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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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my own take in ep28 it seem to me that JI is afraid of  HB,all because HB has power and money in that company, JI need some power to be able fight her, now  HB is openly doing whatever she likes  for everybody to see, the world belong to her so she thinks,without some power JI will not last long in that office,@valsava agree with you, JI going into that company wasn't a such good idea because she has no one to really support her  when HB attack plus her ex is in same office and the enemy is her boss,JS might have shown  partial effort still is not enough for JI able to stand on her ground in that company,if the writer really wanted a constructive story,she could have given JI some power before coming into that company.the only way to drag HB crazy is a speed up marriage into that family, that will be number one revenge against HB.still I hope to see were this story line take us to.

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As to JI going into the company...it's actually the typical setup for the david/goliath fight that is coming. Until ep 60 HB is going to win and JI is going to take all that trash, but then fate/karma will have had enough and start to turn things around.

HB not being related to JT...that sounds like a birth mix-up that is down the pipe that I sense is coming our way.

JYM no matter how much regret he will have...he killed JI mother. KARMA WILL REQUIRE HIS LIFE...we've seen enough and knew immediately when JI mother died what that warrants...we get a death!

JI/JYM child will recover and she will be furious with her dad. There is no way on earth JYM can save the image of a good father he had with her. When the truth comes out that JYM knows that it was HB's child that hurt his own and kept quiet...in all seriousiness...that is definition of a monster! His family will suffer the most on that one as they loose their only grandchild.

As to the posted screen caps of my boy HWS/JI...I'm content with knowing that in the end this will be a pretty good drama!

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NewKDramaAddict said: @hibiscus23, HB's husband HS has his own agenda. He is planning on taking back the company that HB's half brother is running. HS really doesn't care who gets hurt in the process as he knows everything that HB is doing. But you will see that he does come to JI's rescue and hopefully he will continue. But at the same time, he knows EVERYTHING!

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Missed the first couple minutes but DAMN JMY has some serious nerve! As usual the male who dumps his wife wants to continue to claim ownership over her! Getting all "she's my woman" attitude with HW who was simply trying to make sure she wasn't cold. And by the preview, we will see more macho attitude as well as HS discovering who it is that HW really likes!

Now onto missy bytch! Wow! Her jealousy knows no bound! JI can't speak, breath or even exist it seems without this woman throwing a tantrum about as bad as her daughter. Her disrespect is not limited to just JI, I notice the only one she seems to show respect for is JT's mom. I guess growing up as a mistress' daughter made her that way but DAMN, the woman is ridiculous.

Now the ending that takes place in the norabang (sp) was shameful! That was sexual harassment to the ten power! Maybe I don't ever want to work in SK!!

But the previews looks really interesting as the other girl denies what happened and like I said HS witnesses HW hugging JI. It is safe to say JI will know that he likes her...

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HB probably have paid the ungraceful girl to lie,next time hope JI when see her evil boss arrange a meeting again, either she business or give excuse that she can't,but still  like the episode because it brings JI/HW closer to be together.then again not hearing what is going on is killing,JS invite JT to a drink and JT did not like it I guess then invite HW,and JS was not liking it at all

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Why does the female lead have good instinct but never utilize them. For example JI knew HW was going to confess but could not believe it. Like it was impossible for a guy like that would take a fancy to her. She is smart, honest, loyal and talented.

@Sarah Maurice-Laplanche" Well you know sometimes you can be smart as well as dumb at the same damn time, and just by watching JI actions really makes me think that she's one of those people's :-S

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@Sarah did HW confess to JI?please tell me what he said,I really want to hear the confession.

@SarahWhy does the female lead have good instinct but never utilize them. in other words JI was also foolish to intervene in the co worker and the drunken man stupid argument,knowing what HB has done to her so far she could had call HB to intervene in that matter since HB was the one that  invite them there.

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So the score is HS 2-HB 0. Again, HS comes to the rescue but this time to save his brother. The sleaze harasser was going to press charges, HB didn't expect that but at this point, she doesn't care as she wanted to get JI. That took precedence over family; the uncaring b**ch! I was actually a little perturbed at JI because she is still ignorant and innocent. I guess we have more ep to get through before he loses the innocence and gets smarter. Why would she be surprised that the girl lied?! But the ending was so cute with HW being all concerned for JI and running around frantically looking for her. But we got a hug with a shocked face on JI. Now, I'm curious what will HS do with him knowing how HW feels and with who?

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It's going to be EXACTLY what I had suspected...HS is going to see HW is in love with JI. HS will continue to defend JI so that he can get HW to do what he wants. For him this is a WIN-WIN, but I suspect that he will eventually grow to see JI like HW sees her. That is where my money is banked on. JI has something that can help HS do what he wants.

HB will be tossed to the streets later on after HS gets what he needs and then JYM will be the next to go right along with her.

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@Sarah did HW confess to JI?please tell me what he said,I really want to hear the confession.

@SarahWhy does the female lead have good instinct but never utilize them. in other words JI was also foolish to intervene in the co worker and the drunken man stupid argument,knowing what HB has done to her so far she could had call HB to intervene in that matter since HB was the one that  invite them there.

HW was going to confess but he was interrupted by JI's phone ringing by jealous EX HUBBY.

I can't translate what was said , but the atmosphere was soooooo intense. Try to get Google to translate tonight. @joyblack4

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actually on the thing about JI still being in love with her ex...I think that boat has already gone. For JI it's not about getting him back...the cheating and the other stuff pretty much took care of that...generally it's a few episodes after the divorce that she wakes up, but in this drama JI hasn't been hung up on that jerk but focused more on her daughter and now with her mother's death...she's not worried nor care about the husband.

For JYM his suffering has begun...he killed his wife's mother....he's protecting the person who seriously injuried his own blood...right now JYM is doing the typical "You can't have my ex wife because she's a mother" BS. HW is making progress and JI is simply doing her role of the beanbag and taking the crap until a certain point.

Update: The storm that this is referring is to what both JYM and HB have both done...HB destroyed her happiness...JYM destroyed both JI Mother and his own daughter. JYM is going around JI again only out of the guilt that he himself have done and this will never ever leave him until the day he begs for forgiveness from JI.

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What is so stormy about this female lead? Still letting HB walk all over her? I bet you HB will be the one telling JI her hubby killed her mother...if JMY starts pinning for JI. HB won't stand for it.

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@valsava, I don't think she is going back. She got really annoyed with him and his "my wife" attitude in the last couple of ep. She is STILL too nice to him but that might be because of the daughter; who knows. But my problem is how she continues to deal with HB. The best thing she ever did was slap the s*** out of her at her mother's memorial. It will be interesting after Sunday's ep because HB's jealousy of JI and her first Mom, NSM will hit the roof.

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