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[Drama 2015] Falling For Innocence 순정에 반하다


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Episode 5 stills

Ji Hyun, Min Ho`s partner is coming to visit him in the new house. She doesn`t look to happy to see Soon Jung there. I think you guys were right that she is feeling some jealousy. I missed the signs. :D



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Episode 5 stills
Soon Jung and Min Ho in a luxury shop

Min Ho wants to buy Soon Jung another purse? He observed that she has the same purse everywhere? :D That`s my interpretation.

I don`t know what`s going on.  From what I understood from Google translate, Min ho is playing the benevolent boss. He makes an excuse that he wants to buy a gift for someone.


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larus said:Episode 5 stills

Ji Hyun, Min Ho`s partner is coming to visit him in the new house. She doesn`t look to happy to see Soon Jung there. I think you guys were right that she is feeling some jealousy. I missed the signs. :D

She should give up now - she hasn't got a ghost of a chance. 

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bebebisous33 said: littleloony said:
I really hope he paid attention when Ok Hyun uttered that DW was dead in his presence. I hope he will notice SJ's professionalism in light of this and appreciate her integrity after he came to know that she knew about the whole Fleur-Gold Partner set up. I want him to acknowledge her talent as a secretary :D

Ok I'll stop here and back read......looks like a lot of interesting stuff has been posted :D :D

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Oh no...she is visiting Joon Hee at the office. He is still there and he is tired. Of course, the good friend Soon jung is thinking at him and doesn`t have time for her boss.  I bet Min Ho ordered her to buy things for his new house and did not mention his intentions to have dinner with her and her friends. :D





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thank you @larus for the new still and i hope Minho meet with Dong Wook's dad :'(and for additional things, may i suggest woo shik as the right guy for Jihyun :)) :)) :))I CANT WAIT FOR MINHO AND SOONJUNG XD

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@miriamdream2 What a comment!! How long did it take you to write it? :D
I like your theory, especially this would explain why SJ stayed so loyal and clean working for the CEO! I never thought JH as a psychopath at all: someone whose mind got corrupted by working for so many years for the CEO... SJ might have been the motive to become his dog and why he never received any compensation for that kind of work. However, SJ seems to be naive. She must have heard about that rumour: JH being his dirty dog!

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Guest gammiron

I suppose this hasn't been posted yet?

Episode 5 Text Preview (source from naver):

민호는 자신 때문에 회사를 퇴사하게 된 순정을 위해 강 회장에게 직접 찾아가 순정을 복직시킨다. 하지만 그 후로도 민호에게 냉정한 모습만 보여주는 순정. 민호는 순정의 마음을 돌리기 위해 여러 가지 방안을 생각하다 급기야 집들이를 핑계로 모든 비서들을 집으로 불러 파티를 연다. 설레이는 맘으로 순정을 기다리는 민호 하지만 순정은 나타나지 않는데...


Minho goes to see Chairman Kang personally to bring back Soonjung, who was fired because of him, into the company. But even after that Soonjung still acts cold in front of Minho. In order to change her heart, he thinks of several plans, and ultimately decides to hold a housewarming party with the secretaries as an excuse to see her. With restless heart, he waits for Soonjung, yet she's not coming...

Basically it's just like the stills @larus has posted. Oh, poor guy. :(

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OK, that was an extensive analyzes. As a devil`s advocate, you did a good job.  I only have a different view about Joon Hee`s motivations.

I understand Joon Hee but what he did to cover his mistake is unforgivable. I don`t know why the writer cast upon him such suspicion from the beginning. Without this doubt, he would have been a sympathetic second lead?   Maybe.  I still believe that he was the one that watched his friend die. I believed that he was not the one that hit Dong Wook with the car (but a particular filming scene reveled that it was Joon Hee`s car.  Still it is not sufficient evidence that he is indeed the murderer as I pointed it at that moment).  But he was the one that took the phone. I am 100% convinced.  I will be surprised if it is not true.  That doesn`t mean that he enjoyed seeing his friend dying but he did it to save himself.  I never saw Joon hee as psychopath but a person with incommensurable ambitions, but we never know. (But let see more of him, to be sure). 

