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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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credit LINK to episode 17 reviewphoto544462.jpg

Like Icarus, "Birth of a Beauty" has attempted glory by flying very close to the sunny tropes that provide life to other dramas, but also can cause them to melt. And like Icarus, "Birth of a Beauty" has finally gone in too deep. The forces keeping Tae-hee and Geum-ran apart at this point are so contrived as to mostly just be obnoxious. Incredibly, Chae-yeon seems to be the only character not encouraging these two to just ignore each other. Mostly that advice is coming from people who are supposed to be on Tae-hee and Geum-ran's side.

I can appreciate that Geum-ran thinks Tae-hee is in danger. But it's a tad arrogant of her to assume that this is entirely due to her. Geum-ran has apparently forgotten the fact that Tae-hee is involved in his own huge corporate inheritance dispute. For that matter, she's also forgotten that he's rich. The reason Tae-hee got hospitalized was mostly because he stupidly decided to go to the warehouse himself when the man easily has enough cash on hand to bring along bodyguards.

There's also frustratingly little skepticism on Geum-ran's part regarding Min-hyeok's motives. The guy already admitted to having romantic interest in Sara, which ended up getting scuttled when she told him straight out about her relationship. Geum-ran really hasn't thought through how Kang-joon could plausibly threaten Tae-hee. He lacks the resources. But even if he did have the resources, Sara could just hold a press conference exposing her real identity and Kang-joon would be completely finished.

Bizarrely enough it's largely Chae-yeon who's making the drama interesting to watch right now. Chae-yeon making no missteps this time as she slowly closes in on Kang-joon with her own evidence. I note with some satisfaction that Kang-joon apparently thought Chae-yeon was joking about the blackmail. Now he's a character dumb and short-sighted enough that I can see how he'd get caught up in these kinds of goofy little schemes.

But the narrative turn lately has really done a lot of damage to the Tae-ee / Geum-ran relationship. I find myself thinking less that they're going to pull through in the end and more wondering whether their love has always been so shallow that Geum-ran can't just tell Tae-hee the full story. While this flaw has been present in the drama all along, up until now I thought this general inability to properly share information was actually going to get directly discussed at some point. The odds of that happening are looking increasingly dismal.

Review by William Schwartz POV

wonder how the director and script writers will deal with this in episodes 18 to 21

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I just quoted your post to show that I agree with pretty much everything you said. "Less is more" is a concept K Drama needs to embrace. I'd love to see 12-16 between the norm, not 20. The writers of this Drama just got VERY lucky that their leads are so totally daebak together that nothing else was a problem. Until the noble idiocy, of course. We're DEFINITELY on the same team when it comes to noble idiocy! 


ahahah the full dialog is here !! ;;) nothing much to add : yeaah you're right on this last part . That's why I think few make it with 20 episodes successfully , Exhibit A : " My love from another star " made it with its charismatic glorious casts and don't forget the huge production and funds given to the show , dramas like this suffer LESS loss when they attempt " noble idiocy "

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credit drama troll



  • Shin Ha Kyun (Mr. Back)
  • Joo Sang Wook (Birth of A Beauty, Sly and Single Again)
  • Jang Hyuk (Fated To Love You)
  • Rain (She’s So Lovable)
  • Choi Ji Woo (Temptation)

    Winner: Joo Sang Wook (Birth of A Beauty, Sly and Single Again)


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stuartjmz said: Eps 16 & 17 were by far the most tedious so far. They clearly demonstrated how much this show depends on its OTP being onscreen together. The extension is a DISASTER. The show was already too long at 20, adding one just makes it that much worse. The fact that we've still got four episodes to go means we're probably gonig to have to wade through another two like these ones next week, before seeing things  hopefully get back on track in the final weekend. It seems clear that episodes 18 and 19 will also be a chore to get through. 

