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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Watching EP 10 without having to recap and I can really watch the screen not just listening and typing madly on the keyboard.

This writer-nim is so thorough and detailed.  She must have gone through many drafts.

Like when EH is in the van heading to the event.  DG says they would like you to say a few words of greetings.  To this JEH says 'I won't be making up anything (words) that hasn't existed already so how hard could it be?"  Yup, he gets to confess what he's been feeling and saying for 20 years !


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Btw, this may be a silly and ignorant question....with JH asking HA he ought to have a kid with ED now...does it mean that when a para recovers the use of hands, that the other bodily function is resumed too? 

I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR JH. He is beyond any vulgar description. I now think JH is THE ONE who manipulated stepdad Seo and others into his ill-concieved evil plan. Although stepdad Seo is just as evil, somehow his hatred for ED is evident. If it wasn't solely for financial reasons, I believe what @valsava posted a while back about 'an eye for an eye' from stepdad to ED could have been the reason why he was so mean and cruel to ED. 

@jadecloud,  To me all evidence is pointing that JH and adopted father did this to her out of spite..  For JH she loves another man and for adopted dad his dream.. Adopted dad was finally going to be able to live his dream through JH.. Otherwise if he cared anything for her he wouldn't have tied her to this man knowing he couldn't take care of her like a man is supposed to support his family..    

I don't mean to defend JH or ED's step dad but we learn new things  in ED's flashback of her twenties while she is reading the letter on the bench.  Back then JH was the best catch a girl her age could have.  He's been scouted by a major league baseball team.  He had a very bright future.   PHS on the other hand was an unemployed struggling actor.  He didn't go to the best university and his family wasn't rich (all the things Korean parents look for).  Besides the fact that ED's dad considered him a 'son' he didn't have.

Flashback while ED's reading the letter:


JH: I’m sorry for loving you

JH: I got scouted 

EH: Is he the man?  Are you with him?


ED is with her girlfriend

GF:You asked him if he had a girlfriend?

ED EH got really angry

ED should I...

GF: what do you want from him?

ED: I want to marry him

GR:What about CJH

ED: he’s going to US

GF: you will choose an unemployed PHS over a major league scout CJH

ED: I will support him, he will be struggling as an actor


Back to the letter:


EH I wouldn’t exchange you for the wide world


That's why I and most of us love ED so very much. She may be quite naive and unrealistic in wanting to 'support a poor bf' vs going for a hot catch or being a material girl or gold-digger, like what the norm is everywhere.

ED is so much like HS/EH or even HA. They live by the standard and dictate of their heart. Nothing else matters. 

Eundong-ah.... Fighting!

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Eun Dong vs. Eun Dong Hwa

So everyone loved it when Eun Ho yells out 'Eun-Dong-ah (은동아)!" at the end of the big event.

But what DG said to cover up EH's potentially scandalous yell is to say 'he/someone will provide 100 pairs of Woon Dong Hwa (운동화).'  'Woon-Dong ' is to exercise and 'hwa' means shoes. DG was saying he will donate 100 pairs of running shoes!

Eun (은) is different from Woon (운).  Eun has 'eh (ㅡ)' for the vowel and Woon has 'woo (ㅜ)'  for the vowel in case you are interested. The vowel for both words sits in the middle of 'ㅇ' and 'ㄴ.' 

This is also a play by the writer-nim on the netizens. When the name of the drama came out as 'My Love Eun Dong' (there were some other names attached to this drama previously) people were making fun of it as too unsophisticated, too country-ish etc.' and some of them thought it sounded too close to 'woon dong wha' for shoes.  So the writer-nim played on that today for comic relief.  What fun!


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Uhm... They showed us the KISS scene in the episode 11 preview's...Why? Why show a Great scene like that already? The KISS is real for sure but i asked myself why they showed us all in a few frames? Maybe 'cause it'll come agony and aches in next episodes?

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Guest Teryn15

Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

So, what is the sister doing with those baggies? A DNA test, you think? Or is she planning on helping JH still? 


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Watching the episode again and just concentrating on ED's point of view :-

That girl was a fox!! EH is right....she is a true fox and naughty girl through and through.  She was no passive damsel who was chased by hot-blooded HS.  We've been seeing this from his perspective and a limited one of ED.  Now that we know that she'd actually liked Hyun Soo even before the accident, it just makes me smile wider.  I am so digging this new glimpse into their love story.

She's not very innocent our ED - she baited HS with her confession about the boyfriend, left him with very little information and boy did he snatch at the bait and fell hook line and sinker.  She's the one who seduced him into their first kiss.......ahhhh, did I already say how much I love her personality.  She's so well-written and I probably shouldn't confess this - but - I can relate to her!!  Cuz I said the same thing to my boyfriend (now husband) and for the same reason.  Maybe that's why her personality resonates with me.  :)

Totally she has always determined the fate of this relationship.

