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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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I really hope it's not going to be an ending like FAITH. I want them to be together now, not after years, no waiting, no separation, no meeting after a time and the only thing they do is look at eachother  and smile. I really hate that. They were separate too much from the begining, writer-nim let them stay together now. Pretty please

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The Deadline for sending submissions for the International Fan Project is 2 hours after the airing of the final Episode TODAY !!!
I will zip and download the entire mail after this.
I cannot guarantee that your message will be included if you are late !
So Palli !!!!!

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40 something year old ajumma here coming out from the shadows, sad that Healer is ending. yes, i can certainly fangirl over JCW but that gets a little creepy at my age. everything about this drama was quality: the writing, the character development, the acting, the re-working of all the familiar k-drama tropes (noble idiocy, etc).  the only reason i'm not buying the blu-ray set is because i have one child in college. :)

some thoughts about ep 19 into ep 20:
i thought ajumma's wall of knitting as a collection of things she was making for the child she lost (which is why she hesitates to leave it all).  yes she knows her son is dead but creating hats, etc, is a way to keep him alive. at least a little bit. 
when SJH says he knows who he is fighting now, i think he is referring to Healer himself.  he has to kill/fake the death of Healer so SJH/PBS can live--otherwise he will always be running. this is where things get "fun" for Healer and the gang.  

the cameo appearance will be the character of Elder's daughter/granddaughter who also has to deal with the "sins of the fathers" just as SJH and CYS had to. she will help them take down Elder to put an end to the insanity.
these are just my theories after watching Healer episodes . . . way too much.  

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moanablogger_at_gmail.com_stv said: when SJH says he knows who he is fighting now, i think he is referring to Healer himself.  he has to kill/fake the death of Healer so SJH/PBS can live--otherwise he will always be running. this is where things get "fun" for Healer and the gang.  

the cameo appearance will be the character of Elder's daughter/granddaughter who also has to deal with the "sins of the fathers" just as SJH and CYS had to. she will help them take down Elder to put an end to the insanity.

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