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[Drama 2014] Golden Cross 골든 크로스


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I watched the episodes and I can safely say, I am loving it, do not find it confusing and yes, people like that will do way worse than threaten or take one life. These people start wars, cause disasters and then have breakfast and congratulate each other over how well they can use said deaths to make a lot of money. This is the world we live in and much like 'Giant', I love that 'Golden Cross' goes there without being overly melodramatic, but simply brutal and realistic.

One thing that they should address next is why Michael had specifically this woman chosen to seduce El Creepo Grande (I loled). It cannot simply be a coincidence that she is the daughter of the guy chosen by the others to cook the books. Maybe Michael was told they would try to use the father to lower the bank's worth and basically sell it to him cheap, so he chose his daughter in order to have leverage against them later. As in, they tried to fool him again, so he made sure he could get the puppet family on his side by sending their daughter as a trap to El Creepo Grande.

I do love it that the series gives us just enough for things not to be vague and for there not being any blackmailing involved. The writers in this industry are often so insecure and so poorly gifted, that they rely on cliffhangers and force to bring viewers back. Which is messed up. Viewers should want to come back because the story is interesting. Not be forced to come back in order to know the answer. So the fact that this series slowly unwraps its story, but presents things in a way they make you intereted, rather than just eager to satisfy curiosity is great.

And then I remember this is a KBS show and I need to stop liking it so much because I just know, by now, this won't last...

A more general overall opinion piece coming next week, assuming the other two episodes air and I have material.

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Guest ravendark

Hey all, ı started to watch the drama today because of Uhm Ki Joon who I really like his acting as I watch his another real world drama Ghost (Phantom). I wasnt wrong really I olved Golden Cross even its bitter reality, It hooks you up and shake at all times. Going to continue this drama as I think it will be one of the best of this year. Seems not so many discover it yet, shame really, since its really good plot and with satisfying acting. 
If this going in direction what ı really think it will be a amazing thriller/crime Drama. I am looking for the next two episode. I guess we will se how our rookie prosecutor will react to the incident and prolly will try to catch the culprits .Dont think he will belive to his fathers confession. 

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Guest bushiko9

Ihjj said: Okay, I might sound a little dumb, but whatever. Can someone explain what's going on in the bank? I'm not comprehending the situation with the buying the bank, selling illegally and all that secret stuff. I'm not kidding, 90% of the cast is new to me so all the old guys look alike. LMAO. I can't tell, for now. Anyone care to shed some light?

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In Golden Cross, episode 3, Michael Jang(played by Um Ki Joon) and Hong Sa Ra(played by Han Eun Jung) noticed that Seo Dong Ha(played by Jung Bo Suk) killed Kang Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji).

Sa Ra, who has been watching over Ha Yoon the whole time, noticed that it was Dong Ha who killed her. As she told Michael about it, Michael shouted, “Him again?” Sa Ra apologized, “It’s my fault for not taking good care of Ha Yoon. I’m sorry.” She continued, “I did a location tracing through her phone, and it turns out that he phone is in the building of Golden Cross.”

Michael got mad and yelled, “How dare he planned things out without telling me! He never follows my scenario!”

Golden Cross's episodes:

Golden Cross Episode 3 Review: Um Ki Joon & Han Eun Jung Notice Jung Bo Suk’s Murder


In Golden Cross, episode 3, Kang Do Yoon(played by Kim Kang Woo) saw Kang Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji)’s signed contract for sponsor.

Previously, Do Yoon could not believe that Ha Yoon signed a contract for a sponsor. He went to SR Entertainment to know the truth but the agency told him that Ha Yoon did not sign a contract with them. There, he found her signed contract for sponsor and was shocked.

Golden Cross Episode 3 Review: Kim Kang Woo Sees Seo Min Ji’s Signed Contract for Sponsor


Do Yoon was celebrating his graduation at the Judicial Research and Training Institute with his friends, when he got a call from the police that his father killed his younger sister.

Earlier, Joo Wan was threatened by Park Hee Seo(played by Kim Gyu Chul) to make a false confession, or else he will blow up Oh Geum Shil(played by Jung Ae Ri)’s store and ruin Do Yoon’s future. Joo Wan, who was arrested, had to confess that he killed his daughter.

Soo, Do Yoon arrived at the police station. He could not believe that his father, who loved Kang Ha Yoon(played bySeo Min Ji) more than anyone else did, killed his own daughter.

Golden Cross Episode 3 Review: Kim Kang Woo Rages at Lee Dae Yeon’s False Confession


Previously, Dong Ha murdered Kang Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji) and was in shock himself. However, he faked an alibi with help from Park Hee Seo(played by Kim Gyu Chul), and accused Ha Yoon’s father for murdering his own daughter.

