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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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I always believe that Lee Dong Wook had never set his eyes off of Lee Da Hae.. he was always and keep on watching and monitoring her no matter where he or she was at that time.

When it comes to mending a broken heart.. women and men are actually not so different. We may have other relationship and mingle with other people. But the feeling will never be the same. The needs for other human being as a companion and friends is necessary in our social human life. But you have only one love.. and for Wookie and Cherry, love came to their lives and it stayed permanently.

Love carefully and patiently awaits for the right moment to surface again. To find the light and free it's wings..

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Guest MelC1430294343

@cherry4eva84 ^^ 맑고 화창하지만 간만에 더운날이랍니다 ㅎ 오후에 진행중인 프로젝트 협찬 관련 업체에서 오기로해서 회사가 분주한 날이기도 하답니다 ㅎ 오늘 하루도 알차고 좋은 시간들이 이어지길 바란다죠 화링!!!*^^*

trans: the sun finally showed up after quite sometime hehehe,its a clear,sunny day today to do some activities or scheduled projects..i hope you are having a great time..hwaiting! cr to TAOEUNJUNG..

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MelC said: @cherry4eva84 ^^ 맑고 화창하지만 간만에 더운날이랍니다 ㅎ 오후에 진행중인 프로젝트 협찬 관련 업체에서 오기로해서 회사가 분주한 날이기도 하답니다 ㅎ 오늘 하루도 알차고 좋은 시간들이 이어지길 바란다죠 화링!!!*^^* trans: the sun finally showed up after quite sometime hehehe,its a clear,sunny day today to do some activities or scheduled projects..i hope you are having a great time..hwaiting! cr to TAOEUNJUNG..

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ok, i got some free time, helping our @Vix digging some more info on that code.

17th April was PC for Wookie's Mandate of Heaven and also the day she served IRIS 2 staff with chicken-and once again the secret code appeared on Mr Cupid

cherry4eva84 ^^ laid encounter yesterday that the staff had enough and split the chicken into delicious dwipulyi heartwarming news. 1004's also pretty ^ ^ * hath maneu positive labor news event ~~~ words today ... I came across late last inning bonbang shooter fan meet and get well! WINDH * ^ - ^ *

why suddenly I'm thinking Mr Cupid is actually Wookie-on his release day from military the tweet was highlighted, bigger in font size than any other tweets.

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Vix - it has to be 2013.  Iris2 was in 2013.  But arh, it's ok if we don't find out who mr. cupid is.. haha.. 
ViX said:



ok, i got some free time, helping our @Vix digging some more info on that code.

17th April was PC for Wookie's Mandate of Heaven and also the day she served IRIS 2 staff with chicken-and once again the secret code appeared on Mr Cupid

cherry4eva84 ^^ laid encounter yesterday that the staff had enough and split the chicken into delicious dwipulyi heartwarming news. 1004's also pretty ^ ^ * hath maneu positive labor news event ~~~ words today ... I came across late last inning bonbang shooter fan meet and get well! WINDH * ^ - ^ *

why suddenly I'm thinking Mr Cupid is actually Wookie-on his release day from military the tweet was highlighted, bigger in font size than any other tweets.

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My beloved shippers - Did you know that next girl from Roommate is leaving - is Song Ga Yeon ..Haha, third girl left Roommates so it means that Wookie for real is getting rid of all girls for Da Hae!I laughted like crazy! :D
So theres only 2 girls left?

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said: I always believe that Lee Dong Wook had never set his eyes off of Lee Da Hae.. he was always and keep on watching and monitoring her no matter where he or she was at that time. When it comes to mending a broken heart.. women and men are actually not so different. We may have other relationship and mingle with other people. But the feeling will never be the same. The needs for other human being as a companion and friends is necessary in our social human life. But you have only one love.. and for Wookie and Cherry, love came to their lives and it stayed permanently. Love carefully and patiently awaits for the right moment to surface again. To find the light and free it's wings..

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I think Mr Cupid should be called Mr Weatherman!! LOL!! 
Whatever it is.. i think he is either:
1) someone close to wookie2) someone close to dahae3) dahae's crazy fan4) dahae's stalker5) somecrazyguy
BUT... thanks to him we can find some 'clues'... heheheh
kamsa hamnida Mr Cupid/Mr Weatherman!! 

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Yes, its all for DH sake. DW must had discussed it with Roommate PD therefore. Good job, DW!. 
 Anyway, i think Roommate PD will cast another idols girl group. To increase the ratings. Still, I hope DH will be one of them. Or she make another appearances will be great.

