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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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still R97 has the best ending...so sad for junghwan...i was looking for him the whole episode :bawling: how come there is no ending for him. He suddenly became nobody in this episode...though i dont really care whose DS gonna end up with but i still love Junghwan...his character is the one i look for in every episode...he's caring, adorable and responsible..i thought i will not be dissapointed again this time since i didnt ship anyone with the lead girl...but hey here i am feeling R94 *after my ship sunk tragically* all over again...anyway Reply series are still my favourite :heart:

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2 hours ago, katerose. said:

PD Shin has just broke his "Reply Monument" by releasing ep 19th n 20th of Reply 1988.

Absolutely wasted with no logic n no final :)))) What?? Even it's Teak, it must be more to be aired!! He stand still from Teak refused all abt his relationship with DS in front of full SsangMunDong gangs =)). It's so funny ^^

You see, I just for seconds thought the same but what's important is DS-TK loved each other (the car scene). I think that is just enough explanation for me

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i'm rewatching episode 18 when JH confessed to DS.

he is being all sincere, but JH is aware of DS's action.

DS not saying anything when he said all those sweet words. she felt burdened with JH's confession.


there's a moment of silence after he said he LOVE her. but DS,not replying him.


so that's why, JH said all of those words are jokes. there are not reflections of his on DS's eyes, which means.. DS didn't have feeling for him as man. she kept stare at door whenever the bell are ringing. JH know at that time, the person DS's has feeling with.

just like DS thought when she lied to TK about the kiss, she said "I didn't want to awkward around you, so i lied."

JH is also didn't want their relationship to awkward either.

the ring is indeed for DS (not DR lol). 


but DS is not accepting that, so JH is leave that ring on the pub. also the meaning, he letting his feeling towards DS.

about JH and DS stop interactions after the confessions, i don't think that's true.

they are friends for decades at all.. maybe because JH is back-and forth to Sangcheon and he kept himself being busy.  that's how their boundary became larger.


this post was an appreciation for the coolest man to be, Jungpali. Salute!

hope you will find the girl (in other drama) soon...

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6 minutes ago, Yujin Kim said:

You see, I just for seconds thought the same but what's important is DS-TK loved each other (the car scene). I think that is just enough explanation for me

Well, TK did not even really deny DS to the parents.  He was pretty clever and didn't really lie. 

credit : 

NL: See, the atmosphere between the two of them has changed!
JH Dad: Why are the two of you together?
DS Mom: The two of you. That news report. Its not true right?
TK Dad: Taek-ah. The two of you, is it true? Its not true right?
SW Mom: The report was false right? The dating news was not true right?
DS Dad: The news report was not true right?

TK: No. You know how it is like between the two of us, right?
Parents: Aigooo.
TK: Does it look like our relationship has changed?
JH Dad: Of course not. The relationship the two of you have, its not like you've only known each other for 1-2 days. 

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I would still recommend R88 to anyone who's looking for a good drama recommendation. Overall its a very good written drama, with a lot of heartfelt scenes between the families and their children. 

If they ever say that they like this character or that character, I'd just advise them... "don't fall too hard" 

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I love that Taek is the husband but I am very dissatisfied with the ending. All the viewers ask for is the wrap up of all the beloved characters so all they had to do is what everyone is up to now but they didn't give us that.  I was waiting for more of Jung Hwan and his happy ending and Dong Ryong as well. Or even show us that all the parents moved into the same apartment building again or something.  That woulda taken 10 mins max and they couldn't even give us that not even a line referencing them. I was also expecting more out of Taek and Deok Seon scenes together as well instead of flashbacks on scenes that we've already seen

I still love the drama as a whole but really wish the ending would have been better 

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Reading the live re-cap and taking a quick gander at the raws I came away thinking.

i) I knew Taek loved [child's version granted] DS since the broken arm piggyback, and perhaps before.  I knew Taek was special among the boys to DS from the start.

ii) It makes sense to focus on BR's marriage because her's was the marriage the would have had obstacles to overcome. Also BR's relationship with her family had so many things that were unspoken/unexpressed.

iii) I didn't need a wedding a Taek-DS. I would have like to see the reveal to the family, even though the foundation for the family's response/acceptance to their relationship had already been put in place with actions (by Taek's Dad) and joke (DS's parents). But knowing Taek-DS they will probably keep meeting in the open until their names are permanently linked and probably walk down the aisle before acknowledging they are dating.  Which would be true to form since their "i love you-s" came well into their dating life after it was well and securely known by both.