As everything went perfectly well as planned, Dong Ha and Hee Seo drank wine together to celebrate. Hee Seo said, “The truth about you is not a fact. What we want is the truth.” Dong Ha replied, “You’re right. This is the truth.”

Later, Dong Ha felt guilty for killing Ha Yoon.

Golden Cross Episode 3 Review: Jung Bo Suk Covers Up His Crime

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@bushiko9,..... :-h ......
We meet again I'm waiting for the subs to come out on Ep 4 before I get into it .. So just thought I'll let you know I'm here also...
@stuartjmz,  I will be questioning you about this golden cross stuff because you have more insight to this kind of stuff..
I have to watch this drama.. I really want to see how this story unfolds and how did the prosecutor end up with pervy daughter..  

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New photos of Kim Kang Woo from a shooting scene of 'Golden Cross' unleashed20140423092737_535708f9e3ddc_1.jpg
New photos of Kim Kang Woo from a shooting scene of 'Golden Cross' were unleashed.

On April 23rd, the production agency of KBS 2TV 'Golden Cross' released steal cuts of Kim Kang Woo from a shooting scene.
'Golden Cross' is a drama about a couple of people fighting against a shadowy society known as "Golden Cross" dominates the Korean economy and marketplace with its deep connections and financial power.
Kim Kang Woo is casting in the drama as a judicial apprentice named Kang Do Yoon, who loses his younger sister by Golden Cross' evil scheme.
The trailer for the third episode showed struggling to find the true reason of his young's sister's death, and many viewers have been showing huge anticipation.
The photos were taken from a shooting that was held on April 6th in front of Seoul Central Police Department, and Kim Kang Woo is mourning in overwhelming sorrow.
According to a representative of the production team, Kim Kang Woo started mourning directly after director Hong Seok Gu gave a sign.
All of the staffs were largely surprised by Kim Kang Woo's expressions, and it is said that he is leading all of the shootings smoothly with his phenomenal concentration.
A representative of the production team said, "Kim Kang Woo never lets his scripts off of his hands. He is completely melted into his character, and it took quite a while for him to recover after the shooting."
Meanwhile, the 3rd episode of 'Golden Cross' will air on April 23rd at 9:50 PM.
Reporting by Kim Hye-in en@starnnews.com | April 23 2014

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Wicked men heighten tension in “Golden Cross”


Tension is heightening in “Golden Cross”, a TV series aired on KBS 2TV, with its three wicked men. In the drama, the stories of wicked men Jeong Bo-seok, Um Ki-joon, and Lee Ho-jae continue to unfold. “Golden Cross” depicts the intertwined relations of different people to tell stories full of conflict. During episodes one and two, Seo Dong-ha, the director-general of financial policy of the Ministry of Economy and Strategy (actor Jeong Bo-seok) finds out the true identity of his girlfriend Kang Ha-yoon (actress Seo Min-ji) and commits murder to fully open a “battle of wicked men”.

First, Seo Dong-ha shows not only a nervous side in the way that he was not able to breathe properly before his father-in-law (actor Lee Ho-jae), who was a former vice-minister of economy and the person who helped him get to his current position, but also an ireful side in his treatment to his wife who is not virtuous enough. At the same time, Michael Jang, who frames Seo Dong-ha with Kang Ha-yoon, shows absolute evil, raising curiosity. Jang appears as a former student of Seo Dong-ha and calls him “Sam”. However, he engages in psychological warfare with the illegal sale of Hanmin Bank and slyly and meticulously demands favors from Seo and continues to pressure him. In particular, Seo’s every move is reported to him by Hong Sa-ra (actress Han Eun-jung), who manages the club Golden Cross, and makes Seo enjoy a secret love affair with Kang Ha-yoon, the daughter of Kang Joo-wan, in Hong Kong. Jang then sets a trap and pressures Seo who has committed murder, making those watching the series wonder whether he will finally get what he wants.

This battle between three wicked men of different personalities shines further thanks to the brilliant acting of distinguished actors and is evaluated as driving the drama to its peak tension. Producer of “Golden Cross” stated, “From episode three, the three wicked men composed of Jeong Bo-seok, Um Ki-joon, and Lee Ho-jae will show their true nature. We ask for your high interest in and expectations for ‘Golden Cross’.”

Meanwhile, “Golden Cross” shows the veiled enmity and conspiracies that take place in the secret club called “Golden Cross” whose members are of the top 0.001% class of Korea that controls the Korean economy. It depicts the revenge of an ordinary family sacrificed in the midst.


Credit KOFICE | April 22 2014

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Guest bushiko9

valsava said: @bushiko9,..... :-h ......
We meet again I'm waiting for the subs to come out on Ep 4 before I get into it .. So just thought I'll let you know I'm here also...
I have to watch this drama.. I really want to see how this story unfolds and how did the prosecutor end up with pervy daughter..  

