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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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i think this is the second drama that i watch after the scent of a woman that able to make my chest feels tight and my eyes a bit teary... but the weird thing is i can't stop smiling... maybe i'm just happy knowing that all the misunderstanding is finally reveal... 
this is a really a bad move for me to watch IOTL after watching FTLY... now my brain can't stop thinking about FTLY that i can't enjoy watching IOTL... :)) =))

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:-B I had a medical appointment today, this was the only reason that kept me away from reading this forum and watching this episode raw. Just watched eps 17 subbed. Amazing. Tears flowing like a river. Touching. My favorite scene, honestly, was when LG went to eat at 'his mom's restaurant (there is no dispute...MY's mom became LG's mom) only to encounter MY there. LG and MY not talking to each other, but, talking through each other was comic relief.....LG not wanting to leave and scraping his empty rice bowl, was classic LG.......both of them just arguing nonsense....one of my most favorite people, MY's feisty, loving mom look on her face as she watches these two, frustrated lovebirds go at it....saying nonsense rather than expressing what they really felt......There was never any doubt in my mind that Daniel would give MY the push she needed to follow her heart, even if it meant losing her. He is one amazing young man. (When you spread goodness, it boomerangs right back at you... In this case Daniel will find his long lost sister.) I wasn't disappointed in Sera,mostly, because I felt that 'deep-down' she wasn't a bad person. Misguided. Desperate? Yes, She was Desperate to hold on to a relationship that was over long before MY entered the picture, even if she didn't know it. I give Sera credit for making the decision to admit to MY, that she had lied and wronged MY and LG. Sera telling MY that she would 'leave it' to MY to fix MY's situation with LG, in my opinion, was well done. ( I also give Sera credit for not telling MY about LG's illness because it wasn't Sera's place to do so.) Why? Because it got Sera out of the picture, out of MY and LG's lives. O-U-T. Out. There are only 3eps left.... No need...or TIME for Sera to do anything other than get out of the way..... <:-P I totally understand LG's decision to let go of MY, not that I liked it one bit!!!....3 eps left!!! I want happy, happy joy, joy for LG and MY...I don't want to shed one more tear UNLESS it is tears of Happiness! Thank you...to MY's friend that got MY rethinking about LG, and Kudos to the lawyer that set in motion the SOON (better be soon) reconciliation of MY and LG. As of tomorrow, it is time for MY to demonstrate that she is LG's SuperGlue!! I can't say it enough...3 episodes left ...May these last episodes be as amazing as the past 17 esp have been L-) :D ......tick, rock, tick, rock....counting the hours till tomorrow. :!! ~O)

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Guest aaa1188

ok one should never sleep when one is on Soompi Fated to Love you Thread. Wow! Look at what I have missed. 
I am beginning to resent work now, but without it I would not have money to subscribe to my internet connection. So back to work.
Just wanted to drop by to say hello and ...... sigh... why am I still so invested in this?  :-h :\">

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Guest elainecruz63

owlish said: Just finished watching with subs and wow. Just wow. The Jangs are hands down the best among the slew of k-drama reunions this year. Equally nuanced portrayals delivered with subtle intensity. The show wouldn't be this heart wrenching if put in the hands of lesser actors. Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara are just FATED to do this show. 
My only gripe is how the writers have handled Gun's illness so far as they are being deliberately vague. HD can be diagnosed with genetic testing and Gun could've saved himself, Miyoung and all of us unnecessary pain had he got himself tested. A positive diagnosis would be tragic, yes, but their love wouldn't end with the discovery of the disease as ep18 would most likely be about. I'd rather they make it clear now whether he has it or he doesn't so that we could all move on and enjoy whatever time is left, however bittersweet that is for the characters and for us. 

