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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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@MouniM, @noerul20, @qwenli, @aidsincera, @andy78 And I'm sorry if I forgot anyone... Thank you so much all your hard work and efforts in this live recap. It was a heartbreaking episode! I will need much patience waiting for new episodes. It's going to be a long week.

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Guest aidsincera

All of live recap screen cap by Latika @rcalma at our LINE group.



My Kdrama meme collection: http://aidsincera.tumblr.com/

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This episode gave me goosebumps! MH already supecting JH. It doesn't take a crack scientist to connect the dots. I SERIOUSLY LOVE SJN! Only 2 days ago was I wishing to get the falskback of the training days and here it is but of course, it wouldn'T be her if she didn'T add extra layers and all those nuances. Poor JH, another hufe abandonment to his already epic abandonment trauma!AND FINALLY, THE SHIPPY HEAVEN!v8f9gYj.gifct2BFZT.gifLqIJBEV.gif
To cool for schooliE50EEX.gifjfe2FTu.gifU2kxuqq.gifMy heart! Those smiles!GXnOV8N.gif

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I like to believe, back then the technology was not as sophisticated as it is today...so any info relayed was what they believed (like for example they depend a lot on news either written in the newspaper or broadcast on radio or tv) ...just maaaaayyybbee his teacher & ahjumma thought otherwise and tried to dig deeper by first preparing JH to be the next healer...like some of the fans mentioned earlier, if JH's dad was the murderer or he 'committed suicide' after that, then why Myung Hee didn't feel bothered at all when she stumbled upon JH, in fact, she was quite excited

btw, I love the impromptu dating scene...

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Am i the only who flipped the table when i see the elevator scene ? me almost got heart shocked because of that almost kiss and shoot healer is so pretty romantic with his tender care to his woman. ARGHHHHHHHHH :((

right @thaoweo @kanyaprasetyo ? :D:P

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JH's breakdown when he learnt tt his dad is a killer is so heartbreaking to watch!! He knew all these while and even tried to ask his mom but she always cried so he just kept it inside.

My heart was in pain when he said he is afraid he will just kill himself because he is sick of living. Nothing to live for and was that why his dad committed suicide. But he don't understand a man smiling so happily in the pic and have wife and son will want to commit suicide.

Teacher mentioned that Jh's dad was chasing some case then found money then killed someone. So that was Elder's money?!?!?

Finally Teacher managed to calm JH down by saying eventho JH don't know much about his dad, Teacher does. The fury in JH's eyes are really scary. Thank god Teacher still has exceptional skills to take the throw unscathed.

This is definitely my fav scene for this episode. We got to know more back story of JH now. Loving how the back stories are being weaved into the drama so far.

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No preview? NO PREVIEW?! Noooooo I cannot live anymore. I can't. I can't. *bangs head on the wall* Eviiiiill eviiiiiiiil producers on crack! (But okay, it's understandable since they're on liveshoot mode). And it looks like KMH is the first to find out about Healer's identity! Somehow, I expected this. He's the "link" between all of the characters.

@briseis We got our wish! Yay for training scenes! :D

Thank you to everyone who recapped! You rock, all of you! \m/

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