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"The Birth of Beauty 'Joo Sang-wook, A Woman's Heart attack in the strongest tuxedo appearance

cr sportsworldi
"The Birth of Beauty 'Joo Sang-Wook has demonstrated the Superior Appearance Tuxedo. 14, "The Birth of Beauty 'SBS weekend drama aired on the 14th T'ae-hŭi Han (Joo Sang-Wook minutes) that he was drawn Appearance proposes to Sarah (Han Ye Seul). Joo Sang-Wook has completed a Luxurious style Tuxedo Tuxedo Dress up a navy jagadeu. even before "The Birth of Beauty '13th Joo Sang-Wook has emphasized the chic Showcase a mix of Black and white Tuxedo Geometric pattern, 10 Black Tuxedo Botha match with Simple yet Eye-catching party attracted a gentle Atmosphere wife. Joo Sang-Wook laying in the Presence of King Roc through the "Birth of beauty" so that salryeonaego Edge T'ae-hŭi Han to the character of the Smoke Show as each time through a variety of Tuxedo styling will. Meanwhile, "The Birth of Beauty ' in Tuxedo received attention as T'ae-hŭi Han Fashion 'Barton gwonohsu' products. "Barton gwonohsu" is the Introduction of a new Brand of Tuxedo for the first time in Korea, gwonohsu Classic ", Various dramas, Films, Awards In charge of the Fashion of the Actor and Loved Celebrities have already been selected by many of the best dressed without fail. On the Other hand, Han Ye Seul, Joo Sang-Wook, the King of Wisdom, "The Birth of Beauty 'SBS weekend drama intimate expand the Hot-weekly, etc. Weekend nights are broadcast at ten o'clock. jowonik Reporters wick@sportsworldi.com

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I have to agree, this should have been a 16 episode drama.  I was excited about 20 because I was hoping the first half would be about SGR's journey and big reveal and divorce from LKJ and humiliation of GCY. I was hoping the other half would be HTH's big reveal and uncovering the plot of who killed his parents. The fact that no one is suspicious of the "accident" that killed his parents at night when most of the staff had left for the evening is surprising. I know South Koreans fire chiefs has more skills than that.

I guess the problem I have is there is not answer to the question of Why?  Why hasn't Sara exposed LKJ? Why does LKJ thinks he has the upper hand over Sara when he should be fearful? Why hasn't some dedicated detective or even HTH himself leaked the recordings of LKJ admitting to killing his wife if he's so concerned for Sara and LKJ may harm ? Why won't Sara reveal herself so she can divorce LKJ? She went on television for the world to see and asked for a makeover, why is she hesitant now? Why does the writer have Sara acting so forgetful? Why can't Granny in her old age know when she's with someone with a good hear? Why can't Granny has Chairwoman, kick HMH out of the company and her house? Why, Why, Why, I have so many more, but why ask them.

I feel after 17 episodes, we've really made no progress in this drama. 

@Docster6, I actually think there are some really good dramas that have more that 15 minutes of romance:  History of a Salaryman, Dong Yi, Daring Women, Come! Jang Bo Ri,....I could go on, but must get ready for work.

@lclarakl‌ You clearly just said everything I've been thinking. I don't even know how this drama will solve everything for the last four episodes. Clearly, the good people aren't finding any solution to one or all the problems, for example, SGR's death, the death of HTH 's parents, and HTH' s attack. I don't like to see 15 minutes of happiness for our otp in the last episode. I want to see a wedding, honeymoon, the dream house HTH mentioned, and their child that Sara mentioned when she worry that the child will look different since she had plastic surgery. I hope the writer solves all of problems that needs to bring these villains to a well-satisfy/deserve justice and have at least longer than 15 minutes of happiness for our TOP in the last episode!

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Guest crazywindblower

Finally just finished watching ep 17 w/ subs. Thank God HTH finally accepted their break-up and that he is done with his grieving stage..hence, he removed his ring..good job oppa! :-bd =D> >:D< Why do I have a feeling that in the last scene HTH will not be affected seeing sara with hmh, that he will go straight ahead with a straight face to them..can't wait for next episode! It seems that hth is back in his senses as I noticed he sounded strong when he responded to team leader choi when the latter told him about hth being prosecuted by the union,he must have really moved on..fighting oppa! Its not all about sara!

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Sara should realize soon that she's loosing a lot by being a noble idiot. HTH loves you, the real you. And you know that it doesn't solve any problem when you are keeping secrets with him. He clearly told you that he wants you to tell him everything, because that way, he knows how he can help.

