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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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That's very astute, you've conveyed the atmosphere in the Soompi forums very well. Earlier in the thread, I think last week, there were comparisons made between this forum and the comment sections at recap sites. The general agreement is that many felt more comfortable posting their thoughts here. I think it's precisely because of the reason you just described. 
There are many different opinions and we're all willing to spend time here sharing and discussing our thoughts. While it's a dumping ground for our emotions after being traumatized/excited by an episode, we're also interested in what each others feel and think. We're all pretty positive and open to each other's insights as well even when we disagree, so it frees up our inhibition even more. Then there are some extremely funny folks here peppering in between those intense discussion with awesome gifs and hilarious insight about our OT3. 
It's not just for this drama, it's the same in most drama threads too. This is where it differs from recap sites where commentators and comment qualities changes a lot between dramas. This is truly a community support group for drama lovers, it's great. :)

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Guest fiovial

Yup yup this is why I heart this thread...because we do not all have the same opinion...because if we do that would just be so boring. We all have strong opinions because bottom line we all love this drama and the characters in this little gem. Keep the conversation and differing opinions going!

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I think the writer has stressed out the word FATE/FATED many times in this drama. 
When MY met Geon 3 years ago, they were fated to meet, shared many memories, had and lost Keddongie and Geon said if they had met at a different time or under different circumstances, their relationship might work. Geon was fated to be in her life for 3 months and those 3 months happened to be the most treasured moments in MY's life. 

When MY met Daniel, she was fated to meet him at the church, strike a friendship and have an "oppa" to look out for her when she needs a friend the most. His help and support helped to bring out her potentials and thus we saw the 3 years in Paris and her becoming a successful artist. At that period of her life, Daniel was fated to be by her side. 
We as audience were shown the love Geon and MY have between each other but not Daniel. He wasn't there when Geon thanked MY for waiting for him to get over Sera, followed by the fireworks display. He wasn't there when Geon stood up for MY when she was humiliated in front of the people at the dinner party. He wasn't there when they attended the prenatal classes, bought baby stuffs and etc. He wasn't there when Geon had to take cold showers, restraining his naughty hands from exploring MY. In fact, I don't think Daniel realized how deeply these 2 love each other. Daniel saw Geon as someone who always make MY cry, who doesn't appreciate her, who doesn't deserve her. That made Daniel feel he deserves someone like MY and vice versa. 
So that is why I want Geon to show the real him. No more wallowing in misery. Come out and show MY, he is her man. He is her fate. I want Daniel to see how much Geon did for MY. I want Daniel to see the real Geon. When Geon bow his head to Thank Daniel, Geon knew during those 3 years, Daniel didn't take advantage of MY (kiss, skinship and etc). That is why Geon said he can read people. And in his mind, Daniel is a good person. MY thinks she has moved on but she clearly hasn't. Just hearing Geon's name can affect her. Even though she tries to hide behind the smile, she still long for him. i have faith in this writer and the past 14 episodes have been wonderfully written. We often miss the details but I am glad to see some of you noticing them and share with all of us.     \m/I feel as if Geon and MY has to be lock in a room (again), that way they won't be able to escape and have to face each other and talk things out.    ;))  I can't wait to see the remaining episodes. 

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i have a feeling Geon also a mastermind for MY art exhibition. he can't pop out of nowhere like that if he doesn't do something or knew her every move. i become suspicious for the person that MY and DP meet about the ehibit in episode 13. well, maybe only my heart who want Geon to be one of the sponsor. hahahahahah.

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Guest esmeemily

it's so frustrating to see Geon and MY like in ep.14  T.T
Dear writers...,please make the rest 6 episodes of FTLY as fabulous as before. I have this feeling they will make Geon's damn genetic disease as the thing that will make Geon and MY together again which is I hate bcoz it will be another melo part again like in episode 12. I hope next week they will clear Geon's disease and say he really doesn't have HC. seriously HC is too damn heavy to have for the male lead in romcom drama.

One thing I have to say is..,Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara in ep.14 looked so damn pale and haggard. MY with her panda eyes n Geon with his eyebags. This makes me think MY life in France for 3 years clearly was not that happy and Geon looked like he really has that disease.
Someone or korean fans please tell the production team to let these two have a good rest and food..,i know they're having live-shooting schedule but chinca it's not good if they continue like this and could affect the beauty of the story.

