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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!  I need to see a shrink after watching these 4 episodes I'm soooo depressed  :(( :((   Oh what the HELL! I FORGIVE YOU LG! I FORGIVE YOU!! EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE DOES!! :-SS :-S :((

I LOVE ALLIES GOODBYE MY LOVE but everytime it plays I can't help but become so sad  and prepare for the waterworks its the prelude to sadness   :((

The most moving part was in episode 15 when he was talking about the rain and how it makes music and then expressed what the rain was saying ~ It's not your fault.. It's as if that's what he kept hearing every time he hears rain can you imagine that kind of torment for 3 years . And then when MY kept calling the baby's name during her illness he wanted her to not dwell/be hurt about  it anymore so that he can forgive/not blame himself~as long as she's hurting so will he.  It's as if his heart wants to be with her but his mind makes him think that he is bad for her because he caused her so much pain. I really, really, really just want them to share their pain together that is the only way they will get through it.  Ever since the baby's death LG has did nothing but push MY away even when she needed him most~ She wanted to be with him even though he caused it all~ Why can't he see that...MY didn't just suffer because of the baby's loss...She suffered more because she was without LG whom she loves soo much and he never lets her forget that it's over between them.  I just want to shake LG and say tell her what you really want and how you really feel  make the words come out right.  Honestly if he just tells her how she feels she'll melt just like ice cream

  The secretary is right they do not know how she feels...I think this is foreshadowing ...we maybe seeing MY's point of view next

Before LG left the house he said that he was going to let her go ... and Daniel told MY to come back slowly... I think that MY is going to feel betrayed at first by LG for pretending to be that woman buyer he's going to give her the painting not get angry.. I don't think that they are going to reconcile just yet, because she still has to realize what she means to him.  I think she will go to the restaurant talk to her mother and then think about her last conversation with LG as that woman when he wrote about how much he loved her, and then realize the truth.  She may also talk with the secretary since he extended his services so freely and maybe come to understand LG and fight for him. 

With regards to LG I think he will make an attempt  to move on from MY maybe with sera ~only because of what sera's mom said to him...maybe he will reluctantly propose/consider marriage/just dating her, but will find out what sera did and will not have anything to do w/her..

A big Key to MY's happiness is Daniel...Because now he knows the truth about LG and Sera's relationship that it's non existant, but may not tell MY unless she rejects his proposal or perhaps see that her heart still belongs to LG but is afraid to open up.  That guy is so perceptive it's scary   :-SS

I want my couple back with happy episodes and  I miss LG's long hair he looked younger.  His short hair shows his age, but it fits with the plot..

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Guest CarinaA

fourleafclover said: spideysteve said: fourleafclover said:
When Daniel was tying MY's shoe, and kept telling her to not work too hard and eat better. I kept thinking of that catchphrase, "What's this? He feels like an older brother." Such a shame, bc CJH is so hot, but with JNR they have zero hot chemistry together.
Also, there goes the "buying shoes as a gift" trope. You know what they say about that.

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I hope they will settle all the misunderstanding between them in 1st half of ep 15..n 2nd half MY will clearly n cleanly tell DP that he is just meant to be her neighborhood oppa all the while..LG will tell SR to start ballet again n her to back off since she indirectly the source of the miscarriage..starting ep 16 til ep 20 is lovey dovey funny hilarious scene between them n their triplet..why I want triplet..coz if they don't misunderstand each other for 3yrs..MY definitely will give birth every year..seeing them bicker n busy handle the triplet..for sure if fun n hilarious..  

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Guest snailcouplefan

I think Choi and Jang could have great chemistry but the show has done a great job of showing us their relationship, even if the characters can't see it.   Daniel has always been supportive, comforting and protective but I have never felt romantic love as strongly and I think alot of his proposal was the need he has for a family.  For him to propose after the debacle with his fake sister is very telling.   My has seemed incredibly uncomfortable with any romantic gestures he has made.  She seems far more comfortable when they are just hanging out.   These are two characters who make sense together in so many ways but don't have the spark.  They love each other but aren't "in love". 

I really hope My doesn't push Gun away, I don't feel like they made enough progress to take two steps back.  If they had kissed or she had warmed to him it would make sense but they said their goodbyes.   Gun said he was ready to let her go and he was taking the picture back to her, not to confront her but to leave it there with no confrontation.   I felt so bad for My when she saw him and what she said to him almost broke my heart.  To her this is the guy that coldly gave away his parental rights,  turned her down when she wanted to start over,  is dating Sera again and is adamant about not having feelings for her.  He needs to be real with her because I think she is starting to feel like he is playing games with her.   I just want them to stop beating around the bush and get real with each other.  They have been doing this dance for 4 episode now.  I don't feel like a last minute reconnection in episode 20 would do this couple justice.  Let them face things together,  they have other obstacles other then him keeping the truth from her. 

I still stick by as always "Happy Couples aren't Boring".   You don't have to make them face the world alone, lets see them face it together.  It's strange to want a series you love to end but these two are just breaking my heart and need to reunite and be my adorable snail couple. 

