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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest be happy

hello :) iam old fan for choi ji woo soo long not write here for some problems ..any way i am watching silently this great drama when all character has his/ her fault and goodness
About HJ character how come wife her husband in great   miss and in dept and told him let spend money in shopping , great hotel ext. !!!!!!!!! I think she want to live that life ..thats why run away from HK  

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Done reading.
Man... still going on blaming who's wrong and who's right? still figuring out who's to be blame? haha...
I'd say it's the plot of the story, the writer has to create an issue...then try to get down to that issue. The writer will try to make the plot and the characters looks real. Writernim perhaps will try to make the character humane...hence at some point writernim will make each character do mistakes...or come up with something acceptable for some party yet not acceptable to the other ( remember- not one person can make everyone satisfied). My point is...its not worth it to take it to heart...not worth it to take the emotion control you in this forum. You can enjoy the drama with emotions i.e. while watching it but must take it off while commenting...as drama is for a 'play' of emotion- watching it with emotion will serve its purpose but not while commenting. Our purpose in a forum is to discuss not to argue. We should enjoy the discussion and not enjoying on creating/fueling argument. I don't like it when the MOD got involved in critical situation like in Dr. Stranger. Different opinion proves us different indeed but with respect we can be together as one. Ofcourse I agree...you can agree to disagree...and i'm not the MOD in this forum anyway  ;)  :D
No offense. New commentator are welcome...existed one, please continue to be a legend commentator...everyone, don't get discourage to post. We are not done yet...and I love reading different views in discussion. Appretiate the contributions from all. Cheers   ~O) 

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Seok Hoon, you don't go work for a woman that you like and misses! And you definitely don't want, need to know her no matter how bad you want to know her! You love your wife yet you want to know another woman! You're doing this to prove to your wife that you love her yet you're attractive to another woman but regardless, you will always choose your wife! Sure, I guess! Go tell that to a man instead!

Se Young, you don't confessed to a married man whether he's your first love or not! You should of snatch him after that interview years ago! Money and power can't buy love! If Seok Hoon truly likes, loves you, he will come to you again! If not, you may go to him if you wish!

I swear, it must be those pair of heels huh! Se Young, you kept on wearing them then after Min Woo informed you that both Seok Hoon and Hong Joo separated, you put those shoes away!

Hong Joo committed suicide after she wore those shoes before you!

Se Young, you offered the proposal to Seok Hoon after you noticed the shoes and tried them on!

Those shoes must be possessed or something!

Hong Joo, if you need a friend, someone to drink with and/or talk to, I'm here! I know, I know! You're not attractive to Min Woo but it's pretty hard to resist Lee Jung Jin's charm huh! Don't ever be friends with a married man! Before you're his friend, make sure you're his wife's friend as well first! I understand you asked Min Woo to sleep with you as in comparing to your, your husband's situation of Se Young's proposal! Wow! I was surprised Min Woo knew what's up or else he would of rape you right there! Next time, please just talk to yourself since it seems like you have no friends besides Min Woo in this drama! What's up with that, writer of this drama!

And I agree with Se Young's friend, the head department and Hong Joo's brother, Hong Gyu that no one's "normal" in this drama! Well, I like both Se Young and Hong Joo's fathers so I guess they're the only two that are normal!


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Guest IguanaSoap

writer is trying to troll us hard XD
plot will be more scandalous in the next eps..
I'm ready!! and tempted >__<


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I'm sorry, @hazelzerone‌! But ummm, I'll make sure my emotions while, during watching in commenting here serves its' purpose! Tsk, tsk! Jk! I will try but I don't think I can help it! Maybe a little! Hehe!

I'm so more than beyond "ready and tempted", @IguanaSoap‌! I have a feeling I know exactly what's coming up! Tum, tummm! Keeps the drum rolling!

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A nice point is being discused here ; how can she confess to a married man in the first place ! 
Again it is not acceptable , but then i think SY was testing the waters the whole trip , and her being inexperienced and bothered so much about her feelings she might have wanted to let it out , notice she didn't ask for acceptance , instead she was embarrassed and sorry . plus she didn't force her feelings on him , she took the rejection well and that i found really impressive , even SH was surprised she didn't really try to hold on to him when he submitted the resignation letter .so overall i didn't feel her confession was dirty in anyway as it turned out to be so innocent and sad :(.

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I watched Stairway to Heaven when I was single...now Im married and watching this drama :"> CJW has been casted in some other dramas recently but I did not watch any of them , neither Can't Lose or Strange Housekeeper... But this drama is more interesting, at least the lead actor is more attractive :)
Despite that I am a fan of CJW  I cannot hate the wife HJ because  I would get mad too if I were her :DAnyway I learnt a lot from your comments to be a smart wife and how to act if this story happened to me ;)) Perhaps I may strongly refuse that proposal first, and later we will see how to solve the money right? remember that someone said "If the problem is money, there's always a solution". But if a marriage is betrayed, no money can solve.

