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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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hello chingus..i hope all are doing good..oh god i dont know from where to start
i have read all the updates realted to todays event and i have gonr crazy :P:P


1-did u dance in the musical

jcw-hahah i actualy cant dance

2-pmy said"that J's dancing is not goos but he sings really well :)

jce-she means that i cant dance (omo yes she means that now what :P oh now he will call her and ask about it..go on wookiya :P )

3-will u dance infront of us??

jcw-no..hahahah i'm so shy taht i can only dance like that in front of MY CLOSE ONES (he means that he can dance like that only in front on pmy..heheheh omo he just said CLOSE ONES and he use to dance in front of pmy taht means they are realllllyyyyyyyyyy CLOSE :wub:

and now comes that kisssss one...he said that he is/was not fed up of that kisses  and the way he was smiling/laughing *fishy* *fishy* :ph34r:B|.i'm 100% sure he must be thinking about all kissing scenes inluding the edited one (ep 20) hahahah


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Translations of sohu interview, three of the questions ^^

First Question

Q: What kind of meaning does this drama hold for you in terms of your acting career?

CW: Actually, I felt very blessed while filming this drama, I had a very happy time filming. I had a great time working with the staff and my colleague actors. Actually, I received a lot of love through this drama, so Healer is a project that is like a blessing, holds fond memories and meaningful for me in various ways.

Second question

MC: We know that when this drama was on air, you and MY were referred to as the Healing Couple, and in the drama, there were many eye candy scenes like loving hugs and sweet kisses. So I want to ask, how did you feel?

CW: Ah, there really were a lot of skinship scenes, there were lots of kiss scenes or romantic scenes. Actually, when we're filming, we'd be very careful. There were scenes where we had to be considerate of each other (literal trans: take good care of each other). Later on, we'd also discuss how to film so that the scene would appear more beautiful on screen. Yeah, we discussed...a lot...these kind of scenes... we filmed them very happily.

MC: Oh, so you were a bit tired of them?      (the intimate scenes)

*CW laughed a bit here while listening to trans, as that gif set from @fyeahjcw*

MC: Because there were so many.

CW: Oh, hahaha, no, I wasn't tired of them, hahaha

MC: Ah I thought he was tired of them that's why he chose a different type of kiss with Kang Ha Neul.

CW: Ah, no matter how you look at it, that kind of kiss belongs only on the stage. Because it's a kiss between two guys, from the perspective of the audience, I guess it is a very shocking scene. But because it was asked of in the script, we'll do our best to do it well.

Third Question

Q: It appears a lot of the stunts in the drama were completed by JCW yourself, did you train for it? Also, you just received the Best Couple Award with PMY, will you extend the Healing Couple relationship outside of the drama?

CW: (first question swiftly answered, so I'm going to skip it....) Yeah, and then with PMY.... noona, Best Couple award, we received the Best Couple award. Actually, it is an award that I am very thankful for, we beautifully won this award so I'm very thankful. Actually, we were very close at the filming site, we'd also joke around each other a lot, yeah. And we'll also chat a lot when we go over the scripts, yeah, we filmed in a very nice atmosphere.


He evaded the question lol 

Birth of a closeness during the filming ...hmmmm... definitely don't stop there... he recd a lot of love and this drama is very meaningful to him... so of course!  Wookie...ok 'noona' being said like shall I call her that?  get ready Wookie,  for the cold shoulder :)  :)  :)

Komowayo,  for the translation.


Edited by luvspartace
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OK how many times a person can die, because I died many times today with each new information,  lol

@raine_evenstar where have you been girl, we missed you. so I guess this translation is from Korean right!! Thank you very very very much *kisses*

There were scenes where we had to be considerate of each other (literal trans: take good care of each other). Later on, we'd also discuss how to film so that the scene would appear more beautiful on screen. Yeah, we discussed...a lot...these kind of scenes... we filmed them very happily. *dead*

 Yeah, and then with PMY.... noona, Best Couple award, we received the Best Couple award. Actually, it is an award that I am very thankful for, we beautifully won this award so I'm very thankful. Actually, we were very close at the filming site, we'd also joke around each other a lot, yeah. And we'll also chat a lot when we go over the scripts, yeah, we filmed in a very nice atmosphere.*dead from lol* just like his first answer about SYNERGY hahaha

Edited by ReemKanabta
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OK how many times a person can die, because I died many times today with each new information,  lol

@raine_evenstar where have you been girl, we missed you. so I guess this translation is from Korean right!! 

