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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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A photo from someone with a great sense of humour and skill for photoshop:

This is when Hyun Soo insisted he had to carry Eun Dong by piggyback because she couldn't possibly walk up all those flight of stairs with a sprained ankle.  Ha Ha !

Cr. DCInside

That CGI of the stairs was only in the webdrama, in the actual episode they removed it right?


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Hello everyone

Our thread grows so fast that I can't always catch up. But that's great we have so many new friends here loving the drama, sharing interesting ideas with everyone. Keep on going!

@xXMzSmilesXx, oh you can always tell me which scene you want to be "giffed" lol and I will do it^^

Welcome @gudetamayongg, welcome to this thread, feel free to spazz and speculate with us.

Like many of newcomers and me included, the premise sounded everything but interesting in fact I gave a shot and opened this thread ONLY because my bias was in it *cough* joo jin mo *cough* But you don't know how much I was wrong about it, not only I love this drama but it become one of my fav of this year alongside Punch and Angry Mom. 

And I think it's one the reasons the ratings don't want to increase, the premise turns off many people. 

The ratings were low first, they have increased a little since... the former drama on JTBC (Falling for Innocence) had the same ratings. Besides, this is a private channel so the ratings don't look so bad to me.

Episode Ratings

It's more on the fact that MLE is popular like really popular, popularity-wise it's not even comparable to FFI which has at the end of the day the same ratings, so knetz don't understand why with this popularity the ratings aren't 3-5 %...

MLE gains popularity by its quality! The acting, directing and script deserve all kinds of compliments!

Please, rating goes up.

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Hello everyone

Our thread grows so fast that I can't always catch up. But that's great we have so many new friends here loving the drama, sharing interesting ideas with everyone. Keep on going!

@xXMzSmilesXx, oh you can always tell me which scene you want to be "giffed" lol and I will do it^^

Welcome @gudetamayongg, welcome to this thread, feel free to spazz and speculate with us.

Like many of newcomers and me included, the premise sounded everything but interesting in fact I gave a shot and opened this thread ONLY because my bias was in it *cough* joo jin mo *cough* But you don't know how much I was wrong about it, not only I love this drama but it become one of my fav of this year alongside Punch and Angry Mom. 

And I think it's one the reasons the ratings don't want to increase, the premise turns off many people. 

The ratings were low first, they have increased a little since... the former drama on JTBC (Falling for Innocence) had the same ratings. Besides, this is a private channel so the ratings don't look so bad to me.

Episode Ratings

It's more on the fact that MLE is popular like really popular, popularity-wise it's not even comparable to FFI which has at the end of the day the same ratings, so knetz don't understand why with this popularity the ratings aren't 3-5 %...

MLE gains popularity by its quality! The acting, directing and script deserve all kinds of compliments!

Please, rating goes up.

I think the ratings system should be adapted to our contemporary society. It is no longer like "back then" in the time of Stairway to Heaven when ratings would reach up to 50%. The ratings should be more versatile, and should more inclusive of views through online streaming because people these days don't have time or want to watch television. Hence, they should take account of online viewership as well as broadcast viewership in their domestic (Korea) ratings. 

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A photo from someone with a great sense of humour and skill for photoshop:

This is when Hyun Soo insisted he had to carry Eun Dong by piggyback because she couldn't possibly walk up all those flight of stairs with a sprained ankle.  Ha Ha !

Cr. DCInside

That CGI of the stairs was only in the webdrama, in the actual episode they removed it right?

[CGI stairway image deleted]

Yep your right they removed it LOL, it would have been more comedic if they put that in the actual broadcast but the main point of this school scene was HS knowing that she had a "boyfriend" anyways and being pissed off about that LOL

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The absence CG stairs in the actual drama might be from the fact that 2nd PDnim (KJH) was in charge to edit the webisodes so he didn't have time to edit the first three episodes of the web-drama (as you can see the editing of the first three episodes weren't that great compared to the webisodes). Obviously, PDnim KJH took the charge back after E03, it was obvious (at least for me lol).

If anyone is interested the online ratings for Episode 10 (peak) was 15.7% and first. (and 13.8% for Episode 09)

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My Love Eun Dong for me is a masterpiece. It was written so well and so artfully done. It's an oldschool type of drama, though in a modern setting. A love story that takes us back to the old times, of the classic stories that we loved and touched our hearts. It is so carefully done, that every detail, every scene flows so well with the story. Every scene seems like a beautiful painting. It's indeed a classic love story. Something that we don't usually see nowadays. Stories like this, they were never forgotten. They remain in the hearts of the viewers who were so drawn into the drama. Hyun Soo & Eun Dong makes us all believe in their true love and how they fought for it against all odds. It makes us wish that a love like that could exist in real life. That one great love, that man who waited for decades. It may seem so impossible that someone could love like that, but then it's what makes it so beautiful and inspiring. 


