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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Having re-watched all 10 episodes these few days, there were so many scenes that I paid special attention to after learning so much from this thread. One of the loveliest scenes in the 20's is that of ED looking at HS across the window during the Korean lesson for elderly and whispering `He's so handsome'. Both were absolutely smitten!

Not only is ED angry, HS is angry, I am very angry too! The thought of ED having to sleep in the same bed with her fake husband! I feel so sorry for her!

I think adopted father is not aware that RA II is not Choi's biological son. I say this from the scene at the Baseball stadium where Choi told him that he had nothing to hold on to JE and adopted father confidently mentioned that RA II would hold them together. Only Choi showed an uneasy expression as only he knew that he did not father RA II.

@ross27,  I beg to differ he knows or he just acting like he don't know from what I got he was saying use RA II to hold them together..  Adopted dad knows that ED never slept with JH because she didn't like him nor loved him.. He's banking on EH never finding out RA II is his son and if he do find out to hold tight to the boy and things will workout.. 

Yaoozer @valsava, 

I hope this is not so but if it turns out to be true like you say that the adoptive parents knew RI was not JH's child but went along with the crazy plan, we will have one Angry Mom in Eun Dong in our hands.  

I just can't see how grandparents could do that to another set of grandparents (that's a break of an honour in Korean cultural tradition that go so far beyond the pale) even if they didn't care much about their adopted daughter Eun Dong.  

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From the preview Eun Dong's adoptive father goes to a lawyer?O_______O OMG, troubles for our OTP! Another thing: Hyun Soo's parents maybe will find out that Ra Il is their grandson...O___O

I think the ED adoptive father goes to the reporter. I distinctly hear him say 거짓말 (lies) but maybe I misheard it! If I didn't he probably went to a reporter and is trying to say that this book is a lie and maybe tarnish HS reputation! BTW thanks for the new preview!

@xxmzsmilesxx,  That adopted dad only trying to cover his tracks of what they done by telling EH fabricated this book but it's to many people knows that they were together and don't want JH parents to know of what extent he went to get them married but RA II is the proof of the memories.. (What a bastard this is why I also think the did something criminal to her like altering he memories)  


[preview video deleted]


Episode 11 Video preview:

ED:  I am going to go back to 10 years ago, I want to start over again

JH: I would like to have a baby I need something that will bind Jung Eun and me together.  I don’t have that.

EH’s dad:  You don’t like green onions?

Ra il:  I don’t like it because it’s slippery.

EH’s mom: He sounded like Eun Ho when he was young.

SR: I want to shake Ji Eun Ho right down to the roots

ED’s father:  This book is all a lie.

ED: Oppa, Soo Hyun oppa!

EH:  You waited for a long time huh?

ED:  The one who waited for a long time is you.

I can't wait for this.  The story will keep moving forward.  The trial facing them will likely be caused by Eun Dong's adoptive father.  It will be interesting the impact on Eun Ho's career.

ED's father wants to discredit him, but may have the opposite effect in forcing ED to come forward with all that JH and her father had done to her.  I wonder how Writer-nim will write the reaction of the public?

As I've previously said I am so glad that we are at this stage of the story rather than the OTP totally apart until the last 10 minutes of episode 16.  Looking forward to see how ED and EH face the upcoming trials TOGETHER!

The adopted father going to the reporter to refute the book saying it's all lies will open up another Pandora's box is ED in her right frame of mind now because SR and JH will try and make her look crazy and that her and EH fabricated this story just to boost his popularity..    