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Episode 14 still a heartbreak moment for our OTP. i thought when LG and MY finally met, MY will quite rendem her hurt felling but i was wrong . she's feeling so heartbroken even she back off to touch LG face T___T

and the harry potter scene came up again ,kkkkk it's so funny

MY, if you only treat daniel as your bestfriend , an Oppa for you please stop him. stop him to develop more his feeling for you. Daniel is a good man, and i believe he is really care bout you but LOVE,hmmm i don't think so coz sometime if we feel comfortable with each other compagnion (as a friend) that "Secure" feeling will develop along with the time and sometime one of both will have a different feeling that we called"crush on" but if the other doesn't have the same feeling than that person have to stop it coz if we don't than it will hurt others feeling becoz the feeling had grown but there isn't the feedback T____T

and i'm feeling sad for LG too, he has to witness Daniel propose to MY.

does anyone know the song that play at the end of the episode 14, it's been sang in English version with male voice i think and the one is korean version, right? any of you already have the song ? thanx  before ^.^

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Guest hunterdd


said: sometimes we just need to accept people opinion BUT we have a right to argue and offer explanation in a very respectful and humble way. also, sometimes the comment is tend to the person preferences and might feel only that doesn't include others. 

the first person who commented doesn't say that CJH doesn't have IT factor, she just say that JH have the IT factor more. she also comment base on character name, Daniel and not solely to the person. and I believe she's not originally JH fan before, she just found his ability now (correct me if I'm wrong) and attracted to him more than CJH. it's understandable coz JH is male lead that have more screen time to shine than CJH. you also can see that she also APOLOGIZE for saying that comment to DANIEL fan. i check the comment and that's not really harmless to us to take it wrongly, maybe just little bit hurt for a fan of CJH/Daniel.

it's wrong to have an argument in the drama forums especially when comparing the actors as real life person. many thread have been shut down because of this before and i'm hoping we're not be the next. it's can be draggy into some off topic discussion that I believe mod doesn't really pleased to read and consider as a spam. but, I understand something has to be said to defend our respectful actors or offer another opinion and explanation.


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OMO! I am  sensing something. Grandmum will be up to something fishy after seeing MY's latest photo by Yong. Even Mistress's perception of MY changed immediately & even considered her a "gold mine" when she becomes famous. Base on this I hope, she'll not be an obstacle to our Snail couple's reconciliation.So Gunnie used Sec Tak's mum's address to purchase MT's painting.I really love Gunnie's & Sec Tak's scenes. This actor is more into movies & recently acted in a major role in the hit family drama, " Wang Family".As my opinion about the main characters is very well expressed here by many excellent posts here, I am showing my support to the actors playing supporting characters like Dragon Yong & Sec Tak. On the whole, all the actors /actresses are playing their roles very well! :x

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I think the subbed version came out a lot better than what I expected. Knowing what their conversations were about really helped. The only thing is that this episode on Dailymotion lags about 20x more than my livestream which was almost lag-free (don't be too jealous guys).

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Guest fiovial

I don't think the Snail couple's fate is up to Geon at this point.Mi Young needs to step up and come clean with with her feelings if they are to be together again.

During their meeting at the cafe she gave him the cold shoulder and told him pretty much that she doesn't want to ever see him again. To which what else can Geon say but to agree and tell her that there's no way they can start again.

Geon and Mi Young's relationship is like the saying "we hurt the ones we love the most". MY who is mindful of others treats Geon the worst. Geon also hurts Mi Young. Their words to one another really cut deep in each other's hearts. Reconciliation is possible only if both of them are honest with one another about their own feelings. They need to air out their grievances.

@esmeemily‌ you're right they looked dead tired....an illness story arc would be totally believable at this point :)) . they all deserve a nice rest after this drama wraps up.

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mywebfoot said: Actually, we've been talking about the nature of Daniel and Mi Young's relationship and how he's either slimy (or not) and how he's interested (or not). But semi-seriously, if the woman hasn't thrown herself at the tower of manly goodness that is Choi Jin Hyuk in three years, it's a hulking big hint that that she's just not interested in him. I don't care how innocent Mi Young is, she's not blind. She's an artist for goodness sake. One with twenty-twenty vision now. If she ain't seeing it, she's never gonna see it. :PI mean, even the faux-sister grabbed her share of Danielicious hugging. :))

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Oh that's why he looked so familiar! I've watched that drama, too but didn't bother finishing it since I skipped a lot of parts.

I think Geon would need to step up first. He rejected her and kind of told her off during their meeting at the cafe. I understood where MY was coming from when she told him those words. She was deeply hurt by what Geon did years ago and she did not even know everything that happened. How can MY open her heart again after that?

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fiovial said: Now to comment on what I do like from episode 14.... -The texting scene was so sweet and well directed and acted. I hate to stress this again but THE CHEMISTRY!!! Every.single. time Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara are in the same frame...they sizzle!!! Both texting scenes (the bedroom and the patio) were so great. Guys this is what is called chemistry......... Love those scenes to pieces.

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WHen I was watching the subbed ep 14, at the last scene, i was looking at the monitor waiting for something else to happen!
I'm so sad that I have to wait 4 days for me to see what'll happen next!

MiYoung! please reject Daniel! jebal!!!

the saving grace of this e is the beginning scene and the last scene! the middle part was so-so but we can't have it all right?

