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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest ainianne

their resemblance is getting disticnt with those photos...I heard so much about resemblance thinggy...they said husband and wife resemble each other... you are destined if you resemble each other...
Off topic, even my colleague asked for my brother or my father's pic and compared it with my bf's pic before to see if he has resemblance to my bro or dad.  She said if he has resemblance,then,we are destined to be together. I showed her my bro's pic and she said He resembles my brother. But I broke off with him months ago...Kekeke...

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Guest ainianne

Why is Dong Wook peeping  in those pics above? Is the door locked,oppa? Hehehe...
I believe Da Hae won't mind if he will open the door and do that ambush kiss again,right? She will be surprised.. and he'll TO with her " hhhuuuhh".......LOL...

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Its funny when I watched IM ep 2, there was one part where Secretary Ko said to Hong Bin, " If you die, I'll die with you" made me remember "If I can't love you I'll die" in Hotel King...
Another reason why I ship Hong Bin and Secretary Ko instead of  Song Sedong... 

=)) \m/ :))

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Guest ManolitaA

10606072_634544439977025_591815466851975I missed this very sweet couple...as I watch this portion of the wrap up party of HK...I'm saying that this two are not only best of friends but they have something inside them that we know it's awesome...and we shippers have a reason so hope and make a delulu mind for them to be real... :\"> :\">

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Guest missdahon

Hi! I'm a newbie and a lurker for a long time! I have been enjoying reading this thread before I sleep at night! And I'm a hopeful DongHae shipper since MG! Can't wait to join in on the conversation!

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Guest ainianne

@ManolitaA... I just finished watching that wrap-up party... you are right,that's why I keep watching wrap-up party vid and some bts too... 
BTW, Is there any dvd of HK? I recommend HK to my friends but they said they can't find dvd of the drama.  ....and....  Is there English sub of the HK PC? I only watch the unsubbed version on youtube. :)

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Guest ManolitaA

ainianne said: @ManolitaA... I just finished watching that wrap-up party... you are right,that's why I keep watching wrap-up party vid and some bts too... 
BTW, Is there any dvd of HK? I recommend HK to my friends but they said they can't find dvd of the drama.  ....and....  Is there English sub of the HK PC? I only watch the unsubbed version on youtube. :)

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Guest ManolitaA

But wait just finish watching IM/BM ep 2 and still, yes Wookie is a good actor, no doubt about it...and I;m a bit happy cause there's is still no lovey dovey moment...kissing delulu, with his girl partner...still no hot moments...just simple talking sweet nothings with his ex GF in the story...although I'm wishing da hae to be with him...but still I;m thinking...ahhh, it;s ok if it's not our Girl is his love interest in this drama....maybe...just maybe...no hot scenes...just like in HK? ahhh...of course no adlibs cause he is not with Da hae...still I want them to have a drama again? or maybe in true to life story...just proposing and get married...ayayahhahahha...my Delulu mind again... :P :\"> :P:P :-O :-O [-O< [-O<

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@cherry4eva84 ^^ 서울은 화창하니 주말 날씨로 좋답니다 ㅎ 가을이라 낮에는 덥다가도 아침 저녁으로 쌀쌀하니 일교차가 있답니다 ㅎ 가을과 더불어 우리내 삶들도 풍성하길 바란다죠 ㅎ 오늘도 알찬 하루였길 응원하며 화링!!!WINDH*^^*
Mr. Cupid tweet again 1hr ago.

Guys, can you translate it in English? Please. Thanks. 

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I hope we enrich my samdeul ^^ @ cherry4eva84 Seoul is also laid a good sunny weekend weather heh do fall during the day is also called the hot Do chilly in the morning and evening along with Joe Temperatures fall itdapnida heh heh fruitful day today yeotgil hwaring and support! !! WINDH * ^^ *
Hi everyone, i m a newbie here, like everyone else i love fonghae.
Just google what it means earlier, but i not really understand. But from the message it means Authum is here in Seoul. maan123 said: @cherry4eva84 ^^ 서울은 화창하니 주말 날씨로 좋답니다 ㅎ 가을이라 낮에는 덥다가도 아침 저녁으로 쌀쌀하니 일교차가 있답니다 ㅎ 가을과 더불어 우리내 삶들도 풍성하길 바란다죠 ㅎ 오늘도 알찬 하루였길 응원하며 화링!!!WINDH*^^*
Mr. Cupid tweet again 1hr ago.

Guys, can you translate it in English? Please. Thanks. 

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Guest ManolitaA

maan123 said: @cherry4eva84 ^^ 서울은 화창하니 주말 날씨로 좋답니다 ㅎ 가을이라 낮에는 덥다가도 아침 저녁으로 쌀쌀하니 일교차가 있답니다 ㅎ 가을과 더불어 우리내 삶들도 풍성하길 바란다죠 ㅎ 오늘도 알찬 하루였길 응원하며 화링!!!WINDH*^^*
Mr. Cupid tweet again 1hr ago.

Guys, can you translate it in English? Please. Thanks. 

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Hello everybody, although I am not a newbie but this is the first time that I posted some comment after HK happened.  I appreciate all the friends here are always helping each other, soothing each other and talking for our DongHae couple.  If you guys are not here, I probably will give up this time!

I am quite disappointed with DW's answer to his friend's phone call.  If DongHae is real, this time DH should be hurt and we DongHae will be too.  "2 years not having a real kiss?" then why giving us so much BTS sweet moments?  Hugging in the rain, touching each other, even the wedding picture after the drama has finished?  I have been following them since MG, after they broke off 5 years ago, I stopped shipping them but only care about DH.  HK brought me back to the paradise and this time I think they are more mature(especially DH, I like her very much!).  Wookie, you are at your married age already, stop playing with your future!  Don't let our delulu mind getting deeper and deeper and nobody will want to marry you anymore.  You probably will ruin DH's chance of getting a boyfriend too!

I am sorry if my comment will annoy anybody, I just have to spit that out so this won't bother me anymore.  BTW, I AM STILL SHIPPING THEM! So Wookie, watch what you are saying!

:-B :-B
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