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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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I think we are sure that they were back together last year but don't know if they are still ok now.  To me, if Dahae leaves Korea for a month or more, that means she has nobody to concern about in Korea.  Unless Wookie is missing too at the same time.  This is my theory!  Yes, may be the person who's keeping Dahae in Korea is somebody else but if she left there for a few months then for sure he is not a Korean. 

Last time when they broke up in 2008, Wookie hinted that the Chinese fans wanted them together but they were only close friends.  Dahae in an Indonesia(?) interview said that Wookie was her closest male friend but I could tell she had some kind of sorrow in her eyes made me feel she was not happy.  Then in some other interviews, she said she's single.  I am getting old, correct me if I am wrong please.

My point is if they are not together anymore, one day they should do the same thing to stop their fans to link them together as they have to move on to their life.  If there is no news from any of them, I want to believe that they are waiting for their third drama.  Dahae, can you be the one who invite Wookie this time?  Pick a mature drama with intense love story, you two are allowed to do that at your age! 


Look at that, Wookie didn't step back and his arm didn't leave you even though I think he was scared of that big flying thing too!

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Guest Msiafan

Hey, why the pessimism on the Donghae ship? I believe when there is no news it is good news, reckon both wants their privacy as they have been busy with their respective dramas last couple of months. 

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3 hours ago, Msiafan said:

Hey, why the pessimism on the Donghae ship? I believe when there is no news it is good news, reckon both wants their privacy as they have been busy with their respective dramas last couple of months. 

 bc we are in drought season again, our couple in hiding mode again.


so Wookie didn't give a special message to his latest co-stars?


for a time being, back to our throwback moment




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still enjoy looking at their old pic-feast to our eyes, and makes MY GIRL into a cult drama.





and then HK-people are put down by first 11 eps bc the writer made them a sibling after 9 yrs waiting them together on the screen again-imagine if they hv BG script when both characters revolve abt sex, skin ship and togetherness.-bc both are very very sexy actors





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forgot to put what Dahae's best friend smartboy said in his latest IG. -FAITHFUL

나의 12년지기 친구 연애하고 싶어함.. 이쁘고 깜찍하고 똑부러지지만 때론 칠칠이 푼수에 엄청난 반전 매력까지 겸비한 우리 다봉이 데려가실 좋은분 어디 없나요? 

I would like to love my friend. She is faithful and even cute, a fool, but sometimes full with charm,


Which absolutely true-all her close friends been with  her for more than 10 yrs, with Smartboy 12 yrs, with Apple since childhood and many more but not published. During ice bucket craze last year, actress Lee Da Hee choose Dahae for the next challenge, many wonder how do they know each other-then someone said, both were from the same agency during their early career, so we know Dahae faithfulness with her friends.

So we hv nothing to worry abt Donghae- their deep friendship will never sinking to deep ocean bc Dahae will never leave her best friends, unless Wookie did something bad to her, which we know impossible, even one mosquito or bug he not allows to hurt Dahae. If they decided to be lover but not serious, even better, bc sooner or later they want to be together again. That's why Dahae said, in 10 yrs time let's be lover again.


DWH still loves HK aka Cha Jae Wan





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I am actually not too worry about Wookie as his image is a good man and good son.  Good lover?  Only his girlfriend will know.  The only time we saw him not loyal to his real life girlfriend was in a drama and some pre-script variety show, he has no choice and that's his job.  If he cannot overcome the feeling of hurting his other half, he can't be working in this business anymore.  What we can judge is the bts of the dramas how intimate level he was with his other co-stars!  Then we can determine if he is guilty or not. :rolleyes:  Kekeke!

What I am worrying is our RICH plus cute plus no job/gender classification Dahae!  She's been living with her mother since after she came back to Korea in her early age.  For so many years, mama Lee let her make the decision for herself and lived in her own way.  She might became quite self-centered and not thoughtful enough.  One thing we know for sure she is not an aggressive type of girl as she is rich enough so she doesn't care.  Wookie is a traditional and obsessive man, he might not want a girlfriend with a very strong mind.  Would they be able to accommodate each other in a long run?   From the HK bts, I can see Wookie cared about Dahae very much and his eyes were on her all the time.  Only Dahae can calm him down and cheer him up.  I hope they will treasure each other and learn to give in at some point.  

Wookie, I remembered you said you date somebody for loving her not torturing her, so make sure you spoil your girlfriend as you will get rewards back, ok?:P   Dahae, I remembered you want a boyfriend with leading skill, so you let him make the decision and just sit there looking beautiful, ok? :P

Yes, I know I sound like a wedding witness or even their mom!



