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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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This the part I missed how did she get the letter he wrote was it the one that he left with the old lady or one she found in the box of her memories..?

it was from that granny^^ and yes regarding the sister of EH ..she was sitting at the table with EH.

i think she was invited by SR .(since SR had also included her in her list of to disclose all secrets )  as to if JH knew ..i wasnt really too sure .



thanks for your translation .and for waking up early to do this ~~.

yes that stare war ..lol ..it seem like several round of battle had been fought (right from that lift door stare ..the war was declared )  ..

just that i feel for the Eun Dong  in between .

was glad she had enough and stood up to leave .! and to shake off that grip from her husband.

she knew it was deliberate plan by JH. that so called husband of hers ..doesn''t know what JE is doing against her heart .now he had ruined it all for himself

her memories .is back ..his role in her past is clear now ..there was no saving of her and getting himself injured ( making himself into a so called hero )  

.that was such a lie .to burden her with his handicap.



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Thanks for all translations and live recaps. I will soon watch it raw. Well can't wait, but with @seungshinl translations it will be worth :) 

However, I'm a bit worried. They will probably get together in the next episodes (11 or 12), but oh Lord, what will happen in the next four? Being together now means a not happy end? I did not want to think about the end now, as many others here I was enjoying de ride - step by step, or ep. by ep. But after the ep 11 preview, suddenly I just became anguished!!! :(


Btw, I really don't think that HA will do somthing wrong. Maybe she will have to keep quiet about RI's paternity, for patient confidenciality rule, but given her character till now, I think it is impossible that she agrees to do something bad. 

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I don't think HA would try to manipulate the DNA test for a couple of reasons: she is a doctor and seems to have high moral standards and she will know that once ED remembers she'll know the truth anyways so manipulating the test would be useless.  She also cares about her brother very much, I can't imagine her betraying him like that.

I also think JH may be talking to HA when we hear him say in the preview "We need to have a baby, we don’t have anything that tie us together", he may not even realize what he is giving away. This may instigate the DNA test.

That ship has sailed for him and I really don't see there being a mood between him and ED in the future that would illicit that statement from him to her.

That ship has sailed for him though regardless of what bodily functions he may recover.  Her lack of chemistry with him has never been about his injury, it's because she never loved him.  Nothing he does will make that emotional connection happen.

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Actually not.  SR could not keep her eyes off of him.  She thought he was eyeing him too.  She couldn't concentrate on her conversation.

At the end he hands her a note which excites her a lot:

BUT the note said:

Your (hotel) coffee sucks.  You should get a new barista !!!  LOOOOOOL

He was never into her.

Yes LOL I just realized what the note said after reading your trans I AM DEAD HAHAHA nice twist

Haha what a man

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Did jh just gave away that he is not ra il father!!

I think he did. So he knew all along that RI isn't his kid! KARMA is coming at ya, JH!!!!

Of course he knew, he never slept with her.

@shae,,  This is what I want to know was JH confiding in HA in confidence and she decided to do a DNA test or did she just out right done a DNA test out of curiosity because of EH asking if he could perform sexually..  Also was this SR plan to have her there at the interview because it still looks like JH don't know that they are siblings and she shouldn't have been there in the first place because to much of his medical history could have revealed a lot to EH then..   

She's his doctor, everything discussed is supposed to be privileged. She should've bowed out as soon as she realized the conflict of interest of being the relative of the man who may potential steal her patient's wife. She stands to lose her license and possibly a huge lawsuit, if JH ever goes that route; he would win.

Yeah. putting ED out there as the face of JH wife in the media plus the addition of Sister Doc is her plan. I think she (SR) realizes somewhere that EH's personal fame does not mean much to him beyond the vehicle to get ED back. SO her chess movie is to tie up his queen  and bishop (hah, my dad would be proud). What she doesn't know is how far he may be willing to go or seen his true temper.

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Translation of speeches of CJH & JEH at the Hotel Event

CJH gets on the stage first

JH Hello I’m CJH, unable to play since the accident, found out his rival gave up falling into slump after I retired and he’s here (yaddi yaddi yadda) introduces Yoichi (sp?).

