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Blood (Ageless AhnGoo❤️) - Ahn Jae-Hyun ❤️❤️❤️ Goo Hye Sun ❤️


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I miss ahngoo..I read  that ahn and the cast  of njttw3 will be filming for 6 day and 5 nights in China and second filming will be next month December..he will  just stay in Korea for a day or 2 then he will fly again in honkong for mama2016 dec2 ,although there's no confirmation yet if he's attending..I think he will be away again for few days coz after mama it's his Taiwan fanmeet on dec 4 for 4 days and 3 nights..his busy hoping him and ghs can travel since that's what he wanted to do for Christmas..to travel with her..his going back again for honkong?on new year not sure dec 31 or Jan 1.does it mean they won't be celebrating new year together?does Korean celebrate new year Jan 1?coz I know new year(Korean new year) for them is around Jan or feb depends on the calendar..hoping ajh will update his ig soon with his wife..as for ghs hope she comes back soon on dramaland and be busy again starting nextyear..if there's no drama yet at least I want to see her more on cf and some events..or please open an sns account..she's very pretty from the ig pic from mucha exhibition..we miss you..pls comeback soon

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Once in a blue moon, my computer lets me inside the dc-Korea.

Yesterday, it happened. I am sure it will close up soon again.

Anyway, I found this page..it is not dc-GHS page. Unfortunately I cannot copy it.


One person left a post under the pix of ahngoo captured by Dspatch when they were returning from their 2nd Japan trip.

Sorry that I cannot copy the person's post in Korean.

The person said that he was staying in a hotel priced at moderate to low cost in Tokyo. And that he saw that AhnGoo also stayed there during their trip. The person said that it was good to look at their simple and unpretentious ways. Even at the hotel, they always held hands.

Have a good day!!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I think it's about a vote. I did not quite get it. (I just added about them. Full for, you can see from the link.)



◆ 3월 : 안재현♥구혜선, 열애부터 결혼까지 (102표, 69.9%)
티브이데일리 포토


3월에는 지난해 4월 종영한 KBS2 드라마 '블러드'의 메인 커플이었던 안재현 구혜선의 열애 소식이 화제가 됐다. 3살 차이 연상연하 커플인 두 사람은 드라마 종영 후 연인 관계로 발전했다고. 

두 사람은 3월 11일 열애설이 전해진 직후 양측 소속사를 통해 발 빠르게 이를 인정했다. 이어 "1년 간 열애 중이며, 양가 식구들에게도 이미 인사를 마쳤다"고 밝혀 대중들의 놀라움을 자아냈다. 

뒤이어 안재현 구혜선은 5월 21일 결혼식을 올려 또 한 번 주위를 놀라게 했다. 두 사람은 결혼식 없이 구청에서 혼인 신고를 하고, 결혼식 비용을 소아 환자를 위해 기부하는 '스몰 웨딩'의 정석을 보여주며 화제가 됐다.

한편 3월에는 박보검 파산선고 소식이 뒤늦게 알려진 사건(24표, 16.4%), 이병헌 아카데미 시상식 참석(10표, 6.8%), 걸스데이 혜리 뇌수막염(6표, 4.1%), 초신성 윤성모 음주운전(4표, 2.7%) 등의 이슈가 있었다.



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Hi @Fatma28 Thanks for the news. The reporter is talking about entertainment news that received a lot of readership during the past 2016.

WOW!! I cannot believe it. Another year is about to end in few days!!

For the month of March of 2016, the news about our AHNGoo couple was very popular as we all know.  


Also, at a tvN variety program, Ranking, our AHNGOO couple was ranked number ONE for their love for pets. RANKING program aired on 19th at tvN. The article also mentions how AJH initiated conversation with Koo on the plane ride to Rumania about his cat and the rest is history. Article also mentions that they also are similar in the way they name their pets...by food. 

Few other aritlcles made some mistakes that they are raising 10 pets...I don't think that is true..all we saw are 3 cats and 3 dogs. But, it is good to see AhnGoo again. 