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Guest CherryWookieForever

About Dahae' Cartier bracelet, isn't it the same bracelet that Dahae already wore in the Iris 2 presscon on February 7, 2013?


Assuming it is the same bracelet, there can be many theories..

Theory 1: Wookie gave it to Dahae..

Less likely? Unless, they met sometimes during Dahae's Iris 2 filming (as friends only, no romance involved, but the feelings and sexual tension still there). Based from what I can gather from Google, Wookie starts endorsing Cartier around 2012.


Theory 2: Li Yi Feng gave it to Dahae

More likely than Theory #1. Dahae wearing it often in Hotel King can be Dahae's assurance to LYF that she is still his girlfriend despite of Dahae being paired to her first love. Of course there's many things that weakens this theory. LYF mentioned around June 2014 about the breakup with the korean actress (who else but LDH) which emotionally shattered him, so what's the point of Dahae still wearing that love bracelet in Hotel King. And of course Wookie and Dahae's intimate on-and-off connection with each other, while Dahae wore that bracelet, which I think ARE TOO MANY for me to mention here.


Theory #3: Lee Da Hae's mother or some other person close to her gave the bracelet to her

This is the most probable of the three. Maybe Dahae just wore in Hotel King often to show support for Wookie who is still an endorser for Cartier during that time?

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but i remember one comment said after HK, she read in weibo, and baidu, -one of the staff during HK said, Wookie really wanted to hv Dahae back, but Dahae a bit hesitated, yes Wooke gave extra TLC, but not so much from Dahae. Maybe his obsessiveness scared Dahae a bit, but we know for sure Dahae cares abt her oppa Wookie, more than anyone, but to what level we are not sure.

and Wookie sometimes can troll us, he always closed to all his female costars, even after the drama ended, and sometimes not showing it in BTS, best example with Jessica. Actually same with Dahae,  I'm not surprised if people saw them with their respective partners after the show, coincidence or what but we know k-celeb, their world is small, they always bumped into each other, and hang out together. People can make gossip out it. Donghae had their fair share 9 yrs ago, when people always saw them together, but always deleted by their agencies.

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Guest CherryWookieForever

I'm actually curious about one thing now. If ever Lee Da Hae and Wookie will get married, will they sign a prenuptial agreement? We are already aware of Dahae's very rich status (what more if her billionaire status is true). If a couple marry without signing appropriate prenuptial agreement, all the properties owned by the couple will be theirs as a couple, not as an independent person. So Dahae's riches will be shared to Wookie, by law. I'm not sure about the rules of divorce in South Korea, but for a country where divorce is legal, if Dahae and Wookie will be married but ended up separating, half of Dahae's riches will be given to Wookie, if they didn't sign proper prenuptial agreement. I believe Wookie is not a gold digger, he will not marry Dahae just because of money, but Dahae should still protect her riches (if I happen to be Dahae's family I would practically suggest the same thing, to sign prenuptial agreement, Dahae's properties, money, debts will be hers alone, same with Wookie). It might be awkward for Dahae to ask Wookie for prenuptial agreement since Wookie is a man and might hurt his pride, and that will also imply that she thinks there's a possibility their marriage won't last, but these days such thing is a practical thing to do. In countries where rich people dominates, it will be easy for Dahae to get the custody of their children, she just needs to use her influence and money.

Sorry, there's not so many things to discuss in this thread lately, maybe that's why I'm imagining all sorts of things. I'm not trying to be negative, I just want to talk about real life and what can happen in the future. As much as we all want Dahae and Wookie to be together forever, them staying together until the end of time will never be an assurance, especially with nature of their current job.

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4 minutes ago, CherryWookieForever said:

I'm actually curious about one thing now. If ever Lee Da Hae and Wookie will get married, will they sign a prenuptial agreement? We are already aware of Dahae's very rich status (what more if her billionaire status is true). If a couple marry without signing appropriate prenuptial agreement, all the properties owned by the couple will be theirs as a couple, not as an independent person. So Dahae's riches will be shared to Wookie, by law. I'm not sure about the rules of divorce in South Korea, but for a country where divorce is legal, if Dahae and Wookie will be married but ended up separating, half of Dahae's riches will be given to Wookie, if they didn't sign proper prenuptial agreement. I believe Wookie is not a gold digger, he will not marry Dahae just because of money, but Dahae should still protect her riches (if I happen to be Dahae's family I would practically suggest the same thing, to sign prenuptial agreement, Dahae's properties, money, debts will be hers alone, same with Wookie). It might be awkward for Dahae to ask Wookie for prenuptial agreement since Wookie is a man and might hurt his pride, and that will also imply that she thinks there's a possibility their marriage won't last, but these days such thing is a practical thing to do. In countries where rich people dominates, it will be easy for Dahae to get the custody of their children, she just needs to use her influence and money.

