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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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@NRGChickActually I am with you that Moonho will keep quiet about PBS as healer, because we are only at ep 10.  :-$ He will quietly observe what PBS does with CYS.

Yes MH is stucked, It is difficult for him to reveal it to Myunghee, becos not only he will drag moonshik down, he will also then be answerable about why he never reveal the truth for so many years. Plus Myunghee's health maynt be able to take it. But it will be so sad if Myunghee and Ji An dont reconcile. So I am very curious how this arc will pen out.
Is everything going to be revealed one by one or bam, we have all the truths at one go? Also, can I dream that Healer will get an extension? Its just a dream

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With another 10 episodes to go, it's safe to say that our Healer will not be exposed....yet. With a big reveal looming, who knows, even Detective Yoon may be drafted in to expose the corruption in society where the weaker gets squashed and the privileged gets lauded. They could form their own Healer team! Just like what the 5 friends did in the past. 
I don't think that the writer will only reveal Healer's identity at the end. I think it will happen soon and at this point, it will become full of angst. Jung Hoo has to rebuild the trust that Young Shin placed in him (as Bong Soo - imagine her thinking back to all the things she said about Healer!) I don't think she is the petty type but it is understandable that one would feel upset at being deceived. It will be great once Moon Ho, Young Shin and Healer work together to rout the corrupted root of society. As for revealing Young Shin's real identity, it will most likely be near the end because if it was told soon, Young Shin would most likely want to meet her mother immediately and with the threat of Elder as the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, that is one challenge they have to overcome before they can have a happy ending. 

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@NRGchick... that Gu Jun Pyo epic fail pic... OMG, I was laughing so hard I almost fell off my chair.
Actually I was kind of sorry they killed that guy off so soon - Healer should hit him a little more - I was totally horrified at how he could just hit the girl who was with him in front of CYS, PBS and all those Double S security guys. Seeing Healer give him a taste of his own medicine was sooooo satisfying.
I'm generally someone who hates violence, but that abusive pathetic excuse of a man truly deserved it. 

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NRGchick@ totally agree with the fact that cys must know the truth next week or atleast before ep 15 all of them are in great danger cys , healer , kmh , kms , cys's mom and even healer teacher and ajumma l dont think the old evil man will stop killing poeple and framing others to get what he wants and cys , sjh and kmh need to team up with a good plan to take him down and l hope jh will become more invovlved as a reporter in the future after he sees the old book he needs to put healer skills in service of his reporter job that's how he will find another reason to live , he needs to sjh not healer or pbs 

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I hate that Healer subs take longer to come out than other dramas. Usually, the subs are out in the morning, but not for Healer. Ugh. I watched Episode 10 with subs just now as my schedule would not permit me to wait for the subs until the afternoon! Anyway, here is my take away from Episode 10. 
"Your student's reins are finally off." This is what Ajumma said at the beginning of the episode and somehow it did show us exactly that - we saw JH begin to unravel. We saw him unravel his feelings for CYS at that elevator scene, he now, quite often, fails to control himself lately, to the point that he actually attempted to kiss her forehead while on disguise as PBS! I mean, what was he thinking, right?! :)  We see further unraveling when he confessed to CYS. I was actually surprised when I first saw that scene in the preview, and thought about his reason for confessing to CYS while on disguise as PBS. So, I watched that particular scene, and to me, it felt like he was speaking to her as JH, especially the part where he said, "Instead of waiting for someone who isn't coming, can't it be me?" I think he confessed because he wanted a piece of CYS's mind. If he was not Healer, if he was just JH, can she still love him? The line that hit me the most in that scene was, "If you want, I could live the way you want me to." For me, he was like saying, "I could be Healer (the one who always protects her) or PBS (the one who always listens to her), or anything for you." Ugh, how desperate and frustrated he must have felt to have said that. So I think CYS was correct in saying that she felt like he was a different person. After his confession, I do not know what to make of his expression, was he sad or relieved? I think it to be both, but more of the former, because although she loves him, she loves him as Healer, and what totally sucks is that he cannot be with her the way he wants to. But still, there was relief because he was given this affirmation that she loves him. After all, JH is Healer, and Healer is JH. 
But what really made me sad was when he was confronted by the fact that his father allegedly killed someone. Here, he again unravels himself showing us his thoughts about his father's suicide, how afraid he is that he might be like his father whom he thought had no reason to live, like he was right now. He went mad, really mad after finding that out. Now, I am wondering how he would react if he finds out that the person his father allegedly killed was CYS's father. I am kind of scared for him. 
I said it before, JCW is such a joy to watch! The way he confessed, the scene with Teacher, the way he deliver lines, even with just nods, and "Yes". :\">Ugh! Now, back to my stressful life. 'Til the next episode! :) 

