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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@rienn I already have fav duo, fav one-liner; fav parody. I guess i feel bad that Daniel has only 1 category lol.

@lovelyjen do you want me to add that quote in? I can, I'm still in the process of setting up the awards. That image I put up is a preview, it's not finalized or anything.

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Ayame said: @rienn I already have fav duo, fav one-liner; fav parody. I guess i feel bad that Daniel has only 1 category lol. @lovelyjen do you want me to add that quote in? I can, I'm still in the process of setting up the awards.

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@psycheros said: "Also it's a lofty promise he doesn't live up to: he isn't around for Mi Young when she needs him the most."
I thought the same thing.  I like Gun so much.  He has such good character that it's hard for me to look at his flaws, but yes.  Those words were beautiful words, however, when FATE called on him to live up to them, he couldn't. Oh, how I wanted him to! 

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Guest chantilly

I have not moved away from this show yet as I found myself watching it a second time since I did skipped thru from the 1st episode thru 2nd.  Usually I don’t re-watch until a few years later as well cuz I still remember it you know….but this show really seem to pull you in since it was just refreshingly funny.

I love most of the characters but not the part w/YONG’S cougar g/f. I don’t know it just seem too weird to me perhaps if they have found more babyish faced like JNR, even thou if she has to be older it has to be cuter for YONG no?? I mean really?? That’s the best they can do?  Sighhhh…that was the only disappointment for me of the entire cast. 

My favorite parts of the show has got to be MY’s character.

I love how while she is too submissively kind but at the same time can be so righteous and strong at the same time.  I esp love the part after the auction when she is so pale and yet still very beautiful at the same time.  I like natural beauties i/o of most female leads, madeup plaster all their faces visibly so this JNR I was so happy to see her just being naturally pale or tired.  It works for me haha…LOL…

Anyway, I esp love the part w/her saying ‘ LET’S STOP, the right thing to do now is to stop“ she clearly likes him but she is the one wanting to stop their relationship whatever it is since he never really tell her in words until the auction w/a strong kiss.  I didn’t see any of this from the TW female lead.  She was sort of too submissive thru out the whole show but she goes back to him very easily even after she really hated him for the accident and I guess that’s why I didn’t really care for both the TW leads even thou Ethan is handsome TBH but here you can very much feel and root for both characters even thou LG’s idiotic nobility in kdrama land cliché kind of break up but I actually find it really good in this plot hahaa..LOL…. Talk about weird haha..lol….and esp w/the TW one just signing over the child to the dude and then even wrote a diary and putting someone else as the MOTHER of her child???? Wow, I mean that part was really weird to me I guess that’s why I skipped thru since it was a bit too long and draggy in lots of the parts for me.

One of the commentator was right about the TW as I read previously, because it was a refreshing plot and original i/o of always copying from mangas at the time, that was why it was hugely popular and got great ratings or else w/the draggy storyline, nonsensical scenes here and there and the lame ending of having labor all at the same time I doubt it would have made it that big if not the refreshing plot. 

But surprisingly, the twists and changes in this version actually worked out really work and a lot of the characters are so fun to watch.  Anson, the TW one I didn’t like him at all.  He was never that nice to the lead too I remember but this Tak guy is just so damn convincing and funny and loyal to MY. 

Anyway, the subs are kind of different on different sites too..so weird.  One site it has this sub but on another site, it has a completely different sub.  Loh well, I guess watching it w/subs, you can never get the exact unless u speak and understand the language. 

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only1khj said: @psycheros said: "Also it's a lofty promise he doesn't live up to: he isn't around for Mi Young when she needs him the most."
I thought the same thing.  I like Gun so much.  He has such good character that it's hard for me to look at his flaws, but yes.  Those words were beautiful words, however, when FATE called on him to live up to them, he couldn't. Oh, how I wanted him to! 

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Guest lovelyjen

Ayame said: @lovelyjen do you want me to add that quote in? I can, I'm still in the process of setting up the awards. That image I put up is a preview, it's not finalized or anything.

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@songielove: I think you've found your FtLY soulmate in @lovelyjen.  :D
@gumi: What a great perspective.  Thanks for redeeming Gun for me as not keeping his promise.  I still can't 100% agree with you since he pushed KMY away right at the crisis time of her life: losing GD. She needed LG to be there with her while she grieved.  He wasn't. He pushed her away, even though I know HD was his reason and he thinks he's being merciful. What you wrote in his defense was beautiful  Thanks for sharing.

