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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest Artist2601

I was just wondering have anyone noticed that Reporter Yeo and (young) Moon Shik are relative in "Love &  Secret" . Reporter Yeo plays the role as (young) Moon Shik's uncle.1.JPG

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Guest charliew

sanika said: As promised - HIFP Blog ! Thank you for waiting so patiently :) I hope you guys like it. Open in the order given below as the blog generally posts the latest posts first and it might get confusing otherwise :)

1) Blog Introduction - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/introduction-to-healer-international.html
2) Submission 1 -  http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-introduction-letter.html
3) Submission 2 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-teaser-video.html

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sanika said: As promised - HIFP Blog ! Thank you for waiting so patiently :) I hope you guys like it. Open in the order given below as the blog generally posts the latest posts first and it might get confusing otherwise :)

1) Blog Introduction - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/introduction-to-healer-international.html
2) Submission 1 -  http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-introduction-letter.html
3) Submission 2 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-teaser-video.html

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@sanika... the HIFP blog is awesome!! Thank you soooo much. May I share the link on my tumblr? My tumblr is my only real Healer-centric site I regularly post in, by the way. 
>:D< >:D< >:D< I have missed you, my friend! Wondered where you disappeared to. I love that video a lot too - he has the most infectious laughter ever. I'm really having bad Healer withdrawals... I still wake up and check this thread first thing! LOL I'm so glad that everyone is still here.. I don't know how I'm going to handle Monday. 

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So, I was rewatching the episodes last night and my sister was in my room. She had not watch it and it was not like I did not try to persuade her but she was super busy with work.

Anyway, I was watching episode 5 at that time and she asked me a couple of questions. She knew I love Healer. Thou, she didn't know my level of obsession. lol Her questions made me realise how really un-cliche Healer was.

I was watching a scene where YS was being scolded by her boss for publishing the story by that creppy President and how she said it was a big scoop. My sis then asked me if she did later had a big scoop? And I had no idea how to answer her. Because for me the answer was both YES and NO! Yes, because she did have the big scoop with the Elder and stuff but No, because it was not only her but with Healer 2.0 and also she did not stumble upon it but they dig for it. lol It was really hard for me to explain to her.

Another scene would be when JH was in the Someday office with YS as BS. Before that I already explain to my sister that JH went undercover and BS was his persona (That was another lengthy discussion and I will write it later). Then, my sister asked me if she got mad when she found out that he went undercover as BS. And AGAIN! I can't give her the straight answer. I mean she did get mad but at the same time she said she wait for him and for people who didn't watch Healer, they won't get what it meant by waiting for him. RIGHT? I mean.. come on how am I suppose to explain to my sister about that part? So, I ended up telling her that yes she was mad but not that mad. And my sister just looked at me like I'm deranged or something and I was like it was really sweet and nicely awesomely done. lol

So, about the lengthy discussion that I told my sister. She asked me what was Healer all about. Again it was really hard for me to explain it to her. I mean I can't just tell her it was about this dude called Healer and made a delivery to people. I mean... COME ON! What sort of description was that? There was no way my sister would want to watch that and again she would think I'm insane that I'm totally engrossed watching Healer. So... I ended up telling her what happened in episode 1 to 4 ish? and a little bit of the story in between.. lol

DARN IT HEALER! You just made me worked soooo hard to make my sister watch it. Not that she would as she is super busy and haven't watch TV shows (Drama and series) in months.

p.s: Is it bad that the only person that I want to watch Healer in my circle are my sister and my bestfriend? and both of them can't watch it? My sister because she is busy and my best friend cause she is not interested and also busy? (She just started her work and still trying to balance her life). and I don't want to introduce it to others (like my colleagues and friends) because JCW/Helaer/JH/BS are all mine? and Im greedy that way. and I don't want people to be obsess with him? and all giddy about him? It happened once and I hate it!

Okay... That's all for today. Off reading your other posts and then off to class.. lol

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Now I don't want Mondays to get here.



I didn't care to enjoy my weekend but now :-<

My Healer yahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too...

My Monday & Tuesday will never be the same...unless the next Mon-Tue drama able to break my Healer's withdrawal symptoms..uwaaa :-S :((

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Guest Artist2601

Am I the only one who is slow in detecting this 'movie mistake'?
After repeatedly watching this scene, I just realised that Jung Hoo put the blood pack in front, but Det. Yoon shooted him from behind?
Well, I was trying hard to convince myself that he shifted it to the back while he was walking to the scene. Haha
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More SJN Q&A...