Love BR Wedding dress. The silhouette looks faux Tudor will less elaborate sleeves than Anne Seymour's wedding dress.




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has this been posted? ot5 :bawling:


Inside that awkward expression when we first met
Even though it’s hard to talk in a casual way and we hesitated
Many days being covered inside music
Now it became a sense of frustration that we cannot return
Now is the time that each of us will have to leave
Turn away, leaves the sense of frustration
But time will makes us meet again
It’s too bad but wait till then
We gather in a small room on any cold winter day
Now the song that we used to sing
It become small song buried in our memory
But it’s forever in our heart
Good bye is not forever part away
It’s a promise for us to meet again
The time when we were together
It lingers as a memory
And we have to find our way to go and leave

translation source:http://ktranslate.tumblr.com/post/137420983908/160116-actor-lee-dong-hwi-by-dlehdgnl-%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%B2%98%EC%9D%8C

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Reply 1988 has come to an end, an ending that's bittersweet for me. Whilst Im bitter that its ended and wish that it could be extended, I'm happy that it's been a good run through the show. 

Thank you to all the live recappers, photos, videos illustration, news posters and all who has contributed your thoughts, theories and fan-tasies to tide the long days between episodes.

While I'm truly happy that Taektanic didn't sink and sailed as I was initially convinced that JH was the husband (I guess the writers had us fooled at the start) i began to be won over by the sweet thoughtfulness of TK and I became increasingly frustrated at JH noble idiocy and finally when we had the confirmation in Ep19 with the hotel kiss scene, bedroom not a dream scene confirmed and 2015 scene confirming husband is Taek, all the childhood, growing up and development of their friendship to lovers began to make sense. I won't wax lyrical about the couple as I have done so in the Bogum x Hyeri chat, you can go over to read if you'd like. 

What I was to gush here is how amazing Reply 1988 is. For that I was to thank the writers, cast and crew for bringing to life the 5 families and the dozen seemingly ordinary yet extraordinary individuals each with their own unique characteristics, loves, fears and stories to tell. While I was honestly obsessed about the "husband hunt" and dying to know who it would be, I was taken by the camaraderie between the 5 kids, DS, SW, JH, DR & TK. How casual yet heartwarming it is to watch them gather in TK room to celebrate birthdays, watch music shows, dance, chat, sleep.

The relationships between parents and children. I teared while reading about BR dad wearing the shoes even though it was oversized, and BR tearing when she saw her dad wore it. And the letter that they wrote to each other. I loved the father and son scenes between TK and his dad as well as with SW. I love how sweet TK and dad are towards each other. And how SW begins to accept TK dad slowly as a father figure through catch ball and giving him the father title at his wedding. Not forgetting to mention TK dad playing with Jin Joo makes for some of the cutest scenes too. 

I love watching JH mum fussing over JB and JH, cooking up a storm for them and the neighbourhood because that's her way of showing her love and affection and it was gratifying seeing JH messing up the house just so JH mum could feel she was needed in the household. I don't love how poor DS family was at the start but I could relate because I don't come from a very rich family myself and growing up like DS, NL and BR it meant little extravagance at home and every item in the wardrobe was precious. What's more precious was witnessing that rich poor difference in the neighbourhood with DS family in the basement and JH above BUT there's just so much support between families and no discrimination that makes my heart feels so full, warm and fuzzy watching them fuss over each other, and taking turns to ask about the other whether it was JH dad, TK dad in the hospitable, DR/ NL/ BR messing up / caught for something they shouldn't have done. 

I love watching the sibling love in the show, especially JB and JH. JB is just so precious and even though he was a heart condition yet he loves so fully and fiercely for his brother and then for MO. How touching it is that JH chooses to be whatever JB wants to be because he know that his brother cannot live up to those dreams that he takes it upon himself to live JB dream for the both of them. :') I love watching SW fuss over Jin Joo and later Jin Joo bossing SW and TK.

