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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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Oh, so they did have a date. Although it's kinda tasteless that they dated here, given the WGM stint she once had here with Wooyoung, they could have went someplace else, but ah well. As long as the turtles are happy.
Aww, Jae-woo sulked because she pinched him too hard. He should sulk more often so Da-jeong would pay attention to her better.
As for Hee-joo, I hope they all accept the news of him being their actual half-brother. It pains me to see him having to hold back from actually interacting with his sisters fully. :(

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Everybody seems to like hitting Jae-woo these days.
Unpopular opinion time! Maybe it's just me, but I really liked the scene with In-woo and So-yi. Especially when he was drying her hair. It's really cute. She looked like a wet little chick. I'm really liking her now. And oh my god she kissed him--

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I think the actor- who is playing JW- will be nursing real life bruises for the last few months. Because the hitting- are not light slaps but full on hits. And he gets it every week now for MONTHS.
What is going on writer- nim?
Ep 41 ending. What the h**l.
NGY told the editor that he needs to marry have children and divorce. And she proposed herself to marry him, have his children and then divorce?After he told her he has a woman he likes and she guessed that it's a one sided love.
What in the world is going on with this writer? I thought we are having a nice angst free drama?
Not to mention, SL keeps staying in the picture. Is she really going to end up with IW at the end?

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leinbou said: Everybody seems to like hitting Jae-woo these days.
Unpopular opinion time! Maybe it's just me, but I really liked the scene with In-woo and So-yi. Especially when he was drying her hair. It's really cute. She looked like a wet little chick. I'm really liking her now. And oh my god she kissed him--

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I see most everyone feels like I do about how DJ's character is becoming. Playing up, no, sucking up to SA, running from MS when she knows she did wrong about the money, pinching and hitting JW and her cutesy act doesn't sit well with me at all. She's becoming a cowardly, toady, abusive person and I, too, wonder, WTHeck the writer is doing.
I liked the spark of maturity LSL showed when she stood up to her "friends" after she covered her ring. Glad she stood up to her interfering Mom (who happens to be a lot of the problem), glad she sat in the rain, although when IW put his jacket over her, I was thinking, geez, go get her an umbrella, fella - LOL. Maybe we'll get to see her actually maturing under HSJ care. Glad to see SA actually raising her voice towards LSL. I don't know what was said, but I liked SA's tone.
I'm glad MS FINALLY found out about the money. I like his character so much better when he's standing firm, rather than when he's limping around like a limp weinie. 
Really like DA and Eun Chan's care for G\M. So, so sweet. 
Editor IM seems to be showing her possessiveness and it's not very attractive.
@gigglessquiggles - distasteful is exactly right!!
@leinbou - naw, naw, SHUSH is too nice  - SHUT YOUR BIG FAT MOUTH is more appropriate - LOL. And I hope HJ gets accepted into the family without a huge dust up.
@rightsanity - agree, but I guess being considerate late is better than never. 
@valsava - the writer may intend for us to see DJ as trying to be glue, but I don’t like the way her character has become. And a bun in the oven was my thought, too, with the late night eating.
@ck10z - what the... indeed. 
@hippomyta - LOL, LOL, LOL!

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This is possibly the highlight of the episode. At least, for me. Hahaha!

valsava said:

@leinbou,  I'm upset with Iw I thought by now he would be dumping the brat.. Also with Dj eating in the middle of the night like that I thinks she's has one in the oven..

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I didn't care about that lady around samchun until after the press conference. Not that her noisy style didn't disturb me, but I knew samchun liked SJ. Now I really dislike her. If she saw the kind of relationship they had, she should have stepped back, not sit next to him in the car and trying to turn his attention from SJ and after that insisting on spending time together. even though samchun still likes SJ...

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I serious feel like the writer has changed. I don't like how the love story is going. Now HSJ has to fight for her love. We all know how HSJ is. She'll give him up soon. I am really hoping I won't see tears in her anymore for the rest of the episodes. She has shed many tears.

Is the writer really going to make the publisher go between those two? Why, she ran out of ideas? Please, please, I am just hoping HSJ won't give up easily.

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I thought DJ looked more attached to JW before marriage. She was more fervent, looked more sincere. Fought harder for the relationship.

I know I missed ep 35 to 40 but it feels like a spark is missing. She is not very clingy towards her new husband. Look at the eating scene. He had to persuade her to care about him. And she behaves like she is placating him.

Isn't she happy she married him? Or is the writer intentionally writing her like this? Am I giving her too much credit?

Either it's a disappointment because I was happy with their initial romance. Even with the bedroom scene I don't see any sweetness there.

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They are like the angels. I am very happy to see them together. I was laughing so happy to see gestures, their lovely action. I think I should need love, because it will definitely sweet as what I perceive from their loving. I'm going to die. I could not stop laughing, but did not dare laugh out loud. haha HSJ - NGY. Will be more sweet if you have more hug, the hand held, and will not have anything more wonderful for the audience if you give them a kiss is not strained, but from love of of you. Oh, I'm ashamed of myself too. 

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Guest sullifish

love this drama so much...so sad that this drama only left 9 episodes...dont know what weekend drama to watch after this drama ends..cant wait for next episode.... maybe DJ pregnant..will so lee stay or leave??i am curious..haha

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Guest AmalA1430294167

Hee Joo ... feel sad for him...

He act like gonna loose everything, he really care for his sister.... he gave Dain his camera ... and treat HSJ like his own Mom.

sobs... sobs...T-T

Hmm... in this eps ... I look SL with different view ... her feeling for IW is real ... she even sad for halmoni illness ... she just immature and need a lesson to be a good DIL.

NGY and HSJ have a date ... :D

and Team Leader Im ... whats with her motivation to help NGY ? Is she just gonna make HSJ jealous then accept NGY feeling or she wants NGY for herself? #suspicious#

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Team leader Im didn't like her from the start  shes to pushy, and I hate people that just show up at your house as if you couldn't possibly have anything to do. She has to be blind not to see that NGY and HSJ like each other. After seeing him comfort HSJ at the press conference she came by the house to see if they were together. From the start she has been after him, I kept asking why is the book editor always meeting the financial backer that's not her roll. Look at all the times she just happen to pop by HSJ house when he is there. 
Even on their date she was calling him when he had clearly told her that he had plans for the day and wouldn't be available. Now what? Marry her have three kids then get divorce, she needs a good smack to wake her up.
SL will come around and I like how IW handled it , he was clear about what the issues are and what it would take for them to be together, and when SL met with her friends she understood what he meant. 

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Hey guys, I have question about what the g/mother said about HSJ and NGY. 

She told JW that HSJ and NGY liking each other would be a problem. Is she kind of not approving their relationship because HSJ is divorced with three children? I really hope not because I am hoping the whole JW and Jeong's family will help her out. Also, do you guys think SA will approve HSJ and NGY's relationship? and what about MS (aka SJ's brother)?
I would be really happy to see HSJ's ex-man help her out too! 
yes, I hope NGY won't fall in to team leader Im's trap. I also smell something fishy about her. Another thing, why love triangle now? They had whole 40 episodes of waiting for each other. Why?????  

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