The highlighted red area of the preview translation


JH will never tell SR that RA II isn't his because he will loose that power and support he thinks he need.. Joining hands with SR will serve two purposes for him one keep SR chasing after EH and covering his tracks before his parents find out that he knew the child wasn't his and lied.. SR wanting to shake EH down to the root will be to destroy him and she will do it with the help of DG quietly doing and MA on his company and dumb DG not paying attention because he also want to see EH with SR.. SR mat sleep with him to get a hold of EH company telling him she will make him the owner of it little that they know EH won't care about any of that stuff because they haven't listen to the one sentence he said he became and actor to find someone it was never about the dramas and the movie his main purpose was ED.. (maybe SR and JH was the one to reveal ED identity to make her look bad like a cheater and morally wrong to society) I think in this case ED and EH will be the only to claim a suit for deformation of character and it was JH that stole someone else woman and child..


Now adopted dad claiming that the book is all lies well when the reporter dig deep into the story he will find out that EH wasn't lying especially that ED did teach at the school there's pictures to prove it and also dad don't know that mom kept all her and PHS stuff lock in her room which I'm praying she don't let him get his hands on it.. This is when Eh may also find out about her medical condition at the time of the accident and the reporter may figure out they altered her memories and took her out of the country so he memories stay suppressed.. (I like for the reporter to ask the adopted dad what do he gain for claiming the book is a lie or did he gain tying them together)  Maybe he's the one to discover that they really not married and that the so called marriage isn't valid because of ED not being in her right frame of mind.. Love it go ahead adopted dad claim it's all lies and get your masks peeled right off your face..


I think before it's all over ED will have to write her version of the story what was going on between her and JH and her and EH.. Also how her adopted father was abusing her because she wasn't going to marry JH and set out purposely to get pregnant with EH so she won't be force to marry a man she didn't love..  I want her to even write in her story even at the age of 13 she knew she wanted to marry Oppa her guardian angle.. ED have a dairy to prove that..                   



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Hope that the photo is about a pregnacy test XD Hyun Soo will buy it after The dreamy night!!

Man i like the way you think!

@b2stsb2uty,  Another love child would be just awesome how would JH explain this pregnancy to his parents, This would serve JH and SR right for trying to interfere with the fated couple.. I hope they playing with this fire by trying to separate them will bring the affects of them being burnt.. 

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......... When ED ran to buy the towel she bumped into JH, JH forcibly put her into the car, and caused the accident, to me it's intentionally. After the accident, she had the trauma and lost her memory, while JH is paralyzed. JH's mother blame  ED as the cause of accident, and together with the step farther, they fabricated the love story to make her feel the duty to take care of JH for the rest of his life. JH (on the previous ep, said to himself that he is sorry because he loved her too much), and his fault is just to join his mother to erase ED memory.

I think this would be enough for him to have the voice of public, and the right to fight for ED. In case he really did something criminal to her (I never think he did), then it's a full stop for him.

Jae Ho's fault was more than just trying to 'erase' Eun Dong's memories. The motivation though borne out of his (possessive) love for Eun Dong, was wrong to begin with. But the ripple effect of this 'fault' hurt more than just Eun Dong, and in far more ways than just making her not remember certain periods of her life. I believe Jae Ho knew he did wrong, that's why he kept telling Eun Dong he's sorry for loving her, and why we do get to see his 'flashes of guilt-ridden facial expression'. Yet the main thing is, Jae Ho knew he was wrong yet he continued being bad and evil, and escalated his badness to a higher form, and in the process, roping in other bad-but-willing peeps with a similar agenda.

The accident...I believe it could be one of two scenarios... (just me and my imagination on an overdrive...could be totally wrong )

Jae Ho was so mad that Eun Dong was seeing Hyeon Soo. Worse, that they were being so loving and close to each other (JH was hiding and saw their hugs and kisses). When Eun Dong ran to get some towels, Jae Ho grabbed her and forced her into his car. He was so mad that he:

1. Wanted to just die with her. So that even if he can't have her, no one else, not Hyeon Soo, can either. Hence Jae Ho ran the red light. But he didn't and couldn't calculate that the accident left him paralyzed and her with amnesia. 

