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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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- Taek also looks at the first snow.

And guys I'm calling it now but I think he's the main container with Junghwan lol.

lol I really predicted it. Aww now we will see more of Taek for sure. And it's so manly of Taek to just upfront confess his feelings during the first snow.

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One thing to note. Both Taek and future husband is left handed. I think it's a clue to also include Taek as possible husband contender. Since everyone says it's so obvious Junghwan otherwise with husband's tsundere personality. Now it's getting more difficult to predict the husband tbh.

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oh boy tonight's episode , I think we get a clearer picture of the love line which is kinda complicated.. DS is the popular girl that got 2 man who is having a crush on her. I knew it when taek hugged her when he welcome his friends to his house.

Taek was asking DS to go for a movie with him. lol JH who is laughing like a silly lad and finally decided to eat when DS found that SW likes Bora. 

I am torn between taek and JH , ottoke!! but senses tells me JH will be DS's hubby based on what I saw when the scene returns to 2015 their present life. 

Poor taek, he must be upset when DS doesn't even like him.. he is tearing..?

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JH was hilarious with his hunger strike.  He constantly picks a fight with DS because that's the only way to get her attention.   For a brief moment I thought there was going to be a snow moment between DS and JH.  Taek is quiet but I guess he's been hiding his feelings for DS but seems to have more guts in taking action.  Unlike JH who's tough on the outside but doesn't know to handle his feelings.  Anyone a little worried that Taek is constantly taking medication to sleep?

I  can't tell ho BR felt about the confession since I don't know korean but it didn't seem like she rejected the idea.

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OMO! I love PBG so TAEK!!! 

However, I am also on the side that JH is the husband....but whatever! Let the battle begin and see how these two guys will be contending for DS's heart!


No worries! Although I am PBG's fan, I am strengthening my heart because there is a high chance he is not the husband. 

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Be careful to what i wish for.


yeah i know i like seeing jh with ds

and like seeing taek to be happy.

hell noes! What ship will i ride one now!


jh already slayed me in his sweetness but I don't want to see taek being hurt  too :(

he deserves to be also happy loosing his mom and all :( 


ottokajo! :(

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