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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Sorry I missed chunks worth because I'm babysitting as usual and they weren't behaving lol.

Temptation ~ Episode 5 live blog ~ ^^ ~ ??? = fuzzy stream or idk. 

It's starting we see MW's wife with Roy. We see that HJ met with the doctor. ??? HJ approaches SY and SH. It's awkward and tension filled. They are talking and SH is trying to get them to stop lol. SY leaves. HJ is mad at SH. They talk outside the hospital.  HJ cries and then she gets a phone call from the housekeeper about Roy and leaves SH outside the hospital. She calls MW and they talk. MW leaves to go home to Roy I guess. SH texts HJ but she doesn't reply or answer the phone. SH goes back to the hospital and talks to the nurse at the desk. 

We see SY with YC (aka SH's business friend) discussing business. SY asks something about SH. They keep talking then he leaves. Turns out Roy is missing and HJ is looking for him. MW is also looking. HJ sees Roy's shoe by the pond. ??? Roy was with MW's wife. ??? 
SY eats by herself, exercises then is the bath tub omg omg omg was that real or just a fantasy? She has the same flashback HJ had about her and SH kissing so I'm confused did they really or nah. I think it's just a fantasy funny it's the same one that his wife had. SH goes to meet HJ in the rainstorm. They talk out in the rain. Both getting wet. She goes to leave from SH and MW comes out. And blocks SH from following HJ. SH almost gets into an accident and swerves off the road. HJ talks to MW then goes to sleep with Roy. MW leaves the house and sees SH on the side of road but keeps driving. 
SY is in bed at home sleeping in. HG meets SY's sister and he gives her the money. They go shopping together. He drops all her shopping bags. They talk then he leaves. SY's dad calls his youngest. ??? Roy asked HJ about marriage.
They think SY is sick because she didn't go to work. SY's sister and her step mother comes over. She, being the step mother and SY talk. SY gets a call from LC, I think it's him. May be he is doubling as a spy or warning her about something. MW's wife gives him some papers and they talk. 
SH meets HJ 's dad on the street and they talk. SH is going somewhere with a suitcase. SY meets with LC awe she looks so happy to see him. He's totally a spy. Ha ha. He gives her some papers but she gives them back and they keep talking. SH moved in with YC his business friend. They talk and play around. MW tells his mom he has a son but shows her the papers his wife gave him. They all talk. I hear money being mentioned. Lots of money. I think she's blackmailing them or something. 
MW talks to HJ over the phone. MW and his wife talk. HJ is the bed trying to comfort Roy who's crying. YC and SH are out at a restaurant and talk about HJ. SY is thinking about SH via flashback. SY tries on the shoes. She wears the shoes to work and they have a business meeting. MW talks with LC. I think he's like a quad spy it can't tell who he's "working" for. ??? HJ is saying good bye to Roy. Oh I think the deal the wife made was she would accept Roy for lots and lots of money. MW's wife picks him up. MW meets with the photographer guy and then talks with LC. SH is running and getting ready. I think he's decided to work for SY. SH and SY talk for like 3 seconds then it ends. 
There's a preview for 6.
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ihyuni said: Sorry I missed chunks worth because I'm babysitting as usual and they weren't behaving lol.

Temptation ~ Episode 5 live blog ~ ^^ ~ ??? = fuzzy stream or idk. 

It's starting we see MW's wife with Roy. We see that HJ met with the doctor. ??? HJ approaches SY and SH. It's awkward and tension filled. They are talking and SH is trying to get them to stop lol. SY leaves. HJ is mad at SH. They talk outside the hospital.  HJ cries and then she gets a phone call from the housekeeper about Roy and leaves SH outside the hospital. She calls MW and they talk. MW leaves to go home to Roy I guess. SH texts HJ but she doesn't reply or answer the phone. SH goes back to the hospital and talks to the nurse at the desk. 