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@fiovial said : Now I feel like I should defend Sera's mom. In no way do I find her evil. She is taking steps of what a mom would take. She has tried to talk things out with Sera but obviously Sera is one stubborn gal. So what would be the next logical to do to save her daughter from more heartbreak? Of course to go to the guy causing the heartbreak. From how I see it Sera's mom wasn't really asking Geon to marry Sera but more of telling him to stay the heck off her daughter. Only Geon could break things off completely with Sera. Sera obviously still harbored feelings for Geon and nothing pained a mother more than seeing her child hurt. I totally understand Sera's mom's actions.

I'm totally agreed with you! As a mom myself I feel for Sera mom. No mom in the world would want their daughter to be hurt. For Sera mom point of view she knows her daughter very well and she knows that her daughter is suffering a lot and still hoping/waiting for Geon... for mom sacrifices for Sera to become a successful ballerina, in a way its hurting the mom too.... Sera mom, I believe you also love your daughter a lot put aside that she is your adopted daughter....amazing I actually like Sera mom!!

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Guest mywebfoot

How does he do it? How how? How can that one expression the final scene show so much?I saw the turmoil in his mind, his shock as his worldview shifts and he sees the past three years in a while new light, his growing wonder and his accompanying trepidation. Urgh. JH better get some serious recognition for this role. I hope people see through the fluff to see what an amazing oscar worthy performance he is putting on.

And don't get me started on JN's acting - someone tell me how to act feverish???? I could actually see the bright points in her eyes when she was burning up. JH is doing great but many times it is JN's subtle reaction that completes the scene.

GIVE THEM RECOGNITION!!! All the awards for the snail couple please!!!!

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That last scene from ep 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the tension between them, the way he looked at her after seing that painting that portrays him as her happiness............ the way she looked back when she realised that he is the sweet friend she used to vent to in the phone ..... his low voice whispering confidently " That's right! it's me...."

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@happyboy said: that's true, but Gun would have felt guilty being consoled.  he wanted to pass all the happiness he could have to MY.  he lived like a dead man walking. 

he didn't think he deserved to be happy after causing MY so much pain and being complicit in losing their child.  the only happiness he sought during that time was knowing that MY was having a happy living life away from the pain he caused her

Gun was previously always this positive, sort of luminous person.  Very optimistic, sure that Se Ra would end up with him, despite the many years of separation.  Always making grand plans, looking forward.  There's a sort of idea that he gave up on all that, and spent his entire existence trying to build up that business to leave to MY in his will, after his death that he felt was coming.  He doesn't even care about an heir or being a 9th son, he wants Dragon to do it.  Being the 30th son or w/e was so important to him, but even that legacy is meaningless when it means building a family or living a life apart from MY.  It's like he gave all his light to MY, and that's why she is able to live this luminous glamorous life.

There's a couple interesting, but speculative things going on since the time jump

1) is this idea that, although Daniel is the one next to her, and comforting her, really what gives that light to MY is Gun.  Daniel introduced MY to paris, and art but Gun is the one who INSPIRED her (the cups she made for him, the happiness and the pain that drives her work).  Gun is her true collaborator, the one who has always been able to make her see herself in her true light, the way Gun himself has always seen her.  when she's stymied or frustrated, it's Gun who can make her laugh and walk her through the darkness. Daniel, even though a much better man and a much better lover is insufficient.  I mean Daniel could have gotten her into art school and maybe MY would have been a fine technical artist but it would just have been a shell.  But without Gun, that breakthrough of valuing herself, and finding something in herself to express is something Daniel could have never drawn out of MY or enabled MY to find in herself.

2) it's also kind of reinforced in Se Ra.  although she didn't appreciate it, it seems in the drama that the "brightest" times of her life is when she had that light of Gun around her.  when she had that full affect of his love and support, she was effortlessly happy, successful and luminous.  when Gun left her so did that halo.  in his proposal Gun was talking about how he wanted to be the one there to absorb the hard times and be her support.  despite his silliness, there's the idea that he does do that

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I don't think it makes sense for Gun to even consider dating Sera again. I think Sera needs to make her own full break here. She needs to move on herself and find her own happiness. It is definitely not going to come from Gun. So I wonder if it's going to be some relapse in illness for Gun that will make MY reexamine her broken heart. What will the catalyst be? I think we still have at least 1 episode or more before we can see any turn around. I do love Daniel, but I agree with those who say that they have very little chemistry together which makes it hard for me to even see him as a romantic rival in the OTP relationship. I think the biggest obstacle in the otp's reconciliation is fear. Fear of disease and consequences thereafter, including not being able to bring MY happiness, for Gun and MY - fear of getting deeper wounds from the ones already there on her heart and just simply, fear of the unknown and known. Guilt is a close second. So Daniel, I really respect him for doing all he did for MY... But I hope that part can be wrapped up soon.