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Guest aaa1188

maddymappo said: I am enjoying this drama. But it would have been a perfect 16 episode drama. So much is being slowly drawn out.  Dr. Octopus should have his license revoked. And lawyer nim should too. The only people who should not give out secrets are blabbing and the ones who should share secrets, don't say anything. ~X(

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Guest kaddict92

food4life said: I was really pissed with Geon at the first 5 mins of the show with him continuing to lie to MY about his real feelings but he made me tear up during his video confessions/reminders(?). At least MY decided for herself to find out what was really up with Geon's contradicting words. And Daniel. What a man and what a way to show his love for MY :x I really hope that he will discover Se Ra as his sister so that he can have the family he's been craving for. And Se Ra redeemed herself in this hour though what she did before still pissed me off. The last 5 mins of the show... JNR slays me! And JH too! The emotions they display especially their facial expressions and their eyes. Also couldn't help notice JNR run. Something so weird about the way she does it lol I really hope that MY will give Geon a piece of her mind for what he did 3 years ago and that she won't let him push her away. I need some Snail couple moments! Please! [-O< Still can't help in noticing the tired state of the actors and I hope both them & the crew stay healthy and take a nice long rest after this. About 11 hrs left! To the live recappers: ty for all your hard work and hope you will have a good streaming tonight. :x

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:-B geez, I hate when I make mistakes ...I meant tick, tock, tick, tock.....there is only one sene in the past 17 episodes that I didn't like and that was the scene in eps 17 when they are discussing product lines.....all I kept thinking is 3 eps left....I'd rather this time had been spent on anything else but that scene....I'd rather those minutes would have been spent with more of My and LG together ....it's not a big deal.....but, the last thing I want for this drama is a mediocre ending. :-??

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Guest aaa1188

amisyka77 said: Morning guyss!!

Ep 17 with subs already up on dramabay


Happy watching and don't forget your bucket and tissues..

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Guest butttslappedbylg

Watching the last 5 mins. of ep. 17 for the nth time now. I feel like I'm possessed by MY. I can feel everything she's feeling, can hear her thoughts. 
The moment she entered the 'mancave' and saw KG's stuffs. How the surprise and confusion registered on her face. Like she's saying, "Wait.....what is this....why....why the crib's still here....why the baby suit.....what's going on....I don't understand...I don't feel good about this...I really don't understand.."
Then, still confused, sees the videos on the laptop, watches the first one, saw Gun, and she's like "What is he doing.....what..."  then she hears about the disease and her face falls, mouth hanging open, that lump in her throat forming, her chest tightening, as she continued listening with tears forming in her eyes, to Gun's confession, how he loves her, how they met, she's trying to breathe, trying to smile...tries to calm herself down and she continues to listen...how they've had KG...and KG's loss..and her tears starting to fall...
She watches another video...she realizes that time in the ssambap restaurant Gun was referring to. Tears freely falling from her eyes, her hands in her chest, she looks like in physical pain now, like she's going to faint but trying not to... She continues to watch as Gun, in his beautiful, devastated, desperate state yells in the screen, "How can I tell her?! How can I tell her to stay??!" And that's it for MY. She remembers their hurtful confrontations and that's it for her. With that realization, out with the loud sobbing. Her voice breaking, he face contorted, her whole body shaking. She clutches her chest so hard. God, it hurts so much.... Like her heart just got hit by a thousand arrows. She's saying in that final loud sobbing scene,  "Oh Gun.......why do you have to suffer alone.....why, my love.....forgive me......Gun....I love you so much.... I love you so much.."
Omg here I go again.....tumblr_inline_mkk5rmM3nJ1qz4rgp_zpsf787eExcuse me while I'm trying to get a grip of meself...

Jang Hyuk, you beautiful, awesome being. I am pro-Gun and I love you Hyukkie baby, and you have always, always, always, stolen the show for me with your powerful acting. 
 I'll hand over the daesang for this episode to ----- Jang Nara. I am just blown away by her performance. WOW. Girl, yo for real? 
This show just achieved a NEW LEVEL OF AWESOME
To the hardworking cast and staff, KUDOS to you guys. All the Daesangs to you too!  ^:)^:)^:)^:)^:)^:)^:)^

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Guest genmailjs

Just finish Episode 17. I'm cry with LG and MY. Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara push their characters out so perfect!. With zero % understand their word, I can understand story from their body languages. DaeBak! I love that they move fast and not forget to add funny scene. Good job...PD-nims and Writer-nims. Can't wait to see episode 18.

