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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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Well, why i wanted JI to move out of that apartment is because of her daughter not to see her own father having affair right in her face there,that will really hurt her daughter,especially when her daughter discover that same ugly school mate mother is destroying their family which is the result of her now having a confrontation in school also falling,it is not going to be easy throwing the mother in law out,the best way was for her quietly leave to clear her head and think of what next to do,her insisting of staying solving the problem she wouldn't be able to solve  result to her daughter falling.I wouldn't blame her daughter falling totally on her but since HB move next door to them and she doesn't want her daughter to discover,that is when she would have left if then she can solve the problem so be it,if she can't then there is other alternative   divorce.

@valsava,if JI really wanted to keep that marriage as she said,she would have sue HB take a picture of them kissing HB and her cheating husband where not hiding their relationship then publish it in the internet or newspaper for the world to see,that will ultimately destroy HB reputation,and a way to save the marriage if it worth saving,but JI did not that,all she did was to fight with empty hand, no money nothing,her husband want money that is what her husband want,so JI has no money enough to give her husband for him to stop  cheating on her,the best would have been to humiliate HB in public.Off course Korean writers always want to write the female leads stupid,that is exactly what the writer is doing.

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joyblack4 said: @Valsava, HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU .

Well, why i wanted JI to move out of that apartment is because of her daughter not to see her own father having affair right in her face there,that will really hurt her daughter,especially when her daughter discover that same ugly school mate mother is destroying their family which is the result of her now having a confrontation in school also falling,it is not going to be easy throwing the mother in law out,the best way was for her quietly leave to clear her head and think of what next to do,her insisting of staying solving the problem she wouldn't be able to solve  result to her daughter falling.I wouldn't blame her daughter falling totally on her but since HB move next door to them and she doesn't want her daughter to discover,that is when she would have left if then she can solve the problem so be it,if she can't then there is other alternative   divorce.

@valsava,if JI really wanted to keep that marriage as she said,she would have sue HB take a picture of them kissing HB and her cheating husband where not hiding their relationship then publish it in the internet or newspaper for the world to see,that will ultimately destroy HB reputation,and a way to save the marriage if it worth saving,but JI did not that,all she did was to fight with empty hand, no money nothing,her husband want money that is what her husband want,so JI has no money enough to give her husband for him to stop  cheating on her,the best would have been to humiliate HB in public.Off course Korean writers always want to write the female leads stupid,that is exactly what the writer is doing.

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Unless I heard HB wrong, that is EXACTLY what she said!

I think that's what she said, I had to double check with someone but we are both limited in our korean language. Am waiting for the experts here to confirm. Am so wary of where the writer is going to take Jis character because HB is so extreme I wonder if JI will snap and become even more vindictive. Honestly, the usual kind heroine just won't do when it comes to HB. Something beyond tragic has to happen to her and even then I doubt that she will have the mental capacity to recognize it. Am just as floored @NewKDramaAddict (love that word, am borrowing it if you don't mind)! This last episode had me gaping again...

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ep 19
kid comes at the door of the workshop, jmy says sorry to hb and he wants to take ji away, hb says he chooses her over ji and she had promised making them divorce, ji says she won't divorce, hb syas ji can't do anything because he will, she asks him to hurry it up so she won't have to listen to ji's nonsense again, jmy sees kid hearing them.

