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[OFFICIAL] Darling Couple (Lee Jong Suk ♡ Park Shin Hye)


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1 hour ago, joleyzchen said:

ofc i know JS bday.. JS bday is 14 Sept, and he celebrated his bday with........... :rolleyes:

22 Feb is JS someone special bday..  a woman who JS really adore :wub:

18 Feb is nothing special at all for JS, and he proved it by posting his pic with his mom with the very clear caption.

and @bahara i"ve known JS for long time.. i bet between me and u, i longer than u be his fans and know more thing about him.

i didnt talk about how many times his posting about/with him mom, i tal about the timing of his update in IG. 

his update in 18 feb, JS indirectly said that i have nothing to do with Park Shin Hye :D:tongue:



so why you bother to come here to clarify this, you better stay in your delulu ship thread and celebrate with them. or I guess you feel unsecure about your ship and come here try to prove your ship is real. Poor you. Please grown up and mature. Let's take a deep breath. And use your brain wisely.

p/s: if your ship is true, I'm truly happy for them. Indeed. I wish them dating hard, married and live happily forever. So take your nicely a$$ out of our thread and let us celebrate our shinhye birthday. This is our house. We never welcome those no-brain guests. Next time when you come, bring your brain with you, don't leave it home alone okay. 

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Troll is bored and feeling insecure.. that's why need constant attention. Maybe he/she grew to dislike our baby gal as part of him/her believes our ship is true

Pest will be in every household..the only thing we can do is report post and ignore

have a great weekend chingus!

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i want to say this..straight to the point...to Han Hyo Jo fans and W shippers( yes, i want to mention these name here)you have your lost fellow here..pls advice her..this is Darling thread.. you know your place..this is the reason why soompi gave us our thread for our delulu shipping..you want to delulu at your place it's up to you..but not at other ship..how many times those trolls have to change their names or making new id/email just to troll yourself here...pls i know some of you are not JS fans but because u hate Shinhye so much,then u try to ruin this ship... you invaded some Jongsuk's fans on twitter, insta even here,just to convince them your ship is real your ship is the fact...what the fact you talking about? what your respect to other people? you just making your shipper name to the low level...pls dont fool yourself here or at any Jongsuk's fans twitter or Shinhye too... i know some of HHJ fans are good fans too..so just because your hate to Shinhye on the top level, pls respect other people..ship your OTP with respect.. and you are not his family members or korean,don't pretend and tell other people you know facts about every single thing in Jongsuk's daily life..

(yes..admin, if you want to delete my post..its ok.. this is my two cents..)

Happy Sunday !!!! 

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Feel like a broken record, but please guys - do not take the bait. Every time you respond to the troll of a thousand names, it keeps coming back, and their reply is in your reply, so even when it's reported, there's still a stain on the board. Ignore, report, do not reply to it. This is why we can't have nice things and enjoy what is supposed to be a low key, no drama fun relationship. Do not bother to reason or argue with a troll, they only want your response. You can't reason with trolls, they enjoy annoying and making people angry.

:unamused: Don't go poking dumpster fires. 

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Annyeong my lovely people! :D

I knew there must be a miracle worker here to have pushed the thread into another page so fast.. :D Thank you troll, dear.. it's a pleasure having you here.. and if you want clarification of what you believe Jong Suk's post might mean, might I share with you an article that is much older than your so called love for Jong Suk (probably) :tongue:

Park Shin Hye Talks about Lee Jong Suk and Her Favorite Kiss Scene in Pinocchio

Park Shin Hye

Park Shin Hye has been keeping a busy schedule with fan meetings and various interviews after her drama “Pinocchio” successfully ended. In an interview, she shared her thoughts on the drama and her co-actor Lee Jong Suk.

When asked how acting in “Pinocchio” was, she answered, “Every moment in ‘Pinocchio’ was great. How Choi In Ha (her character in “Pinocchio”) grew up, her love story with Dal Po (Lee Jong Suk’s character), and her family’s story were all good, and all the events happened in the drama were fun. In the beginning though, it was tiring having to pour out my emotions. It wasn’t that I was unhappy, but because I had to be so emotional, I felt weak. But because I was able to overcome the exhaustion eventually, I became energized for my next project.”