We see SY with YC (aka SH's business friend) discussing business. SY asks something about SH. They keep talking then he leaves. Turns out Roy is missing and HJ is looking for him. MW is also looking. HJ sees Roy's shoe by the pond. ??? Roy was with MW's wife. ??? 
SY eats by herself, exercises then is the bath tub omg omg omg was that real or just a fantasy? She has the same flashback HJ had about her and SH kissing so I'm confused did they really or nah. I think it's just a fantasy funny it's the same one that his wife had. SH goes to meet HJ in the rainstorm. They talk out in the rain. Both getting wet. She goes to leave from SH and MW comes out. And blocks SH from following HJ. SH almost gets into an accident and swerves off the road. HJ talks to MW then goes to sleep with Roy. MW leaves the house and sees SH on the side of road but keeps driving. 
SY is in bed at home sleeping in. HG meets SY's sister and he gives her the money. They go shopping together. He drops all her shopping bags. They talk then he leaves. SY's dad calls his youngest. ??? Roy asked HJ about marriage.
They think SY is sick because she didn't go to work. SY's sister and her step mother comes over. She, being the step mother and SY talk. SY gets a call from LC, I think it's him. May be he is doubling as a spy or warning her about something. MW's wife gives him some papers and they talk. 
SH meets HJ 's dad on the street and they talk. SH is going somewhere with a suitcase. SY meets with LC awe she looks so happy to see him. He's totally a spy. Ha ha. He gives her some papers but she gives them back and they keep talking. SH moved in with YC his business friend. They talk and play around. MW tells his mom he has a son but shows her the papers his wife gave him. They all talk. I hear money being mentioned. Lots of money. I think she's blackmailing them or something. 
MW talks to HJ over the phone. MW and his wife talk. HJ is the bed trying to comfort Roy who's crying. YC and SH are out at a restaurant and talk about HJ. SY is thinking about SH via flashback. SY tries on the shoes. She wears the shoes to work and they have a business meeting. MW talks with LC. I think he's like a quad spy it can't tell who he's "working" for. ??? HJ is saying good bye to Roy. Oh I think the deal the wife made was she would accept Roy for lots and lots of money. MW's wife picks him up. MW meets with the photographer guy and then talks with LC. SH is running and getting ready. I think he's decided to work for SY. SH and SY talk for like 3 seconds then it ends. 
There's a preview for 6.
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I thought I would be able to give a review of episode 3 and 4 but I won't be able to.....sorry my thoughts are with Gaza.

All I can say is we need more of SY and SH together. We are not getting enough of them.

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Girls, what happens to this drama?
  All the characters seem to be sleepy, fainted .... dialogs are no nerve, energy, inspiration. Everything seems gimcrack , careless. I chose to watch this drama because of the lead actors
Kwon Sang Woo and Choi Ji Woo ... but so far I am very disappointed. I know I should have more patience ...

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My thoughts on Na Hong-Joo character:


She is completely distraught when thinking about her husband Seok-Hoon would be in jail and her father would lose his house; in the moment of weakness she attempted suicide.  The next day a rich woman offered to buy her husband 1 million dollars for 4 days.  Her husband agreed, abandoned her at the airport, cut off all communication for 24 hours, let her mind run wild with worries, jealousy, disappointment and regrets; then her husband called and told her nothing happened and stayed in Hong Kong for 3 more days. 

Hong-Joo was looking for a job at hospital but the position already filled.  She probably did not in dire need of money before but with her current situation and out of care for the little boy she accepted the babysitting job.  She's also needed space and time to think about her relationship after losing trust in her husband.  She's never lied about where she works and what she does; moreover, she's never interested in the boy's father; all her focus is on the little boy Roy and feels sorry about him losing his mother.  Why? because if she did not have a miscarriage, her child would have been the same age as Roy.

Hong-Joo and her husband finally made up despite misunderstanding; she wants to bear his child and rebuilds the family.  But after receiving a text from rich CEO SY, the husband got distracted, lied and yelled at her.  He starts having concern and engaging in conversation about CEO SY's business affair instead of leaving or never seeing her again as he stated earlier.   Also he takes the CEO's feelings into consideration to the point of apologizing, warning, and bailing out on his wife to save her business deal.  After all of that, can any woman be able to understand, forgive, and forget?