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Here is some article on Ahngu house..I m not sure if the house described in the article is currently where they live or its the one that was showed in NJTTW 2.. I hope the article doesn't give any false info like the ones earlier mistaking Koo's room size and house size..@cheerkoo sis..Pls help us ..



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Thanks gayu312!!

Just a bit of the highlights~ I am more curious as to why this article just came out...

연상녀 그녀 신혼단꿈, 서민 속 톱스타 ‘개념부부’= "older woman, honeymoon (or simple marriage life), top star among the regular people, "new type of a couple"

 아직까지 대중들에게 회자되고 있다. This paragraph says that what this couple did to celebrate their wedding day (i.e. donating their wedding expense to the children's hospital and having a small family celebratory dinner) is still being talked about among people. 

신혼집 또한 여느 스타들의 수십억원대 주택들에 비하면 상대적으로 소박해 개념 커플의 면모를 보여주었다는 평가다. 구혜선·안재현 부부의 집은 서울 성동구 금호동에 위치한 아파트다. 지하철 3호선 금호역과 지하철 5호선 신금호역을 이용할 수 있는 더블역세권 단지다. 단지 인근으로 응봉근린공원, 응봉공원, 대현산공원 등이 위치해 주거친화적인 아파트로 평가받는다. Many stars buy incredibly expensive homes. Compared to that, this new couple's home is not. Their apartment is located at Seoul, Sung-dong-gu, Geum Ho-dong. It is easily reachable through subway 3 and 5 lines. With 3 different types of parks nearby, it is considered a freindly neighborhood. 

It is also easily reachable by cars and is considered a new suburb to few celebrities...

이들 부부는 결혼을 한 달 앞둔 지난 4월 신혼집을 마련한 것으로 알려졌다. 등기부등본에 따르면 지난 4월 안재현은 본인 명의로 아파트 한 호실을 매입했다. 매입금액은 7억2000만원이다. 등기부등본을 보면 안재현은 저당권 설정 하나 없이 현찰 100%로 이곳을 매입했다. (google) The couple is said to have arranged a honeymoon home in April, a month ahead of their marriage. According to a copy of the registration, in April, Ahn Jae-hyun bought this apartment. The purchase amount is 720 million won. According to a copy of the register, Ahn Jae-hyun bought 100% cash, without setting a mortgage.
안 씨가 매입한 호실은 아파트 단지 내에 가장 큰 평수다. 공급면적 148.2㎡(약 45평), 전용면적 115.4㎡(약 35평)다. 아파트 시세 관련 금호동 인근 부동산 관계자는 “예쁜 연예인 부부가 이곳에 산다는 소문이 동네에 났다”며 “올 초에 매입 당시와 시세 변화는 없다”고 말했다. (google)
The apartment that Ahn bought is the largest in the complex. The entire area is 148.2㎡ (about 45 pyeong) and private area is 115.4㎡ (about 35 pyeong). "A rumor is that a pretty entertainer couple lives here in the neighborhood," said a real estate official near Kumho-dong on the apartment market.
이들은 공통 관심사인 반려동물에 대해 이야기를 나누다가 호감을 갖게 됐다는 후문이다. 특히 구혜선은 반려동물을 위해 집 인테리어를 바꿀 정도로 반려 동물 사랑이 남다른 것으로 알려졌다. 두 사람은 결혼 이후 개와 고양이 등 반려동물 여덟 마리를 키우며 남다른 동물 사랑을 실천하고 있다고 한다. This passage says that they also have a common interest in their love for the pets. It says that they live with 8 dogs and cats...(I wonder if this is true? I only saw 6 in the IG; I do agree that this couple has many, many similar interests.)
The rest of the article talks about their career history...
Thanks AHN-GOO fans!! Love and appreciate all that you do. 
Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate) and a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone!! I pray for our AhnGoo to stay true and sincere in their love for each other and I hope and pray we hear more and more good news in the coming year and forever. God bless and FIGHTING!!!!


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