During her flashback reading the letter we learn it was her who suggested the 2N3D's suggesting she had a trip planned with her friend they could use if he wants to 'speed up the process.'  HS chokes on his wine when he hears her say this.  Bahaaaaaa.

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Uhm... They showed us the KISS scene in the episode 11 preview's...Why? Why show a Great scene like that already? The KISS is real for sure but i asked myself why they showed us all in a few frames? Maybe 'cause it'll come agony and aches in next episodes?

LOL.  Probably because some of us were so sure this episode would have a kiss? :) Personally, I loved the preview of their kiss.  It made it that much easier to endure the next few days knowing that such a passionate reunion scene is coming up.  I agree that EH looks like his 17 year old self and even ED looks like her younger self.

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Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

So, what is the sister doing with those baggies? A DNA test, you think? Or is she planning on helping JH still? 

If you backtrack a page or two, there's the photo of the DNA test kit showing HA's and RI's samples. She is actually doing a paternity test. I doubt she's helping JH, if at all. HA definitely is on her bro's side. How can she not? He's always been there for her, through thick and thin. He was also the one who made her and dd MA go back to parents/grandparents.

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Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

So, what is the sister doing with those baggies? A DNA test, you think? Or is she planning on helping JH still? 

If you backtrack a page or two, there's the photo of the DNA test kit showing HA's and RI's samples. She is actually doing a paternity test. I doubt she's helping JH, if at all. HA definitely is on her bro's side. How can she not? He's always been there for her, through thick and thin. He was also the one who made her and dd MA go back to parents/grandparents.

I agree.  HA has been in such tight spot, between supporting EH and JH.  She loves her brother to bits and she's always wanted him to find his Eun Dong.  But she also wants to support JH as his doctor and as a friend (she said she would help him with her gown on and off to his brother EH in the beginning of the Episode).

Writer-nim has shown HA's character to have a very strong moral compass.  SO she had to weight everything and decided to come down on JH's side.  She tells EH this.  She said it's wrong to break up the family and she cannot support him on this.  That was such a brutally honest conversation.  Wow.  She would have had to be that strong to marry a man who's dying against her parents' wishes.

But when JH said he needed to have a child with Eun Dong, the lightbulb went on in her head.  How could it not?  This test result may be what she needs to get on EH's side.  She is so morally clear. And courageous to stand up to her own brother she loves.  EH knows that as he didn't argue with her.  He just said, he doesn't expect anyone in the world to be on his side.  There is another brave one.

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Ok guys, I couldn't hold myself in any longer re OTP. I've started a Shippers Thread. Come join in and throw your love and support for uri OTP.:blink: YES, I've officially Gone Crazy! :crazy: (In Love With Them)






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   :rolleyes:   Now, thanks to @seungshinl's recap of the dialogue (p.186) and the videos (p.190) by @Misstwilightfan1416,  plus all the comments here  (pp.181 - 191), I am finally prepared for Viki.com (when it's at least 99% subbed --- soon, I hope! ).  

EDIT:...Viki at 76% at 3:00 PM --- not much longer to wait.   ^_^

PS:... Also see that Choi uses Both hands with ease now!  Held up Rt. hand to shake hands with Rich lady and to hold microphone.  Used left hand to answer phone call from Eun Ho and to grab Eun Dong's forearm when she stood up to leave the table!

 EDIT #2:... @rameennoodles, about shipping actor/screen-couples  ---  Sometimes it can be simply for their chemistry as acting pairs --- for example, in ,the drama KILL ME, HEAL ME (MBC, 2015), the acting pair of Ji Sung & Hwang Jung Eun have great onscreen chemistry  as also seen in their much darker pairing in their drama, SECRET LOVE (KBS2, 2013).     And this pair acknowledge that "chemistry". on TV and in printed  articles.  Ji Sung is happily married and to be a first time father any minute now!  

  I am definitely OK if the love is for this kind of chemistry .   Thinking of some others, for example, John Wayne & Maureen O'Hara,  Spencer Tracy & Katherine Hepburn, etc 

Might work in Real Life too, if the couple are each single!  Why not?  Sort of like  an arranged "blind date"? --- Curious about Choi Ji Woo & Lee Seo Jin in the Grandpas in Greece series though.  Are they for real or not?


