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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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i'm too excited with YOF...

Based on their real life characters...RJY will definitely be the leader given that he is the oldest of the four.

AJY would be the mood maker...he is like spongebob i think...a carefree heart with tons of Positiveness

GJP is the good guy..

and Bogummie is the baby of the group just like his character TK

PBG is close with GJP, so i want to see more interactions between him and the other two hyungs


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I've always liked Park Bogum and I really liked his latest interview. I bet the writer wished she was there to edit his comments lol. I like that he was honest about who he thought the husband was too. Made me realise that myself and some others are not somewhat "delusional" as others like to put it. 

Can't wait for YOF to air, shame about the girls not being there :( All the interactions between the men and women are so lovely bts. It's like seeing a big group of friends hanging out together. 

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PBG is a great diplomat as I can see. Very clever of him..like his character in Reply. By the way I do not quite understand why he could think that a kiss was a dream if they shoot the scene when DS was sitting next to him and hadn't  left the room. He had to know that DS was lying him in the scene next morning).  

I'm taking off my hat to the writer and director of the drama. They played a big game. And I'm fond of the result))) 


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@Rosemary83  He explained that. Too lazy to find the interview, but I think it was in the TaekSun thread.  Anyway, they did shoot the part where she was sitting next to him obviously, but he didn't have the rest in his script. They don't know how things work out until the ep. airs.  He didn't know about the adult actors at all for example since it's not in his script.  So, he has no real idea what Deok-Sun is doing/feeling. He didn't know she was lying when she said it or the other part she filmed. Every husband actor also didn't find out until the end as well.  I think RJY knew he wouldn't be the husband before Bogum knew he would be, so they really like to keep the actors in the dark. 

While he's saying he thought JH would be the husband at first (before Taek started to spend time with DS), he also didn't know the full story, so it's not unreasonable for him to say so.  I also think he's being diplomatic.  Both he and Hyeri were really careful with their interviews... I like in the end he said DS should marry who made her happy.  Those were his ultimate feelings about the end. 

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Hey @Rosemary83 glad you brought this up.. PBG's despair for his character TK is completely understandable as he was kept in the dark until EP19, if you were rooting for TK it's amazing to discover that PBG's journey to finally learning about DS' love for TK is as much as the same as ours.  Helping @melissala out. Here's a translation from @snolaxy


when did you know that you are handsome/good looking?  *starts to smile like Taek* .. sometimes when i look at the mirror.. i'll think to myself.. Ahhh thank you! Dad, Mum thank you! 

previously RJY mentioned that he tried auditioning for Taek. PBG said he is the opposite, he cannot act JH's character. during audition when they asked if he can curse, he cant and started to panic as he really wanted to be in this drama. any other character from reply 1988 that he feels he can try? pd said that from DS to jinjoo, everyone is the main lead. pd is really good at choosing actors/actresses. getting a character that fits you is a gift.

he managed to capture pd's heart with his tears. during audition, he acted out reply 1994 crying scene of Chilbong calling his mom in the telephone booth. pd told him the original Choi Taek is very different. after he was chosen, the character changed a lot. although he doesnt know how the original Choi Taek is like, he is just grateful to have met this Choi Taek.

talking about the fame after reply 1988 and the 'reply curse'. pd told them that is a side that he feels apologetic  (to them) for. pbg doesnt let that bother him too much, it is already a 'family honor' to be chosen, thankful for the opportunity.

other than Yeo Jin Goo, he also hopes to work again with the reply 1988 family. in the drama he spent a lot of time alone, it's a pity. 

if he has a sister, which character from reply 1988 will he introduce to her? i want to introduce everyone! if i have a sister, i will definitely dress her up nicely and buy her pretty clothes.

at home, he is the maknae, has one older brother and one older sister. found out from parents he is an 'unplanned' child. he gets a lot of love at home, when he wanted to be an actor, there was no objections and they all hope he can meet good works. his dad said if you remove 1 from 10, it becomes 0. meaning even if you do 10 good things, if you fail in just one, it becomes nothing. 