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mademoisellegeline said: sooyoungdaebak said: Nah, LG doesn't have HC. But he has a VERY serious illness. It's called Blue ballsWhat triggers it? Kim Mi Young. What can cure it? Yup, Kim Mi Young.  =))Weakness: To be beside MY and not touch her. That will lead to severe weakness, fainting and loss of memory. 3 years without her by his side, nothing happened to him. So...now that we see him be able to touch MY again on the next episode, hopefully his "illness" will get some "medications" and he won't fall sick ever again...   \m/ =D> =))

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trixie1029 said:

would anyone else also think it would be wonderful if MY learns (from someone) that LG drove him away because he thinks he has Huntington's?

then MY would confront LG and tell him that she loves him and wants to stay by his side despite that possibility. LG would of course, do everything to drive her away, maybe tell lies ("I don't love you" "I am over you" "I was nice to you only because of the baby," etc) that MY won't believe, because she knows in her heart that LG loves her. she's super glue after all, right? once applied, it would hurt to remove her? :) So LG loses the battle to stay away and marries his wife again (yes, their divorce was never submitted to court). this time he's happy at his wedding.

then comes Dr Octopus saying that he is negative for the gene after all. no Huntington's LG... so babies would be safe. and then they'll produce 3 sons (so there'll be no shortage of sons) and 1 daughter (for MY's mom, she had 3 daughters after all) for this generation. lol.

now that is a happy ending I could live with... :x

***i posted this one several weeks ago...

in my heart of hearts, i still am rooting for an ending without Huntington's. that although the possibility exists, MY stayed and faced the future with LG. I mean, you don't just give up on a love this wonderful. :D

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Guest mywebfoot

Okay, full sentences now. 
Only a couple of things to add to all the previous observations. There were so many phenomenal acting moments, but you guys are doing a great job documenting them. All I want to add is that JH and JN OWNED it in this ep. Forever a fan.
Firstly, from the perspective of someone who writes (fact for a living and fiction for fun), I think the 'slump' episodes were necessary. When I write, I totally fear losing the interest of the reader, so I try to make sure things are happening and developments help keep the reader involved. However, what these writers have taught me is that sometimes you don't need development, you need involvement. I've said this elsewhere before, but the difference 4 extra episodes makes from the usual 16 is that there is time to breathe. Time to breathe equals time to explore. So we didn't get developments in Ep 12 to 16, but we got to understand how the separation has played out for these two. We got to see how they regained balance, but it was merely a handicapped, plastered together existence, more so for LG than MY. We got to see how LG's plan to minimize MY's suffering was actually working, if Fate hadn't thrown them together again via GD's painting. Someone wished earlier that GD would be their guardian angel, and I think, looking back now, that's what Eps 12 -16 were about. That little painting took on a life of its own, staring at us with mischievous good humour. Thanks to GD, we got to listen to Appa's inner thoughts. Thanks to GD, Appa got to love Omma the way he wanted to, even if it was behind a mask. And thanks to GD, Omma finally listened with her heart, and not her head. At the beginning of ep 12 I was in the chorus of NOBLE IDIOT YOU. But by the end of Ep 16 I got it. I got involved in LG's pain. For the first time, I wasn't a spectator, but I was totally involved in experiencing the hard decisions LG made, piece by piece, one by one. I am applauding these writers, for taking yet another kdrama trope and making it @(#*$ real.
Secondly, I think the moment I bought into LG's reasoning and pain was when I decided to take the HD seriously. I know that they haven't conclusively confirmed it, and like many of you, I didn't want to get sucked in only to have a 'gotcha' at the end when they reveal he is miraculously cured/never had it. However, this week I remember telling myself, what IF, just WHAT IF it's real. What if this little romcom that doesn't know it's a romcom has decided to tackle a wasting disease head on? What if they are crazy enough to make a story about Fleeting Happiness instead of Happily Ever After? I don't see that as an open-ended finale, by the way. I see that as Life. Anyway, the point is this: I started putting myself in LG's place this week, and asked myself if I had a wasting disease and a 3-5 year timeline to set my life straight, what would I do? The answer is simple - take care of my loved ones. That's all he is doing. Unfortunately, the moment I got it is the moment LG's @#()*&$@# pain started resonating, hence the tremendous waterworks this episode.
So, if the writers keep going the way they are going, let me tell you this: I am looking forward to the last three episodes and I am DREADING them. On the one hand, I am cheering for this brave writing team. On the other hand, if they pull back at the last minute and make his HD a misdiagnosis, I will swear a blue streak bluer than LG's balls. Ottoke?

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