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[Drama 2014/2015] What's With This Family? 가족끼리 왜 이래

Bayu Pratama

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"가족끼리왜이래5회예고, Next Ep. 5

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@GHSforever,@Hanyeoun, :-h :-h

Don't you just gotta love this drama it's so refreshing from the other family dramas that's aired as you can see Tj and Ks have squared off with each other right along with Db and Sw each couple got some kind of competition going on.. And the Dr. Brother got his on competition with himself how long can he stay single.. Just love it..LOL

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Guest adikkeluangman

More highlight video for EP4
DB heart beating heart when he remember about his kiss with SW.http://youtu.be/D77VU19IdYc

Hyojin's first appearance and this strange beauty goddess made GJ speechless.http://youtu.be/0Kg7GBtl99I
I like her mom. I mean the actress, sometimes in drama she is like classy lady and I love to see her like that.
Prince Yoon Eun-Ho sweep Seo-Wool off her feet.http://youtu.be/X-1WilU0C74

TJ vs GS 'fierce fighting machine at the office.http://youtu.be/bQ5KAhV5FMA

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@valsava, @GHSforever, @Hanyeon, good to see you here! \:D/ I'm delighted that we meet again in this thread. Since this is a long drama, we will see each other for a long time. :)>-
@valsava I'm in love with this drama, too. Thanks God, it was starting when I found out, because there were only two episodes that I had missed. But I quickly caught up and this weekend I watched them in streaming. X_X I have to love this drama a lot to wake up on Saturday and Sunday early in the morning to watch it. @-) 
The pairing is good! The youngest couple are adorable. Well, she is a very talented actress. We saw how in AE. I didn't remember him, but he is good too and they have chemistry. They are a refreshing couple. And my favorite couple -KS and TJ- is gorgeous. I'm a fan of her. I have seen almost all her dramas. And I watched him in "My Country Calls" and "King Sejong", and I love him. So, this pairing was a really good one. They are GOOD actors. Regarding the doctor brother he is a cupcake, but a frozen cupcake. :-j He's so cold. And I agree with you; he isn't interested in the other doctor. And yes, again, she is a potential stalker. But, the daughter of the hospital director is his paring in the drama? Is he interesting in her or only he is interested in what she represents for his career? Will see... 
But I need to say that this drama is so interesting and made me want to watch again more dramas live. I have been watching Fated to love you, but when sub. Another drama that I watched the first episodes and I love it is "Discover or romance" with Eric Moon and Sung Joon (two finest cupcakes). :\">
See you! :D

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@andreasofia16,   I also like Tj and Ks and can't wait to see how they tie the knot and what lengths he would go through to get her.. Especially how they will try to hide from the old man that they are dating and still trying to keep this bet going.. LOL

Now our frozen cupcake he's kind of hard to read right now.. I don't know if he's been saving himself for some rich girl or just cold to the idea of marriage altogether but I think nothing will workout right for him because of his bed buddy.. His father is going to want him to be responsible for her because of his moral thinking and Ks will take up for him sating she knew what she was getting into from the beginning.. Also I don't think Dad will like it to much if they family wants coldcupcake to live with them because dad thinks it's the eldest son place to take over  the family so his life should be colorful and.. But I think Sw and Db will take over the house and the store once he's married and Papa ha has showed Sw how to make tofu..   

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@nancykimlee OH YES I DID!!! His intro and his first encounter with SW were AWESOME. I dont feel the chemistry yet between them like she has with DB, but I bet their chemistry will be even hot. After all, both guys are hot tempered and I cant wait for their jealousy to start. I am really torn between choosing between these two.
Cant wait for saturday! The preview looks interesting, I guess EO discovers she is SW?

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There are 3 scenes I particularly like in Episode 4.
1) The hilarious scene when Kang Shim came out of the convenience store, dressed so shabbily with her hair in a mess, popping snacks into her mouth. But the shocked she had when the Chairman appeared from inside the car. I just couldn't help laughing at Kang Shim who looked so funny.
2) I guess one can't help but really like SW. Her thoughtfulness and considerate manner just get others to fall for her, including DB. She was thoughtful to bring lunch for DB's dad. When she saw his shoes were worn out, she quietly measured the size of the shoes. She is really one very considerate and thoughtful child, as compared to the 3 children.
3) Well, frankly I am sure SW would fall for DB. He was genuinely worried about SW when she was hurt at the shopping centre. I like it when he told her that others doesn't matter as long as she is safe. I was touched really touched by DB.

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Guest nancykimlee

There's plenty to laugh and spazz about with this drama but Cha Daddy and Chairman Moon are so amazing, I love them.In a dramaland plagued with evil moms/stepmoms and absent fathers, we have two loving, steadfast fathers who have their hands full with attitude ridden children that borderline or cross ungrateful territories. Ep 4 is full of laughs and spazzy-worthy moments but this scene is by far my favorite. While feeding Cha Daddy lunch Seo Wool notices the wear and tear on his shoes and goes to measure his foot to buy him a new pair later. What made this scene more emotional (for me) was when Chairman Moon came to see Kang Shim, Cha Daddy wanted to properly greet him but decided not to because of his awareness not to embarrass his daughter in such a state. 

Cha Daddy is the kind of father that places his family's needs and well-being before himself, and one who lives a quiet and humble lifestyle. I got a bit choked up not only because of the implications of the shoe, but also because the person that notices it is not his children but a stranger. In the short amount of time that Seo Wool has been there, she's been more appreciative and attentive than what we've seen from all three Kang kids combined. They're not necessarily bad kids or bad people, but it does further the message that Cha Daddy is taken for granted while the kids are too busy in their own world. I like this set up because as parents or children, we can all relate to some degree which makes this drama so heart-warming and self-contemplative too.

