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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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aroma83 said: JH and YS's date:
JH: Miss, do u have time?YS: I told u not to say things like that.JH: Should we go for a drive at night?YS: To where?JH: Anyplace u want.YS's narration: When i hold his hand, i always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright. That feeling starts at my hand, enters my whole body and then i relax. It's amazing really! A one of the kind in the world it's-okay-now hand.
JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, pretty lips and her hair....what are my dislikes? Anything that prevents us from being together..
YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

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JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? 
Just a small edit 
High places, first snow, small hands, WHITE BLANKET and her hair....what are my dislikes? Anything that prevents us from being together..

Anything that prevents us from together ==> Appa Chae

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Since I live in the States too, I can't watch episode 20 with subs on VIKI. If anyone have the subtitle file once it's complete, please let us know. I'll be here stalking until I see it!!! 
I'm re-watching all scenes of our OTP from episode 1 to 20 and my feet curls each time!!! They're really too much! It's almost not fair, cuz watching other kdramas will never be the same now, with Healer setting the romance bar soooo high!!!

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Oh my, my.... it is finished. I read somewhere in this thread that it was cut short. I agree. It could've been made longer. Perhaps an episode longer, and they crammed everything in this episode. However, all in all, it was a very good story. I would even say, excellent. Thank you for those who took the time to write the re-caps.   I can't wait for the english subbed ones too....arghhh.... 8-}
It is truly a wonderful story. Very well written and well executed. I loved the characters and the actors that played them. I hope we see more from this writer in the future. Congratulations to the whole HeaIer  Team, from the composer of the OST and other songs, to all the crew members  CONGRATULATIONS!!!  Well done!!! Good job!!!  >:D<  ^:)^  =D>  ^:)
YES  TO HEALER THE MOVIE!!! What a daebak idea!!!
I watched an interview and JCW will be singing the OST of Healer and that this will come out with it soon. I hope to hear it with his voice. Oooooh!!!!  Thank you to all you Healerites who made this journey a very interesting and entertaining one. Hope to see you in another thread soon!!! Kansa ha mida!!!  ^:)^  :-h  

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naritul said: Healer is over.... i will hate monday from now on.... i hate monday without healer... it would be wonderful if they give us special episode about jh cys healer couple... with kids and pet... contributing together solve some problem from ajumma... cys drives car and has healer glasses now... best otp ever.... at least i can watch 4 last eps of pinnocio, last 6 eps of rosy lovers and hyde jkyl hyun bin oppa seriously.... if pd nim gives me, sorry, gives us special eps... i wont watch those other drama... thank you thank you i cant sleep now after @uctqepe‌ slap and @namyo @dk_sadia‌ @sunshine15‌ torturing comment before... so happy...

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I was chuckling at work during lunch mentally replaying the scene where sjh was in the men's room practicing his "death scene". JCW why are you so cute??? I guess this is one coping mechanism to deal with healer ending today. Otoke, otoke?

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aroma83 said: JH and YS's date:
JH: Miss, do u have time?YS: I told u not to say things like that.JH: Should we go for a drive at night?YS: To where?JH: Anyplace u want.YS's narration: When i hold his hand, i always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright. That feeling starts at my hand, enters my whole body and then i relax. It's amazing really! A one of the kind in the world it's-okay-now hand.
JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, white blanket (@eylrx edited) and her hair....what are my dislikes? Anything that prevents us from being together..
YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

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@themarchioness‌ Dramafever has posted that they will show healer on Tuesdays and Wednesday's If you want a website that subs faster I found this one Here is the link

 They're pretty fast with their English subtitles and they do other dramas too.They claim to be the first one to subtitle in English so far I have not been disappointed. Episode 19 was up since yesterday around 5pm pacific standard time Enjoy! :)

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I just have to extend a warm big THANK YOU to all the production staff, crew, all the actors, but especially of course to the best OTP there is, and to our writer SJN and PDnim... you guys have created a well-crafted, well-acted drama and we loved it. So thank you to everyone who made Healer possible!

Healer has ended but I can't let go of it yet, and will surely be rewatching it, hanging around in soompi and dramabeans, looking out for screencaps and waiting for more BTS clips (please do release more), listening to the OST (which is really good).