did the pd give special instructions for the princess hug scene? pd said to show a different side of Taek, the point is to portray a man that you can depend on. it was really cold that day, Taek's clothes are really thin, Hyeri is really light. *laughs*

what type of girls do you like? someone who takes good care of me, learn from each other, care for each other, can help fill each other in areas lacking. someone who is like a friend, at times like a mother, at times like a sister, i like this feeling. havent been in a lot of relationship, he is the type to maintain long relationship. last relationship is before debut. how about girls like DS? of course (i'll like). she is lively and cheerful, and is so good to Taek, whether as a friend or woman, i'll like.

difference between him and Taek, he doesnt know how to play baduk, but he knows how to tie shoelace. he never tried to find out about the script but hyeri did and said she found out in ep16. she was shocked, dizzy and amazed. 16-17 years of feelings that is piled up slowly, other than baduk, his friends are everything, one can feel Taek's love and heart without the need of any explanation.

he only know he is the husband near ep 19-20. there are a lot of things hidden from us in the script, he even thought the dream kiss is a dream. DS and his script are different. his script only has DS asking what dream and then off to school. he later found out extra details for DS's expressions and inner emotions are only in DS's script. they were also given scripts with the adult scenes torn away.

after returning from phuket, he was kidnapped after mubank, he thought they were going home as it is the same route, but he ended up at the airport again. when he saw na pd it feels like seeing a star/celebrity. an honor to be in YOF, he used to imagine to be on a reality variety show at least once, now dream has come true. in the drama he didnt have a lot of scenes with the hyungs, managed to get closer thanks to this trip, to him that's the biggest gift.

between love and friendship, which will he choose? he has thought of this question before. if the person he loves marry his best friend, it would be a really really big shock/hit, so he will choose love.

any NGs for the kissing scene? yup when their nose got into the way lol


Can be found here on the SunTaek thread

And another excerpt from translation by @chickfactor

- Script distribution was strict, they always only received their own parts. That is why he thought that his first kiss with DS was a dream. He thought the husband would kiss DS, but in the next scene while he's drinking milk, he says the line, "When did you leave last night?" and she replies, "Right away (after you fell asleep.)" How DS feels (conflicted after the kiss) was only in the script given to her, so he only found out that the kiss was real after watching the finished drama.

Full trans here

PD-nim is one sneaky bastard. But brilliant. :D

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20 hours ago, melissala said:

@Rosemary83  He explained that. Too lazy to find the interview, but I think it was in the TaekSun thread.  Anyway, they did shoot the part where she was sitting next to him obviously, but he didn't have the rest in his script. They don't know how things work out until the ep. airs.  He didn't know about the adult actors at all for example since it's not in his script.  So, he has no real idea what Deok-Sun is doing/feeling. He didn't know she was lying when she said it or the other part she filmed. Every husband actor also didn't find out until the end as well.  I think RJY knew he wouldn't be the husband before Bogum knew he would be, so they really like to keep the actors in the dark. 

While he's saying he thought JH would be the husband at first (before Taek started to spend time with DS), he also didn't know the full story, so it's not unreasonable for him to say so.  I also think he's being diplomatic.  Both he and Hyeri were really careful with their interviews... I like in the end he said DS should marry who made her happy.  Those were his ultimate feelings about the end. 

I think this method of distributing information on set is so helpful to the actors. It allows them not to get too far ahead of the character in knowledge.

I think weeks back people were bemoaning the fact that RJY didn't know the ending and complaining that it was a hostile work environment where the creative team didn't seem to trust the actor and was keeping the information away from them to protect the project from being ruined by spoilers..

Since most actor are human being the information they know can affect their work, even if the character doesn't know it.  In plays when you usually know the ending but you have a longer rehearsal period to break the possibility of "playing in ending" halfway through the play. 

Actors on a series have less rehearsal time [but they do have the possibility of doing a retake which is not possible in a live performance].