jmy is back home to find kid, mil asks what happended and he tells her kid knew his affair.
kid cries at park and recalls old things and cries, jmy finds her and says she misunderstood, she says she didn't because she heard it all and how he could do that to mom and it is disgusting.
sil and mil are worried about kid, mil says jmy was worried too and he didn't want kid knowing it, kid is back and cries in her room, ji is back and sil and mil stop her go to see kid, sil says kid is sleeping and sleeping is good for kid, ji goes to see kid and kid pretends sleeping.
hs asks about kid's party and if kid likes the bracelet, he says he even sent a worker to sing birthday song to her, kid asks if jmy is big in the company and hs tells her jmy is a section chief, kid says jsy's dad is just a section chief but she dares to challenge her at school.
hb is back and asks why hs didn't attend the party and he asked his secretary to buy the gift and he wasn't bothered to buy it himself, he says kid won't know it because she won't confirm it with the shop like some vip's wife, hb says a big thing starts with small things and if he wants to act as a good dad he should act it well, he says "good dad? then what about you?"
kid is ready for school, jmy says he will talk to her after school, he recalls hb's words about after divorce ji and kid should go abroad for kid's study, ji asks why kid ignored him and if kid knew his affair, he yells he didn't tell because he loves kid very much, ji sees the study plan and says after the fake divorce he even thinks of kicking them out of korea, she says she heard hubbies cheat because their wives live abroad but jmy must be the only man who wants to send his wife abroad because he wants to cheat.
kid's friend asks if sh is worried about bullies and says it will stop soon because she got courage from kid.
ji's mom breaks a photo frame and she calls ji telling about her bad dream, hb yells for her for not waking her up earlier, ji's mom says it was idea and he wanted hb to sleep more, hb yells for coffee.
jt's mom talks to someone on phone she will support ji that has talents and both her personality and paintings are good, hb hears her at door and has a sour face.
jmy writes text "you misunderstood dad" first then changes it to "i was wrong, please forgive me" then deletes it, he gets hb's text for a talk.
hb is furious and she asks when he divorces and sends ji abroad, she yells ji is driving her crazy and she really wants ji to disappear.
jmy waits for kid at school gate, her friend tells him kid has left.
kid goes to ji and says she wants to date mom, ji says she still has work to do, hw says ji should go dating her pretty daughter, kid thanks him.
hw's friend isn't happy they have to do ji's share of work, hw says they are doing a good thing, he says hurting at heart is worse than body's hurt.
ji and kid dates, kid shows ji something and says ji should attend the competition.
hb's mom says ji's painting must be very good so jt's mom wants to support her, hb says jt's mom pities ji, mom says jt's mom was never interested in someone's paintings because she pitied her, hb yells, mom says the last person jt's mom was interested in was a little girl at jeju island and she taught her to paint, hb says mom said that for making her angrier.
jt's mom recalls how she taught ji to paint, she tells jt she has decided to support her and she wonders when she will meet the little girl because she didn't ask her name, jt says if fate allows they will meet.
kid asks ji go for manicure because mom's pretty hands aren't for work only.
hb is asked if kid is the head of bullies at school on phone by a reporter and she denies it, she goes to asks kid who made the complaint and kid says she doesn't know, hb says she will stop the reporter to write it and kid must find out and stop the complainer, kid says she won't forgive ji's kid if she did that.
ji's kid gets a call from her friend and she asks for a meet, ji says it's too late and kid says it will take only a few minutes, ji asks kid to be careful on road.
jsy goes to see her friend but bullies are all there, dmj asks if jsy told the story to a reporter, jsys know it's her friend after recalling friend saying things would end soon, dmj asks others to take friend away and jsy asks where they will take her to, dmj says jsy should worry for herself instead, she says jsy just didn't understand the situation and she must think she can punished her by telling a reporter, jsy says dmj should be punished for making mistakes, dmj says words like "mistakes" and "punished" are for people who have no money and backers like jsy and jsy's parents, she throws an envelope (with money) at jsy and says to take it and go disappear, jsy picks it up and throws it back to dmj, dmj is angry and pushes jsy down stairs and jsy goes unconscious, dmj is panic and runs away and leaves her bracelet behind.

hb's kid: mom, i killed a person, mom!
ji: what exactly happened? how is my child?
hb: if she wakes up the fact mj is a criminal will be exposed, if she dies mj will be a killer, she can't wake up and she can't die.
jmy: team leader (hb), please save my child!