JH: The reason I haven’t given up hope is my wife. 

JH: If you will let me I would like to call her up


ED gets on the stage

JH: We loved like fate and with love we’ve gone through the hardship

JH: for that I will do anything to protect wife, no matter what they are

JH: The actor JEH is here.  if it’s ok with you could we hear congrats note from him


Eun Ji Ho’s speech

EH hello I’m JEH

EH thanks for inviting me to this meaningful place

EH I wish for CJH’s recovery.  His place is not here but in the ground.

EH: I will also find my place.  I will not reverse.  I will not throw an empty ball.

EH: It’s a fair play.  Nothing is certain in life.  I didn’t know I’d have to wait for 10 years.

I will not wait.  10 years yes I will find it.  It was nothing special  I learned a lot looking at CJH.  You should covet things that belong to to get.  And to get what you want you may have to be ruthless

  • EH back in his seat
  • stare-fest begins

What will adopted dad JH and SE will do now because he's more determine and they have never seen or know the bad side of him only the manger knows he will go off behind ED been that way since they were young.. These people have no clue and telling them he will not wait another 10 yrs and he will be as ruthless as they come..  But loved the comment he made to JH he's not throwing dead balls I took that to mean two ways.. LOL   I wonder will adopted dad will suggest for them to leave the country again or will it be SR to suggest it and sponsor it..

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Look at him!! Those eyes say it all! They're glowing! JJM's eyes are sooo expressive, just look at his eyes and you can feel all of Hyun Soo's emotions bottled up inside! Seeing the woman he loves, finally being with her.. there's nothing else in the world that matters more to Hyun Soo



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She was there! 20s ED looking for HS!

Writer-nim you are so fantastic.  I love it!


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Thank you writer-nim you are the best best best!


In that flashback of the car accident in EP 10

ED is in the car and yells 'STOP THE CAR !' when JH runs right through the red light and gets hit by the truck.  ED remembers this when she's reading the letter.


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Btw, this may be a silly and ignorant question....with JH asking HA he ought to have a kid with ED now...does it mean that when a para recovers the use of hands, that the other bodily function is resumed too? 

I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR JH. He is beyond any vulgar description. I now think JH is THE ONE who manipulated stepdad Seo and others into his ill-concieved evil plan. Although stepdad Seo is just as evil, somehow his hatred for ED is evident. If it wasn't solely for financial reasons, I believe what @valsava posted a while back about 'an eye for an eye' from stepdad to ED could have been the reason why he was so mean and cruel to ED. 



@jadecloud,  To me all evidence is pointing that JH and adopted father did this to her out of spite..  For JH she loves another man and for adopted dad his dream.. Adopted dad was finally going to be able to live his dream through JH.. Otherwise if he cared anything for her he wouldn't have tied her to this man knowing he couldn't take care of her like a man is supposed to support his family..    

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tonight episode is very heartwarming i enjoy... and my favorite scene when EH shout the name ED..... YESSSSSS!!!!!

but i feel more excited for the next episode11 OMG... KISS....KISS..KISS we've waiting for.... :wub:

ask favor again@seungshinl... translation please...please... please... thanks and lots of love from me... thank you.....

Yes, EH yells out "Eun Dong-ah" at the Sponsor Event and the episode ends with Eun Dong calling out 'Hyun Soo oppa'  And the kiss in preview !

Thank you writer - nim.

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about the sister ..hmm i do feel abit werid when she answered EH question on if JH still can perform as a man . i think as a rule you shouldnt be talking about it with external party 

that EH keep saying he just need to ask one question .....and that he need to know ..or want to know ~~....(and btw  i think he was way too relieved or happy when he know the answer which was too amusing .."" ..I am still my eun dong only man ..~~!! .,,,,gosh i think i even know what going in his mind...i can read his heart too well now ) 



anyway i think the sister is feeling too much for the patient .hm and on one side i wish for her sake .that  she have been thinking she has let her parents down .she wont want her obba to do the same also 

but somehow ..i hope she will see also that JH is really not what she assumed he is ..a man whose heart is so tired out by all these happenings .