Edited: I was on K-melodrama hiatus but a good friend @turtle1 has recommended this drama so here I am just trying to catch up and new to Temptation thread.   :)>-

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foxssj2 said: chickpea said:

Right on, @foxssj2,but just to correct the penultimate sentence... all he did was WORK for another woman, who happens to be the CEO of the company he interned at, for three days because she needed an assistant and he needed the money to save his wife's life and his father-in-law's house.  Sure, CJW could have just given the money to KSW, but that would have damaged his pride even more than when she rejected him for a position at her company for being too idealistic.  Instead, she gave him the opportunity to "show his stuff", to prove to her how much he had matured in business over the years and earn the money to keep his father-in-law's house and stay out of jail.  BTW, I know they translate "dollars" for the text but 1 million South Korean Won converts to a little less than $100,000 US or, she gave him $10K contract fee and $30K for each of three days.  A $100K fee for working on the acquisition of a hotel is fair compensation, I think, so I can't even see anything illogical or immoral there.

This is a very cerebral drama, meaning the action isn't in the actions of the characters and the plot isn't spelled out, its all happening in the minds and emotions of the characters and they have to communicate these to us which is why these two actors are so amazing.

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chickpea said: foxssj2 said: chickpea said:

Right on, @foxssj2,but just to correct the penultimate sentence... all he did was WORK for another woman, who happens to be the CEO of the company he interned at, for three days because she needed an assistant and he needed the money to save his wife's life and his father-in-law's house.  Sure, CJW could have just given the money to KSW, but that would have damaged his pride even more than when she rejected him for a position at her company for being too idealistic.  Instead, she gave him the opportunity to "show his stuff", to prove to her how much he had matured in business over the years and earn the money to keep his father-in-law's house and stay out of jail.  BTW, I know they translate "dollars" for the text but 1 million South Korean Won converts to a little less than $100,000 US or, she gave him $10K contract fee and $30K for each of three days.  A $100K fee for working on the acquisition of a hotel is fair compensation, I think, so I can't even see anything illogical or immoral there.

This is a very cerebral drama, meaning the action isn't in the actions of the characters and the plot isn't spelled out, its all happening in the minds and emotions of the characters and they have to communicate these to us which is why these two actors are so amazing.

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@chickpea...here is the synopsis for you ," a married man who “surrenders” his body to another woman to help him paying off his billions won debt. As to what the writer is trying to tell us I don't know, but one thing is certain a employer/employee relationship is not what the synopsis is pointing to but rather just what we are all thinking.

But this being a kdrama and it could mean the writers are going to do a 180 and go to a completely different route, but I don't think so. We are getting to a crucial point where the marriage of HJ/Sh is going to fail miserable and there I think will be a divorce.

Ultimately though HJ/SH will get back together because I got a feeling SY is going to die and HJ will wind up prego. My perfect solution to this drama is the same as that Chinese Movie from 90s I think it was called "Angel Heart" or "devil anger" not sure which...the story is in the beginning there was a girl and her boyfriend but fell on bad times. Then in come this mysterious woman who offered them money in exchange for the boyfriend to "Surrender" his body to her. In the end the woman died but left the boy all her money and the girl was abandoned but decided to pick herself up and move on. This is the type of ending I am expecting. I'm expecting SH to get it all, but in the end will be as miserable as he began.

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@kalidreamz - (sorry to cut your post):  "Then for almost a day he did not call her and turn off his phone, she should not let her mind run wild, how? unless she doesn't have a mind."

Greetings - I didn't say she shouldn't be concerned, I said the way the offer was made I could understand that she was concerned.  But I said she should have listened to her husband's explanation and trusted him based on their love and the years they had together in which he never did cheat on her.  I still say it takes two to tango and it doesn't matter what some other person's intentions are as long as my spouse doesn't act on that other person's offer.  Life is full of temptations.  We should judge only actions, not assumptions.  I say she should have given him the benefit of the doubt based on that and also based on the fact that this woman saved her life and took care of her until her husband could collect her.  A morally bankrupt person wouldn't have endangered their own life for a stranger and then taken care of her in that manner.

