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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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maddymappo said: ...........................
 My own problem with the narrative though is that when he came to her babysitting job, I did not understand why she sat there looking dumbfounded and didn't jump up and say hello, and introduce him to her boss.  She seemed to react in a guilty way but why? And then at the hospital he did the same thing, why did he appear guilty when obviously he went to the hospital at his wife's own request, so if he met the CEO there it was just a coincidence.  Why else would she be there, if wasn't planned, or rendezvous, so why did he act guilty?  So the two of them seem to set off each other's worst fears.  Who ever said the name of this show should have been "suspicion" is correct.

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i don't know why..for me HJ character is really annoyed..maybe cause i shipping SH and SY ..i hope its happy ending for SH and SY..when SH  said that whatever wave comes, he and HJ will re-build their castle..to put it simple its like broken mirror..no matter how hard you try, it cant be back to the perfect one.. it will leave a scars,,same like the sandcastle..can't wait for next ep.. 

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Lmangla said: ep 3: some great points @mslee -- <<HJ will be buried in jealousy that will make her tired of marriage.>>> min-woo's wife is a kind of example of that -- she looks so exhausted and at the same time, is jealous of every woman who comes into contact with min woo. it was interesting to see how she tries to put down SY -- that she does not have children, husband and actually asks Min Woo to suggest someone.. but SY seems like she has fought these kind of daggers before and love how she deflected it with such a cool smile and then made Min Woo sweat by talking about Roy..

we are seeing some rather different sides on Min Woo. he said that he has given up on being a good son but he will not move out of the house or force his mom to move to boston. so who is in boston? a step-son? a half-brother?

the thing that annoyed me a little was HJ's brother in episode 3 -- yes, min woo is a playboy and so he has right to be concerned about his sister but the way he put across his concern seemed terrible. why just automatically assume that she will be seduced by min woo because she is working for him... not a lot of faith in his older sister? 

SH seemed so bugged at SY's poker face. so if he knew what she was thinking, would he be tempted? drawn to her?

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@Lmangla - I didn't watch 'Stairway to Heaven' drama either for the exact same reasons :). I think they have entered into a very bad cycle in which they are only taking turns hurting each other. It started out because of a pure intention but bad decision of the wife suiciding for money to save her husband which somehow forced the husband to accept the deal because of pressure from suicide. Then now it has turned more cruel - what started out to be for each other is now only to hurt. The wife accepting that babysitting job seems more of a revenge than anything else and I somehow think her getting a haircut did symbolize that change of character. The husband should not have called SY - even if he just wanted to warn her about the attorney. I think if the wife had not accepted that babysitting offer then the husband would not have called SY either - he seemed to ponder long and hard over whether to call SY or not and if HJ had been in the house with him he probably would not have decided to continuing the bad cycle by warning SY. If he had not helped SY and just went to the hospital on time things might have turned better but now according to the preview it will hit rock bottom when the wife refuses her husband and tells him off in front of MW and probably going back to the house with MW. I said it earlier this drama really do remind me of 'One Warm Word'. The brother and sister as I mentioned earlier but also that the wife in 'One Warm Word' acted very distant and passive-aggresive because of the affair of her husband just like the wife (even though the guy didn't really have an affair) in this drama is doing. Then the wife in 'One Warm Word' started her own affair just like the wife in this drama is somewhat doing by accepting that babysitting offer.
@irilight.In my opinion MW has already started making moves on her - drinking wine with her outside in the evening. The episode with the drawing also (I will come back to that later in the post). I don't think any person would accept their spouse drinking wine like that in another man's house while they are having a crisis in their marriage - it makes no sense really. The fact that she's doing that babysitting job living out of her own home is bad enough in itself but since when does drinking wine with the employer in the evening go with the job description?. If she's doing this kind of job in the first place she should be even more aware to keep it professional only. 

