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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest sweetsorrow

hi, just wondering if the eng subs for the Star King episode with Daesung and Seungri are out...i cant seem to find any, but i dont know if its because they're not subbed yet (or if they're being subbed at all =S)

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Guest stardaisy212

Big Bang Message 02.19.08


i think they are pick serial numbers for the cds to meet them or for there japan concert idk

but i love when it was top's turn he was like next next lols

gd sounded like a fob lols

*zzdn9yp* he look so distracted in the beginning

when it was ds turn he like spill like the paper on ty lols he took his turn lols i think he had trouble read it cuz he was asking ty for help

his serial number was so funny to me *rbz3fuj*

their hoddies are MAD bright

they look like lego pieces lols

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YEY!!!! I TOPPED the PAGE!! it has been too long since i topped a page hehe ^^

Lovely ICONS TAM!! thanks thanks.....


Ji Young!!


Ji young & TOP beatboxing....







AWWWW Ji young and Seungri!!!


TOP ATTENDING A CEREMONY that formally recognizes students as college students..He got "officially admitted"

PARK TAEHWAN, the famous swimmer is also there w/ him

info:: Melodygreenleaf@soompi

lucky college LADIES!!!^^

TOP signing autographs


GIRLS are probably screaming in this.... ^_^




People here are so BUSY w/ the survey hehe...interesting answers ladies....

There are NEW pics...HQ FANCAMS from G.R.E.A.T concert but i'm not sure if i can post it here..I think it was restricted....you can view it though at BBVIPZ.com

I just had to post this..Since this morning it created an issue among other BIG BANG fansites::

Guess who???


:: This is JI YOUNG and his rumored Girlfriend or EXgirlfriend...THAT pinching might have been so painful haha...

Too cool you guys here are some info about BIG BANG!!!

1. GD: “is jiyong left-handed or right-handed?”

2. T.O.P.: “what does T.O.P. supposedly stand for?”

3. YB: “what’s tae yang’s HAT SIZE (his new era 59fifty hats, in inches; a toughie)?”

4. DS: “what’s the name of the famous historical figure Dae Sung always does impersonations of?”

5. SR: “when & where was Seung Ri’s 1st kiss (aww don’t be sad ladies! lol)?”


1: at first, i was almost skeptical jiyongie was lefty, but i did some searching, & yea, he’s a RIGHTY.

2: many of you got that SE7EN gave him the name, & it derives from being on top, but you can also say it stands for Taking Over Property. ain’t that cute?

3: my boy young bae represents them new era hats via 7 1/2 inches yo! that’s MY SIZE (w00t), & i guess its GD’s as well… he must have a lil bigger head cuz of that bowl haircut… (no more of this girlfriend stuff, its driving me nuts!)

4. Yoo Gwan Soo . “MAN-SEH!!” haha. in fact, he does it kinda often, especially when asked to do impersonations. i’ve seen it at least 3 times.

5. sorry maknae lovers. but this boy sure is MUSHY. 1st kiss: 9th grade, in the park on a rainy day. WOW


c: BBVIPZ, Sookyung@Mulitply, Miko, Yonhap news

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Guest Salina2Short

i loveee the sweatersss that BB wear and this one is superrr cuteee !

haha ansd oh man ! G-Ri lovee :] so cuteee but i wanna be the Ri. well

it would be more like G-Sa loveee :] mhmmm ! haha GD is loveee !!!

omggg ! i never saw that video and i almost had a major heart attck !

too muhc touching and taht girl pushed GD's shirt up and felt his bodyy !

oh man ! i only watched half of the video and i almost dieddd ! i cant

continue to be tortured by those girls >_____X i feel as if im gunna cry !

haha ohman but i couldnt screamm! i only ran across rooms >___x

gosh they're way to close to BB and touchy feely >___x WAHHHH !