And with 4 episodes left, i guess the writer wants to solve every issues in this drama in one go. I dont know if i should be amazed or annoyed. Lol

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my POV after watching episode 17viewimage.php?id=3ebcde21f2dd37ad&no=29b
filial piety is an integral and important part of the asian culture 
to make the ratings go upwards, the drama should sway towards HTHsolving his parents' murder rather than mellowing for love lostthis will also nail HMH and his mother permanently

he should let Sara go and live her life as she wants itunconditional love means to let go and not hold on suffocating the ones we love
it will make HTH a very superb namja to go through life with sacrifices

the bitterness that the OTP feels is not as primary at the momentreal blood family matters should come first
the rest will fall into place like a  jigsaw puzzle completion

focus on family ... HTH should stand up tall and claim what is rightfully his firstHTH should snap out of this passive mood and go back to being a genius again
pic credit dc inside

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Somehow, I have this bad feeling that the ending won't be as happy and sweet as it is. Maybe our OTP will be seperated, living their own lives. With HTH being the Winner Group successor and dethroning HMH and Sara being just a restaurant chef in her hometown and live happily with her mum. Perhaps, LKJ will be jailed and GCY will carry on living with her bro. 
I don't know how the writer will solve all the problems in 4 episodes. Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not. Like TWTWB(That Winter, The Wind Blows, the happy ending took place in the last 15 minutes of the final episode, even so the last 3-4 episodes of it was quite a rush too. 
Can't wait for this weekend. Please be quick. 

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in episode 17 viewimage.php?id=2fb2d2&no=29bcc427b0837
Sara sought help from blood family which is considered a good movebut looking at her being followed by the dumb irritating ex husband she might be planning something also to put GCY, KJ, HMH and his motheraway forever from HTH and her life
she is also making sacrifices in her own terms
well what can I say ... sacrifices are the only actions to glorify lovewe will have to wait patiently and see the outcome of both of their actions
she is after all the 'general who will save a nation'hope the director and script writers are doing something to highlight this point soon
suddenly 4 more episodes seem a short period of time to settle all humongous matterin this drama ....