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It's hard to tell if Sera is deliberately implying that she's still together with Geon to MY. But I don't think so. For one, she has admit to Daniel that Geon will never return to her. HOWEVER, it doesn't mean she has to confess that to MY, who in her eyes is the woman who took Geon away from her. I think she was just being a bit childish, like trying to get in the last word to MY. It's the same, "You hurt the person I love, stay away " message that Daniel said to Geon as MY's "friend."
I think I would like the pacing a lot more if MY shows a bit more emotion toward Geon. Yes, she's trying to keep him at arms length, and she's supposed to look like she's fighting it, but I'm not so sure if I'm seeing that internal dialogue happening. There were glimpses of it, like MY holding his hand while he sleeps, but it could have been a bit more obvious when they actually are talking to each other. It just feels like a lot of Geon suffering internally, and outwardly throwing tantrums, and MY just suspended/frozen in her own angst inside and out. 
It's a good thing Geon blew up at her for her telling him to stay away from her mom because I happen to agree with Geon, and thank goodness he's not shy about making his thoughts known. MY's mom's a tough woman who's been through worser things, she's not going to break because Geon is trying to be her friend. I can see through MY's logic, but I have a feeling it's more about protecting herself from Geon rather than her mother, and I think she finally realizes that after hearing from Geon's side. She finally saw how lonely he is. That said, I'm still not very fond of the cool MY, she's too cool for my liking.

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onnififi said:

@fiovial said : Now I feel like I should defend Sera's mom. In no way do I find her evil. She is taking steps of what a mom would take. She has tried to talk things out with Sera but obviously Sera is one stubborn gal. So what would be the next logical to do to save her daughter from more heartbreak? Of course to go to the guy causing the heartbreak. From how I see it Sera's mom wasn't really asking Geon to marry Sera but more of telling him to stay the heck off her daughter. Only Geon could break things off completely with Sera. Sera obviously still harbored feelings for Geon and nothing pained a mother more than seeing her child hurt. I totally understand Sera's mom's actions.

I'm totally agreed with you! As a mom myself I feel for Sera mom. No mom in the world would want their daughter to be hurt. For Sera mom point of view she knows her daughter very well and she knows that her daughter is suffering a lot and still hoping/waiting for Geon... for mom sacrifices for Sera to become a successful ballerina, in a way its hurting the mom too.... Sera mom, I believe you also love your daughter a lot put aside that she is your adopted daughter....amazing I actually like Sera mom!!

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This is Me at the end of today's episode....
giphy.gif [-(   One week of waiting hurts. Omg, that was such a good pain that my heart starts to hurt for Geon and MY. The entire episode has SO many great scenes. Writernim, stop tormenting us. I gave my soul to you, Writernim, and you've been playing so well with it. I'm a
geoner....   =)) @-) b-( 8-X

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Guest pinkbunny2014

I think MY might not be happy after she discovered that LG is LYJ, simply because she has depended on LYJ for advice and never has thought that it'd be LG. Since denying and avoiding LG and being super defensive are her coping mechanisms to protect her heart, it makes sense for her to be mad at LG for lying to her. Having that said, I believe MY discovering LG is LYJ and LG discovering lollipop man painting are the turning point in their relationship...at least resolving some conflicts and misunderstandings in this drama (although it is possible that there are new twists, i am pointing my angry and trembling finger towards SR and DP). 
The way SR acted in ep 16 is despicable, how can she pretend to be an item with LG when she was rejected by him left and right. SR may not be evil but she is definitely in some serious denial (for 3 freaking years..geez..i really don't think she has self-respect, i mean both LG and MY made a career out of their unfortunate heartbreaks, and SR only gave up her ballet dream). True love makes a person better and this is evident in LG and MY - LG being a more understanding successful CEO and MY no longer a post-it girl. 

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I'm throwing all the awards at them. I hope Jang Hyuk wins the Grand Prize this year. The range and depth that he's shown through this character are ridiculously amazing. From the subtle to outrageous expressions, he's done it all at the most appropriate moments with flawless abandonment and control. Also, kudos to the writing team too for flushing out this wonderful character. I was afraid that Geon might act too macho like how male leads usually are in rom-coms, I'm thinking Dokko Jin, but he blew that stereotype apart.

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Guest mywebfoot

fourleafclover said: @mywebfoot
I'm throwing all the awards at them. I hope Jang Hyuk wins the Grand Prize this year. The range and depth that he's shown through this character are ridiculously amazing. From the subtle to outrageous expressions, he's done it all at the most appropriate moments with flawless abandonment and control. Also, kudos to the writing team too for flushing out this wonderful character. I was afraid that Geon might act too macho like how male leads usually are in rom-coms, I'm thinking Dokko Jin, but he blew that stereotype apart.

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credit  paper-box tumblr
i love that scene so much.. the moment gun realized how his meanings to MY..her happiness is with him
:x..really love the painting..i can notice right away he is gun..looks at the "sexy "upper lip of lolipop man..exactly looks like gun's..MY describe him so well, of course she remembered his sexy upper lip when he kissed her passionately...

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Guest pinkbunny2014

cloe said:
credit  paper-box tumblr
i love that scene so much.. the moment gun realized how his meanings to MY..her happiness is with him
:x..really love the painting..i can notice right away he is gun..looks at the "sexy "upper lip of lolipop man..exactly looks like gun's..MY describe him so well, of course she remembered his sexy upper lip when he kissed her passionately...

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