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Guest meelis

@salijoo, oh great new gifs, guilty of not having visited your tumblr lately, and thank you to @xXMzSmilesXx for posting them among others. 

Welcome to all newcomers, have fun with us! :P Oh, I'm even worse, I've been a JJM fan for many years (like 10 now), but I'm not really into dramas (haven't even seen all of his) and moreover, when I knew the premise of this one, I was like: I won't watch this, no way.:lol: 

Now I'm laughing at my mindset back then, because not only I'm watching it and loving it, but I'm so engrossed in this story and so emotionally invested in it that it totally changed my habits. Being an avid movie watcher, I usually watch like one movie a day when I'm free (if too busy, I'm stealing from my sleep hours). But ever since MLE has started, I can't concentrate on any movie, can't relate to it, at least not enough to finish it, so the only thing I'm doing now is to rewatch MLE's episodes. LOL This is the effect it has on me. :lol:

Is it Friday already?

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@valsava Quote: I know I would feed his azz poison day by day the kind that can't be detected or leads back to her..    

I think you've been getting quite a few tips from Gae Shi :P 

Morning Afternoon Evening What Ever Your Case Maybe


@stclaus,  Well Gae Shi and I live for revenge because I couldn't just let it go like nothing happen and still out wanting to destroy because he can't have things his way he destroy his life and mines also and wants to blame me for it.. I have to inflict as much pain and hatred on them as the pain I had to live for the past 10 years.  


valsava said:

So this is the reason we may see RA II at EH parents home because ED has left him and moved in with the sister or taking over her place because didn't HA move back in with her parents..

I'm just wondering what is the best solution to stop JH and SR dead in they tracks about this fake and fraud marriage business without it effecting EH reputation not that he would care but would she really want to disclose the horrible deeds that they put her through just so JH can have her in his possession..         


@valsava You're right. HA and MA have moved in with parents/grandparents. So Eun Dong and Ra Il can stay in their now-empty house. Or pehaps Mi Soon will be of help.

I'm inclined to think that once the horrible deeds of Jae Ho (and incl. stepdad) become known to the public, Eun Ho and Eun Dong will gain support/sympathy points instead. Seo Ryeong by then, would be just as shocked at what Jae Ho has done. And if she still has some nuts screwed rightly in her head, will realize she shouldn't be joining forces with Jae Ho, and should just give up on pursuing Eun Ho cos that's not going to work in her favor. Hyun Bal too, should wake up from siding Seo Ryeong cos of her wealth, and try to help Eun Ho and Eun Dong reunite. Hyun Bal should have by then realized too that Ra Il is Eun Ho's son. When Seo Ryeong asked him to highlight the point that Eun Dong was pregnant with some other man's child while seeing Eun Ho, Hyun Bal did comment that it seems unlikely cos he knows Eun Dong loves Eun Ho a lot too. But he gave in cos Seo Ryeong started an entertainment company and made him the head.

I agree with some here who said stepdad Seo speaking with Reporter Park will backfire instead of help his and Jae Ho's cause. I'm still more inclined to think stepdad Seo did not know the true parentage of Ra Il, and that his involvement, coupled by his not knowing how the accident happened and what's the true state of relationship between Jae Ho and Eun Dong pre-accident, were all motivated by Jae Ho's lies and some deal Jae Ho offered him. I think Jae Ho is the most evil one of all the baddies in MLED. And we haven't seen the end of his evilness yet. 


@Jadecloud, Hi,  Where to begin with all this.. SMH  This is were the things can get a little tricky will ED want to go public with JH ans adopted parents horrible deeds.. (and he had the nerve to go up before national reporters introduce her as his wife like all was good in the neighborhood) SMH I don't think ED wouldn't want people to look at her with pity and have RA II exposed to this also could be problem to the child.. If she do go public she will have to take him out of his current school..  I don't see no way for them to get around this and to save they family and EH without exposing all this..  Writing A book is a good way to start.. I just hope they don't try and her claim her as being crazy.. ED and EH should file restraining order on all them JH and the adoptive parents and if they need to talk about things have atty for all parties presences.. And set up and appt..

