happy' or 'satisfying' ending of some kind from this writernim too. I can't see how she, having done so well thus far, would be capable of messing it up at the end. Whatever her ending will be, I'm sure it'll be plausible and not be any shocker. (still gotta keep my fingers tightly crossed till the fat lady sings). 


Hopefully it will. MLE isn't broadcasted by a public channel and there's no powerhouse name among the cast roster so I'm worried it won't be well-known in Korea, but it's nice to know that it's garnering a lot of attention overseas. The Got7 fanbase could spread the drama around since Jr. is in it (funny that K-netz are thinking that he's really a rookie actor lol. K-netz and their prejudices towards idols tsk)

Yes, it's bland but it holds a really deep and profound meaning! The letter holds a significant role to the story and there are a lot of 'My beloved Eundong' lines throughout the drama. 

The writer is so good. Let's be real, she somehow made me enjoy a drama with a few cliched troupes I really despise. I could never imagine I'd be crying for a main character's amnesia 4 weeks ago. I decide to trust the writer fully; hopefully, she will write a happy ending. Or at least, an ending that is satisfying and actually makes sense. (I'm looking at you, Girl Who Can See Smell and School 2015.)

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A photo from someone with a great sense of humour and skill for photoshop:

This is when Hyun Soo insisted he had to carry Eun Dong by piggyback because she couldn't possibly walk up all those flight of stairs with a sprained ankle.  Ha Ha !

Cr. DCInside

That CGI of the stairs was only in the webdrama, in the actual episode they removed it right?

@jei_em OMO chingu-yah...once again you've validated my sanity! Thank you. I thot I was dreaming up what I thot I saw before in MLED...LOL. It was shown in a web ep. I thot that effect was pretty funny. I like it :) 

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I don't understand this post is it about a real fact or MLE? If it's a real fact that writer is daebak, it's the same story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is the strangest thing @salijoo

If I am reading right it's a preview of an episode to air on July 4th SBS called '그것이 알고싶다' (I want to know about that). It's about 'a university woman who was kidnapped as a university student 10 years ago, forced into fake marriage with a paraplegic husband who blames her for the accident.  They have a daughter and story is that the father of the child comes back to claim after 10 years to claim paternal rights. Can this be real?  I don't know this is is too much for before I even finish my first cup of coffee!!!

This Canada's Birthday today! Happy Canada Day @stclaus 1


What if it's a real episode that will be air on Saturday? *____* I can't waitttttttttttt

Thanks seungshin for the translation!^^

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Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope. Nah. Oops. My prejudice got the better of me. My unfamiliarity of the main cast made me view the drama more objectively, without any bias. The directing and acting is top-notch, and just like a lot of you, I’d like to see more of the writer’s works in the future. I’d admit that I was turned off by a series of the plot’s clichéd points; orphaned MC, amnesia,

Welcome aboard @gudetamayongg don't you love it when a drama pops up and surprises and entertain you like this?


- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.

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Guest vvpal

I swear I'm only practicing how to insert videos and photos, and not deliberately posting gratuitous JJM photos and videos so my fellow Soompiers and I will have sweet dreams tonight.

Other than post-shower (sorry I searched high and low but couldn't find a photo), I think there's nothing sexier than a clean shaven man in white cotton shirt. 


Super cute JJM from way back dancing. He's goooood!

Good night everyone! Sweet dreams.

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Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope. Nah. Oops. My prejudice got the better of me. My unfamiliarity of the main cast made me view the drama more objectively, without any bias. The directing and acting is top-notch, and just like a lot of you, I’d like to see more of the writer’s works in the future. I’d admit that I was turned off by a series of the plot’s clichéd points; orphaned MC, amnesia,

Welcome aboard @gudetamayongg don't you love it when a drama pops up and surprises and entertain you like this?


- The new girl learning acting might have had an indirect influence on him too. 

Interesting you bring her up.  She caught my attention in EP 10 since it's her 2nd appearance and it's in EP 10.  So much was packed into that episode happened and I couldn't think why she got that screen time.  I did wonder if she will become much more important for HB or for the drama though I couldn't think of how.

I believe, she will. The fact he followed her in order to listen to her playing piano. HB has always been sticked to EH and it seems, he never thought about himself... falling in love is what will make HB support EH. So far, he had been supporting SR because she was rich, beautiful, smart aso... but HB needs to realise that if there is no love, then the pedigree as such doesn't matter at all. EH has finally realised how low SR is, but HB hasn't fully yet. Moreover, HB could also get aware of SR's real feelings: she wants to be EH's love, it is her obsession... she is so used to be admired that she can't stand not to be noticed by him.

SR wants him to love her, but I doubt, she is loving him. She would like to be his longlasting love, just like in the movie that made EH famous. She said, she fell in love with him after watching the movie that had a similar situation with ED. She felt, his emotions were real and she wants to be the recipient of such a love. Ro conclude, I believe, she felt that deep love from EH in the movie and since she is self-centered, she would like to have such a lover. She has no problem with sleeping with men, while she is supposed to be in love with EH therefore it is more about her fascination for EH's deep love than for EH himself. 

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July 1,2015        (started writing close to 1:00 AM)

3.    I found out that I had skipped over p.211 somehow.  @seungshin, 0n p.211 what was Eun Ho (20s ?) reading on that page?  Must have been in the script for his first big acting part?


 @mdj101, I went back to p. 211 and I think your question is on this gif?  


Young Hyun Soo is reading the famous poem 'Yin Yeon.'  This is the poem from his class and he spoke some of the word out loud.  This specific scene is him reading it in bed right after he saw Eun Dong and told her he would fix her door and we know they got separated after this not to meet again for 10 years.

HS was cute in this scene because he reads the poem out loud and he's so happy says himself 'he feels like a man' then grabs a teddy bear to his chests and giggles.

As adult ED and EH, EH reads this poem into the audio for MLED book and when JE/ED reads it she says 'I know this poem too.'  When her memory comes back piece by piece one of the things ED remembers is this poem....

I don't have English translation of the poem handy but @jadecloud posted lots of info on that poem and the legendary poet.  

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