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[ Variety ] Youth Over Flowers 꽃보다 청춘

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nkss_sakura said: Hi, guises!!!

Pleasee, does somebody knows the name of the song that started playing at EP 3 when they were searching for the 12 sides stones at Cuzco???

I looked at the BGM of ep 3, but it was not there....

I just need to know it, cause it got me hooked  I really need to know the name of it!!!!!

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Off to watch the latest episode. BTW, thanks @the girl who! for posting screencaps, BTS photos and news. I just scanned through them without spoiling myself. Also, it's late, but yay for the extended TWO episodes. That's what I'm saying, Na PD! You can't edit these three down to just four episode, it's impossible! :D
I hope YHY and one of the guys get their own show. When I heard about HY leaving SNL, I thought that maybe he's got a new show and will be too busy with Kpop Star 4 and Sketchbook, and writing/producing music all at once. Hmmm. I think music will always be his first priority, though.

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fourleafclover said: Off to watch the latest episode. BTW, thanks @the girl who! for posting screencaps, BTS photos and news. I just scanned through them without spoiling myself. Also, it's late, but yay for the extended TWO episodes. That's what I'm saying, Na PD! You can't edit these three down to just four episode, it's impossible! :D
I hope YHY and one of the guys get their own show. When I heard about HY leaving SNL, I thought that maybe he's got a new show and will be too busy with Kpop Star 4 and Sketchbook, and writing/producing music all at once. Hmmm. I think music will always be his first priority, though.

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Oh, I'll miss these ahjusshi. I'm really curious about what each of them have to say when they cried after seeing the temple/complex. I am very impressed with the breakfast they have at that hostel. Fresh fruits and what looks like an assortment of items like soup and bread. ALL of that for 50 bucks a person?? That's unheard of in the US, even at a danky little motel in the middle of nowhere. I want to hop on a plane to Peru now! It's always been my top 3 places to travel to. T_T Although, I dunno if I can handle the altitude sickness.
Now I'm a bit sad that their trip ended. It seems so short! Thank goodness we still have the Laos team. I can't wait to get to know them.

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Last night, on episode 5 of Youth Over Flowers there was a cut of Laos team, (more like an extended teaser). The boys were being tricked up to the extent of shooting for a fake commercial, I can't. ahahahaha. Can't wait for September 12th to come! 

[credits to
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Clueless ChilHaeBing being tricked into shooting a fake CF for Youth Over Flowers [1] 

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Clueless, silly ChilHaeBing earnestly dancing for a fake CF in Youth Over Flowers [2] 
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(teehee) Yoo Yeon Seok featuring no shirt (。♥‿♥。)   | Youth Over Flowers 

I've watched ep. 4 of the Peru team episode (raw) and I kept on replaying that part of Yoo Hee Yeol with the 2 qt girls. That scene made me squee like an idiot and I keep on replaying that particular scene. It was soooooo cute beyond words!

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fourleafclover said: Oh, I'll miss these ahjusshi. I'm really curious about what each of them have to say when they cried after seeing the temple/complex. I am very impressed with the breakfast they have at that hostel. Fresh fruits and what looks like an assortment of items like soup and bread. ALL of that for 50 bucks a person?? That's unheard of in the US, even at a danky little motel in the middle of nowhere. I want to hop on a plane to Peru now! It's always been my top 3 places to travel to. T_T Although, I dunno if I can handle the altitude sickness.
Now I'm a bit sad that their trip ended. It seems so short! Thank goodness we still have the Laos team. I can't wait to get to know them.

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Attention to fellow soompiers living in Indonesia who are dying to watch full episode of YOF with subs. channel M is now airing the show and retitled it into "Friends Over Flowers". Its premiere is today, 30 August from 21.30 PM local time. 
Very much like Na PD who loves to troll and making life of international viewers as hard as the cast themselves, channel M made the subs available only in Bahasa Indonesia. No English. 
Live reporting ends here.

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kaylanurul said: Attention to fellow soompiers living in Indonesia who are dying to watch full episode of YOF with subs. channel M is now airing the show and retitled it into "Friends Over Flowers". Its premiere is today, 29 August from 21.30 PM local time. Very much like Na PD who loves to troll and making life of international viewers as hard as the cast themselves, channel M made the subs available only in Bahasa Indonesia. No English. Live reporting ends here.

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@joycemay‌ I'm sorry I don't know the website that live streams or records channel M video. What I know is that it comes with tv cable package that is suited for particular country or region. For example, channel m in Indonesia would probably different to those airs in Japan or America. Sorry couldn't help you much on this

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The Laos Team cut / preview has been subbed by YeoNiverse. Click on the title below to watch it :D
class="entry-title" style="border: 0px; font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 33px; font-weight: 300; margin: 0px 0px 12px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; line-height: 1.0909090909; text-transform: uppercase; color: rgb(43, 43, 43);"[ENG SUBBED] YOUTH OVER FLOWERS EPISODE 5 TEAM LAOS PREVIEW (20140829)

Translation by : @lunagal  
Timer / Encoder : @day_dreamer
Brought to you by Yeoniverse ~ Yoo Yeon Seok IFC

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^ Samsung ???? DAEBAAAAAAAAAK !!!!!!!!!! sooo happy for them , really! 
@ParkSungHae , thank u so much for sharing the CFs .... all of them are looking so fine :x and Sang looks even cuter with that new hairstyle . btw, I love how he's the only shy among the trio XD the other two are just so shameless trying to act as sexy guys :)) Juck's winks killed me =)) 

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NO MORE FAKE CF!!! Laos Team's energizer bunnies Yoo Yeon Seok , Baro, and Son Ho Jun got the real deal CF released!! SamsungCard CF that is!! It looks that Samsung not only got Peru team on board but Laos Team as well. So happeeehh..


THEN! Just when I thought the cuteness will stop, NOPE! SamsungCard released 3 individual CF of Yeon Seok, Baro, and Hojun (ugh well all three boys are featured tho ;p). 
I know I am being bias here but how cute yeonseokkie is holding a dear book like it is his lifeline (oh wait.. it must have been when he was in Laos ;p). 

BARO's hat collection!! Just how much do you have?? hahahahaha... 

Oh idiot hyung, Satoori much? 

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^ Now I think about it perhaps there is a chance to see the Laos team on a Daum CF as well ? Daum is one of the sponsors of the show so ... the possibility is still there .
btw, I like that both teams are endorsing for Samsung but with different products , the Peru Team for Samsung Insurance ( right ??? )  and the Laos Team for Samsung card .... funny thing that last year's Samsung card endorser was Lee Juck XD 

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