2. Wanted to take Eun Dong away from Hyeon Soo. From going back to seeing Hyeon Soo. But Eun Dong resisted. While they were pulling-and-tugging each other, Jae Ho lost sight of the red light and drove passed it. To make matters worse, there was an oncoming truck, which Jae Ho couldn't react in time to prevent the accident. 

So, post-accident, Jae Ho recovered consciousness first, And he pulled himself together. He then cooked up the sham that Eun Dong caused the accident, that he tried to swerve to save Eun Dong from the direct impact of collision, hence he got hit the worst and ended up being paralyzed. He also then cooked up the sham love of Eun Dong for him and the sham of him fathering the baby when Eun Dong was found to be pregnant post-accident, and then influenced her parents to agree with him and let them get married out of convenience, for Eun Dong's sake. Prob also reminding them Eun Dong owed him that much for saving her life. Then the sham marriage became a collaboration masterminded by Jae Ho with the help of step-parents Seos. I believe Jae Ho's mom only knew what she knew through her son Jae Ho - who also lied to her and blamed Eun Dong for the accident, and for him trying to save her life and ended up being paralyzed. Hence, MIL hated Eun Dong for turning her precious son from a soon-to-be-MLB-star to a paraplegic. And causing the Choi family, who was once filthy rich, to become poor as well. 

Jae Ho really did something criminal to Eun Dong. Very evil. How can Eun Dong, and even Eun Ho and fam, be able to find a justice appropriate for the crimes? None. And too little too late too. But, better than nothing if a Happy Ending of a reunion is in store.

I can't wait to find out what writernim's development will be RTmLu6H.gif and of course, that 'dream night' ;)



I have to disagree on JH having a right to fight for ED.  .Because he loves her doesn't wash because it was not what she wanted. They took her right of making her own choices away from her. 

You're right. Jae Ho has no right to Eun Dong. Not even if stepdad Seo gave Jae Ho the go-ahead to date Eun Dong with a view towards marriage. They were in the early stages of their dating back then, which we know Eun Dong was forced to date him by stepdad Seo, and Eun Dong did tell Jae Ho she loved that man(Hyeon Soo).

Eun Dong was stripped of her right to make her own choice, beginning with who she should date, and then more choices were stripped from her while she was suffering amnesia.


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Btw, I believe stepdad Seo knows Eun Dong was Eun Dong. I'm pretty sure during the process of adoption, the original info was made available. And once the adoption was approved, prob the name change was made. When Eun Dong was at the elderly summer class, she was already Jeong Eun but still introduced herself as Eun Dong (which we now know it was cos of her search for Hyeon Soo). We also saw stepmom trying to correct her name calling of Jeong Eun as Eun Dong whenever she was talking to stepdad Seo.

I think so too.  It's not unusual for adoptive parents to change the child's name upon adoption.  I believe it happens in the west too as a regular practice. I do agree they would have known her original name on adoption papers (which may be how the mother decided to read it since she would not have known JE was writing the book or that EH has come into her life recently).

@seungshin,  Maybe EH real mom will show up to shed light on the name situation if there's a problem about this she will be able to tell her birth name because she had her.. Also ED original family registry has her listed.. 

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Having re-watched all 10 episodes these few days, there were so many scenes that I paid special attention to after learning so much from this thread. One of the loveliest scenes in the 20's is that of ED looking at HS across the window during the Korean lesson for elderly and whispering `He's so handsome'. Both were absolutely smitten!

Not only is ED angry, HS is angry, I am very angry too! The thought of ED having to sleep in the same bed with her fake husband! I feel so sorry for her!

I think adopted father is not aware that RA II is not Choi's biological son. I say this from the scene at the Baseball stadium where Choi told him that he had nothing to hold on to JE and adopted father confidently mentioned that RA II would hold them together. Only Choi showed an uneasy expression as only he knew that he did not father RA II.

@ross27,  I beg to differ he knows or he just acting like he don't know from what I got he was saying use RA II to hold them together..  Adopted dad knows that ED never slept with JH because she didn't like him nor loved him.. He's banking on EH never finding out RA II is his son and if he do find out to hold tight to the boy and things will workout.. 