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Guest ewmoocow

ewmoocow: Wow, how lucky! Hope you get to go to Japan and then bring us some insiderrrr details on how it all went! =D

the7REAL.; keke~ yeaa, i'm greatful to have a friend is also obsessed with big bang as much as me! [: well, i already have my ticket, so that means i am going, it's just that my parents aren't approving my love for them. >__>'' don't worry, i'll come back with tons of fancams and pictures [if my camera doesn't break on me] or not then i'll probably buy some big bang goodies and share those. ah, yes! hopefully, i'll have some inside details to share as well! <3

that's rawsome!! hope u'll have a gr8 tym and share wid us wat happened!!

iaRediL; keke~ thanks! i'll share whatever expriance i have. [: ek! i can't wait >w<

TAM! ah! welcome back [: cute icons <3 i like the seungri banner you did, LOL.

can he get any cutier? *dies from his cuteness* ;P

stardaisy212; thanks for sharing the big bang message [:

they were giving out name shout outs to their japanese fans that bought tickets to the concert. so basically what they read off were the numbers from the tickets that were sold to their fans. i couldn't really understand because yb was talking a bit fast for me, but he said, "we'll see you guys soon at the concert!" at the end while everyone was saying "see you later". i could be wrong about my translation because my japanese is bit off, so correct me if i'm wrong.

thanks for everyone that shared pictures and gifs and what not! i can see that they're having a blast in japan or how gd would say, "IN JAPAN, YEA!" ;P i wish that i had some pictures to share, but i've been so busy lately...

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Guest melodygreenleaf

TOP going to SCHOOL???? am i right..uhm it looks like it...just correct me if i was wrong....I can't read KOREAN that's why i'm guessing only....

lucky college LADIES!!!

It's kind of a ceremony that formally recognizes students as college students. So TOP isn't attending school yet - he just got "officially" admitted.

I see Park Taehwan, the famous swimmer AKA Big Bang fanboy xD

How interesting that he ended up at the same college as TOP.

First free tickets to the concert, now attending the same college... he must be a very happy ^^

Tam~ I love you icons because it's not only the gif that looks good. The font, the content, the colors, the composition... everything's perfect! <3

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thanks kiko for the NII solo pics! they are looks PENG-ABOLOUS! haha. annd duude GD looks kind EMO? ish. haha and i LOVEYB in that shirt, it makes him look like knight in shiny armor ish:]

ohh ohh TAM! haha its been long time grrrl, and i jsut LVOE YOUR icons, yu come back with a BAAANG. haha. you know whaaat i meaan?! haha.

thanks Daisy for the clip link! theee LINK clip is soo CUTE. hahaha. ohmoo, GD didnt seemt hat into it? and once again YB takes the stage with his amd japanese skills. and LMAO at DS when he didn know how to say the naame:] annd TOOP sounded so awkward talking in japanese. but i gtta love their enuthusiasm. haha.

LESLIE&&RNGUYEEN GRLS. you guys are coool for giving us more JAPAN pics, espcially the ones in their MTV hoodies<3 loves it. and word grl? Y's hat size is 7 1/2? DANG i've bene trnna figure that shizz out LONG TIME. haha. thanks.

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thanks melody!!!! haha at least somehow my hunch is right..Uhm..i wonder if he will be able to balance his time between work and school..hwaiting TOP!!!!!

Welcome to Newbies in the forum..uhm..but please don't just put one liner entries....Anyway..yep yep those answers are true....

Regarding Jiyoung:: well, if he's happy w/ her then i'm happy for him..ehem! but it's just painful for the VIPZ right??


Lucky lady!!!








c: Naver, Boosa@Popcornfor2

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Guest helennn

Big Bang Message 02.19.08


i think they are pick serial numbers for the cds to meet them or for there japan concert idk

but i love when it was top's turn he was like next next lols

gd sounded like a fob lols

*zzdn9yp* he look so distracted in the beginning

when it was ds turn he like spill like the paper on ty lols he took his turn lols i think he had trouble read it cuz he was asking ty for help

his serial number was so funny to me *rbz3fuj*

their hoddies are MAD bright

they look like lego pieces lols


random things i noticed[x


did you hear daedae say, " F U ? " LOOL, i laughed so hard xD

at the beggining, gd's all looking down,

and then when they start clapping, he starts staring into the camera and smiling, OMFG, hes so cute<333 ^^

when it was daedae's turn, top said doreamon xD it sounded so cutee<33

and when he put his hand in the box, a whole bunch of papers fell out xD

they called him d-lite, kinda sounded weird :P

seung ri's letters just happend to say JT, justin timberlakeeee. lol. that just reminded me of him[x

taeyang's japanese is so fluent<3

at the end, look at how gd is clapping (x

clap *shakes head* clapclap *shakesshake* clapclapclap LOL <3 dork(:

we can see his eyes! :w00t: yay :blush:

so what were the drawings for? xD

2. T.O.P.: "what does T.O.P. supposedly stand for?"

2: many of you got that SE7EN gave him the name, & it derives from being on top, but you can also say it stands for Taking Over Property. ain't that cute?

i asked that question before, someone told me top said himself that his name doesn't stand for anything, correct?