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ok here is the article translated by the Real Cruz, sorry, actually her family that monitors the public comments on her and her sister in law as one of adviser. Detail of the interview can be read in the link below.


She truthfully stated that “The question ‘What is a vicious remark?” left a huge scar in my heart. It’s not a criticism about the drama itself, but it’s an excessive personal attack” while laughing.

“I certainly want to humbly accept various remarks about me. My family enthusiastically monitors the comments. One time my sister brother-in-law saw a vicious remark and sent me a message about what was on his mind saying ‘Don’t get hurt over this and these are expressions of interest, so use these varied opinions to fix anything that needs to be improved, and it’d be great if they made you a better actress.” That was a big help for me. Sometimes getting mixed up in the carrot and stick situation is good. Haha.”


here she clearly mentioned, money is not what she's looking for from man.


Lee Da Hae spent that time with considerable misunderstanding and prejudices. She expressed being an issue maker while remembering the time that has passed, and to avoid receiving any pain, she didn’t get buried in a struggling appearance. She knows the road she’s on isn’t a flowery road someone else provides for her. Lee Da Hae expressed her disappointment in covering up her natural appearance. “Back in the day, I used to do many things and work really hard because I had a lot of energy. I cultivated my passion and my effort and greed grew. Others had a difficult time balancing with me because of the fast pace in which I did things. They could have spread malicious rumors about me because my pace was against their will.” While saying that, Lee Da Hae discovered her shrinking and lowering self. She chose a method where she wouldn’t bump into others and could return, ending up seeing herself in a different light. That tendency at last had an influence on selecting a project. Like this drama, she received a proposition to act as a character she wanted to do in her everyday life, but she took a step back, showing off a side of her that wasn’t like her. She’s worried that the public won’t see her as a stranger acting as a care-free character that rolls around and does activities with men, and hoping her worries don’t clash with her ego. Her intention has grown to not give the public, who only remembers her as being pretty and doing ‘pretty’ things well, another pretext to be prejudiced against her. The new character obviously makes her excited, but it’s also provoking, but it was impossible to count out her will to select the safe road. Looking back at the ten year span to when we first met Lee Da Hae, her type of man was a broad-minded, easy-going man and clearly knew himself, those aspects being more important than just having money. She didn’t get cold feet like a rookie, but she was confident, and that surprising memory stayed with us. If it weren’t for Iris 2, we could have missed the image that was most like Lee Da Hae. We could have missed out on a photo shoot like today’s where she’s standing around with chicness is flowing out of her and showing off her pleasant tomboy image. “I’m in the middle of destroying the wall inside of me. I’m finding time and creating space, filling my original self in that space. I thought if I had a boyish and chic appearance, it would be good, but I definitely thought it was a concept that I couldn’t pull off. After doing today’s photo shoot, I have found out that there is this side to me too. In the future, even if it’s awkward, I’ll pull this side out of me. However, when I do reveal the side to me that only I know to the world, I hope they don’t say it’s uncomfortable or awkward.”



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Nice confirmation about the "money" issue some peepz were dubious about few weeks ago. Keep in mind that: if Da Hae ever valued a wealthy man over a good man, it would be evident in the bts since MG days. You know, she would have set some boundaries between her and -at that time financially- humble Wookie. But she did not. On the other hand, she seemed to embrace him as a person and back then she exposed her feelings even more than him. She valued Wookie as a man and not as a man who was born into a family with low income. She did not let his class define the person. Yes, she had the luck to be born in a rich family, but you can't use that against her. Not all "daddy's daughters" are brats, you know. And ever more funny - dramas often show us that the love between a wealthy person and a "poor" person can flourish despite of the class difference. Now the """ problem """ is not a """ problem """ anymore anyway, since through the years Wookie became rich too. Maybe not as her, but he can live a nice life. They are both people who work to be able to live, and this is a more important factor than how much they earn every year.

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Da hae in her interview in the taxi for ms ripley in 2011, she mentioned that dong wook is closer to her ideal type when she was asked about his ideal man....we'll this is in addition of your observations from their past interviews, this shows that she really like him...