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Guest hearttsui

kamsahamnida writer and director and all casts and crews of FTLY!!

beautiful 2 episodes thank you

I love ellie kim and d. pitt's artworks :) the painting of gae ttong (le soupir :( sigh) the colors are just like MY character so full of bright colors the huge eyes of her drawings and paintings shows how MY can see through her subjects eyes and how she sees beauty of people FTLY has chosen a very good artist for MY artworks

how can MY not love D Pitt he is always there for her when she needs someone just like Gun MY loves Daniel but on a different level for Gun there is tension but with Daniel it's like MY finds solace when everything is falling apart in her life

but Gun is MY love of her life he makes her feel giddy and unsure but it doesn't matter what he is MY feels alive with Gun he makes her laugh, cry, angry, sad and makes MY the happiest person when they were together :( when are they going to be together again?? next week? :(

I love the episodes and how Gun and MY were talking through text messages and how the writer uses MY and Gun's emotions as the barrier that's keeping them apart even when they are still in love after all the heartaches and 3 years of distance

and Gun still wearing couple pyjamas :) that is funny in real life we have a favorite t shirt that we don't get tired of wearing or a boyfriend's/husband's shirt for Gun it's a couple pyjama that he hated before :) of course most viewers wont be less happier if JH is not wearing any shirt or pyjamas :0 but i don't think this Korean version is the same as the Taiwanese with regards to intimate scenes and skinships :) as secretary tak calls it :) :) that's why Daniel proposing to MY without having kissed her and the bed scene for MY LG being lighter than Taiwanese version (as I've read from other fans here)

pretty consistent characters, and still funny and lighthearted FTLY version that I enjoyed watching from ep 1 not typical over the top rom com very good acting from JH JN and CJH WJW and all the casts  

FTLY fighting!  :) kamsahamnida

have a good weekend everyone! :)

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I think JH is going to be have a come to jesus moment and be like "oh no you didn't" "snail is my wifey" and he's going to make her design the product so that he can be closer to her and make her break up with CJH. CJH has not been slimy, just pitiful for trying too hard in ep 13.

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Guest potterky

woah i have been silently lurking this forum and read sort of like a "fanwar" between CJH and JH. calm down! both guys are talented and i'm pretty sure the anger towards CJH's character comes from his persistence towards MY and he's not totally to be blamed. i agree with some of the other comments stating that MY should also at least pull in some boundaries in their relationship if she's not interested (as i've watched epi 13, you can see her disinterest in him). 
anyway, i have been wondering on how the outcome will be like for our OTP and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that some remaining parts SHOULD at least follow the TW version. some of us may or may not know that the climax was partially edited and did not entirely follow the TW version, and hence i'm worried. will or will not MY accept daniel's proposal. 
SPOILER : as far as i know, in TW version, dylan (daniel KR) did not propose to xinyi (MY KR) but only made her his GF. also, xinyi also accepted cun xi (LG KR)'s proposal in his business. (sorry for not putting the spoiler tag as i'm not sure of the HTML here T_T)
thus, yes. if the KR version is to follow TW version, we are at least less worried on the upcoming episodes. but oh well, writer-nims, please have that plot back, will y'all pretty please?
ending my first ever rant here. let's all endure another suffocating weekend, scratching our heads on all possible plots and stalking iMBC for more teaser photos.
out! :)

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Guest fantast1k1

Gosh! Too many pages to back read...Chin guus, cha ratta, chungmal cha ratta!
First of all, thank you to the live cappers this morning. As usual, I was late going to work coz I kept on refreshing :-SSThis episode didn't have too much highlights for me. So here are two of my favorite scenes:

1. Cafe Scene - watching it raw, I can't help but admire these two (Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara)...Yurobon! These two can act! JN acted really well as MY who was still in pain and still hurting inside. Just observing her facial expression and tone of voice, I felt her sadness. I can feel my heart slowly tearing for her. MY seeing LG again was painful. It was uncomfortable to watch.  Then seeing JH's acting as LG, it was a mixture of embarrassment and regret. I woke up one morning and realized that Gun's signature laugh was a form of defense mechanism. He laughs to hide his pain and avoid uncomfortable situations. 
The part where they were talking over coffee, I wanted to transport as a genie in a coffee cup and say...
Me:  MY, Gunnie, pabbo-yah! But the reason he broke up with you was because He thought he was going to die.
MY: Sin-cha??? Chungmal Sin-Cha???
Me: Koooorummm!!! Cheabal! Forgive him and take him back. Everyone's already waiting for Gae Tong 2.0  and there's not much time. We only have 6 episodes left =))
Cheabal PD Writer nim, how long must we wait for them to get back together?!? We are running out of time.
2. Daniel's Proposal - DAEBAK! CHA-RATTA Daneil-ssh! So far, it was the best proposal ever seen in Kdramaland. It was unique, personal and sweet. Yurobon! Don't hate me for saying this...I hope MY's answer is Yes with a capital Y! But then, my Kdrama brain is saying its not going to happen, no dice mice! MY said before that if its not Lee Gun, there won't be anybody else. Gunnie, OTTOKE! How are you going to top that? Aigooo! You better beat that proposal 100x. Can't wait to see it! [-O<

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