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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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@nploan @qwenli Honestly, I do see the resemblance between JCW and Jaejoong, but they don't look THAT similar to the point that people would have difficulty telling them apart. Jaejoong face's is angular and sharp, whereas Puppy's features are softer, more baby-faced. :)

To qwenli - I'm looking forward to SoGC too 'coz of Hyukie (+ the stills were undeniably pretty), but Healer will always be #1 for me. Hahaha! Hyukie = respect. Wookie Cookie = passion, adoration, insane fangirl feels, you name it! We're on the same page. :))

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Noxn said: @nploan @qwenli Honestly, I do see the resemblance between JCW and Jaejoong, but they don't look THAT similar to the point that people would have difficulty telling them apart. Jaejoong face's is angular and sharp, whereas Puppy's features are softer, more baby-faced. :)

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err... I also think JCW looked familar to LMH....  X_X dun bash me  b-( 
anyway I'm really impressed with his acting in ep 10, he is very good with all the emotion management and his face expressions from happy, anger, lovesick, etc were just right not overacting.
PMY shi, I like her acting in healer very much, think she matured alot since I last watched her in CH (dun really like that drama, ok dun bash me again  b-(  8-} )

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celyw said: err... I also think JCW looked familar to LMH....  X_X dun bash me  b-( 
anyway I'm really impressed with his acting in ep 10, he is very good with all the emotion management and his face expressions from happy, anger, lovesick, etc were just right not overacting.
PMY shi, I like her acting in healer very much, think she matured alot since I last watched her in CH (dun really like that drama, ok dun bash me again  b-(  8-} )

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@celyw i'm not gonna bash u..haha and yes JCW really looks like LMH a bit in certain angle..in Heirs fb page, there are a lot of fans who thought JCW is LMH when the admin post JCW pics on Heirs page and i was laughing hard when some keep commenting on JCW pics and thought that is LMH.. :D

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My mom wasn't able to contain her curiousity after seeing me all smiles and giddy at times while reading this thread & seeing it's then again about kdrama. She concluded by saying, maybe sending you to Korea will satisfy you just right? Oh, moms do knows whats best for their child. Love her. Kekeke.

Just finish watching episode 9 where I really loved Young Shin's makeover, dang, she really looks good with her real hair not the wig one. =D> And I decided to visit this thread since I wanted real more and watch the next one! Errr. I'm really craving for Healerrr!!! Jung Ho-yaaa.. Bong So-kiii!!! ~X(

And OMG as I was reading your very own two cents and avoiding the live recap for ep10, what caught my attention bigtime is that MH might figure out PBS is Healer after finding YS mobile in his coat. Ottokee. I have a feeling he will indeed think about the chances, knowing how smart he is. I just hope he will not be one of the bad guy in the end. I can see his sincerity and also being regretful about how he followed his hyung for years and he wanted to make it right this time, so I really hope he won't turn otherwise.

As for the rooftop scene labeled as PBS heartbreak scene, I dying to see it Gaah. And there's no even preview given?! How cruel of you PD-nim. You surely know how to tear apart of Healer heart. :(( :((

And is it just me, whenever the Elder is included in a scene, I could sense real danger is ahead of our dear leads. Wah.

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celyw said: err... I also think JCW looked familar to LMH....  X_X dun bash me  b-( 
anyway I'm really impressed with his acting in ep 10, he is very good with all the emotion management and his face expressions from happy, anger, lovesick, etc were just right not overacting.
PMY shi, I like her acting in healer very much, think she matured alot since I last watched her in CH (dun really like that drama, ok dun bash me again  b-(  8-} )

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I'm surprised to know that the ost that brings me the feels everytime I'm watching PSB/JH in a romantic scene with CYS is sung by Michael Learns to Rock entitled Eternal Love!!! I just knew a while ago upon really longing for Healer and decided to download its osts in youtube. Really surprised!!! I'm inlove with song!!! I keep remembering Jung Ho's gaze. Too much feels!!! :x :x

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Gtangerine said: I'm surprised to know that the ost that brings me the feels everytime I'm watching PSB/JH in a romantic scene with CYS is sung by Michael Learns to Rock entitled Eternal Love!!! I just knew a while ago upon really longing for Healer and decided to download its osts in youtube. Really surprised!!! I'm inlove with song!!! I keep remembering Jung Ho's gaze. Too much feels!!! :x :x

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I have lost count of number of wrist pulling this drama has so far, not a huge fan of wrist pulling in real life but in Kdramas, it's usually quite enjoyable to watch esp in this drama !!

CYS : I pulled you.... zi18TbU.jpg PBS : My turn to pull you... K6BezYh.jpg Aiish ...stop pulling each other, I will pull you two!!! pcdefPx.jpg Gif cr DC

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Watching ep 9 now.... waaaahhhh CYS cannot even recognize her own heart.  She loves being near PBS and mistook her hero worship of Healer as love.  Everytime she needs someone to talk to, she'll ring BS.  PBS doesn't have to do heroic act to calm her down, a slight touch from him can calm her nerves and drive her fears away.  When she can't sleep, she grabbed his hand and was able to sleep as sound as a baby.  When she was hyperventilating, just the nearness of PBS made her feel well... and she herself was surprised why she suddenly felt ok.  Same thing happened at the elevator.

To have healer and lose PBS will not make her joy complete.  It is not healer nor PBS that she wants but JH himself. I hope in the next episode/s.... it will be CYS's turn to discover her own heart :x  and I would love it if she will get to meet JH...all that he is :x

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Ok finaly finished those 100 pages DAEBAK! U GUYS ARE AMAZING!  :x  But problem is I got a stomachache & a headache due to laughing.According to my mum my current main needs as a human are Healer,Soompi & Water.I am hooked hurrr............This drama have given me ebola :D

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qwenli said: @nploan‌ Now, you are confusing me with their relationship. one day, someone shd cast jcw n jae joong as twin brothers n bjh +pmy all in the same drama. then it will be the perfect confusion! @Layali‌ i wasnt crazy abt Faith, but was very entertained by it, i remember it starting out fine but towards the end i sort of giveup becos the story just keep going on in loops n i only like the leads plus the big villain. hopefully Healer stay good till the end!

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