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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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Where is uri Minyoungie??? Is she really go under the radar after give us all the hints?? No movement at all from her...

I know... After dropping hints here and there...   she lay low suddenly.   Maybe there's a big hint coming like shock and awe kind of thingxD  just kidding.   These two you'll never know when they want to play.  

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I know... After dropping hints here and there...   she lay low suddenly.   Maybe there's a big hint coming like shock and awe kind of thingxD  just kidding.   These two you'll never know when they want to play.  

I really hope that shock and awe are she join her Captain at Sohu tv event.. Ameen..

Edited by OdankItha
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If it is this thread will move at the speed of lightning xD 

I have to hold really tight if this thread move like that.. And still happy...

My delulu angel tell me.. She already there beside her man and under the white sheet.

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Oh noooo... I'm loaded with so much delulu.. hahaha....

and all of white blanket speculation make me admire2 onion head

I have to hold really tight if this thread move like that.. And still happy...

My delulu angel tell me.. She already there beside her man and under the white sheet.

Aren't we all thinking the same LOL

ahaaah onion headI know it's not just me


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Guest pariG

may be this pic help whether PMy was sitting between legs or not ...lol...such perv we are....@tehlimau ..give me my FF soon..with towel scn too..it was bloody hot..i was like ..KISS her damn it...but he didnt..that stare...offfhhh.i was melting..what will be PMY condition..god knows...& JCW was like puppy stuck somewhere whther to kiss her or what i should do...need bang chingu help....hhahahhaa..& you better give me my fav kitchen kiss FF  pls....you know that my fav....it was purely JCW-PMY..n.& their naughtiness

regarding sitting position..may be this GIF help..

cr-ownercheck when he was putting remote on table his part of black pant little show up at the pmy side....

so i go with she was IN-BETWEEN... 9_9:P:x




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Hello everyone! :x About 2 or 3 hours I can't connect to SP with you/Changminers/Healerities and I feel lost. 

I randomly picked a Thai movie to watch while keeping F5 SP and do you guys know what I found in this movie. It's a speech about the today subject: a mole.

"A mole is destiny in action. Moles are destiny's little miracles. Because no person can predict where of when a mole will actually appear, or even finally end up on their body. Moles appear to be random. But if moles are truly random then how can two persons who total strangers have a mole at exactly the same spot. May be it's DESTINY."

Our Changmin couple#many same things#destiny

I'm in delulu mode :D. I love everyone, Changminers.



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@pariG the one with the remote is from the hug scene at the end of working 15.when they were watching MH on tv , you didn't look well at their clothes, tsk, tsk -_- I don't know why they jumped like this from scene to scene,  I guess they were talking about the hugs there.

But @tehlimau dear here they are 100% sitting without any barrier. You can have all the naughty thoughts that you want. She's  nestling  between his legs.and his other leg stretched beside her,  her legs stretched all the way infront of her, with him squeezing her tightly his face caressing her cheeks and his arms engulfing her body, and squeezing her bossom,  look how happy she laughs and how he looks at her when he hear her 



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this is my nth attempt to post :( :(

awwwwssssss..... all these pics, hints n clues are torture to my delulu heart.  No matter how much I say "behave my heart"  it says "how can I?"  huhuhu.... wae?  wae?  Wookie,  Minyoungsshi..... 

and my DVD ... today I've read the ordering for Blurays has been re-opened...proof it'll still take time before I hold my DVDs in my hand ... aigoooo....  

maybe this Director's Cut is made very, very special.... cannot help it but ask if there's a 'bomb' that'll bring more happiness to @All ChangMin shippers... oh my :) #praying #dreaming #wishing 

