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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest lexx94_stv

G: hello! BNT worlds!  It's nice to meet you. I'm Gong Seungyeon! ^^

G: I just finished photo shooting with  BNT.

G:First of all, with  very nice staff and the background was so good...so I think that photo shots might be awesome!

of course, we can check when it comes out, though.

but I think that the result would be good ;)

and I haven't had this style so....does it fit on me? I feel little strange ^^


G:anyway...! Recently...I'm preparing  drama " six flying dragons" it's historical drama so I should be well prepared. the shooting for the drama will begin soon!

I will play a role" Min da gyoung" in Drama and I will meet you as "Min da gyoung"  next time.

I will try to do my best to be a good actress Gong seungyeon. Thank you.


translation from : http://blog.naver.com/gomseungyeon/220419022629


Oh no vid got removed already. Haven't watched it yet. Does anyone have an alternate link? please:(

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Guest freedom1104


I'm okay with having my mind changed on things as well.  I thought that his distance might have been due to the "intensity" of Busan because, from my perspective, getting upset over a dress seemed kind of ridiculous.  But, I cannot deny JH own words, so, what can I do but change my mind on this matter, whether I agree with his attitude, like his attitude or not.  It's his own words and attitude, and I just have to accept that.  ...But I must say that after seeing some of the translations and going back to the timeline in my mind, it would seem that the only real thing that got to him was her dress, because honestly, that baseball game was a week after Busan, so, if he was gonna start distancing himself because of that trip he would have done it at the baseball game, and I didn't see any of that.  I mean, behind the scenes they were all hands, but in front of 1,000 of watchful eyes they were STILL affectionate just not overtly doing skinship.  It was respectful in general and gave a very comfortable, friendly vibe.  Nothing wrong with any of it.  Very JongYeon-esque in my opinion.  So, okay yeah it's most likely 3 weeks from seeing each other to the wedding and maybe awkward, but they "talk" behind the scenes, they admit that, and it never caused conflict before when they had time between shoots... so what is left for him to act that way... Well, he told us....  Her dress, "I cannot accept it."  ...as some have said, he is really pretty simple-minded when it comes to his attitude toward women and dating, plus straight-forward and opinionated and has no problem expressing his own "truth" regarding his feelings. lol...

as usual, your posts i like reading.(sorry to cut some)...but this portion of your posts is so true...Many speculations, analyses and interpretations, but it all comes down to his own words, i KNEW it, but like (it can't be!), now I will love him the way he is and hopeful, that in time and with SY understanding he will adjust, he did say "people change" !  Brownies....fighting! ha ha ha!

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Guest mail182

hmmmmm, after rewatching latest episode with subs, i think the baseball game part is quite good, they are very natural and passionate to each other..

and for the pre-wedding part.... hmmm i dont know why, but i felt really bad for JH, he is pure, honest and simple-minded guy, who cant hide his emotions, and i think he is easily touched too... he looks uncomfortable bcoz of the dress, and then with the Jin Goo thing, SY really being too playful (JH playful too, but not up to SY level).. and they were talking things(jealousy) which should not be said on a happy day such as the wedding day.. he looks rather unhappy... twice now.. in a short time (first is dress)

but there are some hope looking at the actual wedding, first, SY changed her dress (i really hope SY only intended to wear it infront of JH only during pre-wedding, and prepared another for actual wedding, if this is really the case and JH noticed this, he would be happy....) Go go SY, make up to it !! make JH happy pls, and believe me, he will make you happy forever !!

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dear all ,, from the beginning watching episode of our WGM couple that we support, I really liked the attitude of JH that reminds me of my husband 7 years ago when we dated. My husband was born in 1984 and he was the kind of man who bit traditional in terms of female dress. Just like JH. But the best thing that i like the most is I during our date my husband always gives his phone to me,to put on my hand bag. When we are a new couple date he let me look all of view contents of his phone. as there is no need to hide things. Just like JH. He let SY holding and look his phone like they was a true couple (not a couple for variety show). Before following this couple in WGM, I only follow one other couple in WGM 2012. And that couple always keep and hold their cell phone. unlike JY and SY which seemed so natural. (I do not know others couple in WGM). Believe it or not I'm a big fan of CNBLUE and not so interested in seeing JY in variety shows such as WGM. Because I just wanted to see him as a musician. (I even saw little episode YongHwa in WGM). But I swear if one week ago I had a dream going to the zoo (in my country ) with JY together, holding hands. (Call me stupid or tacky but it is true) then next day I spent a full day to watch all the episodes JY in WGM through kshow. And what did I meet? JY and SY zoo date! Daebak! I really felt amazing. LOL. Uri JY remains me like an open book. We can read it so easily. JY expressive and difficult to hide his feelings. after all .. thank you for reading the outpouring of my heart this morning. I have insomnia, so I was able to sleep at 3 or 4 each morning. Blessed you who already cuddle on your bed and sleeping soundly now.