@chll51.I totally agree with you that no person in their right mind and in normal circumstances would or should forgive their husband/wife accepting that kind of offer against their will. In my opinion though it stopped being normal circumstances when the wife tried to commit suicide for that money. The act broke her husband and kind of left him with an ultimatum - which probably play a big part in him accepting the offer. If she had never tried to commit suicide in the first place then her reaction would be totally reasonable. I do understand what you mean though because I know for sure I'd probably react even worse than the wife and never forgive my spouse but then again I would never try to commit suicide like that either

I'd also like to add since no one else has touched (from what I've seen at least) upon it yet that I hated how they just accepted the child of MW drawing that family picture of MW and HJ - they should have gently explained to him that HJ has her own husband and family so that he will not get hurt even more later. It makes no sense (especially from HJ since MW is using his son to seduce HJ) to just praise him only without explaining because now he thinks it's okay to consider HJ his mother. I know MW got no problem cheating and seducing married women but at least he should raise his child right instead of using him to get to HJ and HJ should really start thinking things through better.
I think the only way for the marriage to survive is by SH to stop caring about SY and pref. not be in any position to get in contact with her because otherwise they will keep getting reminded about Hong Kong and HJ to do the same and quit her babysitting job go back home and find a new job in a hospital as a nurse. It probably will not happen though because we still have a lot of episodes left for temptations :).

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am going to miss attorney choi-SY interactions. they were funny and sharp and sort of broke the heavy tone of the drama. but now that he has moved to work under Min Woo, will this drama be totally serious? hmmm... really hope not. because it runs the danger of becoming boring/tiring after a bit.. anyone think that the younger brother of HJ - younger sister of SY storyline unnecessary and so repetitive? 

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Guest chajoowon

xxxzxxx said: I agree with the last couple of comments. The wife is def. not the victim in all this - I feel the husband is more of a 'victim' if anyone is. He was basically forced to accept CJW offer after his wife tried to commit suicide. It's true he could still have said no but then he's left still in huge debts and with a wife who just tried to commit suicide because of that same debt. I understand the wife being angry and hurt that he accepted the offer after she told him not to but it all started when she jumped into the ocean. The wife accepting that babysitting job is even worse - now she lives out of the house 5 days a week in another man's home while that same man is in all openness trying to seduce her. I feel the title somehow refer more to the wife than the husband right now. The wife was mad at him staying out 4 days and now she's out 5 days a week which would be bad enough even if their marriage was in perfect shape but she's doing it while they are in a crisis - it's def. not how they ever improve their marriage. It's pretty clear CJW character has fallen for the husband and if I have to be honest - based on the way the wife has been acting up the last two episodes - I'd be considering a divorce if I was the husband.The drama also somehow reminds me of 'One Warm Word'. They both deals with married couples and the sister of CJW character falling in love with the brother of HJ is like the sister in 'One Warm Word' falling in love with the brother of the other lady.
I have to say though that MW is the lowest of all the four leads. He had a child with another woman apart from his wife and now he's trying to seduce the wife of another man using his child - how low can you get. 
It's kind of weird knowing that CJW is only one year older than KSW in real life - I think she seems at least 5-10 years older in this drama.

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hi, jumping in on temptation...

I can't shake the feeling that something intimate did happen between SY and HS after the bicycle ride...

the voice over during the bike ride was...

HS: "when we go back, i'll...make sure i never see you again."

SY: "alright. it was an unforgettably bad fate. goodbye, mr. cha seok hoon."

...it just sounded like a goodbye made after an unexpected affair. lol.

sorry, it was probably "that" shower scene that sent my mind down the "dirty" path... :\"> >:)

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Hi everyone. I have finish ep 3 and 4 and i can't help but feel sorry for every character. The attraction is so strong between sh and sy. I can't describe what is the relationship but they r definitely have feeling for each other. Sh try to shove it away but man, his eyes can't lie. I think the lack of chemistry btw sh and hj makes me want them to part ways and find their own happiness. They love each other but the didn't really understand each other. Sh starts to lie. Hj makes her own decision without even discuss it with her husband. Every action is damaging their sandcastle. I like min woo. I think he just being himself. He still has good quality as a parent and maybe hj will teach him that life doesn't always about money. I pity his wife because she has to live with the evil mother in law and i like how she just walk away during the dinner. I cant stand a mother in law like that. But min woo should have been more considerate when his wife wants to move out.