Q: CCS's cafe name used to be "Evergreen Tree" and Ji-An's name changes to 'Chae Young shin." Are these references to

Evergreen Tree (a novel written by Sim Hun in 1935)? A: Somebody had also suspected YS to be part of the phrase, "Ring out the old (Song-Goo送舊), ring in the new (Young-Shin迎新)," and I think there's some truth in that. Yes, it is CYS from Evergreen Tree. While that character has a tragic death, she had a progressive spirit...At any rate, I wanted YS to have that analog feel. Old-fashioned name... using a folder phone... not wanting to be hooked on internet...The reason why YS doesn't do blogs or use any social media is actually because she is afraid she might get connected with her previous adoptive parents (that physically abused her). I had wanted to bring this up in the drama, but ended up not doing it, perhaps because I didn't want to deep in my consciousness. 
Q: Which scene was the most difficult to write?A: The opening scene of episode 11, where MH and JH meet and JH reveals himself.This really took me a long time, I was in such agony.The point being,If JH reveals himself totally at this point, YS needs to find out by episode 14 or 15. The plot doesn't allow it to drag it any longer.However, that would tank the viewership rating.JH's identity needs to be kept in the dark in order to maintain the tension of their relationship.Only then can you keep the attention of the viewers.However, if that tension had been kept, we'd have had to sacrifice the real message of our drama,such as JH's growth (breaking out of his shell at the end of episode 14) or him coming to an awareness about this society.Would we be able to keep relaying this message while still keeping JH and YS's identities in the dark... I had such a headache thinking about this.In the end, I just opened it all up in the beginning of episode 11.I still don't know if that was the right decision. Should I have kept some secrets back then and gone on like other hero stories.. like Zorro.. like other romcoms... melodramas... I can't tell because I haven't tried that.The most difficult episode to write was 16.

The HIFP blog is up! I'll polish up my previous translations and gradually post them there. 

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From my part of the world, Good morning Healerites !!! So addicted in the very essence that my very 1st action upon waking up in the early morning is like this what I am doing now... get my cp which is always beside me and chk updates here and in the Healer shippers page. That's just I want to say..

....and at night before I sleeo.... and almost in between work...during breaktime...during mtngs..mtngs...

My life cycle begun that way from the time it started airing...

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Guest treasure51

@carmens, thank you for remember me. sorry, im late for the party ..
hope u ALL  hv a wonderful party.

i hv 80 pages to read..
just want to enjoyed my last 'healer' week. when i am back..woow 100 pages..
enjoy all your comments and read it page by page.
okay 80 pages, here i come
:-* :-*

ps. dont want to said good bye.. not yet..not yet..

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To me Healer haven't ended yet...it's still airing in my country on KBS channel. And i watched the rest of eps from YT just bits here n there...to keep me excited waiting for monday n tuesday

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I hope with the interviews still being done from time to time, one reporter would be bold and daring enough to ask questions to all the casts.

"During the filming of the drama, was there any point in time you wish it was real that part, the situation, the words, the scene you are doing?"

And for PMY and JCW -

"Did they ever had the feeling that in real life, they wish to also meet the JH or YS to be beside them until eternity?"

I can't help not to ask those having seen the strong effect Healer had on each of us....even them after they posted...#wontforgetit

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Park Min-yeong shares her feelings about completion of "Healer', "Bye, Yeong-sin"


Actress Park Min-yeong shared her feelings about the completion of the KBS 2TV's "Healer".

On February 13th, she posted images on her Instagram along with captions saying, "These are all so pretty. How lovely you people are", "I'll remember it forever too, Bye, Yeong-sin".

In the revealed photos, Park Min-yeong is surrounded by the gifts she received at the ending party of the drama, "Healer"Park Min-yeong looks absolutely happy surrounded by the pretty gifts. In another image,Park Min-yeong is holding a card with a photo and a writing, 'Unforgettable Chae Yeong-sin, Will remember you".


Netizens said, ""Healer", it still lingers in my mind", ""Healer", I miss you and feel empty", "I'll actually never forget it", "I'll remember it for a long time", "I'll remember "Healer" forever and I'll remember you, Chae Yeong-sin", "Please show us your great acting performance in your next project", "Please come back with a good project again", and so on.

Source : Newsen
Credit : Hancinema

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eylrx said: Can anyone one who has gotten scripts from SJN website.... Translate or post... The end of the confession scene... When JH and YS r on the roof and the camera pans out... YS asks " when did U start to like me" they speak several lines after this... And I never got to hear it cause the sound fades out... Please please help Thanks in advance

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