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OK, I've watched the raw and the English trans on KSHOWONLINE and read some of your comments here.

My feeling is .... SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!                   

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@luvtokki Wow, that was really strong...but good and valid points. This episode he was quite clueless, but I also think he was more close to himself than we have seen in other episodes. I always try to keep in mind that we are seeing a condensed version of what actually happened. Editing will power pack all the same type of scenes together to create a response. They showed all JH's bad points and all SY's good points. She plays the Jingoo game to see him be cute, but the cheerleader thing was all subconscious which would hurt more. Why? Because he wasn't doing it on purpose, but unconsciously ..he was talking / looking at other girls where she was doing it on purpose to be funny.  

In watching it again though, I realize how oblivious/clueless JH in a sort of innocent way. If you notice HOW he talked about the cheerlearder it was completely platonic sounding, kind of like he knew someone there and he was proud to know someone there LOL. 0If he wanted this cheerleader, he would have already HAD this cheerleader. SY got jealous at just the mention of it and he didn't even think it was something to get jealous about (if that makes sense). Same with watching them..he didn't have a perverted smile on his face, he was simply watching them dance. When he finally did notice it was bothering her, he told her he was joking. They both make up quickly and talk about things quickly and move on. Editing just jammed us full of all their moments of contention instead of all their supportive cuddly moments. It's like trying to drink concentrated orange juice without water.LOL!!! 

Question: Is he really jealous? (I think so, he wants her undivided attention. He loves that she follows what he says and doesn't want that to stop...he wants to be the one who does everything for her.) Is he really that controlling? ( I feel he can be a little too controlling of her...but part of me also feels like he realizes the tides of WGM can make you a saint one week and satan the next... Once you have become satan it's near impossible to look like a saint again...she CANT mess up!) He seems to be making sure that everything she does is above reproach and cannot get edited improperly. He is an over zealous protector! Not just with her, but I've seen various videos of him not saying squat until someone needs to be defended or protected (strangers on the street and also his AOA company mates). Alpha male to be sure. I'm not the type that likes to be controlled by anyone...(NEVER try to tell me what to do unless I ask for your help HA, HA, HA LOL!!!!), so JH's personality would drive me nuts. On the other hand my sister loves the Alpha male, he's in control type, she loves the structure of this control...and he COMPLETELY ADORES HER! It's weird, he also does not see other girls as "girls" persay, she is his princess to be cherished and doesn't treat her badly with the control.  Like I said, it would drive me insane, but maybe SY likes this about him! 

Sorry for the novel again everyone ...I'll do better to cut it down next time :D 

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I read some post here about her dress...

I like that dress- she looks pretty and fresh. I think that dress is simple and elegant... short but not too short. Because SY has very nice body and she is not skinny, dress looks too sexy. You know what I mean? Idol girls wear worst dress than this. From first episode she wear cute, classic,sometimes sporty clothes. I think she want to wear this time something diffrent, maybe she want That reaction from him like he did. Maybe wears that dress she told him: "Look at me. Just me". I like that. And I think JH likes that dress but because camera follow closely his face he feel uncomfortable. He must be very careful. And maybe he don't know about second dress, thats why he worry about her in front other men.

Because she know about game party and that there will be his male friends, she must early prepared different dress. I think first dress was only for his eyes.

Maybe I am wrong but that criticism about her dress this is not because style but because you saw her his eyes... If he only say she looks pretty, beautiful you said that too...?? I don't know if I wrote this right..(my poor english..) You know what I mean?

She's actress and probable we will see her wear sexy, elegant, pretty clothes in front other men. He must accustom.