I don't know where this drama will take me. But i can see that sh will work with sy after this and they will continue have affection towards each other. And during that i think that we will only feel the intense attraction that cant be confessed. I hate hj decision to babysit roy. I think that she is being selfish. 5 days away from ur husband is a stupid move if u want to make things right. I understand that she feels like her husband is cheating on her. I will hate my husband for that too. If she wants to make it works, try build the faith again by being close to each other. Separation just make things harder. And with hj who doesn't really spoke her mind, things will get worst.

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:\"> @Lmangla
you mentioned about their fears.. i think from the first meeting at job interview, there has been feeling of curiosity in SY's side, tuned into something more, nameless, but keeps nagging at her everytime she thinks of him. Maybe that feeling was caught on by SH when he was denied the job, that's why his temper got in the way. SY although not really giving it a thought, still it stayed at the back of her mind, that different feeling towards SH, so she tried hard not to think about it. She has struck a chord in SH's consciousness, making her the first woman, maybe, to reject him, he felt he was being rejected for personal reasons which was true not because of his capabilities. From then on, there formed a tension between them, as man and woman which made them aware of each other. He named her as his foe to cover what he truly felt.
The sexual tension is already surrounding them. SH is already caring for SY and her business. he knew about HJ waiting for him, still he chose to go to the meeting which he has no business to attend.

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Guest mi2u2

"Temptation" Episode 3


The illicit relationships that were formed in the first week of "Temptation" have now begun to develop at frightening speed. Each character has been hurt and is looking for the comfort and security that they can't find in their spouses, their family, or their work.

Se-young is the only main character of the four who is experiencing her first love. Although she wasn't innocent in offering Seok-hoon a huge sum of money for three days of servitude, the emotions she feels are genuine and innocently begun. Choi Ji-woo does a marvelous job of breaking down the cold business woman who is experiencing the first symptoms of falling in love. What sets her character apart from other such cold chaebol women is that she plays with her burgeoning emotions like a cat would a mouse. She doesn't understand them, so she toys with Seok-hoon in order to better explore them. Also, rather than find solace in her work, work no longer holds the same fascination as love.


The more complicated relationship is with Hong-joo and Roy. While the pairing  in and of itself isn't illicit or wrong, the fact that Hong-joo has placed herself in Min-woo's path is dangerous to her marriage - and she knows it. Although she completely understands why Seok-hoon accepted Se-young's insane proposal, she cannot emotionally cope with it. That is the crux of the matter - the inability to cope with betrayal. Once it happens, realities change for all involved. Laughing with Min-woo isn't cheating to her, but a form of relief. She can smile with another person who appreciates her. It doesn't make drinking wine and smiling with another man correct, but it is so understandable. And that's where melodramas are so fascinating. The issues are sympathetic.

Min-woo is the dirtiest of the main characters. He is a regular cheater and his wife knows it. He is hiding an illegitimate son from his very suspicious wife and falling in love with Hong-joo in the process. He spares no effort to talk with her and her amazing way with his son wins him over further. Min-woo is the character who will be most molded by love. He has done wrong by his family and needs to realize that. Also, he defends his mother against his wife's desire to move out from under his mother's firm grasp, but never spares a thought for his wife's suffering. That is a balance between filial piety, which is very important in Korean culture, and selfishness.


As for Seok-hoon, he has erred, but he is trying with Hong-joo. Unfortunately, the time he spent with Se-young, free of worry, is plaguing him. Again, he seeks what he doesn't have in his wife - freedom from financial burden and the burden of supporting and pleasing. Se-young seeks him out. She wants him. She doesn't run from him. In his situation, that is very appealing.

In terms of the story, it couldn't be more contrived. What makes this story engaging is the fact that the emotions it induces are strong and immediate. Everything is a little too interconnected; there are a few too many coincidences. Like Hong-gyu, Hong-joo's younger brother, happens to get hired by his friend's private detective agency and discovers that she is at Min-woo's vacation home. It's just too coincidental, but the meeting between siblings was worth the coincidence.

While the plot is manipulated for maximum angst, the way that the relationships unfold has been quite logical. As long as the plot doesn't get too twisty for its own good, "Temptation" should be a good watch.

Written by: Raine from 'Raine's Dichotomy'
Credit as stated
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