There were scenes where we had to be considerate of each other (literal trans: take good care of each other). Later on, we'd also discuss how to film so that the scene would appear more beautiful on screen. Yeah, we discussed...a lot...these kind of scenes... we filmed them very happily. *dead*

 Yeah, and then with PMY.... noona, Best Couple award, we received the Best Couple award. Actually, it is an award that I am very thankful for, we beautifully won this award so I'm very thankful. Actually, we were very close at the filming site, we'd also joke around each other a lot, yeah. And we'll also chat a lot when we go over the scripts, yeah, we filmed in a very nice atmosphere.*dead from lol* just like his first answer about SYNERGY hahaha

Chinggu,  let's not die yet... we need to hear it from them the truth of the matter then can be 'deadssss'  hihihi 

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@ReemKanabta @rnia93 @raine_evenstar @tehlimau, daebak! I remember hearing or reading an IV from PMY that her personality is very close to CYSs. And she mentioned that if she had a bf like SJH/PBS in RL, she will stop him before he really becomes Healer and keep him in his PBS persona. Everything makes sense in their own way. Reading between the lines isn't hard and it seems like Sohu IV is a confirmation that ChangMin couple has a really close friendship or more than that. 

Edited by pnaysurfer84
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@ReemKanabta @rnia93 @raine_evenstar @tehlimau, daebak! I remember hearing or reading an IV from PMY that her personality is very close to CYSs. And she mentioned that if had a bf like SJH/PBS in RL, she will stop him before he really becomes Healer and keep him in his PBS persona. Everything makes sense in their own way. Reading between the lines isn't hard and it seems like Sohu IV is a confirmation that ChangMin couple has a really close friendship or more than that

ChangMin couple has a really close friendship --------> we could safely say they really close based on his anwer

1. "Actually, when we're filming, we'd be very careful. There were scenes where we had to be considerate of each other (literal trans: take good care of each other). Later on, we'd also discuss how to film so that the scene would appear more beautiful on screen. Yeah, we discussed...a lot...these kind of scenes... we filmed them very happily"


2. "Actually, it is an award that I am very thankful for, we beautifully won this award so I'm very thankful. Actually, we were very close at the filming site, we'd also joke around each other a lot, yeah. And we'll also chat a lot when we go over the scripts, yeah, we filmed in a very nice atmosphere."

credit: @raine_evenstar for the translation

now now... I notice he say "actually" many times as the first word like he always do when he has intention to answer a question very carefully. He sure say "actually" A LOT to say something about PMY eonni...


or more than that -------------------------> oh yeahh.. we all Changminers sure believe so.. hahahaha ahaaah onion head

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Guest FleurdeLys101

Ayieeeeeeeeee, these two:x:x

There, I just needed to let that squeee out of my system...

Anyeong Chinggus today is a happy day eh?

OK my post is a page starter might as well INTENSIFY it with these wonderful gifs by the awesome @fyeahjcw... Did Wookie just let out a squee in the second gif??

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OK I keep playing @fyeahjcw video, the last few seconds,  his reaction is killing me , again, when he hears the question he was taken a back, didn't see that coming, jumped a little, made the cutest expression, grinned widely, listened again to his interpreter, stared at the mic for a second there wondering what to say , started making sounds, ah hehehhe, answered truthfully:  no I wasn't tired/sick of it, with a lovely look in his eyes that said he enjoyed every f****g moment of it, giggled again louder because he was caught red handed, and he gave a big grin while the interpreter was translating his answer, looking cheekily,  with a big silly grin on his beautiful face saying that ya ya I  enjoyed the scenes. Now I want to see MY reaction to that :P

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Ayieeeeeeeeee, these two:x:x

There, I just needed to let that squeee out of my system...

Anyeong Chinggus today is a happy day eh?

OK my post is a page starter might as well INTENSIFY it with these wonderful gifs by the awesome @fyeahjcw... Did Wookie just let out a squee in the second gif??

​@fleurdelys101 IKR, it's as if he is tickled pink with the question and spazzing himself ... hahaha ... wookie is sooo cute ... the best quote for the day "No, I was not tired of it" (referring to the kiss and intimate scenes) ... which is a different response to a question in one of his earlier interviews :-) 

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Guest amyR055

Lately JCW looks really happy in contrast to the time when he went to China and Bali.


JCW must have learned his lesson. Give a vague answer about the kisses again, will led to many interpretation based on some people own twisted interpretations. How some people felt delighted reading that twisted news. If PMY is not professional, that headline about him complaining about the kisses could make their budding relationships turned sour even if the relationship was just among fellow actor/actress. The implication on that news was quite big, it looked like JCW was complaining not only about his kisses with his co star but also about the writer's masterpiece. When what he actually meant was really simple, he was thinking about his sick co star's feeling. Some of the online news took things out of context just to sensationalize on it. He gave a direct answer this time. There is no space for manipulation.  He used this sentence if I am not mistaken - Aniyo, 질리는아니습니다 (Jillineun aniseumnida). He said "No, I am not tired of it(them)".  I think this is in present tense - need to check with OO123. Being a total beginner in Hangul, it is still hard to differentiate the tenses but that what I heard.

Looking at how he laughed heartily about the question without a tinge of being annoyed, more so delighted in it. He was more than happy to answer that question truthfully albeit he needed time just a little bit to compose himself by fidgeting with the mic.


About the question whether he is going to date PMY, the same question was asked before in one of his interviews " Are you dating PMY?" he used the classic method diverting the question by not answering the question but provided one long and winding answer that is totally out of context, with embellishment and lots of detailed information but totally not related to the question at all. He is consistent in this way. Avoiding by flooding the question with unrelated answers. The interviewer must be amused with his answer but most probably he/she won't called him bluffing right to his face.