I'm really happy that this drama turned out so well. I learned about this drama because I do follow PMY, loved her in SKKS and CH, but can't finish Dr Jin and A New Leaf, so I was really hoping for the sake of her career that this turns out really well. I have just gotten to know JCW because I heard about Empress Ki and started watching it (never got to finish bec of RL) but I liked JCW and definitely could see that this guy can act better than a lot of other more well known actors. So when I learned they would be the main actors for Healer, I was really excited. I mean, visually, I know they'd be stunning but you never know about chemistry, right? That, you just have to see and feel. And see and feel, we did. They're just wonderful together. Of course it helps that their characters are done so well and we have a story/script that provides moments for the OTP to shine and to hug, kiss and hold hands like its the most intimate scene in kdramaland. Of course, the first 10 mins of ep 15 should have its place in kdrama history. 

I mean, rarely does a show have great episodes from start to finish. Healer may not be perfect--for me the pilot episode, though it laid out all the potential and the layers this show will have, seemed to lack the oomph of a great pilot, there are also some weakness in technical aspects--but these are overshadowed by great story movement, characterization, and acting. I just have to thank writer Song Ji Na again for creating this world, these characters that you can't help but love. I liked all the character including the villains but on top of my list are Healer/SJH/PBS and Chae Young Shin. It is to Ji Chang Wook's credit that all the characterizations of Healer are distinct and lovable in their own way. We may all have our favorites but eventually for me, they make up the person of Seo Jung Hoo--lonely and a bit socially inept but functional, efficient, good, loyal, loving. We just can see more efficiency in Healer and more of the loyal and loving in PBS. With Chae Young Shin, I loved her little quirks done well by Park Min Young, the way she talks especially when she's all excited, her songs and dances, her dinosaur brains drunk talk. All cute but what CYS really has to offer is her heart and her trust and her belief in standing up for what is good, all these despite the wounds from her traumatic past.

 The last episode is a fitting send-off to such a fantastic drama. Tightly packed, addressing plot lines and questions on what will happen to the characters, providing humor, romance while still being able to use a newly introduced clincher re the Russian tip. Then there is the heart stopping "death" of Healer which made possible SJH's new life. Of course thank you for making sure that we are happy by giving us the two final kisses of our OTP. There was no additional bed scene, no Moru-Moru island, no scattering of ashes or additional scenes for KMS or with JH's mom or seeing CYS introduce JH to her mother. But I thought the production team had to prioritize what to include in the last episode and I think they did well on what they addressed and included. Of course, I still would have wanted and hope for a special, like an epilogue to address everything else... and give our OTP extra time... That would be awesome. But as it is, the finale is great and as with this whole drama, done well.

Lastly, thank you to all soompi healerites, you are all amazing--from the recappers and translators, to meme makers and screengrab providers, everyone who provide all those great analyses and who keep this thread upbeat and fun with pervy thoughts and whatever else...everyone here rocks! What a great experience!

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I am at work...I am a professional. and I have two meetings back to back in a half an hour that I have to prepare for...do you know what I am doing? I am updating this thread every ten minutes, and checking other websites for reactions to the ending.
I am so grateful that I am able to be a part of this community, and I am so happy that I am able to discuss something that I am very passionate about in detail with others who don't judge me for my interest! Thank you!

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finally i can sleep nicely, under white blanket.
i love how, our OTP getting closer through a (love) interview.at first, i thought they really going to expose Healer's Identity through Interview, but it's seems for CYS's private collections :))not dragging Mom and daughter's reunion, just a simple scenes that shed too many tears.i cracked when Coffee Bay Ahjussi already accepted him before Papa Chae. ahjumma and det. yoon love and hate relationships, just too cute XDhow cute Jeong Hoo when he called Moon Ho "uncle", he said.. "i won't repeat"and i love, very much, how they wrapped the ending.ROOFTOP DATE! with a very long kiss, but sorry it was cut due lack of times :))
even tho, i thought my heart was stopped for a moment when JH shooted by Det. Yoon,almost crying, but then.. JH's bathroom flashback.and he smiles to me mirror..tumblr_njkjociR6w1qhh4wao1_500.gif

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THIS THREAD IS ON FIRE! LOL. I'm in school trying to keep up with the post. LOL.
aroma83 said: JH and YS's date:
JH: Miss, do u have time?YS: I told u not to say things like that.JH: Should we go for a drive at night?YS: To where?JH: Anyplace u want.YS's narration: When i hold his hand, i always get the feeling that everything is going to be alright. That feeling starts at my hand, enters my whole body and then i relax. It's amazing really! A one of the kind in the world it's-okay-now hand.
JH's interview continues: Question, what are my likes? High places, first snow, small hands, white blanket (@eylrx edited) and her hair....what are my dislikes? Anything that prevents us from being together..
YS's narration: What i like...his voice, his big hands, his smiling eyes..

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