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@Triton823 - Thank you.  Everything about this drama is suggestive and we'll just have to wait to see how the drama develops.  I hope you're wrong about anyone dying, though.  That would tick me off.  I think maybe, just maybe, Roy's father and step-mother will divorce and the two CEO's will end up together.  At least the CJW character seems to be able to keep him in line.  Or some other situation develops in which Roy ends up living with HJ and KSW character since he is, technically, an orphan (haven't seen an adoption take place yet) and he is the same age as their child would be had it lived.  We'll see.

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chickpea said:

@kalidreamz - (sorry to cut your post):  "Then for almost a day he did not call her and turn off his phone, she should not let her mind run wild, how? unless she doesn't have a mind."

Greetings - I didn't say she shouldn't be concerned, I said the way the offer was made I could understand that she was concerned.  But I said she should have listened to her husband's explanation and trusted him based on their love and the years they had together in which he never did cheat on her.  I still say it takes two to tango and it doesn't matter what some other person's intentions are as long as my spouse doesn't act on that other person's offer.  Life is full of temptations.  We should judge only actions, not assumptions.  I say she should have given him the benefit of the doubt based on that and also based on the fact that this woman saved her life and took care of her until her husband could collect her.  A morally bankrupt person wouldn't have endangered their own life for a stranger and then taken care of her in that manner.

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but funny your question!
Father's house could not be mortgaged without the consent of the owner. In fact, everyone in the family who have accepted that businesses are major and vaccinated. Husband risked ... for the welfare of the entire family. Eventuallythe family means ... together for better or worse.
This woman had to marry the postman or milkman ...
or an alien.
Life is not a velvet meadow!

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@kalidreamz - Based on what I saw of the drama (through Episode 4), the money the KSW character earned those three days working in Hong Kong on the hotel acquisition paid off the debt on his father-in-law's house and paid off the company's debts (including, I assume, severance pay for the employees) and KSW plans to sell his condo to pay off the rest of the debts.  No one is living "on the streets" at least this is not stated in the drama.  His character is not in jail so he's good as far as paying off his debts is concerned and has done nothing illegal.  Regarding the idealism in business comment, as I said, I think the CJW character employed him for three days to see how much he matured in business since that time but it is also important to note in Episode 4 she tries to incorporate some of his "idealistic vision" into her company policy for the new hotel and plans to put this forward as a new business ethic in Asia.  This is why, when she collapses before the meeting with the financiers, that he goes to the meeting in her place.  He is idealistic, he worked on this acquisition, he wants to see it come to fruition.  I would, and have done, exactly the same thing.  Note he tells his friend not to tell the CJW character that he participated in the meeting, he's not looking for accolades for himself and the CJW character keeps pushing him away.  Fate, if you want to use that -kdrama term, keeps throwing them together.  So, if you think Fate is immoral, then I guess you can read immorality in these situations.  For myself, as I said previously, I judge actions not assumptions or fictions or bad thoughts not acted on. 

I have said that one of the things I like least about the HJ character is her manipulative passive-aggressive ways.  So, she doesn't come out and tell her husband he's a failure (unlike the CJW character who did tell him this when she rejected him for her firm), she just makes him feel guilty about possibly losing her father's house and tries to commit suicide; she doesn't explain to him that she's going to be a live-in babysitter for a CEO's love-child-in-hiding, she just tells him that she has to work; she doesn't confide in her husband her insecurity over his relationship with the CJW character so he can confront and comfort her fears, she wants to get pregnant after the doctors have apparently told her she shouldn't try to have any more children--oh, yeah, no pressure on her husband there... 

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Carmen Nicolae said:

but funny your question!
Father's house could not be mortgaged without the consent of the owner. In fact, everyone in the family who have accepted that businesses are major and vaccinated. Husband risked ... for the welfare of the entire family. Eventuallythe family means ... together for better or worse.
This woman had to marry the postman or milkman ...
or an alien.
Life is not a velvet meadow!

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