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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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37 minutes ago, bellaangel012 said:

Ratings decreased due to the baseball game and also the most important upcoming national college exam in korea. Most likely those are the factors. 


I live in Korea and baseball is actually quite serious and 2nd only after soccer here. 


As for the college exam, most likely family members are shutting off their tv to not distract the students who are studying for this exam that is next month. EVERYONE in korea takes this exam seriously so i expect a ratings decrease regardless for all shows. Korea even implents no fly zones during actual exam day and you see kids coming in and out of hagwons all hours of the night in preparation and their parents basically living in silence at home as to not disturb their kids studying. 


Anyway the PBG fever is real here, more so than what you see in the news, everyone is talking about this drama in korea so serious kudos to the entire cast for a wonderful drama. The last time ive seen this was for the drama, secret garden. 


thanks for the info. i was quite disappointed as well with how the rating seems to decreased since last week. i seriously thought angst is the sole reason. btw may i know if pbg is as popular as song joong ki in korea? ratings for dots is much higher.. just wondering if MDBC was aired around DOTS's time, maybe the rating will improve?

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49 minutes ago, sara2908 said:



@bellaangel012Thanks for the update on The Bogum fever. You had mention about Secret Garden. That is like years ago. I thought there was a Descendent fever early in the year.



Yes DOTS was very popular but the difference is that you had an established star like Song Hye Kyo headlining it. It was going to make noise but 2 actors that have never headlined a drama before on their own name with all the factors against it and this fever that came along is something else altogether.

Edited by LyraYoo
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1 hour ago, tiendoank said:



Who did what??? who dare to blame uri Gummy?



oh just some annoying immature shipper of Boyoo/YeongOn majority int fan who contribute nothing to the rating but already start blaming Bogum for rating down just because he call Hyeri wife in CP outfit smh...while the knets is chill and not even find anything wrong with that because they obviously know that is fanservice for a TVN award which Bogum&Hyeri love to play along with their drama character :P just look at Eunji&InGook they always ON for their fanservice even R97 end years ago there nothing wrong with it even they have multiple of other costar after the drama but their reply costar will always have special place :P

they say many more horrible thing and hating at Bogum...

well me being Suntaek shipper as the small minority ship who keep being ridicule from beginning until now just tired of all the s h i  t from the JH/Borene and now BoYoo faction lol but whatever my Suntaek ship have beautiful offscreen friendship they like or not and they both is always generous&game on for giving husband/wife fanservice or their own inside joke so i will always have last laugh lol


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@bellaangel012: Welcome to Bogum's thread! It's great to have someone from Korea in this thread. Please, please update us with news straight from SK about Bogum.

I am just sooo happy with how things are with Bogum! I couldn't ask for more!

Like Bogum, I will just continue to be thankful!

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@bellaangel012 Thank you so much for giving us updates on the SK side so that we intl fans can have more accurate information! Agree with you that his agency and friends have been very good to keep his private life out of the public domain and protect his privacy. They have shown him their real love for him.  I hope he can continue life as before and be able to go out with his friends and family without too much disruption from his fans and the media. Like you, I also hope he maintains his true self and will not be affected by all this popularity. After all, his character qualities have been and will continue to be the main reason why so many of us became his fans in the first place. 

Please post here more often so that we get more information about what's happening to our Bogummy in SK. Khamsahada!!!

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32 minutes ago, salz said:



Oh MY!!!! I never knew it. You meant the YeongOn in Soompi? That's so immature of them.

But you know what? Park Bogum might have turned into the Crown Prince and this Crown Prince has a new sweetheart. But I have never had ANY SLIGHTEST intention to remove and change my sig. WHY? Because I always remember the damndest hardest road to have Taek and DeokSun together. We've been through hellish of hell and hardest road ever to finally be the winner. This is Tiendoank, SunTaek shipper through and through.  :glasses:

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7 minutes ago, tiendoank said:



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Oh MY!!!! I never knew it. You meant the YeongOn in Soompi? That's so immature of them.