PS. Someone correct me about Khuntoria wedding- my bad.... I truly forget about they wedding:P too many couple... Maybe Adam couple dont't have wedding.... I don't remember

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@luvtokki while I think WGM does have a habit of playing up this jealousy angle with these two (SY while on the beach in Busan and regarding his ex girlfriends and JH over SY's admiration of much younger Jin Goo), I'm so glad you called a spade a spade here. Coz let's face it, JH is going to have to get used to some things. 

I was re watching things today, I had several moments when I wanted to give JH a good poke and tell him: "She's not looking to attract another man. She wants to look incredibly cute for you. For your eyes. Coz she really likes you and she loves when you look at her adoringly." Even when she chose the wedding dress (possibly out of a choice of sponsored gowns) she did it because she had not had a chance to dress up and look super pretty for him. That's right. FOR HIM. And yes she showed off some skin but the person she wanted to wow and sweep of his feet was her honey bee hubby...not any of the men attending the wedding. It was all for his benefit. And I think the response she wanted from him was prob awe and for him to be as blown away as he was in the car after her song request on the radio. Because, come on. SY looked like a total bombshell. Sure there was a smidge of cleavage and lots of leg and bare shoulders...but I hope our lovely JH realizes that all those little skin teases were for him. His girl wanted to look sexy in his eyes...but what she got in response was him being a bit flabbergasted by how skimpy her dress was. And I sat here thinking... "poor SY...I think she shrank a little inside at the thought of her hubby not appreciating how she looked." Here she was, glowing and her cheeks adorably flushed and all she got was "can't we cover you up?" or something to that effect?

JH, this noona is tapping her foot here and side eyeing you for that one. I know this girl is important to you but you will need to get used to this kiddo. She's going to be acting in a historical drama where she plays a woman vying for the King's attention. I think you will see more bare shoulders and hints of cleavage and maybe kisses and what not. And you will need to be the Busan Namja we know you are and be cool about this. Same goes for the baseball outfit and that tiny hint of skin showing. That's nothing. I'm a conservative dresser but I know sometimes when I bend down or reach up for something my shirt might move up a bit. Heck it happens. JH will prob slowly, slowly get used to this...and he ruddy right better do it too! ;) 

As for SY's jealousy at the game and in the car, I think part of it was indeed played up by MBC. However I do think she got nervous about him looking at cheerleaders. That, I must say, looked totally innocent. He wasn't drooling over them...he just looked. He cannot have blinkers on like a horse and not look around. But SY gets over things quick and moves on. JH takes a tad longer. 

On a positive note: he did film Jin Goo's video greeting. I think this proved that he was man enough to look past his girl's admiration of his friend and let her have a little fangirly moment via video. If he was crazy jealous he wouldn't have done that. I think him burning up over her reactions was a lot like his later reactions in Busan when he was getting used to her teasing about Jin Goo. So our boy is learning...

About the kiss deal: I think he might not have expected her to win. Maybe. But she did and I get the feeling he's a lot more keen to just go for it now. Because this time he "reminded her" about his promise to kiss her. And teased her a bit more. We are concerend he didn't follow through. But in a public setting, with a potential backlash from CNBlue fans who didn't like him being on WGM and a possible gossip-y write up about how these two are a real couple (well before they've said anything about it)...it was probably smart that he didn't go thru with it right there. She was probably a bit buzzed too after the beer...and wouldn't we like it if he kissed her when she was not just pumped up but also completely herself, not buzzed and able to enjoy it for the romantic moment it is? :) Points to SY for indicating she wanted that kiss. Get it girl! Now JH needs to deliver soon. His reminding her about it is like a step up from his usual teasing...so boy needs to kick it up several notches now.

I think I've rambled for ages here. I might have missed something but I'm still reading thru older posts...forgive me. :) And I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I adore JH. I'm not saying this to be some sort of pro SY fan who hates him. I like them both so much and as a couple, I adore them. What I'm saying is completely out of fondness for both of them and my comments about JH are because I know this guy is an amazing guy...he just needs to realize that this girl likes him a whole lot and has no intention of backing away or attracting other namjas. You can see it in the way she looks at him when he's not looking at her...its that adoring look. /sigh/ He does it to her too...so I hope he watches these eps closely and recognizes it.

@happy2bhere do you want to help me lock up the MBC editing monkey? ;) Coz honestly I think they play up the drama even when its very subtle. They definitely play up SY's reactions. Sometimes I also feel that her supposed jealous reactions are her being a little coy...and heck, that's ok. Especially since JH can be clueless sometimes. He has a lot of female friends and that comment about the cheerleader was definitely him being clueless. I think he did catch on quick though. So points for that.