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Never mind the long post I must Thank you for shedding that light on the story.. I didn't have a clue to what this golden cross was but now I do I can watch more comfortably now/,, Ep 4 should be sub today so I'll will be watching to give my comments afterwards... Also I had the idea that the dad was made and escape coat for his daughters death.. So the old creep been sleeping around with young  girls with the promise to make them stars..
I could pretty much understand dad thinking he feels he did kill her by allowing her to become and actress.... 

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As Seo Yi Re(played by Lee Si Young) had trouble finding Kang Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji)’s sponsor, Michael smiled and asked, “Do you want me to help?” Dong Ha was extremely nervous.

Later when Yi Re was gone, Michael said to Dong Ha, “You should give me what I want. Give me a billion dollars. If you don’t want to, then I guess I should tell your daughter about what you did. She’s gonna be so shocked.”

Dong Ha had no choice but to give Michael what he wanted.

Golden Cross Episode 4 Review: Um Ki Joon is on Top of Jung Bo Suk

 Kang Do Yoon(played by KimKang Woo) finally knew the truth that his father was innocent.

Do Yoon visited Kang Joo Wan(played by Lee Dae Yeon) to prison, but as he did not tell him the truth, he turned away. Just then, Joo Wan called, “Do Yoon!”

Do Yoon turned around and saw words written on Joo Wan’s palms. Do Yoon got a hint that his father was falsely accused by the real criminal. On the way out, he broke down and promised himself that he will find the ones who killed his sister and put his innocent father in jail.

Golden Cross Episode 4 Review: Kim Kang Woo Finally Knows the Truth!

Joo Wan heard earlier that Kang Do Yoon(played by Kim Kang Woo)’s appointment as a prosecutor has been postponed because of him. He asked Yi Re, “I heard my son’s appointment has been postponed. Is that because of me? If his father was not a murderer, would he be appointed?” Yi Re replied, “Of course!”

However, just when Joo Wan was about to tell Yi Re the truth, Park Hee Seo(played by Kim Gyu Chul) came and stared at him. Joo Wan eventually had to give up making his confession.

Golden Cross Episode 4 Review: Lee Dae Yeon Fails to Confess the Truth to Lee Si Young

Do Yoon was being questioned by Yi Re as a testifier. As Yi Re asked if his father was the suspect of Kang Ha Yoon(played by Seo Min Ji)’s murder case, Do Yoon answered, “Make it quick. Indict him. All I want is this case to be forgotten by people.”

As Do Yoon was about to storm out, Yi Re scolded him, “Have you checked the sponsor? If your father’s a suspect, you, as his son, should be doing your best to make him innocent.” She continued, “You lack basics not only as a son but also as a prosecutor.”

Golden Cross Episode 4 Review: Lee Si Young Scolds Kim Kang Woo “You Lack Basics”

Oh goodie I can start to watch now.. This drama looks very interesting that will leave you on the edge of your seat,, I really need to see what this prosecutor is all about.. And do he have any feelings about his father taking blame for something he didn't do.. Well he's about to learn a whole new world..  
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All the villians in this drama are really creepy.. i have never seen most of them in drama before so i was totally blown away with their performance. There was this scene where Seo Dong Ha's father in law was watering his orchid talking about how it needed just the right amount of water... it just creeps me out that this evil man is watering plants like a regular old man.. The drama got me hooked from the 1st ep and really looking forward to more...

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Avoiding the posts. because I have not caught up, but this just happened and I fear KBS will now ruin a dark and raw show for the kiddies and some worried fussy moms who can't be bothered to raise them and expect ALL entertainment to cater to one audience segment's needs.

class="content-title" “Golden Cross” Responds to Sexual Content as “Metaphor for the Youth” yeonjiii “Golden Cross” Responds to Sexual Content as “Metaphor for the Youth”

The KBS Drama department has released an official statement in regards to the viewers’ complaints about how sexual and provocative the “Golden Cross” story line is for teenagers to watch.

On April 16, one viewer left a comment on the official KBS website on the viewers’ consultation page. The viewer wrote that the content that was shown on the first and second episode isn’t fit for a fifteen-year-old to watch.

The viewer continued on by saying “In the first episode, Kang Ha Yoon, played by Seo Min Ji, visits Director Seo Dong Ha, played by Jung Bo Suk, in order to debut as a celebrity, and sexual contents between the two characters have been broadcast. Also, in the second episode, after Kang Ha Yoon is fired from his position, she gathers information to help her father reclaim his position. But, she was discovered by Seo Dong Ha and content of her getting beat by a golf club was broadcast. It was stated that ‘Golden Cross’ can be watched by those fifteen-years or older so teenagers are allowed to watch it. I’m concerned that it will give teenagers a wrong idea of survival and conscience. From now on, please avoid broadcasting sexual and provocative content. Instead, please show contents of the citizens who are powerless against those with powers and how they resolve that frustration.”