I never thought I'd say this but i also enjoy watching the scenes of the parents hanging out, sharing their past and current dreams. This show is so amazing because every character is so well fleshed out and it has so many depths and layers of friendship, loves and family. No one is an island and when everyone comes together it's a wonderful affair. I think personally for me it's especially sentimental because we live in a society that's fast becoming more and more isolated. I didn't have such close neighbourhood friends growing up and to witness the characters doing so makes me happy and yearn for a similar experience although it cannot be so any longer as I've already grown past that stage. But I do take away with me from this show is the knowledge that indeed time is finite, we will all grow up and leave our homes and our childhood and teenage years will become but a memory but what remains will be the friendships and relationships forged, tested through the tough times. If you're lucky enough to be found in such a beautiful, welcoming and innocent community, be yourself, even if it means to be vulnerable because the community, like your family will love you for who you are. When it comes to love, don't hold back, dare to love and love fiercely, just like DS & TK. (And JB and MO too:)).

Thank you Reply 1988, it's been a great run with you. 

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Am I the only one who expected to see DR dating someone (a cameo from his real-life model girlfriend)? I thought that would be awesome coz that guy never failed to make me laugh. Oh Dongryongnyong kkkkk 

*I must admit that I watched this drama because of the video Clip I saw on facebook (DSxJH sweet moment on that crowded bus). I too, at first, thought that SW is the husband because of that chocolate lol. but the freakin' alley scene of DSxJH made my attention nailed on JH. (Guess I played that scene more than 10times heol). What I'm trying to say is that I'm on teamjunghwan halfway the drama (but I personally love Bogum hihihi) When TK called DS on that first day of snow, i told myself uh-oh.. he's getting in the way. But  I thought, nah, JH will get DS. As the story goes, I notice that TK is getting more and more of exposure and screentime with DS (than JHxDS). I unconciously liked every moment of DSxTK. and then i realized that JH is kinda slow and there's less and less of DsxJH moments (that's why i slightly got bored on that loveline). I'm happy to see DS and TK happy when they're with each other. But it's really painful for me since JH is my first love in this drama. (you see, I'm on both teams, just slightly more of taektanik.. huhuhu please dont hate me).. 


the lesson I got from JH in ep 18 when he finally said goodbye to his first love is so far the best lesson I've ever learned in life. JHs character was reallygreat. For me, he is the best character (and bora). the only thing that makes me sad here is that I wanted to see JH so badly on the last episodes. To see how was he doing, if he's just perfectly fine and what happened to him. I wanted to see a glimpse of happiness from him. idk why but that what makes me feel empty. DS and JH already had their closure but JH as character....i guess it's open ended. Maybe I wanted to see him living  well so that itll feel less painful  ㅠㅠ i'll leave that to my imagination *sighs* partly, my ship sank and I am not mad at the characters and the people behind this drama. it's actually great, perfect for me. This is the first time that I invested so much time and effort for a kdrama. I didnt just watch and wait for the ending. I got so involved in this drama, I made some serious thinking and even did some investigation on the husband hunting LOL hahaha I embraced growth together with this drama. Thankful to the writer for the story and characters esp JH. it was just beautiful and precious. JH will always have a special place in my heart and R88. I will definitely miss Ssangmundong neighbourhood. At least, this drama is very close to reality kkkk no hate please huhuhu


let's just watch 대답하라1988 with Kim household to get to see more of JH and the rest of cheetah family hahahaha 

love you guys!

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9 hours ago, dubuqueen said:

I'm sad for both JH-DS and TK-DS shippers (as a shipper of JH-DS) because whereas JH-DS shippers had more love-line going on for them, JH didn't become endgame and whereas for TK-DS shippers TK was endgame, they didn't have enough love line. It's unfair for both shippers!


I'm a Taek shipper and from your post I think lovelines are what your bias confirmation makes of them.

Because you were shipping JH-DS you might not have seen any Taek-DS lovelines. 

But as a Taek-DS shipper I saw them everywhere.  Taek and DS interacted all the time. We see them interacted together away from the group more than them interacted away from the group with any other member. They never hid the pleasure they took in eachother company. They acknowledge their willingness to choose  the other to other members of the group. Taek told the boys he liked DS. DS told DR she chose Taek.

To me their lovelines didn't have the flashiness of a  SuddenRomancE!,  instead it has the warmth and strength of a marriage. Some people don't find that kind of love story satisfying. But others do. In fact Taek-DS loveline parallels Taek's Dad's and Sunwoo's Mom's lovelines. They were 'doing' their love, defacto married, before they talked about their feelings/ acting on their love. In the older couple we are not sure they ever did.

Taek and his father are very similar. Taek's father explained how Taek shows affection while unconscienciously demonstrating it. They both don't talk much. They are both very supportive in un-flashy ways. Therefore it makes sense that they would conduct their relationships in similar ways. 


that DS and Taek stalled their romance for the same reason, fear of disturbing the group dynamics.

