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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@prettystone" Thank You for the Translation and your hard work..

Wait a damn minute" Who in the hell that skank HB telling HS to send my yeobo HW aboard so he can get away from JI, No let's reverse that and she take her azz off this drama completely and do not return. A no good bubble gum big lips looking heifer 8-|

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suchadiva42 said: @prettystone" Thank You for the Translation and your hard work.. Wait a damn minute" Who in the hell that skank HB telling HS to send my yeobo HW aboard so he can get away from JI, No let's reverse that and she take her azz off this drama completely and do not return. A no good bubble gum big lips looking heifer 8-|

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HS, HS, I knew he would be the greatest foe to our OTP and I really hate when my half baked intuition plays out!! HW is HS ace in his revenge and at this point JI is considered a threat to HS revenge plans. It's not even about him wanting a better partner for HW, even though I can see him using that reasoning, paying lip service to pacify his brother and justify his actions. But the bottom line for him is that he wants an ace to knock HB, JT and JTs mother down and JI's involvement with His wife and brother puts his plans in jeopardy. He is a cruel man when you really think about it. And oh, JMY's sister dreaming about becoming his wife! That was funny and she probably deserves such a heartless husband too the way things are going! We need more decent people in JI's side. How can the entire cast (well almost all main characters) of the show just be evil? Just watched the latest episode and I guess I need to get my laughs in another show :-S

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JMY's sister dreaming about becoming HS wife that was funny and she probably deserves such a heartless husband too a cruel man when you really think about it.
OH yeah,that is really truth,he is mean down to earth,HB and her mother think HS is helping them but he is  in the corner laughing at HB as JT mother is  slaping her.

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JMY's sister dreaming about becoming HS wife that was funny and she probably deserves such a heartless husband too a cruel man when you really think about it.

OH yeah,that is really truth,he is mean down to earth,HB and her mother think HS is helping them but he is  in the corner laughing at HB as JT mother is  slaping her.

I agree , jMY's sister deserves tonne punish. She helped HB frame JI because she is dumb. I mean why are you taking orders from your bosse's daughter. Why are you entering someone else's home and hiding stuff in the person's home. I think JMY and his sister are weak. They are followers and can never be leaders. SMH SMH SMH [-X [-X

This is me while I was watching today's episode. ~X( ~X( ~X( this is what I think of JMY, his sister and his mom L-) L-) L-)

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prettystone said: ep 36

ji calls jt's mom asking if she painted the painting in the workshop and if she was her childhood teacher, bh asks her mom to call ji for getting ji out of the workshop, jt's mom says she will feel good if she gets back the box, bh pretends a pain in her belly, bh's mom calls ji pretending it's from kid's hospital, ji leaves the workshop and runs to hospital.

kid is fine and ji's friend says someone made a bad joke and they should call the police.

jt says mom will forgive bh but he won't, bh says he never forgave her mistakes but this time she did it for mom, hs arrives and says the real child has died and mom can't know it because she will be in shock so they found a fake, he says they did it by good intentions for mom so jt should understand.

hs says he had to help bh because they are bugs on the same string, bh says she won't die alone so he must help to cover up the fact ji was the child mom looked for.

hs says jt's mom should go travel abroad with kid for a rest, jt wants her too, kid is happy she can travel with granny.

bh gives mom a new cell phone with a new number, she says she will take care of telling the new numbers to others.

bh uses the old phone to send text in jt's mom name: she will go to travel abroad and she didn't paint the painting and she didn't know the painter, ji reads the text and says so jt's mom wasn't her childhood teacher.

mom asks if bh told others the new phone number, bh says she only told those both she and mom know.

mom wants to go to her workshop before leaving, kid tells it to bh text, bh arrives in workshop and take away the note mom left to ji, the note is about her lost her cell phone and ji can contact her by new number, ji arrives and leaves a note to mom too, bh is annoyed and take it away, ji gets a call from jmy's mom for talk.