Upon reading this, the KBS Drama Production Department left a reply on the viewers’ consultation page on April 24. “’Golden Cross’ focuses on an ordinary family who has been involved in a conspiracy, which leads them to destruction. Through this, the son becomes a lawyer and fights against those with power and greed in order to reveal the truth behind the conspiracy. This drama was planned in order to show that even in today’s society there is hope for true justice.

“The first and second episode, which was broadcast on April 9 and 10, depicts a scene where Do Yoon’s father, Kang Joo Wan, played by Lee Dae Yeon, is tempted by the secret group called the Golden Cross to illegally sell the Hanmin Bank. Joo Wan declines and Do Yoon’s younger sister, Ha Yoon, is killed by them and Do Yoon’s father is framed for the murder. During this process, Ha Yoon falls for Director Seo Dong Ha’s lies about making her into a celebrity and is forcefully taken to Hong Kong and ends up spending a night with him. She does rebel but in the end, she sacrifices herself as soon as he threatens to harm her family. Regarding the scenes of sexual content and death by getting hit by a golf club, the production team agrees that it may give the teenagers the wrong idea of survival and conscience. We will do our best to look at the details during the production stages.”

Continuing on, “during the first episode, there is a scene where Ha Yoon and Seo Dong Ha first meet at the Hong Kong Hotel and Ha Yoon has a surprised expression while Seo Dong Ha smiles. We produced this scene based on Ha Yoon’s surprised expression at the hotel. This method doesn’t reveal whether there was physical abuse or not and we were trying to show the mental shock that Ha Yoon received. Regarding the violence during the second episode, it was a scene to show the violence of a person with power and we agree that it was violent, but if you look at the bigger picture, it shows the true side of what a person can become and we didn’t want to avoid that scene. That’s why we tried to eliminate the actual scene of Ha Yoon getting hit by a golf club as much as possible and focused on Seo Dong Ha’s expression of madness and the response of the families involved with him. We tried our best to indirectly and metaphorically express that madness through the blood that was spread on the frame, the hand silhouette that was wielding the golf club, the close-up of Ha Yoon’s eyes, and much more.

Lastly, “The scenes are an important part of the program’s plans and the future storyline and in order to express them, the production team struggled deeply. Despite of that, with the thought that it’s inappropriate for teenagers to watch these violent and provocative scenes, the production team will take more responsibility and will produce the remaining episodes carefully.”

The ratings for “Golden Cross” has reached 5.3% for the third episode which was aired on April 23.

Who’s watching “Golden Cross”? What did you think?

Source: Soompi
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Guest bushiko9

*chuckles* So now they have to turn Golden Cross into drama with a GP rating with guidance from the parents.

Do 15year children in Korea not play video games where violence is such a normal and given thing and even more brutal than the scene depicting the killing of Kang Ha Yoon? Oh boy! Do all KDramas have to be GP? It's a rather strange comment from Korean viewers. Oh well, I surrender! A good start of a drama about to be totally ruined. I agree with you @Orion

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I just finished watching episode 3 with subs and that was heavy!!! its just creep the hell out of me how come the father of LSY can hug her after he killed a girl! my gosh his daughter is almost the same age of the girl that he used and killed, I wonder if he really felt that he treats her as her daughter? I just feel bad for the Yi Rye she is the only one righteous here, though she kept on protecting the image of her family it will be a big blow for her.
I'm warming to the character of Do Yoon, I hope it will not drag out the story when he will find out the truth. I'm so waiting for episode 5 to be subs coz the story is getting more interested. I just wonder what is the character of Micheal Jang
why he is so interested of SDH, I feel that this man is aiming for him to fall....but for what reasons? he can always manipulate him? Maybe SDH is just stubborn fella who wanna establish is own kingdom since his wife is the only one who has money. Even the devil grandpa is so creepy.....I wonder why did they allowed the Yi Rye to be a prosecutor usually this kind of family always wants their business to be passed on to their family, maybe they are thinking that they can control her so in the future they will be exempted for their crimes, but good thing Yi Rye is different, maybe she got her genes with her biological father and because of grandpa and dad is pretending to be righteous in front of her she taught everyone in the family are angels of course except mom.....actually the mom is better is cause she is honest to her daughter unlike the hypocrite men in the family.
I really cried when the mom of KDY wept for her daughter realizing how selfish she was and it cause the life of her daughter I just fell sorry for Kang daddy for bearing all the fault of the family and he has been a perfect victim of this conspiracy, I'm just so eager how the story will unfold one by one and I do hope the writer will not make another bad ending.....

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What I don't understand about these kind of complaints is that from what I've seen, some old(ish) dramas were wayyy less chaste than dramas today...and not only cable dramas...But from what I gather it was just one viewer's comment, right? Maybe KBS is using this for the noise marketing lol

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