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Been wondering about something....ji is on the verge of losing pretty much everything...her daughterwill die and hb will cover it up....it says ji fights back....but how can ji fight back when she doesn't have a penny to her name? Either she teams up with someone wealthy (preferably bambam) or shes the lost daughter of king solomon! Can someone explain how shes to fight back?
So since we have ji daughter dying and jmy selling out...my confort is the last thing his daughter said to him was she hated him...that will do for now. Rules of kdrama state if there is an intentional death then death is guaranteed for the villian...now i havent seen where they've killed off a kid which means hb sins that her kid has done will come back on her...so yeah hb will die in the end.
Jym will try to weasle his way back into with ji once hb dirty deeds come out or if ji becomes more wealthy than hb...he tends to go with the flow, but unfortunate he is not destined to be in his position because he sold himself to be a boy-toy rather than a righteous man which means...ill gotten gains turns to rust....which means he will lose everything.
So help me out how the heck is ji to fight back when she has no money to do anything....ive laid out the only two options i can think of but would like some expanding on them or at least clarification.

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I predict that JI will not take up HB's offer because her daughter had died. JT's mother wanted to sponsor JI. I think that will happen and a time jump will occur. JI will come back from overseas famous and successful as an artist. JT's mother may find out too that JI was that little girl who she taught how to paint at Jeju Island and had promised her that she will sponsor her. Another scenario is that JI entered the contest organized by the company as asked by her daughter and won. She may enter the company that way - thus joining in the storm.

HB's daughter (that ugly thing) will go mental unless HB decides to send her overseas and hid the news of JI's daughter's death from her.

JT's mother seems like a nice lady and JT doesn't seem too nasty besides trying to hang on to the company that his father left him. HS is trying to snatch the company from JT since he felt the company rightfully belongs to his family. I don't know how this storm will end; who is right and who is wrong.

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I agree that HB's daughter will suffer a mental break from what she has done and did not admit to. HB's ultimate loss will be her own daughter as well as her own comfortable life she took for granted. She set out to ruin someone else life for selfish reasons to end up paying the ultimate price of losing the the life she has now.

I hope JI becomes very successful and completely cuts ties with JMY and his family once this is all over. Her going away or loosing touch with them for a bit will be exactly what she needs to move on with her life.

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Fof course ji wont take up hb offer....it will be jmy who will force it but by that time their daughter will have died.
As to the painting not sure how that is going to help her fight unless they bring in the bling bling....as with most kdrama of this genre ji will need a big financial backer to do any fighting....

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if JI really want a revenge let her marry HW right away,no going aboard,then she can now be in that family also have money  w able to fight HB,JI and HW have a very good potential to make money and build a company together,marrying HW now will be the best way to enter into  that storm,Jt mother will then know how evil HB is,all her plot will be coming back to  backfire on her.HB wouldn't be able to marry JMY because JI is now marry to HW.even now that HW is not living with them in that house, I still think he has some shares in that company because his father was co owner of that company too.

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if JI really want a revenge let her marry HW right away,no going aboard,then she can now be in that family also have money  w able to fight HB,JI and HW have a very good potential to make money and build a company together,marrying HW now will be the best way to enter into  that storm,Jt mother will then know how evil HB is,all her plot will be coming back to  backfire on her.HB wouldn't be able to marry JMY because JI is now marry to HW.even now that HW is not living with them in that house, I still think he has some shares in that company because his father was co owner of that company too.

I love your idea very much. Now, let's hope someone from the show is lurking here to see it. Have not watched today's episode yet. Am trying to skip the whole child killing stage

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joyblack4 said: if JI really want a revenge let her marry HW right away,no going aboard,then she can now be in that family also have money  w able to fight HB,JI and HW have a very good potential to make money and build a company together,marrying HW now will be the best way to enter into  that storm,Jt mother will then know how evil HB is,all her plot will be coming back to  backfire on her.HB wouldn't be able to marry JMY because JI is now marry to HW.even now that HW is not living with them in that house, I still think he has some shares in that company because his father was co owner of that company too.

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I just want HW to be the one that is going to protect JI,I don't want Jt mother to get involve now until JI fully belong to HW.in ep22 HW discover something,mine guess is HS is no good,I also see the two brothers fighting,I  question HS taking over the company marrying a woman he does not love when he can be better off without having HB as wife.all though I don't know what they where saying but HS give me a bad signal he is no good to anyone.

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