the "talk" is a dinner at restaurant with jmy instead, hw and his friend arrives at the same restaurant,  the friend has a plan for him to conquer ji: first treat her as a queen then keep distance from her then give her gifts, hw says the plan is rubbish and no wonder his friend never got a girlfriend, jmy sees hw and warns him not to following ji everywhere, hw says hw and ji are strangers since they have divorced, jmy says they divorced on paper only and they are still a couple because they have kid and hw can't win over him and they came for dinner as a family and hw has no a place to get in, friend is drunk and says hw is too good for a divorced woman, hw tells a dog/or horse (?) doll she is bad.

hb asks hs to send hw abroad because hw is so obsessed with ji.

hb tells jmy's sister she will go home to get her a painting, jmy's sister is in hs's room and dreams about being his wife, bh arrives and says sis wanted to steal her things like a cat, she recalls jt said the same things whens she stole jt's mom's will: she wanted to steal his mom's things like a cat and she acted really like her mom's daughter, she gives a handbag to jmy's sister and says she must have looked for it in her room, later the sister throws it away and says she isn't a beggar.

ji wonders why the painting appears again since it has been ruin in two moms fight, jmy's sister ji is wrong and they are two different paintings, she wonders if ji finds out they are washing money using fake paintings.

bh's mom sees a prosecutor at the gallery, he says thanks to her he was sent to work in other places for 2 years and he is back to seoul and he will visit her again.

bh/mom/hs talks about the prosecutor's back and and he will become more vicious and they need a scapegoat for their crimes, they looks at ji when she comes in.

bh: ji will take blame for all crimes.
jt's mom: you such vicious people!
bh: mom?
hw: my feelings for her must be love.
hs: if you can't give up on her, i will destroy her for you.
hb: ji?
hs: she is a thorn in our eyes, this is a good opportunity to make prosecutor zhu to take the bait.
ji: teacher, perhaps, are you that painter ajumma?
jt's mom: ji is that child.
ji: what's the matter?

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zaabu said: HS, HS, I knew he would be the greatest foe to our OTP and I really hate when my half baked intuition plays out!! HW is HS ace in his revenge and at this point JI is considered a threat to HS revenge plans. It's not even about him wanting a better partner for HW, even though I can see him using that reasoning, paying lip service to pacify his brother and justify his actions. But the bottom line for him is that he wants an ace to knock HB, JT and JTs mother down and JI's involvement with His wife and brother puts his plans in jeopardy. He is a cruel man when you really think about it. And oh, JMY's sister dreaming about becoming his wife! That was funny and she probably deserves such a heartless husband too the way things are going! We need more decent people in JI's side. How can the entire cast (well almost all main characters) of the show just be evil? Just watched the latest episode and I guess I need to get my laughs in another show :-S

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I agree , jMY's sister deserves tonne punish. She helped HB frame JI because she is dumb. I mean why are you taking orders from your bosse's daughter. Why are you entering someone else's home and hiding stuff in the person's home. I think JMY and his sister are weak. They are followers and can never be leaders. SMH SMH SMH [-X [-X

This is me while I was watching today's episode. ~X( ~X( ~X( this is what I think of JMY, his sister and his mom L-) L-) L-)

@Sarah because the entire family are.golddiggers.they will soon learn how the rich people do business

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It really is beyond belief (only in a K-drama) that the SIL of the woman whose brother cheated and left her for money and is spying on the mistress for the husband is doing the bidding and dirty work of the mistress and her bio mother to frame the ex-SIL who took care of her and her family. The above means her mother, her brother and herself will learn exactly what these people think of them and how they were just used and tossed away. When it happens the stars in her eyes to marry HS will show her how stupid she was and just as used by a man that would never look at her!

When everything shakes out many episodes later they will be turning their heads back to JI who they used, abused, framed and thought they could control from a distance. Neither of them helped this woman who took care of them for years. She is having to stay with her friend! None of them visit that granddaughter, daughter/niece this woman is taking care of her but yet all of these people go in and out of the place she is living taking her out for a meal when they could not be bothered to rub mud off their shoes on her! JMY will get a taste of taking the blame for something that he did not do just like they are trying to do with JI and I hope his sister is implicated too.