So by keeping the information away from actors the creative team kept them in that bubble of uncertainty human being naturally live in. For instance, like most people, I never know how any meeting I go into will end.  You go in to talk about A and spend all your time talking about B. [Thanks for that experience my dear chair :blush:]

It also makes sense that PGB thought the dreamlike kiss was a dream, because that is what Taek knew.  Hyeri knew differently because DS knew differently.

This is, again, one of my worldviews that I expect to be unpopular but forums are for diversity of ideas civilly expressed. Here goes:

When a character story is over, he exits the stage, sometimes pursued by a bear. [Yeah I'm talking to you Antigonus.]

I loved the acting throughout, and most of the story in Oh My Venus, but really that story was over their first Christmas together- before the car crash, yet the camera kept rolling and the creative team just kept making up things that told us very little more about the characters or their relationship.

After JH's confession his story was over, he had learned the lesson he needed to learn at that stage of his life, that "The fault, dear Jungpal, is not in our stars, But in ourselves," and that fault was his persistent failure to act. That was the arc of his coming of age story

Everyone seem to be in agreement that JH and his story was given a lot of and perhaps a disporportional amount of screen time in the early part of DS memory. [Are we agreed that this is primarily a story told from DS (and Taek's) memory?]  

If that is so, structurally it makes perfect sense that JH presence diminished after his confession--because he stopped being relevent toDS's life since she had chosen her life-partner and it wasn't him. Like Walt's death in The World According to Garp it makes sense that Walt disappears corporeally and that JH presence retreats, no matter how much it enrages the audience. 

Indeed after the confession JH was more significant to Taek (who visited him) than he was to DS who had consigned him to fond or less than fond memories of her high-school crushes.  She probably doesn't visit those memories too frequently since her "relationship" with JH was on par with her relationship with SW and SW is now her brother-in-law. Going back to that time is probably a little "eewww."

At some point it seems as if the story was being told from JH's perspective and someone on the thread made the case that JH was the husband because there was so much of the information about JH's behavior had to come from JH. Well it did come from JH when he confessed his action to DS, not the specifics per se, but creative liscense allowed the writer and pd to fill it in.

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13 hours ago, Rosemary83 said:

PBG is a great diplomat as I can see. Very clever of him..like his character in Reply. By the way I do not quite understand why he could think that a kiss was a dream if they shoot the scene when DS was sitting next to him and hadn't  left the room. He had to know that DS was lying him in the scene next morning).  

I'm taking off my hat to the writer and director of the drama. They played a big game. And I'm fond of the result))) 



I think Park Bogum thought that the sequence where DS sitting beside Taek and looking lovingly at Taek is part of the dream sequence. He didn't now that those scenes were only from DS's perspective and will be eventually shown in ep19. 

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My friends here were disappointed jh was not the husband as they fell in love with him during the first episodes. But im glad, it wasn’t him. Not because I don’t like him but it would have made reply 1988 predictable. I also miss JH in the finale as we did not know if he had married too or what life had been for him. But then I realized, the main OTP (dukseon + taek, are they the main otp???), did not even have a wedding or we did not even get to see how they got permission for their relationship. 2016 dukseon had even mentioned that 2 sisters in law from same family was even a greater issue than the same surname. And I would have loved to see more lovey dovey scenes from them. But anyways, since I did not focus on the husband-hunting this time around, I got to really, really love the stories of reply 1988. And I realized, this is my favorite among the 3 reply series. 

The stories about families and neighbors are so heartwarming and realistic that I literally missed my childhood neighborhood. I also loved how they showed how parents are when they’re getting old. Menopause and retirement are inevitable facts of life but I never thought of it so much. I thought my parents would just get through it naturally. Never imagined it was a difficult time for them as they did not say anything about it. And my favorite is bora’s relationship with her dad. Gosh, they always brought me to tears. 

Im really glad that I did not focus on the husband-hunting. I learned my lesson well because it ruined reply 1994 for me. And the production team really made a good job of taking the limelight out of the husband hunting. There was less trolling and 2016 scenes and more stories on the parents and friendships. 

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Replay Reply 1988 #4, Brothers

"Hyung's dream is to be Maradona. I made a promise for hyung. I told him I would become Maradona in his place. From now on I would work harder on soccer."