Taek postponed telling DS for fear of the effect it might have had on JH.

DS postponed acknowleding the kiss for fear of how a change in the nature of their relationship will affect the status quo. It was the right choice becaue DS need to find something for herself before she became a part of a couple.


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Of all the reply series 94 must have been the one I like the most in terms of romantic development. Reply 88 is all about family and friendship. There are bits and pieces of the couples but the main ones are family. Of all the relationship the only one that was well developed and had logical sense was bora and sunwoo. They started and broke up and they started afresh again. They broke up not because of a third party or because of a drift in personality but because of priority which was fitting for that time. I like the side characters a lot more than the main characters. Maybe because I couldn't connect with DS as much as the other heroine in the other series. 

Teak is a strategist and a master after all. He has patience and he knows when it is an opportunity. He knows when to strike and when to yield. His coming to DS at the right time and the right place because he knows chances don't come twice. If he sees an opportunity, this might be his only chance. JH however is not the same. He's cold from the outside and warm in the inside. For his family, he has done a lot. For his friends, he is always there for them as they have always been there for him. It's easy to see how the guys develop their feeling toward DS but I just couldn't get how and when her feeling develops for Taek. DS speaks her mind so for her to lie to Taek for all these years was somewhat uncharacteristic of what I have seen of her as a character. Has it been Bora I could understand as she always has a mask to protect herself but DS is a more straightforward person so I didn't see that coming. It's just a bit inconsistent. I guess Bc the writer didn't want to reveal who the husband was so early but still. 

JH confession came so late and even though we had a closure on his first love , we never get a closure on him as a character. He let it go and she let it go as if they both know it wasn't meant to be in the beginning. All the things that he did for her she never knew until many years later and then it was too late. And because JH knew first that Taek likes DS he withdrew which was different from reply 97, hyung used that as an advantage instead. We just never knew what would have happened had JH not knowing about Taek feeling.  Why didn't we get more interaction between JH and Taek?!? 


Reply 88 is a good drama in many fronts but it's missing just a little bit in the end. 

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I think the two funninest scenes from what I've seen is (in no order of preference)

SW+BR getting caught by the Moms-I particularlly think it is hysterical that they don't know where to turn and keep moving around like bumper cars and then BR runs UP the stairs in her heels then have to come down again.

Taek's petty "revenge" of slapping SW in the back and pretending it was a greeting.


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Kinda love r88 ending although I felt that there are too many scenes between BR and WS. Its definite that they are going to get married. I was hoping to see rest of the characters date especially JH.

Initially I supported JH-DS but in the middle I change my shopping to tk-ds. I feel that JH has lost his chance when he did not confess to her. No one to blame.. 

While TK has a cute side, although he appears to be weak but he mange to protect DS at times. On the other hand, DS already fell in love with TK by 'worrying'. It's just that she doesn't know and JH actually did caught her worrying face. 

And I can say that it's a good closure. 

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I don’t think any drama has made me feel such a wide range of emotions with such intensity as Answer Me 1988. Although it was never a perfect drama, it will always hold a special place in my heart for the way it told stories of love and life, family and friendship. There are only so many dramas that ultimately leave me with a better appreciation for life and the people that surround me. 

While the Answer Me franchise is primarily a tribute to the glory days of our youth, AM 1988 stands out because it shows that there is so much more to be experienced even in our later years, whether its sharing meals with the mothers next door or marveling at how your children turned out to be such thoughtful people. AM 1988 gets me with the reality of its portrayal of life’s ups and downs in the context of what really matters to me: family. At the end of the day, I feel like I learned so much more than I would have if I watched a drama that was solely focused on romance, or on just the kids. The way this drama explored the warmth, complexity, and depth of human relationships just went straight to my heart. 

Answer Me will always speak of a beautiful time in our lives, and the bittersweetness that it’s all in the past. I realize that even the whole experience of watching this drama and crying and laughing because of it is something I will look back on and remember fondly. I have no regrets about loving this drama and its characters despite how everything ended. Now that it’s over, I feel peaceful and thankful.

To everyone here, I will borrow the words of Bora and Papa Sung: thank you and I’m sorry. Thank you for all your wonderful insights, translations, and of course the live recaps and I’m sorry that we all had to go through periods of conflict between sides. Impassioned people can do all sorts of wonderful and crazy things. 