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I, personally, totally agree with @gumi's post. That was what I thought of Geon's actions too. In his own opinion, he had kept his word and he was really consistent as a character throughout the entire drama. He developed, grew, and changed from the person he was in ep 1 to who he ended up being in ep 20, just as Mi Young did. Not all changes are obvious, but the most important ones don't always have to be. :D

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Guest lovelyjen

gumi said:
So I really don't think pushing her away 'at the critical point o the loss' should be considered separately from the general act of pushing her away. It was either never push her away, or push her away and not be with her. 

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Guest TinaA1430294419

gumi saidI wish I had said all that but you put it a lot better than I would have.  I think part of the reason LG made his decision was because he didn't realize the strength of MY's love for him, he knew she loved him but didn't realize how much, and figured once she got her art career started she'd be so focused on it she'd forget him, or that Daniel would replace him in her heart.  I think his wake-up call came from that text conversation when she said that her life now can't compare to yesterday.  A solo gallery exhibit, her artwork on merchandise, a man who wants to marry her.....and she still longs for the past?  Three years can't replace those three months?  then he started to realize maybe he made the wrong decision.
  only1khj said: @songielove: I think you've found your FtLY soulmate in @lovelyjen.  :D
@gumi: What a great perspective.  Thanks for redeeming Gun for me as not keeping his promise.  I still can't 100% agree with you since he pushed KMY away right at the crisis time of her life: losing GD. She needed LG to be there with her while she grieved.  He wasn't. He pushed her away, even though I know HD was his reason and he thinks he's being merciful. What you wrote in his defense was beautiful  Thanks for sharing.

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@gumi and @lovelyjen:Great viewpoints and great discussion! I understand what you're saying @gumi, that it's the viewer's POV and not LG's.  That clarifies your reasoning and it's spot-on. 
As the proposal wasn't worded for KMY but for SR, it's just reflection on our part.  I still don't think he lived up to the words. GD wasn't just KMY's grief, but LG's and if he would have stayed with KMY during the process they wouldn't have had 3 years of separation and they would have still discovered their love for each other...probably sooner. They would have had many moments for conversations about what they felt and his impending HD, if he would have just shown a little courage at the moment. He should have definitely known KMY's feelings when she asked if they could begin again right where they were and his answer was, "I'm sorry".  Of course, that would have been a totally different drama than what we were given.But thanks to @gumi and @lovelyjen, Gun is redeemed for this little tiny richard simmons in his armor.  You have to have a microscope to see it. I have a new perspective I hadn't considered and it's a beautiful, wonderful one. Thanks.

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only1khj said: @gumi and @lovelyjen:Great viewpoints and great discussion! I understand what you're saying @gumi, that it's the viewer's POV and not LG's.  That clarifies your reasoning and it's spot-on. 
As the proposal wasn't worded for KMY but for SR, it's just reflection on our part.  I still don't think he lived up to the words. GD wasn't just KMY's grief, but LG's and if he would have stayed with KMY during the process they wouldn't have had 3 years of separation and they would have still discovered their love for each other...probably sooner. They would have had many moments for conversations about what they felt and his impending HD, if he would have just shown a little courage at the moment. He should have definitely known KMY's feelings when she asked if they could begin again right where they were and his answer was, "I'm sorry".  Of course, that would have been a totally different drama than what we were given.But thanks to @gumi and @lovelyjen, Gun is redeemed for this little tiny richard simmons in his armor.  You have to have a microscope to see it. I have a new perspective I hadn't considered and it's a beautiful, wonderful one. Thanks.

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@only1khj same as u I thought that the least LG could have done was to be there for her after GD's loss. But in reality people make the most irrational decision at the wrong times, in Chinese there's an idiom for it, which means something like thinking in one direction/way - as a result, you will miss out the full picture.. there's nothing right or wrong about that though..

but then again, thinking back, he probably felt guilty for "sending GD off", even if MY said it's nobody's fault,he obviously think it is his fault.. with grief mixed with guilt, he decided to leave her.. n here I must say! He didn't make the decision because he thought it was the best for her.. he decided he didn't want to cause her anymore pain, there's a subtle difference.. (that's y I can Nv agree with people saying he shouldn't make the decision for MY - the thing is he made the decision to not be with her (which he is totally entitled to) n MY was the one who chose to leave! That's y JNR said in her interview that she wouldn't make the same choice as MY :P )

Oh back to the "proposal" to sera, I wouldn't take it too seriously.. I mean when life's a bed of roses, you can say, things like you will be there for her during difficulties, but it's really a reflection of how "innocent" or "idealistic" LG was, n I believe he will do that for the woman he loves (be there for her when she's down) - before his world came crashing down in a way he couldn't have predicted. All he wants was to be there to protect her from all the hurt, but he couldn't, that's the breaking point....

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