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Hi, the fact that ksc72 is maybe DW like samzz said I think that it's possible even if it's really improbable but it's not a hypothesis to reject.
What I find weird (Let's suppose that this twitter account owns to DH's manager)is that how he knows very well all her steps, all her activities, all her outings, while she's outside of her working hours ? I mean, he's really really well informed for someone who is supposed to be only her assistant ! He knows every piece, every detail of her life. In my opinion, this person is not her manager...Because what I perceive throughout these tweets it's just so unprofessional. Moreover, there is a boundary between work and the private life and it seems that this person crossed this line.
I'd like to add another point but it's kinda crazy and exagerated about the fact that Wookie is maybe this person. Actually, the owner of this twitter account called "Kim Seung Cheol". After reading 2/3 times this name, I had the impression to have already heard it before because it sounded very familiar for me. Then, my mind lighted up. I remembered that I heard it in MG. It was when SGC changed his name when he found out that JYR was still in Seoul and worked for Mukgu tourism agency in the aim to get her back. However, these two names are distinguished by one part. One is Kim Seung Cheol and the other is Kim Chul Soo (MG). What I mean by that is it's a weird coincidence !(Cheol = Chul, Chul revised romanization)

In conclusion, I think that this person it's not her manager because this person knows a lot of personal and private things, on Dada even her "love life". Moreover, one of the goal of stars's agency is to develop their talent but also to protect their private life. That's why I think that it makes any sense at all to think that this mysterious account owns to the manager. The fact that he shares DH's live via Twitter, it's against the rules/aims of the agency. So basically, I think that this person is maybe/either DH or DW. But if it's not one of them I don't know who is this person. Except "Mr/Mrs unknown identity" alias stalker, maybe ? Like I said before, I don't think that's person is her manager or even a close friend of Cherry because which friend has fun to share tweets about her private life ? While she's even not with her...

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Mr. Cupid tweet 11/8/2011: hihi  very satisfied with skirt keke.1004 just  imagine to buy it was so beautiful. Haha I've moved  congratulatory message on marriage this fall for PD Kwak Jung Hwan and real jealous keke keke wish you well today is one day to work effectively 
Maybe wookie imagine Dahae wear skirt, then buy skirt for Dahae

Mr.Cupid tweet 17/10/2011: 1004  any day or night, the cold weather is also very easy to get ill, be careful .. look picture, it looks like he is not feeling well .. Today's weather was much colder,  dont go out, please take care of yourself well on okay. Wishing all a healthy season 
Look like Dahae wrote this tweet, she said look picture . 17/10/2011 Wookie attend premiere Only You, he is ill,  stuffy nose. 

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@Vix, here is the Korean version as requested

어젠 뒤풀이로 스태프들과 맛난 통닭들을 나눠 드셨다는 훈훈한 소식 접했답니다. 이쁜1004님^^*도 수고 정~~~말로 마느셨고 오늘 행사 소식 늦게 접했네요.. 팬사인회 잘하시고 최종회 본방사수!!! WINDH*^-^*

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Guest kdramaddictionjp

I am going to die hard shipping for this couple. Too perfect to be true.And you all so daebak, it really made my day! 

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Guest turquoiseblue

aaaaaggghhhh.. im going back and forth to the idea that this cupidman is a stalker or just an avid fan who is related to someone who works for her. or maybe cupidman is actually a girl! definitely not Wookie coz why would he tweet his feelings for her instead of texting or calling her?! :)) and wookie's not into social media rarely updates his accounts and that would be so weird and unusual for a very private man like him to do, send messages to her in twitter.

and right now, since i think he is already aware that he is getting followers, i dunno if he is deliberately sending misleading tweets so we wont know dahae's exact whereabouts. aaaagggh! oh well, lets just take everything with a grain of salt and the fact that wookie has gone totally ninja, no pics at all and dahae also very quiet... makes me believe 99% that they are together somewhere enjoying eac other and the few days left before wookie goes back to seoul.

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Guest tinsky73

I've been palpitating with excitement since I found out that wookie's Hawaii trip is also a vacation. The fact that he went there alone w/ just staff people is making me very suspicious. Who vacations alone, right?

Zoning out since Tuesday, my head is filling up w/ visions of romantic boat rides & strolls on the sandy beach, sweet sunset selcas, candlelight dinner, champagne toasts in the jacuzzi... passionate loving under the sheets, on the sofa, in the shower, on the kitchen counter, in the pool, under the pale moon... :D

Before my thoughts get any dirtier, I found several private villas in Honolulu where couples can enjoy the beach all to themselves & swim in their very own private pool without the hassle of running into other tourists.



With regards to our twitter riddler, I'm guessing he or she is a trusted confidant of the two. Probably the one who arranges their secret dinners, makes the hotel reservations, books the plane tickets, etc etc... Why does this person tweet such tweets? No idea... :-??

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Guest turquoiseblue

@samzz no need to post sunwook video here. remember we try not to talk about past relationships already. it may trigger negative posts again. just remove it thanks

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