And I really like Chairman Moon too. He's the kind of man that made it to the top but doesn't forget those along the way, and it speaks to his character and integrity. It was also really cute how he proposed to Seol Hee in such an old-fashioned, cheesy kind of way that's totally representative of his feelings and adoration for her. I suppose the best part is the possibility that he'll pass on that same cheesiness to Tae Joo when he proposes/marries Kang Shim later on, or so I hope, hehe.
I'll be back later for more spazz-tastic moments from the youngins. :)

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Guest adikkeluangman

Hyungsik talks about his rivalry with Seo Kang Jun on 'Entertainment Relay'
ZE:A's Hyungsik revealed what he gave his mother as his first gift to her after grabbing endorsement deals and joked about his rivalry with 'What's With This Family' co-star 5urprise's Seo Kang Jun on 'Entertainment Relay'!

Hyungsik recalled what fellow member Kwanghee told him, "Hey! You're filming advertisements now. Did you gift your parents?", and revealed how he followed that advice, "So I gave [my mother] a handbag as a present and I never saw my mother smile like that before. Her smile reached her ears. She liked it so much. I felt sorry then."
The reported commented, "I heard you two have a love line and your rival is 'popular guy' Seo Kang Jun", to which Hyungsik started chuckling. When asked, "Do you not see Seo Kang Jun as your rival?", and Hyungsik joked as if he had a confident attitude, "Can he even compete with me?... To be honest, Seo Kang Jun and I fight in a love triangle with Seo Wool (Nam Ji Hyun)... So there's no reason for me to feel good about it..."
When the reporter mentioned Seo Kang Jun and Nam Ji Hyun's friendly snapshots taken together on the set of the drama, Hyungsik tried to one up Seo Kang Jun in a playfully jealous manner and replied, "I was the first to take a photo [with Nam Ji Hyun] in front of the police station, right? We took a friendly snapshot so I was first."
Catch KBS 2TV's 'What's With This Family' every weekend!

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Guest hello95123

OK don't hate me (to much) for saying this b-( ...but these are my hopes for the next 50 episodes.
Okay I like Dr. Kang-Jae with his Dr. Girlfriend. I don't think they have JUST been sleeping together for 3 years. [-( I mean they work together, go on dates, and have breakfast together. :\"> Lets be honest, how many of us would sleep with someone for 3 year, just to get some and fail to develop any feelings ... hello that's what 1 night stands are for.  And if he is doing that, then Dr. Girlfriend is just way too good for him and he should die ALONE. ~X( Also he is her superior & teacher ... can anyone say sexual harassmentAlso I don't like the idea of Hyo-Jin (the mentor doctor's daughter) hooking up with him. 1) If they end up together, it would not be because of love or hardship but because of USE, they are just a source of ease in each-others lives. :-& Her father can further Dr. Kang-Jae's career and Hyo-Jin gets somebody to take care of her, the way her father does. >:P She is like a thing,  a Ming vase (utterly useless but still pretty & therefore treasured) being passed from one man to the next. :-q I like Dr. Girlfriend much more, she does not need Kang-Jae, she is a doctor herself for goodness sake; yet she still wants him and loves him.What does Hyo-Jin do, exactly ? => L-)
I love Dal-Bong and Seo-Wool together, they are my OTP for this show. \m/ But I also like Eun-Ho, the 3rd angle in their love triangle. 
Eventually, however, he's gonna be left heart broken. X_X But he seems like a perfect 'Freddy' to Director Tae-Joo's 'Henry Higgins' and Secretary Kang-Shim's 'Eliza Doolittle'. I really, really want  Kang-Shim and Eun-Ho to end up together. ^:)Kang-Shim is a total fox, any guy would be lucky to have her. Also iTae-Joo ends up falling for her, imagine the resulting chaos to Chairman Moon's blended family that an Kang-Shim and Eun-Ho parring would cause, me think enough to film another 50 episodes worth of drama.
:-\" As a consolation price Director Moon and Hyo-Jin can hook up and spend Ever-After in their nepotistic and useless lives, joined together forever by their "tragic" history of broken hearts received at the hands of thCha siblings. =((
*Naturally I know this is a K-Drama and the OTP's are usually set in stone. So of the 3 OTPs, I`m gonna root for Dal-Bong and Seo-Wool, tolerate Kang-Shim and Tae-Joo, and throw up all over  Kang-Jae and Hyo-Jin

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Guest hunterdd

hello95123 said: OK don't hate me (to much) for saying this b-( ...but these are my hopes for the next 50 episodes.
Okay I like Dr. Kang-Jae's relationship with his Dr. Girlfriend. I don't think they have JUST been sleeping together for 3 years. [-( I mean they work together, go on dates and have breakfast together. :\"> Lets be honest, who can and does sleep with someone for 3 year, just to get some and fails to develop any feelings ... hello people have you not heard of 1 night stands. And if he is able to do that, then the Dr. Girlfriend is just way to good for him and he should die ALONE. ~X( Also I don't like the idea of Hyo-Jin (the mentor doctor's daughter) hooking up with him. 1) If they end up together, it would not be because of love or hardship but because of USE, they are just a source of ease in each-others lives. :-& Her father further's Dr. Kang-Jae's career and Hyo-Jin gets some one to take care of her, like her father does. >:P She is like a thing, being passed on from one man to another, like a Ming vase. :-q Also I like the Dr. Girlfriend much more, cause she does not need him, she a doctor for goodness sake but she still wants him and loves him.What exactly does Hyo-Jin do? L-)

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19.2 (2nd)

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What's with this family

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What's with this family

21.8  (2nd)

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What's with this family

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