Which brings me to a realization about myself. I have never shipped a couple as much as I have shipped Sunwoo and Bora. I love these characters individually and together, for similar reasons. They are both fighters, who love deeply and fiercely. At the same time, they live for more than themselves, putting their families first and sacrificing their own interests. I love the perspective we got from these two, and the straightforwardness of their relationship was refreshing. My hat goes off to the scriptwriters for being able to create a character as unique as seemingly insane, politically active, nerdy, secretly warmhearted and romantic Bora, and of course to RHY for delivering a great performance. I have always followed GKP and his projects, but he and RHY are especially great together. So for that I have Shin PD to thank hehe.


 Till we meet again friends!

P.S. If I hear Park Boram's Ssangmundong/Hyehwadong or Lee Juck's Don't Worry Dear, I;m gonna cry

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Ahh I don't know how to feel, Reply 1988 is finally over! I've been lurking in the forums for a while now and finally decided to join because I need to express my feelings on this amazing drama!

The relationship between the neighbors really made me envious. I wished I could have lived in that era where everyone was so close to their neighbors. They were so kind to each other unconditionally, be it lending money or taking care of each other or feeding each other. Although I didn't understand a single word when watching the raw, I cried tears when they moved out of Ssangmundong! To think there will be no more ahjumma bonding sessions, no more OT5 bumping into each other in the street, no more gatherings in Taekkie's room... :bawling:

As much as I loved the drama, the finale could have been better. IMO the wedding scene was way too long! I need to know what happened to Jungpal and Dong Ryong and the rest of the gang in the present days! Just a mention of them during the interview wouldn't be too hard right? :( And maybe mention that the ajusshis and ahjummas still get together once a year or something. Ugh. Secondly, I am a TaekxDukSeon shipper, but I needed some closure on the JHxDS relationship. I mean, they should have a scene of JH and DS talking it out, and maybe having DS thank JH for loving her all these times or something. And I definitely wanted more TaekxDS scenes :P

Having said that, the drama really broke typical kdrama standards I think, especially having TaekxDS as endgame. I know many are dissatisfied with TaekxDS but I think it's the most realistic course. Jungpal ah, I love you to bits and I wished and wished you would have made known to DS all the things you did for her! Then perhaps you could've gotten the girl. I mean you could've easily explained the shirt incident right?! Whyyyyy :tears: Although we knew all the stuff Jungpal did for DS, DS herself never knew, so people hating on DS should try to see it from her perspective.

But this post has gotten way too long. Hopefully we'll get another lovely, unconventional drama like this in the future!

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Wooo finally watched the raw of the final episode and...I'm just...so sad? I can't believe we're never going to see a new episode of Deoksun and all the families of Reply 1988 again. I really can't cope with the fact that this was the last episode... I'm still in the denial stage ;_;

I'm going to hold my breath for a final conclusion until episodes 19 and 20 are oficially subbed but as for my first impression on the finale: It fit with the overall style of the drama. No character was more important than another character, they all got their closure and grew up into proper adults ;A; The drama stayed true to the family + slice-of-life narrative frame the whole time.

But I also think that in the end the live-shooting kind of took a toll on the production. I think they could have given us just a tiny bit more for the finale if they had more time, but I'm not too disappointed, I was just greedy for more I guess :lol: I generally wish K-dramas would stop with the whole live-shooting business, it just seems so tiring and stressful for everyone involved.

All in all, Reply 1988 has already become my favourite out of all Reply series and it might just become my favourite K-drama of all time. Every character went through a lot of growth and I'm thankful to the Reply writers for always focusing a lot on their female characters. Deoksun, Bora and the moms were AMAZING female characters, I love all of them so much <3

My favourite part of Reply 1988 are the families and the love-lines were just a nice bonus but Deoksun's crushes on Sunwoo and Junghwan were adorable and then the build-up for Deoksun and Taek was really beautiful, in my opinion. I honestly loved all the couple moments in episode 19 & 20 (and they made me feel lonely because, damn, I want a relationship like Deoksun&Taek or Bora&Sunwoo ಥ_ಥ)

I also want to say that I was disappointed in DF's subs for Reply 1988. If you're going to get official rights from companies to make subs, thus blocking other fansubbers, at least make them accurate and complete ಠ_ಠ I'm 100% sure that fansubbers could have done a better job at translating. I don't mind waiting a few days for good subs but DF didn't even sub the BGM and they made lots of mistakes... I hope this thread will still stay alive until the subs are out though c:

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