When it comes to SR she won't give up what rich girl that have always had what he wanted and once they are rejected from they next target makes them want them all the more.. SR won't care about what JH did but she would tell him he should have kept her in the states for longer then 10 yrs or never brought her back to the place that could bring her memories.. All SR is concerned about if she can't have EH she's going to destroy him..  SR will try and out him in a position choose her and he can have all his wealth back if not it's gone because she can see herself loosing to a person like ED who have nothing and marrying EH and living off his wealth.. (Still not understanding wealth to EH is ED and they son)


I also agree about HB he should have been able to tell just by the child's age and him being around at that time the child was EH's because he knew how much they loved each other.. The point is will he stay a true friend and not help SR in the plan to destroy EH but I see greed in his eyes because all he thinks about if EH marries her what he would gain but I don't think he really weighed the pros and cons to all of this choosing SR wouldn't be a good idea because he could only raise so far nothing is in his name with her and if she can destroy the she claim she love and got to have she'll do the same to him because he's nothing to her.. I just hope EH takes whatever he owns now out of his name and change it to someone else especially his property because SR will come after it by going through the company and HB helping better yet send him on a long vacation and put a replacement manager in his place somebody SR charms won't work on and that's EH dad.. (better yet his mom let her pray for her to get over her son) DM entertainment will get mix up in the flow because of HB.. He never heeded EH advice not to get into anything with her even when HB ask him why he won't be with SR she's rich and a beauty but none of that matters to EH because he told him so what.. Maybe EH knows more about SR then she thinks he knows..          

I also hope adopted dad plan backfire on him and JH I wonder was reporter Park was chosen for a reason being that SR and JH is devious enough to know he will dig up the truth and the more truth he unravel they go behind and cover it up he may end up getting hurt because JH is nuts and SR is well on her way to being a psycho like him she may pull one of JH numbers and try and have and accident with him in the car hoping she could do the same but that won't work because if EH family my guess is the two nut jobs will go after ED or RA II she will want that baby gone because it's the main string that binds them..  Now back to adopted dad I have to disagree with you about him not knowing about RA II he knew.. He knew that ED and JH have never been together he also went with the plan because ED disobeyed him and wanted nothing to do with JH he wanted a SIL he could talk shop with and have several things in common and knew that JH would listen to him..      


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@QuercusL and @seungshin  ---

You are right on target.  Even as we speak, Apple, Google, and other companies are lining up ways to capitalise on the viewers' use of online technology and other IT means of accessing entertainment whenever THEY want it.  It's revolutionising the entire Cable TV industry.  Just as people are abandoning landline phones, they are tired of being held hostage to the Cable companies, AND the Network TV companies.

You have really identified the next change in how we  Sports, News, etc. will be merchandised to the viewers!

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My heart goes for little Ra-il, with the love and time Jaeho has invested on him sincerely (I hope), it would be really hard for Rail to react or simply to understand why... His world will be at stake too... Poor little kid

I also feel sorry for the kid and this would be hard on him but JH really wasn't being sincere at all RA II was just another pawn in JH game when will you guy's understand this.. It's terrible to use a child in your twisted sick love plot this is why JH shouldn't be able to escape all this without some kind of punishment and just because he's in a wheel chair don't excuse what he did his mind wasn't to sick to think up this elaborate scheme to try and live as another to gain ED heart.. Well I guess he will learn how the heart and mind works different..  



Funny is DK and his cousin are working for the couple. When the latter asked her if she wanted to go DK's place for some vacation, to me, it was clear that DK and his cousin had organised a meeting between ED and EH without them knowing.  

OMG It did not even dawn on me.  @docster6 was right you are a genius.  It's just so there right in front of us.  DG set up that first dinner for EH with ED.  MS said she had heard everything from DG.  She heard ED crying about how much she loved EH even though she had told him they were going no where.  My Gawwdd.  This is so awesome.  So on point with one this writer would do.  Thank you @bebebisous33 !

PS:  And DG was talking to EH about the location being moved from JaeJu.  Did he arrange that too?  He would have had to create the storm in NamHae?!  Or just used it as an excuse to move it to Jaeboo Do... Bahahaha the list is endless.........

I'm liking these two cousins more and more and I think DG knew it would rain there and the shoot will end up being called off for a few days which it the length of time the cousin said they would be there.. Kudos to the cousins make us viewers happy..  


@ross27 About ED's father, I came to this conclusion because of the words mentioned by him to JH, he tried to reassure JH that ED was bound to him by their son Ra Il. When he said it, JH's facial expression changed... So to me, it was confirmation that JH had lied about being Ra Il's father and he knew, but the father wasn't looking at JH's face so that he didn't notice it. To me, if he knew about the real paternity, he wouldn't have said those words. He even put the grandson first...

@bebebisous33,  I love you sweetie but I beg to differ adopted dad did know this is why he tells JH to hold on to the kid meaning use the kid by ant means to keep ED with him the kid was always a tool from the beginning..  Also this is his way of telling ED to be good to JH because she betrayed him..  