Yaoozer @valsava, 

I hope this is not so but if it turns out to be true like you say that the adoptive parents knew RI was not JH's child but went along with the crazy plan, we will have one Angry Mom in Eun Dong in our hands.  

I just can't see how grandparents could do that to another set of grandparents (that's a break of an honour in Korean cultural tradition that go so far beyond the pale) even if they didn't care much about their adopted daughter Eun Dong.  

@seungshin,  Of courses they knew because JH knew how much dad liked him and he wasn't going to do anything morally wrong to not look unseemly in they eyes.. So yes they knew this why all three cook up the elaborate plan because JH didn't care she was pregnant with another man he wanted to get back at ED and EH.. JH did all of this out of spite..  


This also the reason ED adopted dad wants to refute this book as being all lies because of lying to one set of G/Parents and stealing from the rightful G/Parents he don't want his ugly mess to come out because this would also effect how he couch his team his livilyhood

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Today they go back shooting in this remarkable place of 10s Hyun Soo and Eun Dong.

[photos deleted]


This is the location this shot was filmed.  They are going back to the location but it sounds like (can't be 100% sure) the adult ED and HS are going back.

The blog sounds like it's been written by a camera man (are they allowed to do that) since he talks about the advantage of a 'shooting car' (a car with cameras installed) for filming.

Thanks @lucy13880 for all the goodies. I still can't find even one BTS or In The Making vid on MLED, Did you see any? JTBC and PDnim....juseyo. We want more BTS, esp of Eun Dong and Eun Ho. Come on.... please......! 


@seungshin Thanks again for translating (the blog content). With my limited knowledge of hangul, and with google's translate (which is hardly to be relied on for accuracy in full translation), I think 'minki blog' was by an SBS staff who is the Stylist to KSR/MLED, who is known as Strawberry Aunt. She could have added on about what the set's cameramen did?

It sounds like ...

we may get an ending of adult Eun Dong and Eun Ho at that location? Perhaps with lil Ra Il in tow? Perhaps when she finally tells him 'her promise'? And then an ending kiss and fireworks?

LOL. I wish!

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@seungshin,  Maybe EH real mom will show up to shed light on the name situation if there's a problem about this she will be able to tell her birth name because she had her.. Also ED original family registry has her listed.. 

I'm wondering if the birth mother will show up before the end of the drama anyway.  If JEH and JED story breaks out in the open and become public JED will become famous on her own right.  Surely if her mother is alive she will learn this is her own daughter?  Not sure if it will be a big story line since the drama has enough to deal with already !

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@seungshin,  Of courses they knew because JH knew how much dad liked him and he wasn't going to do anything morally wrong to not look unseemly in they eyes.. So yes they knew this why all three cook up the elaborate plan because JH didn't care she was pregnant with another man he wanted to get back at ED and EH.. JH did all of this out of spite..  

This also the reason ED adopted dad wants to refute this book as being all lies because of lying to one set of G/Parents and stealing from the rightful G/Parents he don't want his ugly mess to come out because this would also effect how he couch his team his livilyhood

Unless they are completely evil I'm thinking it is because ED's father DOES NOT know that RI is not JH's son that he's willing to go to bat for Jae Ho and argue to people that the book is a lie.  It's his ignorance of the fact that makes him able to argue that point.  If he knew, he would know that a secret like this has to be buried as much as possible.  Not to be publicized and have bright lights shine on it for for every eye and hand to investigate and dig out the truth.  

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......... When ED ran to buy the towel she bumped into JH, JH forcibly put her into the car, and caused the accident, to me it's intentionally. After the accident, she had the trauma and lost her memory, while JH is paralyzed. JH's mother blame  ED as the cause of accident, and together with the step farther, they fabricated the love story to make her feel the duty to take care of JH for the rest of his life. JH (on the previous ep, said to himself that he is sorry because he loved her too much), and his fault is just to join his mother to erase ED memory.