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I like it soo much when JH just casually called SY yeobo (honey) many times in this episode like it was a normal thing he do..i have a feeling he adressed her like that too outside filming cos it seem so natural when he did that..


And one more thing, JH was kind of cute during baseball segment..he keep nagging at SY when they were practiced, he just can't stop eating, dancing during cheerleader part, cheering etc etc..

the way they both acted totally like they were dating for real..feed each other, SY wiped JH mouth, skinship, hugging..everything become so natural like they always did it outside..

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Guest emilyjc

Why do I feel like there's always people bringing SY down for the tiniest thing? She doesn't have to prove herself or make anything up to JH/anyone. I think he really liked SY dress but didn't want to show it on camera. He probably was scared in case his fans called him out or MBC editing made it a big deal. And before this episode SY has always worn conservative clothing but maybe for once she wanted to show him whats she got. She probably felt really pretty and sexy in it. JH knows that SY likes white shirts because she can see his muscles better and he always wears them for her. So why can't she wear a revealing dress for once?

When SY was teasing JH about Jin Goo, he was laughing and being playful back to her. If he was REALLY jealous then he wouldn't have given her that video message from Jin Goo. SY has even said before that she does it because she likes the reaction from JH. It isn't because she actually likes that person. And MBC is known for their choppy editing and leaving the good bits out (such as the unaired scenes we see) Even if SY is teasing him, its probably only for a few minutes out of the hours that they spend together. I'm just ranting now but I wish people would cut SY some slack. She's just being playful and enjoying herself with JH :)

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SY is a amazing young woman. She is full of natural charms that can not be faked. She knows how to read people well and handle most situations appropriately. Although she may not be inclined to do much physical activities, I think she has natural athletic abilities. This assumption is based on how quickly she picked up the Judo moves and her throwing form in baseball.

I do agree with you @happy2bhere and @burningwithlove regarding the points you made about JH.

JH is amazing too and have a lot of positive characteristics, at the same time I recognized he is not perfect.

JH is clueless. I completely agree with this point. The problem is when JH is focused on one thing, he completely tunes out everything else. JH is like that with everyone and at any given time. Quite often JH will say something it is usually a statement that has no ulterior motives. It is just JH stating what he thinks or is feeling. Similarly, when he was watching the cheerleaders/dancers, it was just him watching a performance. He wasn't ogling at the girls. 

I did feel sorry for SY when JH failed to appreciate her in the wedding dress. The problem again was JH being too focused/distracted by SY looks. It is like a backhanded compliment. JH was so greatly affected by SY stunning looks, all he could think of was to cover her up and to stop other males from seeing what he likes so much.

JH's over protectiveness. There is no doubt JH is becoming even more protective of SY. He is constantly worrying over SY exposing her charms to other males. To some it may be very romantic and sweet, to others it may appear to be over the top. I myself is like @happy2bhere. I think it would drive me nuts! But SY had time and time again stated how she likes a manly guy. So to her, it may be the best thing ever! However, like @burningwithlove wrote, this is something JH will need to address and accept to a certain degree. SY is constantly overflowing with charm. There is no way that she can hide it all even if she tries.

We also need to remember, in the previous episodes JH and SY was mostly by themselves. They were given a lot of time to focus and enjoy each other's company. JH was possibly focused on "catching" SY and so he was on his best behaviour! Now that they have moved passed the stage, we are getting to see the "real" JH. The everyday JH. The JH that needs to be looked after as Min-Hyuk mentioned. It is obvious that JH and SY are very comfortable with each other now, so perhaps that is why JH is even more blunt compared to before. I see this as a natural progression and realistic, a positive thing. I can see how there may be small bumps a head and issues that needs to be addressed as a couple, but that is just how any relationship is.

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"Tell me when and where you want to claim the kiss.."

SHOULD'VE :phew::phew::phew: IMMEDIATELY. LOL.

First...your icon is the most adorable thing...so so cute! 

He should have done it immediately...but I'm going to still hold judgement on that until the B.E.S.T subs come out. In the Kshowonline version she actually said something about, "Look at the atmosphere" ...which I took to mean that she also didn't really think it was the right time and place for the kiss. If that's the case then her BRI was wishful thinking, but also she was aware it wasn't quite the right time. 

