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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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Guest junebugg

Its no news that I write FF and in the writing process, I'm blessed to assume many roles, as I have to write from both the leads' perspectives. While writing the current SLA FF, I had lost myself being Seon Jae - watched and rewatched some of the initial scenes to get the essence of his character. And during one such time, while being Seon Jae's doppelganger for that day, I have to tell you his(my?) favorite scene from Episode 3 ;) - not sure how many of you noticed it, but the entire scene had the D&S dynamics going on (or is it just my mind in the gutter ;) )
So, this is post the night, Seon Jae declares to Makgui hyung that he has submitted body, mind and soul to his goddess. The next day he meets HW at the practice room to play her the piece he would be performing at the audition. HW is asleep in the room, when he comes back from dinner. When the call from the security office wakes her up, he removes himself to the farthest, as possible, wondering if he could remain coherent in the vicinity of her. Finally, after the discourse over what had provoked the security office to call HW, Seon Jae sits down at the piano,to play the showcase piece.
But, only when she picks up the ruler from one side of the room and begins to tap at the desk, to get his attention over the faulty tempo, does the realization dawn on him that she is dressed in a full black shirt dress; her black leather belt, androgynous at best, plays sash to her dress to reveal her narrow waist. 
"If you hit me, I will be beaten," he manages to submit to her temper, without a whimper sneaking into his voice. 
"Unbuckle your belt," she orders him, while her pony tail hangs a thin inch away from her neck, swaying hither and tither; her black heels clicking against the ground, as if they were counting down to a finale, she walks to him with the ruler firmly planted in both her hands. And despite, the virile aura in her command, when she stands next to him, one hand slack against her hip and the other, two counts away from 'whipping' him, he still senses her delicate feminine presence, hiding behind her false disposition. 
The innuendo in her gesture, or her stance, is not lost on him, however, much to his chagrin, she appears to see right through his thoughts. Embarrassment. If only he could bolt out of the room...but its not everyday that he is locked up in a room with her. Was it just him? Or were the walls closing in on them already? 
And, if all that hadn't been enough, in spite of her husband in the mix, when she knees his back, while she firmly attempts to straighten his posture, the final holds of his sanity disappear. 
There had been his mother - a buoyant woman, of pliable nature and of course, Da Mi who was behest in her approach to him. But, her...whose fingers still continued to clutch his shoulders, had a gentle, secret coerce in her obstinate ways; her eyes ever refusing to meet him, notwithstanding the severity in her words. 
What was she asking of him? he cried silently. Or what was it about her that he felt ever ready to endeavor? As he found no answers come to him, he savored control at first taste, when he secretly appeased her retreating demands. That moment, he would be a monk, if only for her sake. 

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And now for the explanation for Sun Jae mentioning '10 years' in his visit to Hye Won in prison
This interpretion is ingenius and I totally buy it.. however, it took me more than a day to get it properly. I must be dumb but i've read different things which pointed to this in the last few days but I only totally understood it today. This is so beautiful!!
In Ep 16, while visiting Hye Won, Sun Jae says, Where are you going, leaving your house empty?

I don't know whether it will be 1 year or 10 years, but still we need to try living together right?One day we might be fighting crazily, on another day we might be rolling around together all dayIf we don't even try those things and break up, it would be too much of a pity, wouldn't it?
Let's look at ep 15When Hye Won says to Sun Jae, I thought you said we were going to get caught? And Sun Jae says, we're doing that now. Hye Won comments that the people tailing them are probably looking forward to catching them going into a motel and rolling around together. But here listen to Sun Jae's response
"This (referring to them holding hands and walking the streets together) is way more 'jjin hae' [see translation note below]. It looks like the two of us have been living in secret for about 10 years."
I couldnt think of a word that is equivalent to 'jjin hae' here. But it includes the meanings of deep, thick, rich, of a greater scale. In other words, to Sun Jae, the fact that him and Hye Won look like they've been living together for 10 years has a much bigger impact, and has way more significance than the two of them rolling around on a bed in a motel together. People may be moved by the emotion and passion that comes during the honeymoon period of a relationship but for Sun Jae, this image of him and Hye Won having lived together for 10 years makes a much bigger statement and is more daebak than just sharing that momentary physical intimacy. Hye Won asks if this is his way of getting caught and for most people, the obvious thing is to get caught with is having sex but for Sun Jae, getting caught is not simply about physical intimacy, it's about him and Hye Won sharing their lives together. Walking on the busy streets of Hongdae and 'getting caught' there with Hye Won would have his heart pounding alot more than if they were caught having sex. (I hope I havent lost you guys yet!)
Even though Sun Jae did not swear his love for Hye Won for a lifetime, Sun Jae knows this: Love which is like a home (Think HW's metaphor for SJ!), love where two people live together and where the 'smell' of everyday life becomes richer...this type of love to Sun Jae is hotter/more passionate/more significant and it's this type of type that makes his heart flutter and beat crazily. 
If you look at what Sun Jae said in the prison visit, he mentions one year or ten years. This is not his way of saying we might be only together for a year, maybe 10 years but it's his way of expressing the progress, the journey of their love, their life which he has planned to live with Hye Won forever. If they have been living together for 1 year, they are still 'early' in their relationship and might fight alot etc but when their living together gets to 10 years, the way they communicate with each other would have surely changed. Perhaps a deeper understanding for each other, perhaps not the same type of physical passion. But that doesnt really matter to Sun Jae because as he said before, that type of love is even richer and deeper in his eyes. 
Those few lines by Sun Jae is far from a cry of uncertainty, rather it's Sun Jae's proposal to Hye Won. He's saying, this journey called life that we only live once, would you like to join me along this journey? Some days we will fight, other days we will be all over each other but however it is, whether we've been living for 1 year or 10 years, my love for you will stay the same. If you don't take up this 'offer', it would be such a pity/such a waste/you might regret it. 
It is so easy to intepret time as a stationary concept here but Sun Jae is not talking about for 1 year or for 10 years only, he's talking about that 1 year, 10 years as part of the timeline that is called life. His whole life. Hye Won's whole life. 

