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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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Whoaaaaah done watching ep #10 subbed, and ........... my heart still hurt, but here is my rants :

If anyone have ever watching Rain previous drama "A love to kill" its about kinda similar situation, he was loving his dying brother girlfriend. The love he had is the love that should be killed, so sad for him and for the girl also, Rain position was the same position as Se Na position now, Too bad even when his brother died, they were choosing the bad ending, I hope it won't bad ending for this drama, can't bear the feeling watching Rain in pain again after "A Love To Kill" and "Sang Do, Let's go to school".

As for this episode, I really like Dal Bong give that bi*ch Hae Yoon a rabies bite to make her sense back. And Alex (I dont remember what his name here), if he is really good friend of Hyun Wook he shouldn't always take HY in his side, he need to understand HW real feeling too, be considerate, isn't a real good friend is the one who know you better than anyone :(, poor HW he is like have nobody beside him. Also using HW dad as her weapon is definitely WON'T work witch! ..<

And to JaeYoung the greedy bast*rd he should take HW dad words "each person is given their own bowl.you already ate up everything in yours."

Ouch I know very well how SN feeling when she watched HW,HY and Dalbong in the same car, its HUUUUUURT :( 

HaeYoon eat this shitty words yet sharps from HW in yo face "You can't control my heart! Who do you think you are? If you tell me to end it, I need to end my heart too?"

Aarrgh conflict conflict I wish it would ended soon, himnae HW! himnae SN! himnae too SW! HAHAHA .

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Guest kdramafanfan

SN is turning into my fav kdrama heroine ever. I loved her in this episode. I liked how she refused HW's offer but accepted SW. Like she's not going to continue to ride on HW's coattails. Yah for keeping your dignity (although maybe its not so smart to give up career opportunities like that but whatever it works for the drama).

I think if they took the HY thing any farther I would have been seriously annoyed but loved how HW blew up at her. Finally.

I do think they took the angsty staring thing to far this week but the last ten minutes save this week. Plus, its nice that SN isn't working for ANA anymore as it kind of leaves them on equal footing and don't have this weird work relationship.

So I'm just wondering how many spare kids HW's dad's has stashed away. And is the jerk CEO/ex songwriter one too?

One thing I didn't like is HW's letting his anger toward his dad and stepmom affect how he views his sister. She's just a teenager but he seems to disregard her.

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Guest espresso00

Guys ,

In reality
If you were Sena , what would you do ?

if you know the man you fall in love is your sister's (who's died)  boyfriend?

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@angelbeast90 I hope, I didn't offend you... because this wasn't my intention. I was just criticising HW's so called friends and it is amazing/disgusting that HY was trying to involve anybody around HW in order to get what she wants. For me, she is only a spoiled brat who was used to get what she wants.
HW told her to stop but she didn't in the end... she betrayed him, although he asked her to do him a favor. She was rude when she affirmed, she was nothing to him... I don't think so, HW did consider her as a friend and colleague and even helped her, but for her, this wasn't enough.

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Ep 9...my instinct is right no matter what the mind said its the heart that HW followed! He really had fallen head over heels in love with Sena..and poor HY! She is so desperate that she asked HW dad to help her please HW! tsk tsk... tsk....SW is freaking adorable! surely... he will be a true friend to Sena... if only HW is not around... I like him with Sena.

And SY...I think he will seize the chance to do something nasty to HW.. now that he knew about the Yoon siblings!

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@angelbeast90 You weren't... but when I read my own post, I realised that it could be interpretated differently... I think, I didn't express myself very clearly. So far, you did nothing wrong.
HY is my favourite villain... well, I can't stand her, but when she is in a scene, I can't help myself laughing about her behavior... so stupid without any self-respect and self-centered!

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Hey guys! I've a question:

By any chance, do U know the young indie band that played on the street when HW&SN was walking around after meeting kim tae woo. I loved their style which makes me remember 10cm and I wane to listen to their music [-O<

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:-S it's only Friday! twice a week is not enough..hate waiting!  another stressful episodes,roll on next week!.Craving for HW's smile,his smiling eyes..not the tears that roll..try to put myself in his shoes..the pressure is no joke..HY,Alex, Producer Seo and his dad..how  to confront each other with their problems,hopefully HY will stop living in denial coz you can't control other people's heart..it ain't working at all. ~X(
Have a lovely weekend,MLG lovers! 

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lclarakl said:

Thanks for everyone's post. I just decided that I will wait until this weekend to watch these latest two episodes. I'm the lonely one on this thread because I'm not feeling too much pity for HW--the keeper of secrets; but again I'm two episodes behind.

For me, I'm still trying to deal with possibly sleeping with the same mas as my sister--- :-O    I have two handsome brother in laws who I love dearly, but the thought of.......I shutter to utter the words.  No thank you!   Yes, this case is different in that her sister is deceased and they didn't possess a sheet of paper proclaiming them to be married, but the intimacy was still there for 5 long years. I'm hoping these past two episodes can help me get past my weebeejeebees.  Maybe that's why I'm gravitating towards the second male lead, although I know it's a hopeless case. 

In reality, SN may feel guilt towards her sister for having feelings for HW--I'm not sure if the writer will delve that deep.

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@bebebisous33 I totally agree regarding Sungjin. I was pretty lenient on him because I thought he wanted the best for Hyunwook. He was concerned that Hyunwook had closed himself away from everyone for so long that falling in love with someone who 'loved' him dearly is his best chance of recovering. I respected that and even thought it was what a true friend would want. But now he knows. Hyunwook has made it very clear that he's in love with Sena. Yet Sungjin continues to make Hyunwook feel like he's some sort of insensitive jerk for loving Sena and ignoring Haeyoon who's loved him for 12 years. It's so unfair. Hyunwook has never indicated that he was interested in Haeyoon...

Sungjin was initially cast as Hyunwook's best friend and I can see moments when he is. But the problem is that he's also Haeyoon's friend and it's obvious he's more loyal to her. It upsets me that Hyunwook was pushed to the brink just so he can see (or does he?) how much he's suffering. You can really see what SN brings in his life. I wrote a whole lot of reasons why Sena fell in love with him, but for him, I think the simple reason for loving her is that he feels loved around her. She understands him, is concerned for him and puts him above everyone else. No one has done that for him in a very long time.

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