To me, her best response to that question would be: "When we are done taping today." !!! :D:D:D:D 

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Thanks for sharing the picture!!!  This picture of SY looks like she is filming for WGM?  Is that their mike? Either way she always looks so amazing!!!  Just so beautiful!!!


I thought the same exact thing.  She looks absolutely gorgeous in a very down-to-earth way.  Her hair is awesome!

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Click Here :) 

I have no idea what is goin but the amount of vote quite suprising . To compare with T-ara , CNBLUE quite left behind . 

C'mon Brownies . We can do it ! 




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Guest flower4junsu


 @burningwithlove I too am open to admitting I'm wrong...I'd rather have the truth of the matter than be strong in an erroneous opinion. I agree with others now that say he was bothered by the dress. 

YES! I got the distinct vibe that he was not okay with the interaction between the two AND he looked like he was really trying to "hold it in" because it's a "virtual marriage"  

 I, at least, agreed with you, Happy, that others can kinda *pretend* there's no *change* in JH but, from what I saw, I cannot say that....

 to me, severe reaction to a mere *dress*, but words don't lie.  That's what he said.  He said it to her directly and he repeated in the BRI, so what can I do but shrug and say, yep, that dress really did bother him that much....  

 ...and he has said these things over and over and over....  

...so, YEP, I guess this is a serious matter for him... but what is even MORE serious about this is this is what REAL boyfriends who are REALLY dating do with their women.  

it just 100% confirms he has "FEELINGS" for her.  

from my perspective, getting upset over a dress seemed kind of ridiculous.  But, I cannot deny JH own words, so, what can I do but change my mind on this matter, whether I agree with his attitude, like his attitude or not.  It's his own words and attitude, and I just have to accept that.  ...But I must say that after seeing some of the translations and going back to the timeline in my mind, it would seem that the only real thing that got to him was her dress


1000000% agree. Sorry for cutting your post!

Yes, people. If we are talking about Lee Jonghyun of CNBlue, that's him! We should accept that reality. Sounds ridiculous, right? This is also one reason why his fans against his appearance in this kind of show. He is well known for his unique way of thinking, to the extent of 'strange' (borrowing Minhyuk's word). All Boices knows this. Other idols may give 'pretend' smiles just to please or make fans happy, he is out of that. He wants people see him as he himself, the true of him. And he really doesn't care what people might think about him. You know, we cannot please everyone. That's what he believes and has done so far.

So, fans of him did feel worried of him signing wgm proposal, because people who doesn't know his background, attitude, and way of thinking will get wrong idea or mistaken by what he does/says. And this can lead people to bash him or put negative comments on him. He is still human being, he does have flaws.

Although I'm definitely his fan, I'm also a brownie, truly brownie. I'm not Melon at all :D. I'm on his side as a fan, at the same time I also on SY's side as a woman myself. I try to be fair to both JH n SY. Whoever makes him happy also makes me happy. 

When we found him object SY's choice of outfit, we can do nothing. If we want him appear just to be himself in this virtual show, then that's the true of him. People laugh at him. How come? A 25 y.o man grown up in entertainment industry surrounded by pretty girls sexily dressed up get flustered when his woman wears minidress? It's hard to believe, right?! He actually can say sth like 'Wah, so beautiful. Today you look gorgeous.' merely because of this show looks more entertaining, then it's NOT him at all. In Real relationship actually it's good to acknowledge each other's likes n dislikes. They are still in the process of getting to know each other Wedding in June, 4 months). It takes time. And it's so natural that we are in the state of up and down while in the process. Like what @amastris have said above, he doesn't do it to anygirl. He just do it for someone he loves, someone he truly wants to protect.

Yes, there are men out there who loves to show off his beautiful sexy girlfriends, JH definitely is not this type. It's actually a good point for SY to know he has true feeling for her. It's up to SY to decide. Can she live for the rest of her life with someone like him (LOL, I always think they're in a real marriage). If you don't want to be with him after this show, just skip his words. But if you receive his heart (I have NO doubt about JH's feeling) it would be better you take some of his advice. 