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@bebebisous33,  I love you sweetie but I beg to differ adopted dad did know this is why he tells JH to hold on to the kid meaning use the kid by ant means to keep ED with him the kid was always a tool from the beginning..  Also this is his way of telling ED to be good to JH because she betrayed him..  

I agree with you. When the stepfather spoke those words, he meant to use the child as a mean to keep ED quiet and stay by her family... but this doesn't mean, he knows that Ra Il isn't JH's son. The father is very rude to ED because he still trusts more JH than ED who isn't his biological daughter. Since JH was about to get really famous and appeared to be nice, I can imagine why he liked JH so much. JH could have mentioned to him that she had another boyfriend. So his resent for ED: she is not his biological daughter, two-timing, the accident and ruining JH's life (had a bright future) and his greed (JH was richer and more popular than HS/EH) 

Moreover, JH knew about the adoption and he told about it to his mother therefore she is even more resenting her DIL. This is why she has been nagging on ED for so long. Her reproaches:

 - She was adopted, 

- JH could blame her for the accident,


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Thank You for that fabulous scroll full of pictures replaying the drama  for us!   Loved seeing them again, especially when I'm so tangled up trying to "solve the whole problem" in my head!  I trust this writer will continue with her amazing story-telling skills and will not disappoint with the ending.   :wub:

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Guest gudetamayongg

Hello again, everyone! I'm flattered by your replies; you are all very friendly and welcoming! Hahaha. I'm new at this, and I'm still figuring things out, so pardon me for not replying everyone (every time I try to do the quote and comment thing, it goes messy xD I'll get a hang of it soon, though. lol)

Admittedly, I gave this drama a second glance only because a drama I was watching had just ended and I had nothing to watch. So I clicked on this drama and thought, "Meh, I could kill time with this." Even after watching the 1st episode, I felt a bit miffed because 10s ED looks so young compared to 10s EH! I thought 10s ED was like, 11 or 12 lol and I cringed at the thought of borderline pedophilia. But I watched till ep.2 because 20s ED is Yoon Sohee. But I was hooked only when JJM said, "Ji Eun Dong. She's my fiancee." straight to the camera. I was like, "Holy mackerels I think I just found my new drama." 

And it's kind of sad the marketing team couldn't do much about media-playing since the premise was so... simple. And they couldn't really promote deeper into the amnesia and 'affair' troupes because people would be like, "Amnesia? Affairs? What is this makjang drama." (Those were exactly my thoughts.)

But the thing with this type of dramas is that they make you know and think more intensively about human relationships and types of love, and that's what makes this drama so special and dear to a lot of us. There are no flashy plot and characters to distract us from the relationships between the characters in the drama. It's the beauty in MLE's simplicity. 

And, oh, it's nice to hear that MLE is doing well online! I was really worried by the fact that the drama had never once reached 2% in ratings. Broadcast stations really should consider changing their ratings system, considering the fact that viewers, especially those of the younger generation, prefer getting entertainment from their gadgets. (Even I don't really use my TV anymore!) From what I know, only dramas with hella ton of episodes are doing pretty well rating-wise, because a lot of ahjummas watch them. And MLE being broadcasted by jTBC doesn't help their ratings; this drama would've done better ratings-wise if it were broadcasted by a public channel.

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@oyeleyeolusina,  Welcome Aboard How are you these days. I'm loving all my insightful viral friends are coming on board and sharing they comments for this drama  and the best part of it is all walks of life enjoy a good love story and MLED is doing for us from all across the globe..  Every race can relate to a first love we have all had then rather they were good or bad we've have experience it..


Hi there, I made an account just to comment on this thread. Initially, this drama didn’t interest me at all due to its rather lackluster title and the plot’s focus on the whole ‘first love’ thing. I first thought this drama would be bland, cheesy, and a hot mess full of cringe-worthy moments, but nope. Nah. Oops. My prejudice got the better of me. My unfamiliarity of the main cast made me view the drama more objectively, without any bias. The directing and acting is top-notch, and just like a lot of you, I’d like to see more of the writer’s works in the future. I’d admit that I was turned off by a series of the plot’s clichéd points; orphaned MC, amnesia, crazy 2nd female lead, and evil stepparents, but EH-ED’s genuine and heartwarming love lulls me into their dream-like romance and it seems like it’ll never let me wake up. Their love and relationship is really intoxicating; I find myself waiting oh-so-eagerly for Fridays and I’d recommend this drama to everyone I know. It’s kinda crazy.