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Not sure if anyone noticed or posted before. The parallel in the dialogue JH had before his mother & teacher left him:
At 6 (?) years old:JH: Mom, are you going somewhere?Mom: Yeah, I'm going somewhere.JH: Where are you going?Mom: Some place far awayJH: When are you coming back?Mom: I probably won't be coming back.
At 20 years old:JH: Are you going somewhere?T: Yes. The South Pacific. A paradise where I can see bikini-clad women all year.JH: When are you coming back?T: I'm not coming back.
Heart... breaks...

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I should be sleeping :P
Kudos to the writer SJN for her awesome crafting of the story as we have seen so far. When the words 'social injustice' was being mentioned in earlier posts and how Healer (the original team) was formed to protest against the authoritarian regime at that time, we can see how we still need a 'Healer' team today. For the privileged, I see the implications in the 'nut rage' incident in South Korea and a few articles about how some privileged members of society use their position to subjugate others. It can also be seen when Young Shin just raised the mere mention of contacting the owner of the building because they were prevented from going for the engagement party and how the usher quickly let them in. 
Manipulation of the media is also another matter. Whoever holds the reins of the most powerful media outlet has control over the workings of a nation. Here, the Elder is the grand puppeteer who has ultimate control even though Moon Shik runs the Jaeil media conglomerate. Should we keep fighting for what is right or give up in the face of stronger forces? I was very moved by Moon Ho's monologue during the news broadcast where they vowed to expose news that no one else may want to tell or let be told. 
I am looking forward to what else this drama has in store. Give me Monday NOW!

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larienssi said: I hate that Healer subs take longer to come out than other dramas. Usually, the subs are out in the morning, but not for Healer. Ugh. I watched Episode 10 with subs just now as my schedule would not permit me to wait for the subs until the afternoon! Anyway, here is my take away from Episode 10. 

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I hate that Healer subs take longer to come out than other dramas. Usually, the subs are out in the morning, but not for Healer. Ugh. I watched Episode 10 with subs just now as my schedule would not permit me to wait for the subs until the afternoon! Anyway, here is my take away from Episode 10. 
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Now that we know that book MH had kept in the "coffee table" is actually like a social freedom kinda magazine. I now understand what KMS meant back in e earlier episodes when he said "We used to call it as such, very long time ago".

I've always thought he meant someone. But now I believe he meant the activities, the ideals and broadcast they had back in 1980.

Now I'm curious why SJH will use the code name Healer. Was it inherited from his Teacher? If yes it makes perfect sense.

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@azzurri I honestly thought and felt bad but not really. But I was Healer thank you for giving a taste of his own medicine to that ahjussi, for hitting his assistant in a cold and not regretful way. I had tears looking at the assistant been treated that way.

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well about cys phone l began to doubt ; did kmh see her old one before ? don't remember but am sure he will suspect pbs and starts investigating about him but l hope l really hope cys will find the truth next week poor jh is depressed and he will need her presence 

and about their meeting , when she was sending her email he was in kmh house ( l think he will find other things in the briefcace) so wouldn't be logical if ajumma was the one recieving it ? mmmmm if she does l dont think she will let him know about it and maybe she and the teacher will make a plan to separate them  :(

Wasn't she at the café?

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let's rewind a bit...my questions

1.  the healer team knew CYS is the person that MH was looking for and that her DNA matches with 'someone' ...at this point even JH doesn't know CYS's relationship with myung hee right?

