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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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jerboa83 said:

well about cys phone l began to doubt ; did kmh see her old one before ? don't remember but am sure he will suspect pbs and starts investigating about him but l hope l really hope cys will find the truth next week poor jh is depressed and he will need her presence and about their meeting , when she was sending her email he was in kmh house ( l think he will find other things in the briefcace) so wouldn't be logical if ajumma was the one recieving it ? mmmmm if she does l dont think she will let him know about it and maybe she and the teacher will make a plan to separate them  

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Marathoned eps 9-10 today!!! WAHHHH!!!!! OMGGG!OMG!! The ending for the ep 10 was like.... I was having some goosebumps while watching it..That cliff hanger tho!!! :(( :(( :(( I crey ;(The worst thing is...NO PREVIEW AT ALL. KBS please?? [-O< [-O< jebal?? [-O< [-O< lol hahahaha
I just can't wait for the next episode to come!!! \m/ \m/ \m/Healer fighting!! My OTP, fighting!! :-bd

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Guest rosalind_may

How long do you think we have to wait till they release an ep 11 preview? Friday? Saturday?

Please...not Sunday....please *begs on hands and knees*

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:( @uctqepe now I feel your pain chingu all this time you had that scenario :(( you wanted your ship to sail but omo!!!! Now it has turn into a big misunderstanding among hyungs. As soon as I'm done getting caught up with episodes 9 and 10. I'll make sure to twist your dirtiest fantasies :> and tell @kanyaprasetyo to post a twisted story for you.

I have problems login in with my computer at work #-o

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Guest uctqepe

@namyo YAAAAHHHH!!! dont twist my bromance to dirty stuff!! JUGULLEE???!!  b-( b-( kakakakakakak!! =)) 
but my ship is actually sailing in the real life coz uri Oppa came to Puppy's musical and Puppy came to his movie premiere.. even taking selca together.. kekekekekke... I believe YJT will be his fave Hyung, unlike EK where he was rejected by his handsome sunbae.. LOOOOOL 

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NRGchick said: I think we are arriving at the second arc - Healer/Jung Hoo looking into his father's death and with more people finding out and protecting his identity. I am still 50/50 about whether Moon Ho will keep his secret but if Healer can look after Young Shin's safety, I think he will keep quiet about Jung Hoo/Bong Soo's identity. But, the bigger question then would be, Is Moon Ho willing to expose everything which will hurt his brother as well as his beloved noona?

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NRGchick said:

I agree. This is the second arc of the drama.  I think KMH will put the phone back in the pocket and not say anything yet. He may separate PBS from being CYS' hoobae and take PBS more under his wing.  That will be an opportunity for KMH to find who PBS is and when he finds out he's the son of one of the guys in the picture (don't know his name). He'll recall his own childhood memories with SJH/PBS. Hopefully he will think brotherly of him, and not see him as his rival for CYS' affections. 

As for the bigger question: I see KMH as the true Healer.  He's been brought up on the principles, the past, and the ideals of the things locked away in that box.  There's no telling how many times he's listened to those tapes and read that booklet.  He's been indoctrinated on Healer principles in their pure form. He's wanted to live up to them his entire life and I don't think he will fail with the coming events.  It will be the test of his moral courage, but he will pursue truth and justice to his own hurt. He will do all he can to minimize the hurt to his hyung and his noona, but he will expose the elder and his organization. (imo)

different subject:

I am one of the few it seems who thinks the Healer persona will distance himself from CYS and the PBS persona will keep showing up for work and build a friendship/relationship with CYS.  

I'm hoping the Healer reveal to CYS will be on a rooftop, maybe where the confession took place.  CYS has her eyes covered and when they are uncovered, Healer as PBS/SJH is standing before her. 

@only1khj I actually posted few while ago that I think they will get apart too! I think Healer/PBS will be apart from CYS to protect her and him too! Now that the things are getting dangerous for his being and her's too!

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Guest Fatmannz

I just watched the two new eps and goddamn I love the love Moon Ho has for his noona. Like he remembers everything she did for him in the past and his love for her is just so pure. It might not be romantic but you can feel his love for her when he just kneels down and puts hit head onto her lap and cries just like when he was a kid. Their relationship is just too precious and I feel they don't get enough attention.
Healer keeps on surprising me with how much I like it. I started to watch it because I was bored and with every episode it seems like I'm falling more and more in love with this drama. Ah it's driving me crazy I can't wait for the eps next week. Also boo no previews at the end of ep 10

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Greetings.  I've been reading this thread for a while but had nothing to say until today having watched Ep. 10 with subtitles, and the translation from Dramabeans of the subtitle of the Healer booklet that Bong Soo finds in Moon Ho's apartment--"the media eists to diagnose and heal this society's pains"--

If this is the case, then isn't Moon Ho the real Healer, or rather, aren't there several different healers in this drama (I'll get to that in a minute)...  If the original Healer was the underground publication intended to put the truth out there to heal society's ills, then isn't that eactly what Moon Ho is doing and isn't that why he has such integrity as a reporter.  Also, I now "get" what the kids were broadcasting from the back of that truck as it was speeding down the alleyways looking for "him" or "the kid" as they called him, they were looking for the Healer, that person who would courageously put the truth of society's ills out there for all to see and begin to heal.

It seems the original Healer dream got co-opted by Evil Elder and corrupted by Moon Shik's obsession with his friends' wife so it went underground, preserved by the Teacher and Detective Jo--and I'm wondering what her connection to the original team is, like was she investigating the death of Bong Soo's Dad or is she the person who sent Teacher to prison?  But she seems to have long history and familiarity with this group and its past.

But I digress...  So the Healer goes underground and here the metaphors abound.  The purpose of the media is to bring to light, to epose, the things others would like to keep hidden.  The image of going underground is the opposite, shedding no light, keeping things hidden and the role of the Healer transforms from a hero for truth to a "night courier" with no ethical standards ecept money.  Oh how the mighty have fallen!  As Bong Soo so aptly put it, (with Healer going underground) his father becomes a murderer and he becomes a thief.

And this is why there is and are so many opportunities for a Healer in this drama.  Before this group can heal society, it must first heal itself.  The death's of Young Shin's father and Bong Soo's father and the aftermath need to be brought to light and dealt with and I think this is where Moon Ho is trying to go and where his brother is determined he will not go.  If not for Teacher, who knows where young Jung Hoo would have ended up.  It was teacher who raised him to adulthood and trained him and this is a kind of healing.  What is Ahjumma's role in all this?  Is she rebelling against some injustice in the legal system that she thinks needs to be healed?  And, obviously, Jung Hoo and Young Shin both need to be healed of their pasts, their loneliness, their apparent lack of roots and, of course, the evil perpetrated on them by, I think, Evil Elder. 

Anyway, it seems to me the key here is what Moon Ho appears to be after, solving the mystery of what happened to that original Healer group and when and how and why... and isn't that what good reporting is all about....

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jerboa83 said:

well about cys phone l began to doubt ; did kmh see her old one before ? don't remember but am sure he will suspect pbs and starts investigating about him but l hope l really hope cys will find the truth next week poor jh is depressed and he will need her presence and about their meeting , when she was sending her email he was in kmh house ( l think he will find other things in the briefcace) so wouldn't be logical if ajumma was the one recieving it ? mmmmm if she does l dont think she will let him know about it and maybe she and the teacher will make a plan to separate them  

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This drama is making me think of Charles Dickens' classic Oliver Twist.  A group of orphans are taken in and taught to be pickpockets and Oliver catches the attention of a rich man who eventually gives him a home. It also makes me think of the Superman/Lois Lane story.  Either way, it's interesting. 

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