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I gathered enough strength to watch the last two episodes and I found it very, very well-written. Even though there was a break-up, I can feel the angst of the OTP being apart; nothing has changed, those two love each other more than ever. Yes, there is SaRa being a noble idiot, but she is also buying time for herself to think things through and that is a good thing. During the alone time for those two, the background music was playing full-blast, expressing the full emotion of the separation. That is an indication the production is intending to keep the OTP together at the end, nothing wavering. We, as viewers, should just be patient and let the plot play out and give support to the show as valiant supporters. I will put my observation in a spoiler section, read at your own risk. 
(1) HTH had three stages of emotion during the break up. (a) Denial, he saw SaRa getting food ready for him in his vivid imagination. (B) Anger, he broken SaRa's full-size black-and-white photo-statue in half (the one in his bedroom; he still has two other, the colored ones, one in the front room and one in his office). He taped it back together after his anger fit, feeling remorseful. © Acceptance. He removed his ring after his brief talk with SaRa in her hometown, away from Seoul.
(2) SaRa was offered to study abroad to become the model for Winner Group. The flight was for Italy. Sara never planned to board the plane, she only accept the offer from HMH as she had no choice. HMH found out she didn't arrive in Italy much later because the contact person there didn't see her coming off the airplane.
(3) SaRa went to her mom's house because she heard her mom's plead to take care of her as a phone message left for her. SaRa turned her cell phone off and that was why no one could find her. But her itchy fingers turned the phone on briefly on several occasions and that was how so many people were able to locate her in a rural town. The first one to find her was HMH and he made at least two trips there, by himself. These two episodes showed how much HMH likes SaRa (probably physically attracted) and that would eventually be his weakness. HMH realized he couldn't win SaRa over using money and fame. He actually articulated that at SaRa's hometown.
(4) These two episodes actually had the 3 villains separated. LKJ was suspended for 3 months by his company because HTH called the meeting to expose his maliciously putting Grandma in jail. The additional fact GCY had a tearful press conference to tell the nation that LKJ is a womanizer gave bad impressions to affect the media company. Team Leader Choi went in place of HTH because our male lead is not able to do anything useful. GCY revealed black box video to LKJ's family as a blackmail so LKJ is in the process of losing the Canvas Building. So LKJ is out of work for a while so his intend is to stalk SaRa to come back with him. He stated clearly to GCY that he wants to live with SaRa now that she is pretty.
(5) Before SaRa left, she actually told LKJ she is not finish with him and GCY, so definitely she will never be in good terms with those two. As far as HMH is concerned, SaRa is still not aware of his evil intents toward HTH and Grandma and that is driving all of us crazy at this point. In many ways, HMH has been really kind toward SaRa and I do believe he actually likes her a lot.
(6) I felt bad for Mr.Choi because he is still a good guy but HTH has distanced himself from work and therefore Mr.Choi. With an incapable boss, Mr.Choi really couldn't do very much. HMH created a "loan-shark financing" charge against HTH and that caused problems with the union. So unless Mr.Choi, HTH himself and possibly SaRa come forth to do something, the situation will worsen and the bad guys will win. At this point, the winning bad guys are HMH and his henchmen, LKJ and GCY are pretty much not involved in the company. GCY was to be replaced by the prettier SaRa, as far as HMH is concerned.
(7) Mr.Choi told SaRa about the Winner Food problem and she asked HMH to help HTH. HMH told his mom the corruption charge against HTH is nothing, it is all about winning SaRa over. So that shows weakness in HMH, that he is affected by SaRa and thinks that Winner Group is now in his bag. The fact he drove down to the rural area by himself is an indication SaRa's matters cannot be delegated to a lower personnel. The reason LKJ found SaRa was that he followed HMH down the road.
(8) SaRa is still having a lot of flashback to her happiness with HTH. She will never be able to forget her moments with HTH because that was her happiest moments in life. When she was working at her mom's friend's restaurant, she heard a customer called out, "Ahjamma, give me some food." That word Ahjamma made her think of HTH and that he might actually be there. At that moment, we realize SaRa was hoping HTH is around. So the viewers can rest assure that the OTP is still very much in love and that will continue until the end. When SaRa was responding to LKJ in his office before she left, she claimed LKJ and GCY will never be able to love like what she and HTH were able to do. That statement pretty much cemented the storyline, the love story of our OTP is not ordinary.

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OK..I am late to commenting on this drama (watching to many at one time !)
This is what happens in so many k-dramas..You absolutely love, love, love this person..so when a problem,ok, a BIG problem comes up..this is the time when you are going to rip that persons heart out of his/her chest, throw it on the ground, stomp on it, grind it to dust..all for that persons good?  I just cannot buy it..the pain that is inflicted is far worse than what that person would have to suffer from whatever is done to them by the bad guys, yes, even death would be preferable ! Far better to face hardships with the one you adore than to feel betrayed, unloved & discarded..o..my heart..So..why do I keep watching ?  Just for the possibility of the "happy ending"..guess I am hopeless.. 
Sometimes there are better reasons for this idiocy than others, but in this case I don't see it..HTH is smart enough to overcome the bad guys..I think Sara is having a huge lapse in judgement..To add insult to injury, this drama will get yet another episode, so it seems the misery is not over yet..I may just have to wait until the end to watch or risk severe trauma..sigh

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mrslee said: Sara should realize soon that she's loosing a lot by being a noble idiot. HTH loves you, the real you. And you know that it doesn't solve any problem when you are keeping secrets with him. He clearly told you that he wants you to tell him everything, because that way, he knows how he can help. And with 4 episodes left, i guess the writer wants to solve every issues in this drama in one go. I dont know if i should be amazed or annoyed. Lol

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mdnora said: in episode 17 
Sara sought help from blood family which is considered a good movebut looking at her being followed by the dumb irritating ex husband she might be planning something also to put GCY, KJ, HMH and his motheraway forever from HTH and her life
she is also making sacrifices in her own terms
well what can I say ... sacrifices are the only actions to glorify lovewe will have to wait patiently and see the outcome of both of their actions
she is after all the 'general who will save a nation'hope the director and script writers are doing something to highlight this point soon
suddenly 4 more episodes seem a short period of time to settle all humongous matterin this drama ....

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