Sorry, there's not so many things to discuss in this thread lately, maybe that's why I'm imagining all sorts of things. I'm not trying to be negative, I just want to talk about real life and what can happen in the future. As much as we all want Dahae and Wookie to be together forever, them staying together until the end of time will never be an assurance, especially with nature of their current job.


your brought a very good subject actually, which no one can denied bc it's true, and we hv discussed abt that B4. When they decided to act together maybe they were too excited and forgot abt the real thing, and when everything goes stable, slowly they see the reality and what future can affect them. To me the ball still in Dahae's hand. If she willing to sacrifice everything, then the relationship can be continued. If not just DEEP FRIENDSHIP, hehehe.

Actually we are not far away from reality, both at the marriage age already, sooner or later we can hear the BIG news, with whom-up to their fate.

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this is why i love our thread. we always think about our chamo in rational way or in other word matured thinking. we don't force them to be together and accept what circumstance that will be happen. we only can pray they will be together in the end. the roller coaster, the bittersweet of our thread is something that  not every shippers can handle the emotion. just pray the best for their career as the their job is to entertain and bring us good drama. for their personal life in my opinion, they already 30s and is not age for playing around more and they should think how to maintain their life after this as they job opportunity is slow down, 

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Yes, the riches of Dahae may be a burden between her and Wookie.  It also applies to any other man that Dahae will be dating too.  My sister actually has the same situation.  Her husband's family started a company under their family name which all the property investment will go under that company.  Only the original family members are able to share that, not even their partners.  If they get divorced, my sister will not get anything from that company.  Those are totally separately from their own earnings. 

I don't know about Dahae's nationality now.  Is she a Korean or US citizen?  I think both countries only allow single nationality.  That will also be something they have to consider as it will affect their kids too.  Wookie's family definitely will not want to see their grand kids to be taken to USA if they divorced. It is funny that we are thinking so far and we are actually not sure if they are really dating or not.:D 

That's it, I really don't want to think about that anymore.  I want them to be together forever and forever and don't let each other go until they die, oh no, even after one of them die (script from Ahmone)!


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Guest CherryWookieForever

Wookie's situation reminds me of Kim Seung Woo's character in Miss Ripley, during her marriage to her very rich first wife. The only difference is that compared to Kim Seung Woo's character, Wookie's love for Dahae is real.

And real celebrity couple too. Song Seung Heon and Liu Yifei. Liu Yifei and her family is very very rich, I read they are even billionaire. Even the korean public are questioning SSH's real intention and accussing him of being a gold-digger, him being the one who is more head over heels in their relationship. I read about the article of him confessing his love on national TV to Liu Yifei, and it actually just made him look childish and trying-hard, given his age and he's a well known actor with other actors of same level keeping their relationship private even after admitting it to the public. Wookie's friend too, Lee Jin Wook. The ever perfectionist k-nets questioned his intention in his relationship with Choi Ji Woo and Gong Hyo Jin, who belong to the A-list celebrities in South Korea, and if the rumours about him and Ha Ji Won is also true, imagine the uproar of k-netz.

In traditional minded society, it's actually more awkward if the girl is richer/more successful than the boy, or the boy has much lesser status than the girl. My girl cousin earns a lot more money than her husband and until now my cousin's family showed their dislike to her husband even after years of them being married which is very sad. I don't know when will the stereotype of men being always the more successful than their partners be erased from this society. I myself don't mind if I will be more successful than my partner. I don't want to limit my capabilities and lessen my chance to be a much better me and be successful just because of the fear that I will reach much higher heights such that my partner will eventually leave me out of insecurity. As long as I like my partner and his feeling for me is genuine and he is loyal to me I'm happy.

You might not believe it but arranged marriage still happens nowadays, especially with really rich people. Let us just hope Dahae's family is not like that, and they can accept Wookie for what he is. As for me, I don't want Dahae to marry a very rich chaebol who'll just marry her for her money or for the benefit he can gain from her.