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EH confirms with his sister that JH is not sexually active.  His expressions at first like, "Ed is really pitiful to have a husband like that". But after he enters his van, he has a satisfied smile like "thank god, my ED is not sleeping with her husband".  OMG!!!!! deabak!!!! JJM FTW

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Preview of EP 11:


ED: i want to go back to 10 years ago

jH: We need to have a baby, we don’t have anything that tie us together

ED: oppa Hyun Soo oppa

EH: have you waited for long

ED:  you are the one who really waited for a long time

[sorry I couldn’t concentrate from their kiss]

Squeal!!!  *passes out*  

Can't wait!!  Thanks so much for all the translation @seungshinl!!! (the ones so far and all the future ones, thank you very much!)

What is with JH wanting a baby tho.....??!!  Definitely not something they tell you to do in therapy!!

This confirm a 100% Ra il is not JH's baby :)

JH was saying this to the Dr.  He wants to have a baby with JE (as in they never had one!)


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In the previews is EH's sister doing a DNA testing switch?

@honeywell,  I don't think she's doing a test switch I think it's more that she's trying to satisfy her own curiosity, or maybe JH brought two samples of his own DNA to try and pass RA II off as his.. I don't think HA would be that evil and cruel to deny her own brother of his child after all he's done for her in her widow mother life..  I just can't see HA also robbing him of his son life that was done by two people once before and I hope she don't join the crusade it would be just to cruel not only is she robbing her brother but her parents daughter and herself..     

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Are JJM and KS married in real life?  They really do look good together.  I would ship them if they got together. 

But wow HS/EH looked like a teenager as he was holding ED's face in the preview.  I'm amazed of how much he can change his facial expression in an instant.

As much as I don't want to see it but I think we're gonna see some back history of who JH really is to ED prior to the accident. 

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And KSR's leg bend alittle, like a girl being kiss by her crush or prince charming...omg!! 

My ovaries is singing! I can hear unicorns singing! Hallelujah indeed! 

Gahhhh....I can't stay still! I'm too excited!! And it's only a preview kiss! Can't wait for the rest. 

Thanks for the recaps!! Y'all made my day even though ep 10 was painful, it is sooo satisfying! 

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Ahhhh!!  Woke up to late.  Thanks for all recaps.   So I was right that the cart moment was the first time they really met.  I was surprise with the 20s ED reveal though.  So the bike incident during their 20s might not have been coincidental.s

The scene with the 'handcart' is the first time ED sees HS:

New Flashback ‘the handcart’

HS: ‘hang on’

HS moves ED aside and grabs the back of the handcart  

ED comes to help

ED staring at HS

After the job is done

HS gets on the motor bike and goes off


After that, she almost gets hit at an intersection (first scene of them we saw in EP 1)


she recognizes him

he carries her to her home on his back


ED:  Granny that high school student.

GR: yes

ED if a man was an angel that’s how he would look like that oppa.

[so sweet......she fell in love with him at first sight]


At the police station

ED: i was going home

ED it rained

ED: i was running without umbrella

ED: i fell

ED: i fell on my own

ED: i didn’t get hit by a motor bike

ED: it was slippery so i fell

ED: he took me to hospital on his back

ED: he did nothing wrong

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I believe they've gone way too far in showinghow chaste ED and JH's marriage is. JH's soldiers can march, their jeep's tire is flat.:phew:


But in a real situation, there are sex classes for working around your disability, they are often prescribed or referred kinda like Lamaze or Lactation Consulting holds hands with Ob/GYN. I'm sure are "cutting Edge", "Progressive thinking", Doc, would've prescribed this or brought it up in the course of JH's treatment. A concerned doctor would ask the question of "how's things going at home?" , to see if your patient is getting the support at home; which has been proven to help with recovery. And, also I'd like to add unfortunately people in the best relationships before an accident or major illness tend to see a breakdown of it, and often, abuse.

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Are JJM and KS married?  They really do look good together.   But wow HS/EH looked like a teenager as he was holding ED's face in the preview.  I'm amazed of how much he can change his facial expression in an instant.

Both are single :)


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