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What a great discussion!

If I am a professor I will assume that you have a thesis that you need to submit and you all have a brainstorming throwing different perception, points of view, assessment and opinions in life...

All of you are amazing analyzing all the characters in this drama and discussing the situation....

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Did someone said SH is not a MAN?!   ~X(

Cr. : en@starnnews.com

Come on!!! Look at those muscle!!!

Remember the scene SH put treatment on SY ....

SH didn't even noticed those heels...hence I confirmed he is a MAN! LOL
(guys always don't pay attention in stuff considered precious to ladies....why...why??? 
~X(   )

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Guest adikkeluangman

New behind cuts of Kwon Sang Woo from a recent drama shooting unleashed

New behind cuts of Kwon Sang Woo from a recent drama shooting were unleashed.
Actor Kwon Sang Woo is recently casting in channel SBS' drama, 'Temptation,' as a guy named Cha Suk Hoon, and new behind cuts from a recent shooting were unleashed.
The photos were taken when shooting a scene that showed Seok Hoon(Kwon Sang Woo) and Se Young(Choi Ji Woo) spending some time together by a creek.
The photos show another side of Kwon Sang Woo that cannot be seen in the drama, and many fans and viewers are showing great reactions.
In the photos, Kwon Sang Woo, completely soaked with water, is gazing at one direction, and his handsome look is drawing many people's attention.
Kwon Sang Woo's fabulous body shape is visible below the wet white t-shirt, and many people are showing great reactions for his sexy charms.
Meanwhile, drama 'Temptation' airs on every Monday and Tuesday at 10 PM.
ymiss said: I love both Yoon Eun Hye and Park Ha Sun! Either one of them playing Hong Joo's role would of been fine to me! Just because Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo may be the two main leads here, it don't mean that Park Ha Sun is any less important in the drama! The plot, storyline requires, involves her character just as much as KSW and CJW's characters! Besides the main lead role, I really like to see actors and actresses try, portray other, secondary roles! Sometimes, a character on the side, in the surroundings are more intriguing than the two main leads! I'm glad Park Ha Sun took this role, character of Na Hong Joo!

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@nardatalking about the shoe........l see HJ wear it quite loose.....when she walked to commit suicide in ep.1....but it's fit  SY. This shoe mean anything or compare like SH but SY she kept it in the box already....hee hee....will see if this shoe come out again.

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So finally watched epidode 7-8....and have to admit HJ (as annoying and unreasonable as she is) was tolerable. Now HJ supporters, I still maintain and insist that her approach in dealing with the situation is completely not understandable from my perspective. I think what I mostly have a problem with is how the actress is not convincing me, as a viewer, to sympathize with her since she is supposedly the innocent one here. The fact that she was the cause of SH deciding to accept SY offer is mostly agreed upon by many here.

What i don't understand is how she jumped to conclusion, upon hearing SY's voice, and decided to divorce SH and how she disconnected herself right away in that moment? I mean she only met SY what 4 times and she knew it was her, seriously :-w . I have concluded that the root of the problem is not the money, SY or even her suicide attempt. I believe she was building up on anger and she just needed a reason to snap and take it out on SH.

The fact that she can hurt SH in front of MW by stating he sold himself and that she herself was doing the same tells me that she can be very cold and not sincere. I mean how can you hurt someone you love. I understand anger can control ones emotions but if you really love someone, even if your hurt, you wouldn't want to hurt the person you love....I would never do that. Now I see why I never liked her.

Now on the other hand, SY has my full support. I admit it was wrong for her to confess her feelings to a married man. But I believe she only did it, not to steal him away from his wife, but rather to be honest with herself......keep in mind she is honest with herself and others, so her admitting to SH her feelings goes with her character and is very understandable. She didn't want to have any regrets, and possibly she wanted closure so she can move past this feeling of love. She knew she would be rejected. The fact that she didn't try to hold him from resigning confirms that her intentions were not to break them up. Remember also she didn't initiate any meetings after Hong Kong.

I more convinced now that SY's background is very similar to the situation she is in. There's a possibility that she and her dad's wife(?) have a lot in common. Her dad's wife could be the SY in this relationship, and SY thought that if her dad fell for the temptation and married her, and she probably thought she has a chance??????

The fact that SH is attracted to SY is understandable. Would I like it if my husband did that, no.....but I've always believed communication is the key to a successful relationship. And HJ was not willing to communicate. Here's SY showing him respect, listens to him, communicates with.....who wouldn't be swayed.

Sorry it's a bit long :).

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I take it when the markets crash hj is too blame to? Since most are blaming her for everything under the sun....its just like @tessieroo pointed out....which btw i am still rolling laughing at.
@nabuta2....your point about sy not wanting to break them up....i see that now, but my problem is SH....he is either a greedy $$$$$$$$$$$ or he himself gave up his wife because he went back to sy for more.....thats why i cant stand his characters.

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