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@tehlimau darling, that was a wonderful read and you described them shooting those scenes beautifully and you couldn't be more accurate,  I love their inner conflict trying to address their feelings, I also believe My would be the reluctant one to accept that too soon not after her last experience,  so she will take her time to confirm it's not Y's but My who's falling for JCW and I can guess he will be more certain of his feelings growing inside him for this beautiful inside out, bright, cheerful , honest,  intriguing,  cute girl (killer body is a bonus for him,lol) so what did he just say about getting attracted to someone!!!!!  Heheheh but he will certainly give her the time she needs to confirm her feelings.  Which is as we believe is already confirmed from their recent glowing appearances and JCW slipping line, the cap, the bracelet,  their IG posts. Dululu heaven :D

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Hi to all my changminer chingus. How are you? i missed you a lot even uri dear changmin:wub: .i happy to join you here in this temporary forum and i hope you didnt forget me.:(

but wait....what`s happening hereO.o.all this news, hints and goodies just happend in one day?waaahhh amazing! and i see you more got exited and have more thing for spazzing...new bracelet...barcelona cap...new interview of JCW and etc....

so with this goings-on i suggest you stay in this temporary home forever and dont move into new house at all coz i see it brings you more good fortune and happiness. :D

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Guest amyR055

PMY is in ninja mode again. No news but if I am not mistaken her official date for flying to China for her drama will be made public right? Her fans even prepared something for her departure.

Why there is no collaboration at all for our OTP, even SOHU China only invited JCW for the final screening of Healer.

Looking at JCW's IV - When are you attracted to someone?

Interesting because his answers are all in present tense (My delulu mind assumption because I don't know what  tense that he used for his answers in hangul). Even when he emphasized he likes a woman who conduct professionally - why should this be his priority - my guess because he appreciates that someone that he is attracted too right now didn't interfere with his career - his kissing acts - the most recent his kisses scene in his musicals. I am sure that someone special didn't even raised her eyebrows about those kisses. They both respects each other space and career.  So no emotional burden to do his job as an actor. Hopefully he would feel the same when the table is turned. LOL

About being bright and cheerful - obviously he already had someone in his mind who fitted that description to a T. He even described that someone on the TV just like some of us highlighted before. Caught red handed right.

Even  for falling in love while talking - you can see that he always turned and tilt his head whenever PMY was talking not to mention his undivided intent gaze on her face . In the interviews, it was obvious he always shown his interests whenever it's PMY turned to talk. The BTS photos - a lot of the photos shown he gave his full attention listening to her.

My delulu and logic are really mess up now. My assumption for now, they are confirmed together but if later it didn't work out like I thought  it's still okay. I just wish both of them success in whatever they do. But for now  I feel the same as Chae Young Shin at the police station - Doing silly thing like this is really exciting.LOL


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All of you are DAEBAK!!! AWESOME!!! Great CSI capability!!! :) Even,you found that they have sama mole's spot!!! What a sinergy!!! :D

Well, @tehlimau, I also curious about the way they sit in eps 15... Where did the position of Chang Wook's right leg??? But in my opinion,he sat with open leg,and Min Young sat in between his legs... I think, Min Young actually felt not comfort... We can see from the way she sit... She looked stay away from Chang Wook's spot... Oops... :P 

I also curious about the way the sit in eps 20,when Jung Hoo sat together on rooftoop...

How did Jung Hoo's legs position???

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Guest Eileen531

LMAO.............@ Siptiamari

Omgod, i am crying here.............I can't even type right I am laughing so hard..........when you wrote this.

 I think, Min Young actually felt not comfort... We can see from the way she sit... She looked stay away from Chang Wook's spot... Oops...

I agree with you she sat between his open legs with the blankets covering his right leg that is against the couch/sofa back. True she wasn't flush up against Jcw's spot......lol........as you put it.  That might of raised a stir.


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@siptiamari In the pic you posted (Jung Hoo and Young Shin's date in ep20) she sat right in the middle :x


So here I am again, bringing all my delulu edits to this thread 9_9 Could you imagine if one day we wake up and see this? 

I don't know if my heart would be able to handle this :wub:

(ah f**k it! I'm so ready to see our Changmin be real!!!  )

May this day come as soon as possible *-*

@Ahpheng your c-strip is daebak as usual!! you're so talented!!

Edited by fyeahjcw
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