It seems unfair for SY, right? Why should he control the way she dress up? If you find a husband or boyfriend like him. All of sudden you're telling them to change his character, trust me it doesn't work. JH is someone who does something according what he believes it is right. In this kind of situation, what girls/wife  can do is making 'compromise', making a deal, asking the reasons why gf/wife can't do this? Of course every man has different level of tolerance of how much skin can a gf/wife show to others. Tell your man step by step. Never expect him changing behavior abruptly. Sometimes, in a real relationship, we need to tone down our self ego  little bit. It needs 'sacrifice' in marriage. Want to borrow CNBLue 'One Time' lyric NO PAIN NO GAIN. That means we are the loser. NO. Trust me, if SY dresses up brutally sexy just for him, only in front of his eyes, he will crazily loves her from head to heel. Because man will think it's so special. After this, GUARANTEE, your man will give you more (material, attention), will love you more. 

Conclusion: There's no winner and loser in a relationship!

My guess: it's either JH asked PD nim to make SY change dress for the real wedding, or PD nim herself, as JH's fan, she must know very well JH's negative reaction for SY's tight dress that can cause JH didn't work properly that day (as someone here has mentioned before, :w00t: LOL we're talking about him as if he's a toy) and give SY more proper dress.


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@luvtokki Wow, that was really strong...but good and valid points.

Question: Is he really jealous? (I think so, he wants her undivided attention. He loves that she follows what he says and doesn't want that to stop...he wants to be the one who does everything for her.) Is he really that controlling? ( I feel he can be a little too controlling of her...but part of me also feels like he realizes the tides of WGM can make you a saint one week and satan the next... Once you have become satan it's near impossible to look like a saint again...she CANT mess up!) He seems to be making sure that everything she does is above reproach and cannot get edited improperly. He is an over zealous protector! Not just with her, but I've seen various videos of him not saying squat until someone needs to be defended or protected (strangers on the street and also his AOA company mates). Alpha male to be sure. I'm not the type that likes to be controlled by anyone...(NEVER try to tell me what to do unless I ask for your help HA, HA, HA LOL!!!!), so JH's personality would drive me nuts. On the other hand my sister loves the Alpha male, he's in control type, she loves the structure of this control...and he COMPLETELY ADORES HER! It's weird, he also does not see other girls as "girls" persay, she is his princess to be cherished and doesn't treat her badly with the control.  Like I said, it would drive me insane, but maybe SY likes this about him! 

Sorry for the novel again everyone ...I'll do better to cut it down next time :D 

Yep. @luvtokki has very valid points.  Even though I suspect that SY accommodates him because her personality would probably like that kind of thing to a certain extent, I do fully agree with your sentiment about that dress.  He really acted as if they are a "real" couple and he has a right to dictate these things.  Which, once I got the translations, [as I said] "floored" me because I never saw this side of him.  For me the "little" jealousies he has showed here and there have been cute and harmless.  This one about the dress though, for me, seemed a bit "extreme".  However it played out, the last filming was a day he was openly checking out women dressed "like the have nothing on" and talking about one of those girls being his "friend".  Obviously he has no problem with it and I'm sure that SY knew Choa would be dressed "EXACTLY" as she was dressed, with a tighter, shorter dress than SY.  And I'm sure that during their "wedding scene" she anticipates that Choa will stand in front of them dressed like that singing to them while JH checks her out and tells SY to wear his jacket and cover up.  The whole idea of it is kinda insane to me... but as I said before, it's obviously his "real" personality and I just have to accept that this is JH, whether I'm thinking it's a good thing or not.  He has his mindset about the matter and is very open about it.

....so that't why I am "cutting" your post @happy2bhere because ^^^what I wrote in the above paragraph makes what you said kinda hurt my heart a little bit.  Here is a dude who claims he "runs away" from being "tied down", which means very clearly, "PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CONTROL ME".  Here is a dude who claims he doesn't "get jealous".  And, for sure, his controlling and jealousy on WGM is no act.  I don't see it as an act.  These are very real, a pointed feelings and opinions he is expressing in the moment about their relationship.  He is very clear about how he feels about her in so many moments up to now.

So, if he doesn't want her to be called a "vixen", a "satan", a "tramp", a "manipulative fox", "inappropriate", or "too flirty", then he needs to watch his "mouth" and what comes out of it.  Because when you couple what Brownie Appa luvtokki said to your happy2bhere attempt at an excuse [and I think your idea of "why" he does things is valid, even if I don't think JH has a right to be excused, like I've often said, for poor behavior simply because 'it's his personality'] since he obviously is expressing some very stark things about his "woman/wife" to the public that are not "favorable" and THAT in and of itself will cause backlash on her. 