I disagree partially about his motivations for him being the chairman dog. It could be because he wants to protect Soon Jung in the company but not all he does in because of her. He was a very smart kid but had a poor background. He had a chance for a scholarship and wanted to repay his gratitude so he joined Hermia. He had the best intentions, he started innocent. He realized soon that to advance in the company it is not about competence but loyalty and "pedigree".  No matter how much he did work, he was still disregarded. Add his inferiority complex and we could understand his need to be successful. When he will not be useful in the company, there are others that can take his place. Nobody is replaceable. His need to succeed was the reason he stepped on his principles and became dirty.  Not because of Soon Jung.  The moment you made the pact with the devil you can`t escape without major sacrifices. Sure, Joon hee could make excuses, like he is doing everything to protect Soon Jung and the people he cares about but he knows exactly why he wants to succeed and why he will not except consequences for his actions.   He hates doing all the corrupt stuff (like we saw in episode 2 when he negotiated with the DA) but how he can stop now?  What will he get? Nothing. All the hard work for nothing?  But he has a plan, to take down Chairman Kang and to be the one who became the next president of Hermia.  I would have admired him if he would have come with a plan without resorted to such deplorable trick (contaminated the products). Maybe that will make Soon Jung be proud of him too?  Min Ho has resources, he did not. That was one step of his plan. It was the best plan he could do.  His friend discovered the truth, he could not convinced him to ignore the evidence just once, and in his desperation he hit Dong Wook ( or he just let him die). It was a hard decision (we have to see more of his struggles) but it was a matter of survival. About his frustrations (accumulated ones) I totally agree.  We don`t know much about Joon Hee. We did not see him in contact with many characters in this show. We don`t see his feelings about Dong Wook`s death. We have to discover him bit by bit. 

About Soon Jung .

Chairman Kang appreciates her and we can see why. She is doing her job properly, she is efficient, always respectful, loyal. She is not there because she is the insurance card of Joon Hee. Evil Uncle could use her if it benefits him? Definitely. 

She was in the company for 5 years (I think she said that) and she had 5 bosses, included Min Ho. I don`t know why everybody must assume that she has to be aware of the bad business Evil Uncle have done. The corruption is not made in the limelight.  Yes, she must know that he is not that innocent and what he did as a chairman of Hermia was the best he could do. Have you seen a scene with Soon Jung or other secretary when the big decisions are made? No. He does legit business too but the corruption is known only by few people.  Watching Empire of Gold, Chaser or other shows I understood about corruption in kdramas. It is like a phylum, it is like a way of life. :)

Joon Hee chooses to be the bad man, the chairman dog and let Soon Jung remain the innocent one? Maybe. But she is not that naïve.  She said to Min Ho: "There were times that I had to be a terrible person for my bosses’ sake. There are times when it feels like I am standing at the fork road unable to choose between a leader`s and a company`s s goals” She made questionable choices too but she never crossed the line. She resigned when she was put to choose between her principle (the company  `s sake) and her job.  The difference between Joon Hee and Soon Jung, is that she was ready to take responsibility for her actions.

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gammiron said:Trans:
Minho goes to see Chairman Kang personally to bring back Soonjung, who was fired because of him, into the company. But even after that Soonjung still acts cold in front of Minho. In order to change her heart, he thinks of several plans, and ultimately decides to hold a housewarming party with the secretaries as an excuse to see her. With restless heart, he waits for Soonjung, yet she's not coming...

Basically it's just like the stills @larus has posted. Oh, poor guy. :(

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selenette said:

I've noticed that Dramafever and Viki have different versions of what Woo-shik said after Min-ho was 'attacked' by the ahjumma at the hospital.

In Viki, he asked Min-ho "why were you acting like that?"

I never understood why Min-ho was riled up. After all, it was a simple question.

Until I watched the scene again with Dramafever sub.

In Dramafever, what Woo-shik said was "why did you come on to the ahjumma?" Woo-shik believed that Min-ho might've provoked the ahjumma on purpose (to flirt).

Poor Min-ho.

P.S. Sorry if I got the subs wrong because I'm not watching the episode now.

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Since it seems the general consensus is that the writers have gone down ectoplasm avenue in their explanation of MH's change of heart (ah, such sparkling wit!), here's my concern with that choice:
In both the unspeakably awful  Summer Scent  and the really quite good My Spring Days, the cellular memory plot device was used to generate anxiety in the minds of the OTP: "Do I love him/does he love me because I have his girlfriend's/wife's heart or of my/his own choosing?" Summer Stink decided the meaningful artistic way to answer that question was to effectively leave it unanswered, which was irritating to say the least. #MSD went the other way and very loudly and emphatically built its story on the power of free will and personal choice. And here's where this ramble reaches  something not unlike a point. 
If he really is haunted, how does this question get answered here? With cellular memory, there is an ambiguity involved if one swallows the premise. With haunting, there really isn't. MH, at least for now, is being guided by the dead hand (this is too easy) of Fate. So how does he come to love her himself, rather than as just the corporeal sock of a phantom puppeteer, and how does she find that out? For that matter, does she even find that out? Since you can't hide a transplant, the worry about "is it really me, or the heart?" is at least obvious, but does MH say, "look SJ, in case you're wondering why I'm a total sonofabitch to everyone else but sweet to you, it's cause I've got your dead fiancé in my brain, who you gonna call?"  
I really hope these questions can be addressed intelligently.  One of the reasons I tend to avoid shows built around supernatural elements is that very word. By definition, something supernatural allows for a story-telling copout, whatever needs to happen in the plot can be magicked by the <insert supernatural entity here> and when it's time for a resolution, just cross the streams and hey presto! I'd rather the ghost was more of a psychological metaphor, like the ones in Hamlet and Macbeth, but we may not be talking about quite that level of writing skill here. Unless there's a whole nother reason for the story being ghost-driven. 

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