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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Welcome back @AdelaM , as per your request, highlights of what you have missed when you weren't around, all about HIM. 889pXU9.jpg

@AdelaM , More serious stuff, our @akinahana89 is now a Moderator but she is still the same old self, beauntaeness and all. :P

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Guest adikkeluangman

Do Ji Won transformation from wheel-chair bound in drama Healer and a career lady in drama Unkind Ladies.10394007_807187542708727_311913746104697

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My deepest condolences @heartoppaya
@everyone Love all your post, keep going  :-bd
I miss my healer and planning on a re-watch in couple of days to heal from watching  EK, I still have to watch ep 51

That show is great in general but so depressing and drives me crazy and full of makjang *roll eyes*, but I just love JCW portrayal of Ta Hwan here, he's really magnificent - loved his slow moaning: keruchi keruchi AHHHH, and my favorite character there is Tal Tal, he's great really I wish they would make a spinoff his character

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Hello all! Missed you guys alot. Before you aske, I'm holding up pretty good and actually, my byeontae ness has reached sky high now........ I think there are some who can vouch for that in the Line group..... I'm gonna write The Shades so don't worry, your Pervy Dongsaeng will be back! Updated! ;) =)) :))

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namedx said: ReemKanabta said:
I miss my healer and planning on a re-watch in couple of days to heal from watching  EK, I still have to watch ep 51

That show is great in general but so depressing and drives me crazy and full of makjang *roll eyes*, but I just love JCW portrayal of Ta Hwan here, he's really magnificent - loved his slow moaning: keruchi keruchi AHHHH, and my favorite character there is Tal Tal, he's great really I wish they would make a spinoff his character

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@heartoppaya Good to see you've bounced back and ready to rumble! >:D<

But I guess it's my turn to apologize for being MIA most of the time. To make it up to you all, I'll do my best to churn out new Healer fanarts! I miss this drama and it's only way I know how to cope aside from rewatching clips and hunting for fanfics. :(( :((

Btw gals, have we decided on a color theme for ChangMin/Healer yet? Should we make a poll or something?

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I was actually watching the latest episode of Running Man, and initially they had this "night errand guy" theme. They didn't specifically reference the drama though, since it's different broadcasting system i guess, but anyway,one of the member actually dressed up really like Healer's costume lol! The Healer obsession is ongoing~ X'D (Really miss Healer ;_; We're going into our 6th week without it... No signs of moving on at all. But at least we're still here :) )
The similar costume:


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Jung-hoo's countless list of feels: Episode 7

'I wasn't planning to come. My animal instincts were telling me…over there, some kind of trap is awaiting me. If I get caught in it, it will break my ankle at the very least. That’s why I should not come closer, and run away.'

Except, he doesn't know how to. And just like that, it seems he too, has become baited by Yong-shin, not as part of some evil scheme, but as part of her unconditional love. It’s her fantasy of him which has him halt his footsteps, not sabu, whose plan was guaranteed to back-fire either way.

When it comes to Yong-shin, the desire to get close to someone again is a risk which Jung-hoo had avoided, lest he gets abandoned again. And it seems that this fear of his is a deeply rooted one, forcing him to lead the isolated life he does. It’s like the wild animal that loses its way as a result of being left behind by the rest of the pack. In time, it has to learn to fend for itself. And for Jung-hoo, that’s a defense mechanism which he’s had to adopt, one which Yong-shin can relate to based on her own childhood memories. And perhaps it’s that very connection which takes Jung-hoo inside; igniting feelings of belonging again.

The tendency to do the opposite of what he’s told, and what he’s feeling, is a nice way of showing how he’s come to read people. By going against the predictable, Jung-hoo has learnt to move boldly forward and to come out victorious as a result. But when that same vision and philosophy of life is shared by another, it seems there’s no way of challenging it, so the only thing left for him to do, is to embrace it and see where it takes him. They’re essentially two sides of the same coin, only that she’s been nurtured to have more faith in those around her, even after having been abandoned...
Read the rest here:http://morumoruisland.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/jung-hoos-countless-list-of-feels_22.html

Be warned, it's a long one! 
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Guest uctqepe

@Sia3 who said i've moved on??? LOOL i am still as drunk as before :)) :)
@Noxn, agree, lets vote to pick the color, eventho we havent heard from Mod how to proceed on picking up the color.. 
i got this info from other shipper winners:
these are the colors had been taken.. 
purple: (admin) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28229190/#Comment_28229190

blues: (mods) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28235950/#Comment_28235950
(SoGonger) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/26374815/#Comment_26374815
(normal member) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28234391/#Comment_28234391

: (for people who have created a thread): http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2020195/official-couple-thread-so-ji-sub-x-gong-hyo-jin-from-the-masters-sun

red: (friend of soompi) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/26864887/#Comment_26864887

yellow: (Goguma) http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/comment/28357476/#Comment_28357476

Besides from those colors, JackJi-shippers have chosen a different shade of red, GoongJin-shippers gonna pick a different shade of yellow, and the JjongAh-shippers have chosen a different shade of purple. 

Lets vote guys...1. Color you'd like: for ex. Me -->Grey ;)2. Nickname to put in soompi profile: for ex. Halerities, ChangMiners, etc. 
Dear @Noxn, can you take care the voting in ChangMin thread? we'll put the result from both Threads together.. Kamsahamidaaaaa...

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@uctqepe Chingu! Okay, will do!

Let's vote, gals! The sooner we decide which color to use, the faster we'll see the colors flying on our thread (and Changmin)! \:D/

Colors that aren't taken yet: green, orange, maroon, pink, gray, brown

What do you think about pink? Haha. I think it'll be cute. But for Healer, I guess we should go for a navy blue to stick to the show's original color theme? How about an aquamarine/teal? Like this?


On that note, I vote for aquamarine! :)

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I know many would choose gray hehe and I think that's okay, but I also think the aquamarine/teal @Noxn suggested looks nice; since its the original show colour, and I rmb something @Maja / @sia3 mentioned something before like blueish colour corresponds to that blueish island that Junghoo once dreamt to go right? I agreed w that and I think that wld be nice!

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Guest FleurdeLys101

Am I allowed to vote even if I just recently delurked??? :D :D
1. I would like grey please..2. Healerite would be my choice of nickname
Happy Monday everyone!!! :-*

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Guest mywebfoot

I sorry. I bad. I no write enough. No FF update this week. :((

To bring alternative offerings: Great JCW interview, excerpt here. 

Q : In the drama your “chemistry” with Chae Yong Shin is very good, but the “chemistry” between the two character you act Seo Jung Hoo and Park Bong Soo is good too. Especially the scene that is considered as the best ending by <Healer>’s fan, the ending of episode 5 . Bong Soo who is coughing and said “Sunbae, please help me”, Yong Shin grabs him to run away and he ends the scene with slight smile. 

Ah… (laugh) That scene is hard to shoot. Originally besides “Sunbae, please help me” it is written “Run when Yong Shin grabs his hand” and “Jung Hoo knows Chae Yong Shin will do this action”. It’s smile, but why do you smile is written there too. In that condition, you smile not because Yong Shin grabs your hand, and not because you’re excited, but you smile because you know Yong Shin will do that. How am I going to act this out… (laugh). It’s a very interesting novel-like script when you read it, but it’s very hard to act it out. That’s why the scene was shot a lot of times.

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