2. the teacher suspected MH was searching for JI-an and if the teacher knew about Ji-an/CYS is the same person, will he try to stop JH from seeing CYS again or do you think he will help these two in their love relationship

3. now that JH already had some of his questions answered...do you think teacher will try to help with the investigations or he just let JH solve the problems alone coz we know ahjumma already want JH to leave everything...in that case healer/JH got so much to do, try to find his dad's killer and clear his name...try to hide his identity...try to win the heart of CYS...try to catch some sleep of course

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Guest uctqepe

Ohh you guys are rubbing salt to my broken JIJI bromance ship.. :(( :((
the scenario for my bromance ship is: Moon Ho will realize who Healer is.. He will pretend not knowing at first and start investigating the real Jung Ho.. then find out that JH is the son of one of his Hyungs then a flashback when they were still little boys and Moon Ho taught his younger bro riding bike etc etc.. after remembering all the sweet memories, Moon Ho will run to Jung Ho, hug him and said "Jung Ho-aaah, where have you been these years? Hyung has been looking for you everywhere".. THE END.. 8-} 8-} 
Sorry for the cheesy fanfic guys, but a shipper gotta do what a shipper gotta do :ar! 
Writernimmmm, where is the so-called south-south chemistry?? ME WANT MY BROMANCE SHIP!! ~X( ~X( 

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Just finished watching episode 10 with subs. I like where the mystery is taking us!  
KMS is a Judas.  He sold out his friends for money.  At least on the surface.  His motivation may have been more for MY to receive the medical care, but he sold his soul nonetheless.  He may seek a way of redemption for his past wrongs before the drama is over, but he's a doomed figure.
I liked the interaction between Healer and his teacher.  I don't like the teacher, but I do like that he told Healer that he doesn't believe his dad is a murderer and even though he gave up trying to find the answers, he's challenged Healer to do it.  Healer will live up to the challenge and expose all that happened 20 years ago. Who will help and who will hinder is yet to be determined, but Healer will tenaciously pursue, even to the point of endangering his own life.  His achilles' heel is CYS though. If she's in danger in future situations, we'll see a lot of rescues. I can't wait for the showdown between the two sides.
KMH is clearly a good guy to me.  I don't get vague vibes from his character at all. I wonder how the first meeting post-press conference between KMH and his former boss will be?  Not too friendly, I would think.  Will she continue to be soft-hearted toward KMH or will she feel she's given in one too many times and become his enemy?
CYS' affection for PBS will grow.  There was enough nuance in that scene on the roof that left me thinking if given the chance to be around PBS often, she will come to love him. She made a comment that PBS seemed different to her during his confession.  Her heart is already growing in affection for PBS, even if she's having grand romantic thoughts about Healer. 
Will Healer agree to meet CYS? I think, if Ahjumma doesn't intercept the message, I think Healer will decline meeting her.  He will still secretly watch her and he will be around her as PBS, but his focus has shifted from CYS to proviing his father's innocence.  
I really hope Healer's identity is kept secret for most of the drama. I want him to be able to use and display his undercover skills for all of us to see while he's pursuing the ones who framed his Dad. I want Healer to reveal himself to CYS much later in the drama.  I don't know which character I want to discover Healer's identity, because I really don't want him to be discovered.  Which character do you think will discover who Healer is? Or will it be multiple characters all at once for a big dramatic moment?
I think KMH will put the cellphone back in the coat pocket and keep his discovery to himself.  Watching and investigating himself.
Healer is definitely the detective's number one suspect for the pimp entertainment president's murder.  He sees right through all of the convenient evidence left behind.  He knows things aren't what they seem.  
Will KMS agree to run for mayor? I think, yes.
I'm ready to see more of CYS' dad and her ex-con uncles.  I hope we get to see a scene between CYS' dad and SJH/PBS/Healer similar to the scene we were shown of CYS and her dad when she was hiding and he managed to get her to come out.  I want Healer to feel that fatherly protector vibe from him.  
The cast and crew are giving us a great show! Kamsahamnida!   =D>  :-bd  ^:)^

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