I think this would be enough for him to have the voice of public, and the right to fight for ED. In case he really did something criminal to her (I never think he did), then it's a full stop for him.


Jae Ho's fault was more than just trying to 'erase' Eun Dong's memories. The motivation though borne out of his (possessive) love for Eun Dong, was wrong to begin with. But the ripple effect of this 'fault' hurt more than just Eun Dong, and in far more ways than just making her not remember certain periods of her life. I believe Jae Ho knew he did wrong, that's why he kept telling Eun Dong he's sorry for loving her, and why we do get to see his 'flashes of guilt-ridden facial expression'. Yet the main thing is, Jae Ho knew he was wrong yet he continued being bad and evil, and escalated his badness to a higher form, and in the process, roping in other bad-but-willing peeps with a similar agenda.

The accident...I believe it could be one of two scenarios... (just me and my imagination on an overdrive...could be totally wrong )

Jae Ho was so mad that Eun Dong was seeing Hyeon Soo. Worse, that they were being so loving and close to each other (JH was hiding and saw their hugs and kisses). When Eun Dong ran to get some towels, Jae Ho grabbed her and forced her into his car. He was so mad that he:

1. Wanted to just die with her. So that even if he can't have her, no one else, not Hyeon Soo, can either. Hence Jae Ho ran the red light. But he didn't and couldn't calculate that the accident left him paralyzed and her with amnesia. 

2. Wanted to take Eun Dong away from Hyeon Soo. From going back to seeing Hyeon Soo. But Eun Dong resisted. While they were pulling-and-tugging each other, Jae Ho lost sight of the red light and drove passed it. To make matters worse, there was an oncoming truck, which Jae Ho couldn't react in time to prevent the accident. 

So, post-accident, Jae Ho recovered consciousness first, And he pulled himself together. He then cooked up the sham that Eun Dong caused the accident, that he tried to swerve to save Eun Dong from the direct impact of collision, hence he got hit the worst and ended up being paralyzed. He also then cooked up the sham love of Eun Dong for him and the sham of him fathering the baby when Eun Dong was found to be pregnant post-accident, and then influenced her parents to agree with him and let them get married out of convenience, for Eun Dong's sake. Prob also reminding them Eun Dong owed him that much for saving her life. Then the sham marriage became a collaboration masterminded by Jae Ho with the help of step-parents Seos. I believe Jae Ho's mom only knew what she knew through her son Jae Ho - who also lied to her and blamed Eun Dong for the accident, and for him trying to save her life and ended up being paralyzed. Hence, MIL hated Eun Dong for turning her precious son from a soon-to-be-MLB-star to a paraplegic. And causing the Choi family, who was once filthy rich, to become poor as well. 

Jae Ho really did something criminal to Eun Dong. Very evil. How can Eun Dong, and even Eun Ho and fam, be able to find a justice appropriate for the crimes? None. And too little too late too. But, better than nothing if a Happy Ending of a reunion is in store.

I can't wait to find out what writernim's development will be RTmLu6H.gif and of course, that 'dream night' ;)



I have to disagree on JH having a right to fight for ED.  .Because he loves her doesn't wash because it was not what she wanted. They took her right of making her own choices away from her. 


You're right. Jae Ho has no right to Eun Dong. Not even if stepdad Seo gave Jae Ho the go-ahead to date Eun Dong with a view towards marriage. They were in the early stages of their dating back then, which we know Eun Dong was forced to date him by stepdad Seo, and Eun Dong did tell Jae Ho she loved that man(Hyeon Soo).

Eun Dong was stripped of her right to make her own choice, beginning with who she should date, and then more choices were stripped from her while she was suffering amnesia.