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actually Dahae's family doesn't care abt the financial status, if not why her mom so fond of YF when he was still green and unknown. But her mom, also realized, YF market is huge, and he has talent and potential, which proven true. On Wookie, even with talent and looks, K-market is not like b4, 1000 people fighting for a small cup cake, not even a cake. Furthermore one most important thing we realized her mom choose a man who is not  a playboy or has that characteristic.

The biggest issue I can see here is Wookie's family,-I think his mom not comfortable with their differences, plus many normal middle income families hate K-chaebol.

In summary, we can say even how strong their love is-their biggest enemy is the reality, not their male/female costars or their friends. So we know if they are not together, this is the MAIN reason which no one can argued and denied. Adding with their insecure, fragile personalities, making even worst in my eyes.-that why I even said b4, I think they hv open relationship, so both not chain together, still can go out with other opposite sex partner but still can relate to each other. Kinda of Harry met Sally B4 the bed scene.

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when we talk abt social status, suddenly I realized, the one who has potential to fail in relationship is Daahe actually, which so sad if we want to think abt it, or maybe this what makes her slow down in chasing the glory, so she can concentrate on most important part in her life. -

Wookie has no issue to find same class partner, same success, same financial status, so don't be surprise if he is the one getting married first, ahahaha, don't be sad ok, bc we talk abt reality, we take a brake from our delusion for a while.

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actually saw this in Naver yesterday, and now Dispatch reported it bc JRW put it in her IG

 so far a very mild story, "best friend" -i think they will keep on eyes on both, as long as no confirmation, it's ok, but i cannot wait dahae's reaction, maybe this time wookie counter attack bc of smartboy IG post.


So JRW is girl no 4/5 Wookie introduced to Jung Ju Ha, 


2011-Kim Sun Ah


2013-Park Min Young ?-maybe/bc of blind item in yr 2013

2015-Jung Rye Won


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All of a sudden, I feel so guilty to discuss about the difference between their wealth and status.  I hope they are on vacation and don't have time to come to our thread.  Are we making our shippers worry now?  Sorry sorry!  I know that is reality but let's be positive and have confidence on our couple.  There are still thousand and thousand of cases like that in this world who still have happy marriages.  Dahae's family for sure know her marriage is more important than her wealth.  They will figure out a way to solve their worries.  Don't forget Dahae get a brother who is married too.  They must have thought about that before.  Wookie is the man who called back to Dahae when she was at her difficult time.  The only thing I want to hear is Wookie's confession now.  I think I will cry in happiness when that happen!

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34 minutes ago, samzz said:


actually saw this in Naver yesterday, and now Dispatch reported it bc JRW put it in her IG

 so far a very mild story, "best friend" -i think they will keep on eyes on both, as long as no confirmation, it's ok, but i cannot wait dahae's reaction, maybe this time wookie counter attack bc of smartboy IG post.


So JRW is girl no 4/5 Wookie introduced to Jung Ju Ha, 


2011-Kim Sun Ah


2013-Park Min Young ?-maybe/bc of blind item in yr 2013

2015-Jung Rye Won



i dont think we have to worry about JRW

yes for sure we have to worry about jessica but its already past.

i believe wookie and dahea


btw as i know junha is jrw's bf friends too


and i think they shoot for infinity challange



35 minutes ago, emok said:

All of a sudden, I feel so guilty to discuss about the difference between their wealth and status.  I hope they are on vacation and don't have time to come to our thread.  Are we making our shippers worry now?  Sorry sorry!  I know that is reality but let's be positive and have confidence on our couple.  There are still thousand and thousand of cases like that in this world who still have happy marriages.  Dahae's family for sure know her marriage is more important than her wealth.  They will figure out a way to solve their worries.  Don't forget Dahae get a brother who is married too.  They must have thought about that before.  Wookie is the man who called back to Dahae when she was at her difficult time.  The only thing I want to hear is Wookie's confession now.  I think I will cry in happiness when that happen!


i think u dont have to worry at all.

wookie for dahae

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@DhilaM, i don't worry abt JRW, bc we hv other big cases actually and we don't want to discuss in here, nothing related to Wookie, just Dahae.

and actually they went to see JJH musical show, it stated in the news i posted. Don't know if they come together or bumped into each other, but depends on shippers what they want to believe. It's not new to us, if you look at my signature pic below, that when Dahae/Wookie went to JJH fashion show 9 yrs ago, and Wookie also went with Song Ji Hyo to fashion show and sit next to each other. So nothing new to us, but it's interesting to know the future.

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