As for HS, he is pushing his brother to come in and when he does I doubt he like who his brother is when he comes into that company. I agree that HW will more then likely come in due to whatever HB and her mother has done. I am waiting to see that.

Now tell me did JT's mother find out they framed JI or just that they were swapping the originals for fakes?

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How can the entire cast (well almost all main characters) of the show just be evil?

I was thinking the same damn thing as I watched even HS turn to the dark side! Who's left on the good?

@NewKDramaAddict‌" That's why I said my Yeobo HW will come into work at that company when he gets ready, And as we see his brother HS is ruling all territories at the moment by stepping out from the Marvelous Light into the Evil of Darkness :-t

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I agree with @suchadiva42 right now hs thinks he can do as he sees fit. What i am seeing hopefully its not just me is that everyone is grossly underestimating hw. From experience its always hw type of characters that when they come out swinging watch out they are out for a kill.

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NewKDramaAddict said: zaabu said: HS, HS, I knew he would be the greatest foe to our OTP and I really hate when my half baked intuition plays out!! HW is HS ace in his revenge and at this point JI is considered a threat to HS revenge plans. It's not even about him wanting a better partner for HW, even though I can see him using that reasoning, paying lip service to pacify his brother and justify his actions. But the bottom line for him is that he wants an ace to knock HB, JT and JTs mother down and JI's involvement with His wife and brother puts his plans in jeopardy. He is a cruel man when you really think about it. And oh, JMY's sister dreaming about becoming his wife! That was funny and she probably deserves such a heartless husband too the way things are going! We need more decent people in JI's side. How can the entire cast (well almost all main characters) of the show just be evil? Just watched the latest episode and I guess I need to get my laughs in another show :-S

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I think my Yeobo HW and I need some time apart. I can't believe what he did today going to his brother to ask for help. He knows JI I isn't his favorite person. I am so mad at him right now.
@suchadiva42 ..... You may have him all to yourself temporarily......and I mean temporarily! :D

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Hello EveryoneFirst off, please don't bite my head off . LOLHS is brilliant, He plays chess real well. He brought back the prosecutor to scare the **** out of his wife and her mother. Which lead them to framing JI and getting rid of her quickly. HS has alway been one step a head of everyone else. I like how he yelled at his wife for being stupid and almost ruining his plans. JT and his family raised an tiger and now they are all going to pay for it, one way or another. HS is a very angry person and it will take his brother to make him see his bad ways.
The only thing i worry about is that HW and JI might be in the out for now. I kinda figured she was going to jail. This is JI's turning point and stop being a door matt. She will seek revenge on all the people who were against her and hurt her kid. 

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Sarah Maurice-Laplanche said: Hello EveryoneFirst off, please don't bite my head off . LOLHS is brilliant, He plays chess real well. He brought back the prosecutor to scare the **** out of his wife and her mother. Which lead them to framing JI and getting rid of her quickly. HS has alway been one step a head of everyone else. I like how he yelled at his wife for being stupid and almost ruining his plans. JT and his family raised an tiger and now they are all going to pay for it, one way or another. HS is a very angry person and it will take his brother to make him see his bad ways.
The only thing i worry about is that HW and JI might be in the out for now. I kinda figured she was going to jail. This is JI's turning point and stop being a door matt. She will seek revenge on all the people who were against her and hurt her kid. 

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This episode let's make something clear...ji needs to be put away for being retarded! She is the typical kdrama doormat. I don't think ji will be there long because hw is a sharp tac he will discover the truth. As to ji thinking hw betrayed her Im leaning to she won't.
We are at ep 39 we still have 11 more episodes before the fabled turning point, but its coming. i agree with the assessment of hw teaching hs the error of his way. 

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