I was also unsure by its melodrama genre, as I am fonder of lighthearted, comedic dramas that ensure a happy ending. But seeing how the direction the story has gone through, I’m quite certain the ending will satisfy everyone (hopefully it’ll end with the realization of ED’s lifetime dream). I’m happy that we got complexly written characters (except for SR. She seems too cookie-cutterish to me) in spite of the seemingly simple ‘guy can’t get over his love for 20 years’ main plot. Like any other person, EH has imperfections. He’s not the perfect, flawless actor. He’s desperate and a bit demanding, but it’s understandable considering the fact that he had to wait 10 years. It’s sad to see him admit that he’s alone in his journey to get ED back, but hopefully, more people will take his and ED’s side. (DG, MS, Stepmom, and hopefully HA after she found out about the test results. And HB as well). And with ED getting her memories back, EH will no longer wait. Instead, he’ll fight for her. As for ED, I really get why EH said that she’s a 90 tailed fox hahaha. Who would’ve thought the passion filled overnight trip was initiated by her? I love that she’s a well-mannered cute girl with good morals, yet with a cheeky and daring edge as well. (Playing footsies under the table! Kinda funny seeing the older HS flustered.)

And while I’m more inclined to the theory that ED’s stepdad doesn’t know of RI’s true parentage, I’m convinced the Mom had at least a hunch that JH is not RI’s biological dad. During the few instances that ED had asked Mom about RI being her first love’s son, Mom would always deny the questions strongly. But unlike the certain Dad, Mom always looked flustered. Her expressions were of a lying person getting caught. Knowing ED better, Mom must’ve at least had a feeling that ED would never sleep with JH. I think Mom was too weak to defy her husband, and it’s refreshing to see that she’s slowly breaking out of his shell. And as for RI, I’m afraid JH might do something dangerous to him. (Remember the accident? JH was really violent in the car.) I’m scared RI will be physically harmed. He thinks highly of JH, and the only way to break the bond is for JH to show his real side. (But I’m sure EH will come to the rescue; RI did say that his dad is a superhero. Hehe.) Either way, RI’s heart will get scarred. Poor kid.

Anyway, rather than spewing more things you all already know about (it must’ve been hard for you guys to scroll this long…), Friday is in two days! I can’t wait to see EH & ED making up for 10 years’ worth of lost time lol, and also possibly the confirmation of RI’s real dad! The wait is killing meㅠㅠ

@gudetamayongg,  I also welcome you,  Enjoyed reading your post but I have to comment on the part about dad not knowing about RA II true linage.. I did because mom told him when she said she wanted to tell ED the truth and he said all would be fine as long as Ed don't know.. Mom said they will receive punishment and things wouldn't be happening if he didn't keep insist on pushing things his way.. Adopted dad had formed a judgement of EH without even knowing him nor did he ever ask ED to meet him all he thought about was EH wouldn't have been able to take care of ED and a baby when JH is there already to step up to the plate so I really believe he knows that the child wasn't JH.. When he got up and step away from the table you could see the worried look on his face but when mom was telling about EH maybe ED one true love he got upset because mom said how could this happen she became the writer of this book her and his story.. Adopted also know he's going to have to accountable to JH parents..


I have to say I don't trust JH around RA II now because the man is very violent and he will harm and knowing that ED can defend herself against him in a chair he won't be attacking her but the defenseless child is a whole different ballgame.. RA II won't be able to stand a chance, JH has learned how to will himself sick and he knows RA II would try and help him even after he has attack the baby.. A man like JH is very scary..


@Jadecloud, I forgot to add the part about adopted dad not knowing JH was the cause of that accident.. I don't think JH parents know he was the cause of the accident but crazy dad knows because it's no way the police report didn't say that JH ran a red light into oncoming traffic and was speeding.. Adopted may not know that JH dragged ED from the park against her will but he wouldn't care he would praise him from doing it because in JH mind ED was being bad like a child playing with a friend she's not supposed to..  JH and adopted dad only thought of it as ED wanting to be with another man she was being bad like she didn't have the right to choose and it really hurt JH pride when Ed didn't want him knowing after knowing that he was scouted..               


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Yes, this drama has become much like an obsession for me, too.  I've put a "hold" on starting any new drama, only 3 weeks left?  Then I'll keep an eye out for their next projects!  :rolleyes: The whole crew of them!

And Welcome! to all the Newcomers   Well, better make that "Welcome the new  "commenting newbies".   Hello to all the new forum readers, too!

Such observant people you all are!  I never thought about MiSoon and her cousin planning the 2N/3D Get-Away!    Bet Mi Soon and Cousin DG rented that place themselves on the spur of the moment.  Now it also makes more sense that they would choose the very nearby  Jabudo..   :wub:

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