What we can happily observe from his interview, he didn't mind at all being associated with his nuna. He is not going to crash his fan meeting to explain about this 'scandal' at all. The secret is slowly becoming one big open secret already.

Hopefully we will have news about PMY. It should be anytime soon.


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Guest FleurdeLys101

​@fleurdelys101 IKR, it's as if he is tickled pink with the question and spazzing himself ... hahaha ... wookie is sooo cute ... the best quote for the day "No, I was not tired of it" (referring to the kiss and intimate scenes) ... which is a different response to a question in one of his earlier interviews :-) 

​This statement from Wookie just HULK SMASHED earlier assumptions that he did not enjoy the skinship scenes in Healer. I don't think this is a "different response" I honestly think his earlier responses about the kiss scenes were greatly misconstrued- just like what unnie @tehlimau said earlier. Yay for Wookie! Yay for our uri puppy's inability to tell a lie! Hahaha 

@cmoirae2 BTW your Wookie in the flesh day is coming up!!!! Excited??

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I just want to put this in face of everyone who said they weren't CLOSE from bts videos

Yeah, and then with PMY.... noona, Best Couple award, we received the Best Couple award. Actually, it is an award that I am very thankful for, we beautifully won this award so I'm very thankful. Actually, we were very close at the filming site, we'd also joke around each other a lot, yeah. And we'll also chat a lot when we go over the scripts, yeah, we filmed in a very nice atmosphere.

Although it has nothing to do with the original question but he answered other unanswered questions that PMY already said before, kakao talk (still can't get over him asking her did she eat or not, so caring, *swooning*), him being a spoilt child on set, taking care of her when she was sick, etc, and he avoided it after healer and now, he was avoiding another question,  lol.

Let me laugh again at his answer, best couple award, mentioned twice repeatedly.  Actually mentioned twice, better than four. Thankful twice. we won beautifully,  what!!! come again, how can you win BEAUTIFULLY!!! And the rest has the same meaning but different words.  The boy who can't lie, :D

@tehlimau @pnaysurfer84 she was asked who's her ideal type between  PBS or HEALER, she said SJH, and I believe JCW is SJH with some traits of PBS,  he's as sexy as SJH and as cute and adorable as PBS, minus the stuttering . And why does she keep bringing up PMY!!!!  I think the Chinese are changminers also, yaaaay

Btw both your Ava's are killing me

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​This statement from Wookie just HULK SMASHED earlier assumptions that he did not enjoy the skinship scenes in Healer. I don't think this is a "different response" I honestly think his earlier responses about the kiss scenes were greatly misconstrued- just like what unnie @tehlimau said earlier. Yay for Wookie! Yay for our uri puppy's inability to tell a lie! Hahaha 

@cmoirae2 BTW your Wookie in the flesh day is coming up!!!! Excited??

​yes chingu i have a hot date with JCW on the 16th of May ... hahaha ... i am having sleepless nights ... twisting and turning and staring at the ceiling as the date nears ... haha ...  now that's called super blast mega delulu ... but seriously though, i am looking forward to this trip ... it's different seeing JCW in person ... i have never in my life been a fan (and up to this moment still struggling with the thought that i have turned into one ... well, i'm still in denial) ... and i have to travel 7,000 miles one-way just to see him!

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WILL you take a look at that, he says he wants to be healthy and happy, really really happy,lol. Edited,  didn't see the interviewer asking him about women playing video games,

This boy is killing me with being so modest and humble,  praying that he stays that way

Edited by ReemKanabta
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Guest Eileen531

@ ReemKanabta, 

Where can I read that interview in much larger print?  It looks interesting but forgive me my eyes won't decipher that small print.

@ amy R055, 

The implication on that news was quite big, it looked like JCW was complaining not only about his kisses with his co star but also about the writer's masterpiece. When what he actually meant was really simple, he was thinking about his sick co star's feeling. Some of the online news took things out of context just to sensationalize on it.

I mentioned something about this earlier today too.  If I remember correctly this bit of info came out really late for us in the US through a Soompi article and it threw a lot of us for a loop.  The article was written just for that exact effect to stir up the masses with their half truths making him sound as if he disliked Pmy.  Which we all knew was a lie and insulting. Jcw has learned finesse with all his experience doing interviews since Healer ended and I like it.  :)


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Guest FleurdeLys101

​yes chingu i have a hot date with JCW on the 16th of May ... hahaha ... i am having sleepless nights ... twisting and turning and staring at the ceiling as the date nears ... haha ...  now that's called super blast mega delulu ... but seriously though, i am looking forward to this trip ... it's different seeing JCW in person ... i have never in my life been a fan (and up to this moment still struggling with the thought that i have turned into one ... well, i'm still in denial) ... and i have to travel 7,000 miles one-way just to see him!

​LOL @cmoirae2 Your very own One Night in Jinju, OK but make sure to return to proper owner, arasso? hahahaha



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