@jadecloud,  KUDOS.. This was exactly what JH was doing if I can't have you no one can I'll kill us first.. Yes he done criminally wring to ED and I like to think charges could be filed.. We saw the flashback she was having being drag away from the park JH wasn't in his right frame of mind then this alone is kidnapping because he forcing her against her will.. Then we see the flashback of him beating the steering wheel in the car driving on the opposite side of the street running a red light yes he tried to kill them because of his jealous rage..  Thinking PHS is the cause of all this he's the cause of ED being bad and get her away from him I could have her again and she won't do anymore bad things ED was a grown woman at that time and had the rights to choose who she wanted it had nothing to do with being bad she's not a child..    

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@seungshin,  Of courses they knew because JH knew how much dad liked him and he wasn't going to do anything morally wrong to not look unseemly in they eyes.. So yes they knew this why all three cook up the elaborate plan because JH didn't care she was pregnant with another man he wanted to get back at ED and EH.. JH did all of this out of spite..  

This also the reason ED adopted dad wants to refute this book as being all lies because of lying to one set of G/Parents and stealing from the rightful G/Parents he don't want his ugly mess to come out because this would also effect how he couch his team his livilyhood

Unless they are completely evil I'm thinking it is because ED's father DOES NOT know that RI is not JH's son that he's willing to go to bat for Jae Ho and argue to people that the book is a lie.  It's his ignorance of the fact that makes him able to argue that point.  If he knew, he would know that a secret like this has to be buried as much as possible.  Not to be publicized and have bright lights shine on it for for every eye and hand to investigate and dig out the truth.  

@seungshin,  He do know why you think he keeps drilling in ED heads that she did wrong to JH and she betrayed him and to be good to him.. They wasn't married so how could she betray him the betrayal comes from her getting pregnant by another man but JH has forgiven her and accept the child as his.. This is why he wants to stop this book and claim it's all lies because it could reveal all they ugliness..  Also RA II and ED birth rights stay a secret from JH parents because I don't think his parents would have allowed him to marry a girl that was adopted and the adopted parents have no real connection to ED family at all.. They don't know if mom and dad are serial killers or dad a rapist..    

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What scares me is JH hurting Ra Il. JH did that to ED with the accident, "If I can't have her, you can't have her too." I think he will attempt the same with Ra Il. This is the only way Ra Il will be scared of him and hate him, thus breaking the bond. 

@sooyoungdaebak,  I also think he would bring out that horrible scary side of him for RA II to see the man is very dangerous he has nothing to do but to sink think and plot.. 

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Back in the 10s courtroom scene, Hyun Soo knows no one is on his side. He did wrong and he was ready for the outcome. Then came a little voice that said Oppa didn't do anything wrong. And he saw this little angel came to his rescue. She's the only one on his side. 

In the 30s Hyun Soo, he told his sister he wasn't expecting anyone on his side anyway. He feels alone fighting for his love, his Eun Dong. But I think he will be really surprise when he sees his manager, his trash friend, his sister, Mi Soon, his reporter friend on his side.

Good always triumps over evil. True love always win. 

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Saw this in MLED DC gallery...

My Love Eun Dong - Daum Cafe begins a Speculative Demand Survey for MLED DVDs. For those who would like to own a set or are thinking of purchasing a set, please take part in the survey. Thanks. FYI :) 




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Back in the 10s courtroom scene, Hyun Soo knows no one is on his side. He did wrong and he was ready for the outcome. Then came a little voice that said Oppa didn't do anything wrong. And he saw this little angel came to his rescue. She's the only one on his side. 

In the 30s Hyun Soo, he told his sister he wasn't expecting anyone on his side anyway. He feels alone fighting for his love, his Eun Dong. But I think he will be really surprise when he sees his manager, his trash friend, his sister, Mi Soon, his reporter friend on his side.

Good always triumps over evil. True love always win. 