& OMG, the g-ri picture is so cute :wub: and the exgf thing. DD: <_<<_<:crazy::tears:

its funny to see those pictures of top at 'school?' cause remember in that one interview, he was like, "i don't remember ever getting good grades in school " LOL. :lol:

stop spamming.

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Big Bang Message 02.19.08


i think they are pick serial numbers for the cds to meet them or for there japan concert idk

but i love when it was top's turn he was like next next lols

gd sounded like a fob lols

*zzdn9yp* he look so distracted in the beginning

when it was ds turn he like spill like the paper on ty lols he took his turn lols i think he had trouble read it cuz he was asking ty for help

his serial number was so funny to me *rbz3fuj*

their hoddies are MAD bright

they look like lego pieces lols

hahahaha when daesung read his, i got offended.

if anyone wants to know the brand of their hoodies, it's a danish brand called pa:nuu.

it's literally impossible to find online. the only place in the us where they sell it is in NY. :)

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Guest xclueless

Seriously, Tae Yang's japanese is to dieeee for ><" He's soo sexy!

and is it me or is our Jiyongiee not acting like himself :unsure: he's usually the hyper, happy, fun, personality type person and he always plays around during these types of things but he seems so.. out of it? Maybe bad day? It makes me kinda sad to see him like that :/ on the bright side, at least we finally get to see his face and not his bowl cut or that skunk he puts on his head! :sweatingbullets:

I'm glad to see the rest of our boys doing great though ^.^ All of them (except jiyongie) were so full of life and I swear, Dae Sung never seizes to amuse me xD Lucky Japanese fans ><" COME TO AMERICA ALREADY!! :D

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Guest embers111

there's a video for that pic with gd and his gf/exgf?? anybody knows where i can take a look at it?? i havent heard of this before and that's surprising cos i'm usually updated with stuff :P

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Guest hye_ryoungz

omg~~ GD pinching her cheek~~~

ssooo sweet XDDD

thanks 4 da piccy....

btw...is tht answer was real?? ehehhe mian...

im juz a new here...lmao

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um I wanted to make my 2000th post here :D

TAM!!! goshers those gifs are uber awesomeeee! I especially love the 'vita dolce' one heheh

which I've been writing all over my notebook in class today lolss

thanks leslie for all the quick updates ^^

wow, I have a lot to say for like practically everything you just posted.

ooh the picture with GD and seungri looks so cuteeee ><

G-ri ..

and omg that picture of TOP is just simply dazzling. he is soooooo goodlooking and I wna

touch his hair, it's so soft

so it's true he's being admitted huh? well wish him the best for both his career and education d^^b

*gasp* ohhh tell me it's not true TT^TT

i'm just gna be hypocritical and just ignore those rumors spreading around .. it'll just cause more stir

and it looked like around the time he had that silly bun ..

when I first saw that picture .. *pupils widen* .. I feel so jealous haha

and thank kyuuuu stardaisy212 for that video link

omg they're so cute when they spoke in jpn haha .. the way they pronounced it was kinda funny

and heehee daesung asking taeyang just to make sure he said it correctly

DS and SR are so hyperrr ^-^

and cheyaa you're right .. their hoodies look like legos or something .. but it reminds me of tetris

the way seungri looked so CLOSELY at the card and trying his best to say it was so damn funny XDDDD

the cover of the GREAT DVD I think

I saw an article about it but it's in krn so yeahh .. dno much about it


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And when it was DAESUNG's turn to read the name,

TOP went, "Is it Doraemon??"

HAHAHA . I was drinking bubble tea and nearly spill it out!


Thanks for sharing!


Helllooo alll!

not sure if these have been posted before,

but the more i see the more i W.A.N.T THEMMM.

so thought i would share with those who haven't seen it.

GAHHH. I want them allLL! But it's so friggin expensive T.T;;;;

lucky you guys who have already pre-ordered it!












Ahhhhhhhh!! The stickers are darn cuteeeeeee.

Anywayyy, lastly~~~



credits: ygeshop

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