But you know what? Park Bogum might have turned into the Crown Prince and this Crown Prince has a new sweetheart. But I have never had ANY SLIGHTEST intention to remove and change my sig. WHY? Because I always remember the damndest hardest road to have Taek and DeokSun together. We've been through hellish of hell and hardest road ever to finally be the winner. This is Tiendoank, SunTaek shipper through and through.  :glasses:



well some from soompi some from other place like twitter etc...well you know how hardcore possessive immature shipper is they don't see reason/logic thinking only they are right lol

hi5 yeah i won't change it too..

people like us who have seen and go through hell to even reach to the point in the sig understand each other more than anyone else that is why Suntaek is forever special in my heart..outsider or stranger will never understand the hell we have to be to protect and defend this ship so i won't just let brand new ship to suddenly act high&mighty stepping on and looking down on uri Suntaek just because their ship is more popular&fresh from oven acting like they own Bogum and can control what he should say or do which is ridiculous and super immature...you don't ridicule and be rude to your sunbae ship lol...just learn to respect each other and don't step on others land..you can ship who you want but don't get overboard and hurt other people if thing don't go the way you want it :P


im so happy to see fan from Korea here and giving us juicy update of real time situation of Bogum in Korea

and im so happy to know he doing so well much better than what media portray :wub:

hope you continue sharing with us the latest news of Bogum here welcome aboard:blush:

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After going through what we went through with SunTaek (was a lurker throughout), I can't bring myself to be on board any ship because a lot of shippers get carried away and cannot separate the real persons from the drama couple. Haha...I'd save myself this sort of unnecessary unhappiness over such immature behavior. 


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haha did you lurk Suntaek before?haha you must have seen the hardship we went through lol which is reason why they are special to me..i don't care if they have many other more popular ship but i just don't like how people is rude to Suntaek when they don't even do anything to others just them being their lovable self so no need for those hates lol

i mean i do adore YeongOn very much though i don't ship them in real life esp with YJ is so young it just wrong at least wait few more years lol but since both YJ&Bogum is amazing actor&actress bringing their character to live and they have wonderful chemistry of course which make me root for them on screen in drama only

but i can't forgive when their shipper like you said too caught up in shipping and taking harmless thing too personally making it reason to hates and hurt other people for sake of making their ship look real when obviously the actor and actress just successfully doing their job at chemistry and acting department..when they say all those horrible thing to Bogum&Suntaek it just hurt me..it enough that Bogum body is at drama set with his drama costume since when im sure he want to be there too but the timing not letting it happen so the only thing i can get is his short video conference and him being happy greeting people he loves so there no reason to hate there just him being himself and insert some Taek because that what he getting award for not for LY lol

hahaha i enjoy the romance part of MDBC of course and want them to have happy ending but in a way that make sense but tbh im more interested in how they gonna resolve the conflict of politic and i wanna see the more dark calculative politician side of LY that make me fall in love with him more than his romantic side lol

i really wanna see Bogum in dark villain psychotic kind of role..i know he already done Min but i wanna see even darker than that lol

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@ayvah.  I do have a Same problem like you. Whenever I use my desktop to open soompi thread, it direct me to advertsing page and  soompi thread also on. So I have to close advertising page all the time. But open soompi thread with my phone, I do not have problem mat all. Anyway, welcome back.

since last night,  I keep on checking bogum song status and over the moon for his success.


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@salz haha I too have said in a previous post that I want a bad boy street fighter Bogummy (not necessarily a villain but not your typical main lead type) next. I watch him for his acting anyway. So any good acting for a difficult role is good for me. Of all his roles, I love his acting as Min-ah best, followed by Taek. I have not been too taken by his acting as CP because the surprise element is gone for me.

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39 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

@salz haha I too have said in a previous post that I want a bad boy street fighter Bogummy (not necessarily a villain but not your typical main lead type) next. I watch him for his acting anyway. So any good acting for a difficult role is good for me. Of all his roles, I love his acting as Min-ah best, followed by Taek. I have not been too taken by his acting as CP because the surprise element is gone for me.

yeah im not too surprised with CP since i knew he can nailed it just that the best thing he can get a lot more screentime to shine compare to previous drama where he can fully wow everyone to the max lol

the role that i never wanna see him take is the role of a jerk who treat girl like crap, doing something like forced kiss and worse thing like many popular stereotype main lead in kdramas like Heir,BOF,It started with kiss which i dislike since i really really hope he won't ever took such role in future or i might need to pass that lol..hope he continue picking interesting versatile role...i love how his current romantic role like Taek and LY treat the girl nice of course he not necessarily need to work in romance drama, i wanna see him challenge thriller/crime/action/mystery drama such as Signal, 38 Squad etc

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