When asked which kiss scene was most memorable to her in “Pinocchio,” she answered, “Personally, the kiss scene before the break-up sticks with me the most. It was an intense moment. It’d be a lie to say I never dated in my life. So I’d have to say that [the scene] made me feel like I was really breaking up with someone. I was so into In Ha’s emotions that it broke my heart. Even after I heard ‘Cut’ [from the director], I even thought, ‘What is wrong with me?’ I cried so much that time.”


She also shared her thoughts on co-star Lee Jong Suk. When asked what she will remember Lee Jong Suk as, she replied, “Although he seems a bit weird on the outside, he is a very thoughtful person. I sometimes look at him like a proud Mom, but I also see him as a friend or an oppa. Our chemistry during the acting was good. He is hard to define in one word.”

Park Shin Hye ended the interview saying, “For me, ’Pinocchio’ is like a drama that hasn’t ended. What In Ha went through it the drama is similar to what I’m going through now.” She also added, “I hope this interview with me becomes something one has to read, and something one wants to read. Rather than impact, it’s about fact! This was MSC’s Choi In Ha.”

Find the article here: https://www.soompi.com/2015/01/26/park-shin-hye-talks-about-lee-jong-suk-and-her-favorite-kiss-scene-in-pinocchio/

:tongue::D I'm kidding. This reminded me of this!! Very fitting, I must add. He has five Omma posts on Instagram so far...! 

And I have the silliest smile on my face now. Oh and FYI, the times that Lee Jong Suk has said "I love you" publically- twice with Bo Young Noona and IHYV troop, once with the new year's post of this year, once with the MV of Davichi, once four days before his birthday last year, once for his gifts from his fans right before the shooting of W, for both his fifth and sixth anniversary posts (one of which had Shin Hye in it :wink: ), once saying "Mom, I love you" with a baby picture of his, another one time for his fans on his one year hiatus, and finally.. the first "I love you" (Saranghae) that he said publically on Instagram was with THIS post:

Go and check, dear troll, and come back and correct me if I am wrong. Ten times that he has said Saranghae on his Instagram posts- Two of them have been with Bo Young Noona and the IHYV troop, and Two with Shin Hye and once for his Omma and rest for his fans.. so.. the statistics are right there in front of you :)

As for Jong Suk and his W co-star, even if they are friends, you have made everyone here sour for their "friendship" even. It's such a pity. These actors work hard enough. Please have some respect for them if not for us or the threads. Show some respect to Han Hyo Joo and stop making us dislike her for no reason. None of us have ever gone to your thread and insulted her. Please don't come here to talk about our girl. She's very very precious to us.

 And I do not know what issue you have. I apologize for being rude time and again. But seriously, sweetheart, ask for help if you need it. This thread has really really wonderful people. I'm pretty sure your thread does too. Ask for help, if you need it. And I'm not being sarcastic. 

Also, just because at times I have disappearing bouts from here, doesn't mean I am gone from here. Because I know for some reason you love keeping track of what I post in here. And yes I know who you are. Sigh. Take care of yourself. I mean it. 

Sorry for the long post folks.. 

Have a happy Monday.. :heart:

P.S: It's not about the IMPACT that you keep trying to have. It's about the facts.

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13 minutes ago, joleyzchen said:

and this is what i want to ask u. what issues u have which make u so NOT SURE about JS and HHJ. i bet that u have some info from korea that said that JS and ur girl is bla bla bla :joy:


Okay, let's make a deal. Let's wait for me to move to Korea. That will happen by mid of next year, if I have my way with the colleges. And then you can ask me these questions. Who knows, maybe we'll all have answers till then.

As for confirmation whether Darling couple is real or not, of course we don't know. Because we respect the fact that both the actors want privacy when it comes to their personal lives. 

FYI, you are no one to come here and ask us to wake up or remain blind. Do you go and harrass every other ship that Jong Suk has? Why are you so threatened by Shin Hye? If you believe that whatever ship you follow is real, I'm glad for you. My suggestion, quit being so confused and focus on your own life. If you were in love with a boy, and you had the entire world watching and judging and commenting on you, would you have felt good in your relationship? They are all humans too! And they have wants and needs and human emotions. Respect the privacy that they crave and stop asking nonsensical questions and more importantly, making nonsensical presumptions. I have absolutely no issues with anyone. I don't go and pester people for information by pretending to be different people either. Nor do I annoy the living hell out of people. Trust me when I say, that you need help. Try talking to people around you instead of bottling things up in your day to day life. You don't have to play keyboard mind games for kicks. 