@sooyoungdaebak,  In order to get people on EH side first would be to prove is they marriage real or not. Some will say it's real giving the length of time that they lived together again trying to keep her memories suppressed with a lie until the marriage business is made public known even if they have a marriage certificate is not valid because of ED wasn't in the right frame of mind and body far as that matter goes.. So if the reporter goes public and tell that the marriage isn't valid EH will still only have very few people on his side.. Maybe this is also another reason to stop this book him going to a reporter has started the game and JH was first up to bat then EH with I'll take my rightful place now adopted dad pulling will only cause him to strike ou because he just open the playing field.. I guest the man finally read the book and couldn't believe of how much of what's written in that book coincide with events that was going on them and what all ED was doing he and PHS especially they 3D2N stay away from home thinking she was on a trip with her classmates and was with PHS         

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A good point you brought out. It could be ED's parents didn't  and doesn't know that JH spent a web of lies.  In the parents eyes JH was the appropriate upstanding guy while HS as the father calls him nothing but trash and not a good man. JH had been following and watching ED and EG and the lies he told to the parents he replaced himself in the place of EH.  They choose to believe the story of who they considered to be the upstanding guy. ED having no memory couldn't dispute the web of lies JH told. This brought on their willingness to help erase any memory ED had of EH especially since she was pregnant with who they think is JH's child. 


After reading the book and going through ED's things the mother now knows things were not what they appeared to be and what was told by JH. This is why she gave ED back her box of memories because she now knows what's in that book and in that box is the truth. The father refuses to listen and headstrong to the fact he was wrong.and believed the man he considered the better man. 

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A good point you brought out. It could be ED's parents didn't  and doesn't know that JH spent a web of lies.  In the parents eyes JH was the appropriate upstanding guy while HS as the father calls him nothing but trash and not a good man. JH had been following and watching ED and EG and the lies he told to the parents he replaced himself in the place of EH.  They choose to believe the story of who they considered to be the upstanding guy. ED having no memory couldn't dispute the web of lies JH told. This brought on their willingness to help erase any memory ED had of EH especially since she was pregnant with who they think is JH's child. 


After reading the book and going through ED's things the mother now knows things were not what they appeared to be and what was told by JH. This is why she gave ED back her box of memories because she now knows what's in that book and in that box is the truth. The father refuses to listen and headstrong to the fact he was wrong.and believed the man he considered the better man. 


A good point you brought out. It could be ED's parents didn't  and doesn't know that JH spent a web of lies.  In the parents eyes JH was the appropriate upstanding guy while HS as the father calls him nothing but trash and not a good man. JH had been following and watching ED and EG and the lies he told to the parents he replaced himself in the place of EH.  They choose to believe the story of who they considered to be the upstanding guy. ED having no memory couldn't dispute the web of lies JH told. This brought on their willingness to help erase any memory ED had of EH especially since she was pregnant with who they think is JH's child. 


After reading the book and going through ED's things the mother now knows things were not what they appeared to be and what was told by JH. This is why she gave ED back her box of memories because she now knows what's in that book and in that box is the truth. The father refuses to listen and headstrong to the fact he was wrong.and believed the man he considered the better man. 

@awsparkle,  I'm wondering just what was written on the last 5 pages of that book that made adopted mom open her eyes hopefully the writer will have it that we could hear EH and EH reading it together.. Maybe ED adopted dad saying the book is a lie because he don't want to accept the facts that JH lied to him like that and because he likes the upstanding young man so much choose to cover the truth..  But yes JH had been stalking ED and EH for a while and he may have seen them bang banging having one of they bang bang session and that's why he thinks EH is the bad man for sleeping with ED before marriage..  But yes JH replaced himself with EH but by ED not knowing because her memory lose she don't know if he really is her norm.. But we can see her heart isn't really into him, Adopted dad thinks time the have together will overrule the love her and EH have..     

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Stepdad Seo may not know that Eun-Dong's memory is back.  His claims are bubbles.   Eun-Dong can just show her records at the City University to prove her adoptdad wrong. 


I wonder what Eun-Dong will do after her trip.  How can she go back to her home and share the same bed with Choi???!!!

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