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Viki is sub at 66% I have skip though some of the sub version.. I have to say just as I thought the adopted dad told ED when she said she didn't love oppa he slap her and told her I feed and clothed you and turned you into a human you wretch.. OMG What was she before if she wasn't human.. So just like I thought she was his sacrifice her for what he wanted and JH was the cause of that accident he was and emotional wreck because ED wanted out the car she was going to EH and him so busy worried about what he wanted beating the steering wheel and speeding ran a red light and the truck hit them he wasn't trying to shield her they way they got the story going I wonder just what's in that police report.. Will ED ever think to quit believing these lying deceitful and go and read the report herself and see if it match up to what she remember.. But for HA she kind of made me mad she told EH that her patient is having a hard time emotionally because his wife first love for 20 yrs showed back up around her and told her brother not to shake that family and she couldn't support what he's doing EH told her he don't expect nobody support what he's doing and ask if JH could perform his role as a husband to as wife which I also think Eh maybe happy but I thought he thought of RA II parentage but it set alarm bells off for HA so this could be the reason she's doing the DNA to confirm if what she's thinking is true and she could support her brother if RA II turns out to be his.. Also I can't hardly stand to wait for next friday I want to know just what adopted Dad thinks of EH speech telling JH that he shouldn't covet things that don't belongs to him and that includes RA II and he's not waiting another 10yrs for what belongs to him..   

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Guest leaong_stv

RI is definitely EH's son!Anyone noticed in ep9, RI slept with bedroom door opened,his  legs are crossed eventhough he was lying on his back. EH lies on bed crossed legged many times thinking of ED. Like father like son!it's a hint to us that they are related.

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I really nope i don't offend anyone and i'm not targeting anyone specifically but i have always found it odd when people begin to ship actors in real life outside of the show or movie that they star in. I know they're both single and have amazing chemistry but tbh it strikes me as a little weird and kind of disrespectful. It is after all just work for them. This is just my two cents on the topic, again i don't want to make it seem like i'm being rude i just genuinely can't understand the concept. 

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I ship these two, on and off cam... their chemistry on-screen adds a nice flavor to an otherwise overly-used plot.  
i rarely ship OTPs, but these two make me look forward to the next episodes. JJM and KSR, more power to you!

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Eun Dong vs. Eun Dong Hwa

So everyone loved it when Eun Ho yells out 'Eun-Dong-ah (은동아)!" at the end of the big event.

But what DG said to cover up EH's potentially scandalous yell is to say 'he/someone will provide 100 pairs of Woon Dong Hwa (운동화).'  'Woon-Dong ' is to exercise and 'hwa' means shoes. DG was saying he will donate 100 pairs of running shoes!

Eun (은) is different from Woon (운).  Eun has 'eh (ㅡ)' for the vowel and Woon has 'woo (ㅜ)'  for the vowel in case you are interested. The vowel for both words sits in the middle of 'ㅇ' and 'ㄴ.' 

This is also a play by the writer-nim on the netizens. When the name of the drama came out as 'My Love Eun Dong' (there were some other names attached to this drama previously) people were making fun of it as too unsophisticated, too country-ish etc.' and some of them thought it sounded too close to 'woon dong wha' for shoes.  So the writer-nim played on that today for comic relief.  What fun!


And because of that, read many praises to BMK for these epic lines... I guess wr-nim will start hit it big after MLE. Public broadcast drama will surely make their love calls.

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I really nope i don't offend anyone and i'm not targeting anyone specifically but i have always found it odd when people begin to ship actors in real life outside of the show or movie that they star in. I know they're both single and have amazing chemistry but tbh it strikes me as a little weird and kind of disrespectful. It is after all just work for them. This is just my two cents on the topic, again i don't want to make it seem like i'm being rude i just genuinely can't understand the concept. 

I was like you before. I could not understand. Or try to understand.

But that's also because you haven't been bitten by the bug - THE CRAZY SHIPPER'S BUG. For OTP's who are married already, whether one of them or both, I'd not understand the shipping. But for OTP's who are both single and available, I don't see why not. I hope they will end up well with someone they love, with each other even better. 

In fact, this is just the second ship I am on. The first one sank after they've dated one another for a while. But no matter. At least they tried to listen to their hearts.

For KSR and JJM, I really hope they will find someone who loves them, whom they love. They look so awesome together. So, if they fall for each other outside of this drama, that'll be super! And MLED the drama sets me up really bad in this ship.

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Quote @jadecloud :Btw, has anyone already started a JJM/KSR shipping thread? I so wanna ship them (against my better judgement) they are so awesomely electrifying. Lord help us next week when we actually see them KISS! I don't know if I'll be able to sit still, and watch. Let alone do live recap..... :crazy:

Me: Chingu yah, I fear for your sanity and mine too next week! Already today, my heart can't stop going crazy and they haven't even kiss yet!!! Just a glimpse of their kiss for next week already made me smile like a pabo. 

Aigoo, the last time I ship OTP was SoGong! Can we start shipping these two? They both are so low profile despite their popularity that I could barely find any articles abt them. 

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