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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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This is Yura Minor gallery at DCINSIDE

You can check out motion pictures of Yura from Tasty Road EP8, enjoy~

Yura's latest news also updates here in her gallery besides girlsdaygallery.(http://gall.dcinside.com/board/lists/?id=girlsday)

Please give more interest in her~

and Her Tasty Road Ep 10 will be on air noon in KST which is 6 hours and 55 min left.

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hoowwdyy my lovely fam.,.:blush: here subbed happy2gether.,.thax for subbed it's touching yet entertaining as always,.,enjoy watching,.

our ah young got reunion with Eric Nam and her Fan boy here link StarKing ep 446 subbed:wub:



PS: does our ah young's story sound familiar**ppsssttt her diet story to be exact,.hv u heard it before :phew::Dwell tell me if u remember glad to hear her full story here,.,.:lol::lol: btw i read on IG our Jong going to MCing sport program **i dont remember the name mian again congratulatiiooonnsss **clap100x yoow jjong many project u hv waiting to be released hopping for soon.,.our jjongaah n jjongaholics manseeeee!!!:wub::wub: GN

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Guest maulida88

where is everyone :D

instagram updates from our lovely couple







and how this picture taken

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Hey all!!

I've been hiding in my cave for SO freaking LONG! *hello darkness my old friend....I've come to talk with you again....because a vision softly creeping.. OK NUFF OF THAT!*

What is sun? What is life? What is .. aaaaaair?! I don't know!!


But I'm here, alive, and still shipping JjongAh. TADAAAAAA


So many updates from them since my last post (I was in a cave with internet), and I saw that some of you updated us; thank you very much for doing that!

The biggest news from Jjong is that he totally rocked the runway in China, and he landed an MC position in Top Gear Korea! Pretty awesome hu?!

As for Yura, she appeared in Superman returns (the twins and people, birds, universe in general, adored her!!), had a photoshoot for Nylon Korea, and still being a total babe in Tasty Road.


Their 2nd anniversary is coming up next, what do you guys want to do? Last year we made "cards" with a specific design and posted them on social medias. Do you want to do the same thing this year?




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heyyhooo.,.,long time noo see :grimace: r u guys still around:lol: mee ?? dont worry i do lurk sometime hee,.,

ooohhh,.,reading abt u guys planing our jjongah anniv calls me here :D:D

am willing to in once ur jjongaholics theres no way back its gonna be fun,.,i'd love to see jjongaholics creative arts like last year also can this plan keep it simple or will be given some tutorial at least:anguished: :dizzy:  kinda embarassing but just to know am still strugling with tech things :phew: #barewithmee #thaxforbeingconsiderate

ok update with ur plan please,.mean time ill be wandering around,.,here,.,as always:wub: miss u guys much smoocchhh:heart::wub:

bcs of our friends shared MV link leads me to this vid,..

wwhhyyy amm iii smiling alonee watching this,.,aaww theyre too cuteee.,.:wub::wub:our jjongah adorably cuteee:blush:


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Aloha Jjongah Shippers! I'm back! hahaha... Anyways, I have a good news! Looks like Yura will be in drama in TVN with Ha Seokjin. First broadcast will be in July! Please stay tune! 


Yura in Nylon magazine... So sexy!!

cr: http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1110414366







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So happy with all the good news from our Jonghyun and Yura ^-^ I cant believe its going to be two years since these two beautiful people met...should I make an edit for their anniversary?.....haha here is my latest one ^-^



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@MaryH haha your posts put a smile on my face every time! I can't wait to celebrate their second anniversary. Time goes by so quickly hu? I'm happy that they are keeping in touch and that they both are getting new projects.

@molaihawaii YESH!! Yura in new drama! This is what we hoped for! I know she will do great and I hope more people will love her like we do! She has a good heart, a smart brain, and an amazing body.. speaking of body.  DAUMN that Nylon photoshoot! *phew* Jjong, are you alive? hahaha thanks for sharing, as always! :D

@rawr915 your Photoshop skills are getting better and better! Your IG is filled with amazing manipulations already. Keep up the good work! gosh.. can you believe that I too started with photo manipulation? It's not my forte anymore, but I do have some tips if you are interested? Adjust the colors so Yura's skin and Jjong's skin go with each other. They are not supposed to have the same skin color, because Jjong has clearly darker skin color than Yura, but they should have the same kind of lighting and darkness. Another thing you can think about is the edges after cutting them. Blend the edges so they merge with the background by utilizing different tools and functions. Again, keep the manips coming you amazing woman!!!


Let's do the card and hashtag event for Jjong's second anniversary people!!! Give me some input!

What should we use as our hashtags? I suggest having two hashtags!

What kind of design should we use for our card?

Quickly! We don't have much time! Let's do this!!!!! :glasses:

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Hi JjongAholics! It has been a while since I visited the thread and am glad that the thread still goes on despite only having few posters.

So excited for the card and hashtag event on JJongAh's anniversary!

For those who are following The One You never See Coming JjongAh fanfic on AFF here is the last update: 




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Ok, here are some ideas for card template:






I personally like the first one, A. It's a very simple grid and many apps have that. But I want to know what you think :)

As for the hashtags, here are my inputs:





Once we have decided on the template and hashtags, I'll post a small tutorial on how to make a simple card. Hope you can give me some feedback ASAP!!!

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@anniepanda I love your idea, card wait for Jjongah 2nd anniversary

Hard to choose the template...for me A or B would be nice.. the hash tag #jjongah2ndAnniversary 

Jjongaholics fighting!



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Dear Jjongaholics!

Our couple's 2nd anniversary is just around the corner, and it's time to prepare the gifts!! Spread the word far and wide!! (no really, just tell everyone ok?)


1) Make "cards" with the chosen template in mind. The dimensions should be a standard Instagram square (640x640 pixels, I think) with three roughly equal sections, like shown below. You are free to do whatever you want within these sections, so please go wild with the creativity!  The template is very simple and can be found on many applications, like "No Crop." You can also write a personal message on the card or in your post. When you are done with the final products, post them on social medias.


Here's a VERY simple card that can be viewed as an example :



2) When posting your card(s), please use these hashtags:

#JjongaholicsInternational and #JjongAh2ndAnniversary

It is VERY important that you use these two hashtags because we want to let JjongAh know that they have supporters from all over the world, united as one. You are free to tag Jjong and Yura if you want.



On May 28 (party all day!!! and kids can stay up late!)



Social medias and here in this thread (although I'm sure the main party will be on Instagram). Remember to post amazing cards here too, ok?


Let's do thiiiiis!!!


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