"Junghwan-ah, hyung don't like it if you go to air force academy because of me. For my dongsaeng, I would like it if you can do what you really want to do. That is hyung's wish".

Seriously, these two... :")  *recalls JB calling JH "saranghaneun dongsaeng-ah..."

BGM: Travel sketch - A Star is Falling/Falling Star. This song is really good.

Live version and a remake:


Live ver

Remake by Sung Sikyung


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On Saturday, February 06, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Rosemary83 said:

PBG is a great diplomatiic. Very clever of him..like his character in Reply 1988. By the way I do  not quite understand why he could think that a kiss was a dream if they shoot the scene when DS was sitting next to him and hadn't  left the room. He had to know that DS was lying him in the scene next morning).  

I'm taking off my hat to the writer and director of the drama. They played a big game. And I'm fond of the result))) 


He's just keeping up with Baduk Ettiquette . He gets the girl, doesn't he, so no matter what he says he is still the husband. And honestly he was complementing actor RJY for his heartfelt performance, not questioning nor disagreeeing with the PD/Writer decisions on the husband.

He obviously know he has 50℅ chance of being the husband, right  after SW was out of the competition, and right from the start he was seated next to HR during the cast special interview plus many of his & HR bts must have give him some idea, but as he said he doesn't want to think much about it and just focus to do the best he could to deliver his character. 

Anyway if he said he's confident he's the husband won't it make him looks like he has grown horns? :) Yeah Baduk Etiquette comes in handy in time like this... 

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Im a very late bloomer with Reply 1988! i cant even put my words to how to express my feelings!

but i can say that SD is one hell of a very lucky girl! hahahaha

I am Team Teak all the way but my heart is also Team Junghwan.. am i weird? am i confused? what can i do.. i know Junghwan is really madly inlove with SD but like what he said perfect timing... the there is Taek.. damn Park Bo Gum! what have you done to me?! hahaha

i just wanna share my thoughts with the ending... i know for sure i have the same sentiments with other fans.. but i just need to let it out. i love the series.. i cried and laugh with them.. but why so little scenes of taek and DS at the last ep. i know Bora san sunwoo married but, it's a diffrent story.. they should have given as more story or scenes of them after the wedding.. like howor when did Taek and SD told their parents.. or how did the gang know their a couple... really i am sad! really really sad :( even i know they ended up together.. still we need more "moments" and Junghwan.. awww my poor Junghwan :( come to me.. hahaha

How i wish. well i know many wishes this too.. to have a special episode solely Taek and SD or a new series for Bo gum and Hyeri hahaha! is that too much to ask? but i miss Taek and the gang :( re watching it at night still gives me the same feels!


hope to befriend with everyone here! Happy Chinese New Year! :)

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I was searching for photos on Google and then suddenly I came across this photo ...

(sorry if its been posted before)


Yes I know it's not related to the OTP stuffs and so on but she's still a character in R88, right? Can we just take a moment and admire this photo? LOL SHE LOOKS JUST THE SAME EVEN UNTIL NOW. Our forever Ra-yeosanim in her youth days ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Love her so much. 

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On 5 February 2016 at 7:41 AM, iloveenglishsub said:

Your #taekhwan wish has been granted! 


Really like the scene where JH and TK walk together and JH ties TK's shoelace. The bts clip above is mushy~

Everything changed when TK confessed he liked DS. Changed when TK found out JH liked DS. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked...*Avatar the legend of aang reference*

  Reveal hidden contents





Gomawo for realising my love for this cute ship. Definitely my OTP. 

Step aside DS... Let this two love birds have their private time (kidding kidding). :P


21 hours ago, Boranoona said:

@iloveenglishsub lol I am boarding that cute ship too !!! 

And i can't wait for Youth Over Flowers :D



Welcome aboard to this cute ship.

Supporting your hubby's step-brother and your neighbour aye? 


19 hours ago, carolinedl said:

A photo of some of the cast in Thailand! Yep, it's always better to use protection! :)


My mind just went to another place when you said that.... /byuntae mode activated/



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