As for facts, re read what I wrote again. I'm sure you missed something.

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Hiiiii guuuuys!!! It's been a long time since I posted here in the forum because I was super busy with personal stuff..

I just finished backreading here and I just got to say that I'm so proud of our ship! Let's continue to ship Shinhye and Jongsuk and just don't mind the haters...

And for the haters/shippers of the other fandom, my goood, it's already 2017 and they still insist on posting here in our forum. You guys have a forum for the couple that you ship so just post your opinions there because we Darling shippers don't even care at all about the opinions you're posting here..

At the end of the day, we're just happy that Shinhye and Jongsuk are happy with their lives and with their careers as well! 

@pinocchioAsh Hey giiirl! I just want to wish you luck in your future endeavors! I hope the Korea thing goes well for you. Always know that we're (All the Darling Couple shippers in this forum) are here for you and we wish you the best of luck! :D

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@joleyzchen actually I really don't understand what's your problem why you react on what darling shippers think don't understandand hat shippers live in delu world . I didn't remember anyone here confirmed that js and sh are dating in real life. We believe on what we think and it make us happy as long as long as we don't harm others. We've been telling you many times that whoever js and sh end up with we will be happy coz their happiness is ours as well. But for now we just ship them like you ship js to others. Let's just be happy . You enjoy your delu in your thread until you ship can. Take away hatred in your heart coz it's not good. If you think js and hhj are dating then believe in it and be happy. Who knows end of the day your ship and our ship are just the same going to sink. But for now we darling shipper believe on what we think. The most important is we respect one another which I would say you don't have this.RESPECT. Thank you

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7 hours ago, joleyzchen said:

and this is what i want to ask u. what issues u have which make u so NOT SURE about JS and HHJ. i bet that u have some info from korea that said that JS and ur girl is bla bla bla :joy:


why dont you...asked yourself? what issues you have if JS & SH is real?

I bet you dont have an ounce of respect for JS & HHJ? going around, acting immature & insecure? I dont think you believe them with all ur heart that is why your convincing yourself by coming here.  Your confidence is very poor. dont be obvious. Keep it high. 

Wakey wakey! Take your own word. Do not live under your silly illusion that that we will believe you. Learn to accept that fact. You're barking at the wrong tree, darling :wink: 

@melonchan sorry, got carried away :wink: 

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8 hours ago, joleyzchen said:


fool. JS said "i love u" in his public SNS is for fans. if JS and ur girl is REAL, why he have to said "i love u" to her in IG?? he could say that words directly to ur girl :D

it means that Park Shin Hye is just ordinary girl for him, just like LBY who is just a noona for him.

yes, like u said its about the facts. and i talk about facts here. a FACTS that u guys never ACCEPT :wink:

what facts are you trying to tell us here


fool. JS said "i love u" in his public SNS is for fans. if JS and ur girl is REAL, why he have to said "i love u" to her in IG?? he could say that words directly to ur girl :D

hahaha fool you are also if the fact that your saying then js announced his relation already...but where is it already?

your also just delusional with your own facts that why go to your own world and go crazy there as you want...

@joleyzchen we will accept it if js himself announced it to the public...we are not like you bitter with others....

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7 hours ago, joleyzchen said:

and this is what i want to ask u. what issues u have which make u so NOT SURE about JS and HHJ. i bet that u have some info from korea that said that JS and ur girl is bla bla bla :joy:


your the one who need to wake up...do not live under your silly thoughts

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Lee Jong Suk enjoys a lazy spring in 'L'Officiel Hommes'

He went for an avant-garde fashion in one photo, wearing an oversized trenchcoat, a white evening shirt, and black slim pants. In another one, he went for a boyfriend look with a striped shirt and black coat.





cr. http://www.allkpop.com/article/2017/02/lee-jong-suk-enjoys-a-lazy-spring-in-lofficiel-hommes



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