See, the thing I don't really get about this episode is that he is very, very clear he isn't happy with the way she dressed, and how exactly is THAT protecting her.  Protecting her would have been to "ACT" for the "SCRIPT" of WGM as a "LOVING HUSBAND" and not get "UPSET" with her attire, tell her she's "BEAUTIFUL", and "ACT" like you're having a "BEAUTIFUL" wedding.  Why would he bring this up??? It's not like this wedding is some sort of "TRADITIONAL" wedding.  It's a joke, a circus, a farce with water guns, and running around.  HOW THE HECK IS SHE GONNA DRESS TRADITIONALLY FOR THIS WEDDING??? lol.... Seriously, her wedding dress is frankly nothing more than a full white SUNDRESS and no different from what his LABEL MATE, Choa, wore to the event.  I'm not really sure what he expected,... but he acted pretty sincere and pretty REAL about the whole thing.  He is CLAIMING his OWNERSHIP of SY in every way.  From who she can meet, to what she can wear, to how she can act.  I think it was the first time to see him be that person who comes across with a certain vibe that Choa spoke about.  For me, he has always been playful about everything.  But his reaction to her clothing was anything BUT playful.  It bordered on hurtful.  How do you thing SY took the BRI from him?  He essentially made her sound like what she likes to wear makes her a loose woman, AND the sad part is we ALL know SHE was the one that picked it out.... so it's even worse than just a comp'ed dress she had to wear.  AND he DIDN'T like it.  

TL:DR ...I still love them together and think they fit...  But I think that excuse, or taking JH to task, both sides of the coin are valid statements and opinions.  I just cannot agree that what JH did amounted to "PROTECTING" SY.  To me, mouthing the things he did in this episode while he had his own "double standard" and "cluelessness" only opened SY up to a lot of UNWARRANTED criticism.  Heck, even here in this forum we have a 50/50 thing going on about that dress.... LIKE I SAID THE DRESS HAS BECOME INFAMOUS NOW...  and the reason it has become so is ALL because of JH's actions, feelings, and words. PERIOD.  There's no way you can divert that away from him and claim it's "protection".  It's *not* protecting her, it's his own selfish desires protecting his ego and acting like a child wanting everything his way.  Sorry if that sounds harsh, and I'm not intended it to be harsh, I'm just stating if people are going to go to the place of trying to move beyond just merely "accepting it as what it is" and try to label it anymore than "JH being JH", you're not really doing him any favors.  You're making him look like more of a cad.

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you are gonna be mad at me again but I have to say it.

when she said 'This marriage is invalid' it broke my heart, even if its a joke. she shouldnt say that. I never heard that from any other couple before (I only knew few of them)


and at the end, when he said 'do you want to marry JinGoo' ahhh again. she made him ask that.


Am I that sensitive? I dont know. she found that its cute when he is jealous but she shouldnt do that on their wedding day. I know its not a real wedding but still that moment was precious. you can say why did he show the video? like he said, she wanted to meet him so bad, he can only tolerate it like this. he wanted to make her happy even he doesnt like it. I can understand the 'fangirl-ing' stuff but she shouldnt rub it in.

actually before eng sub, I watched the episode slowly and kinda feel bad for her. she wanted to look beautiful for him but he is so flustered like in Japan in the tub, he couldnt look at her properly. she looked beautiful. I even write a long comment about this last night but I couldnt log in w/ my phone so I had to wait until morning then saw eng sub, my whole perception is changed.

11540833_598743793601910_12593117834029911013119_598743800268576_270729291972737 (raw version, didnt have time to correct, I write what I felt at that moment)

please read it carefully, try to understand what I am saying.

I DO NOT hate SY, I like her but sometimes she is doing things that I cant understand. maybe I am thinking too deep. you can disagree but try to understand my feelings. I look like bashing about her but I dont. every person has a good and bad side. there are lots of things that I like about her too. maybe I didnt mention that part frequently.

sorry for long post. took me 1hr to write this. seriously. #LOVE and #PEACE :sweatingbullets:

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Well both of them have done things we dont understand and dont get. 

But i have to state this, if JH were to get hurt because of a teenager then I really question his self confidence and his trust in her.

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