I dont know how many might understand and accept this but I think what Sun Jae said in ep 15 really shines a light over all this. He might not be sure whether his heart will still be pounding crazily for Hye Won in 10 years time but he knows that in 10 years time, his love for Hye Won will only become deeper and richer.

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And now for a final post from me.....
I've been thinking about this during the past week and it became clearer to me todayMight sound like a joke but I do feel like I'm being enslaved by SLA atmLast 5 days i've slept a total of less than 20 hours, monday night I caught a taxi home for $100 in order to get home on time to watch ep 15, during work i'm not really working i have SLA in my head and i keep making mistakes, cant concentrate, I sleep at 5am in the morning when i have work at 9 the next day, I read the script and want to translate everything to perfection - anything less is not acceptable to me and it annoys me (you wouldnt believe how much) and today during the day, when YAI's practice video came out but I couldnt watch it (before someone captured and uploaded it), I went crazy at work - I had a headache from the blood going to my head from the urgency/desperation of wanting to watch it, I went around messaging my friends in Korea to try to ask them to help set up an account for me to watch it on this site that I couldnt join. Anyway, it just made me sit down and think "What are you doing?" Being behind in work and getting distracted do concern me but more than that, SLA is taking over my life. And I am not going to just let that happen.
So I have got to say that I'm going to withdraw and stop translating altogether. I might pop in but I will try not to too much. I probably will be back for Baeksang (I have high expectations!). Please tweet me @ceciliase7en or PM me if you want to chat or something but yeah I will pretty much be absent from this thread as much as possible from now on!
You guys take care! 

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Guest alexee

cecilia said: And now for a final post from me.....
I've been thinking about this during the past week and it became clearer to me todayMight sound like a joke but I do feel like I'm being enslaved by SLA atmLast 5 days i've slept a total of less than 20 hours, monday night I caught a taxi home for $100 in order to get home on time to watch ep 15, during work i'm not really working i have SLA in my head and i keep making mistakes, cant concentrate, I sleep at 5am in the morning when i have work at 9 the next day, I read the script and want to translate everything to perfection - anything less is not acceptable to me and it annoys me (you wouldnt believe how much) and today during the day, when YAI's practice video came out but I couldnt watch it (before someone captured and uploaded it), I went crazy at work - I had a headache from the blood going to my head from the urgency/desperation of wanting to watch it, I went around messaging my friends in Korea to try to ask them to help set up an account for me to watch it on this site that I couldnt join. Anyway, it just made me sit down and think "What are you doing?" Being behind in work and getting distracted do concern me but more than that, SLA is taking over my life. And I am not going to just let that happen.
So I have got to say that I'm going to withdraw and stop translating altogether. I might pop in but I will try not to too much. I probably will be back for Baeksang (I have high expectations!). Please tweet me @ceciliase7en or PM me if you want to chat or something but yeah I will pretty much be absent from this thread as much as possible from now on!
You guys take care! 

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And now for the explanation for Sun Jae mentioning '10 years' in his visit to Hye Won in prison

This interpretion is ingenius and I totally buy it.. however, it took me more than a day to get it properly. I must be dumb but i've read different things which pointed to this in the last few days but I only totally understood it today. This is so beautiful!!

In Ep 16, while visiting Hye Won, Sun Jae says, Where are you going, leaving your house empty?


I don't know whether it will be 1 year or 10 years, but still we need to try living together right?
One day we might be fighting crazily, on another day we might be rolling around together all day
If we don't even try those things and break up, it would be too much of a pity, wouldn't it?

Let's look at ep 15
When Hye Won says to Sun Jae, I thought you said we were going to get caught? And Sun Jae says, we're doing that now. Hye Won comments that the people tailing them are probably looking forward to catching them going into a motel and rolling around together. But here listen to Sun Jae's response

"This (referring to them holding hands and walking the streets together) is way more 'jjin hae' [see translation note below]. It looks like the two of us have been living in secret for about 10 years."

I couldnt think of a word that is equivalent to 'jjin hae' here. But it includes the meanings of deep, thick, rich, of a greater scale. In other words, to Sun Jae, the fact that him and Hye Won look like they've been living together for 10 years has a much bigger impact, and has way more significance than the two of them rolling around on a bed in a motel together. People may be moved by the emotion and passion that comes during the honeymoon period of a relationship but for Sun Jae, this image of him and Hye Won having lived together for 10 years makes a much bigger statement and is more daebak than just sharing that momentary physical intimacy. Hye Won asks if this is his way of getting caught and for most people, the obvious thing is to get caught with is having sex but for Sun Jae, getting caught is not simply about physical intimacy, it's about him and Hye Won sharing their lives together. Walking on the busy streets of Hongdae and 'getting caught' there with Hye Won would have his heart pounding alot more than if they were caught having sex. (I hope I

havent lost you guys yet!)

Even though Sun Jae did not swear his love for Hye Won for a lifetime, Sun Jae knows this: Love which is like a home (Think HW's metaphor for SJ!), love where two people live together and where the 'smell' of everyday life becomes richer...this type of love to Sun Jae is hotter/more passionate/more significant and it's this type of type that makes his heart flutter and beat crazily. 

If you look at what Sun Jae said in the prison visit, he mentions one year or ten years. This is not his way of saying we might be only together for a year, maybe 10 years but it's his way of expressing the progress, the journey of their love, their life which he has planned to live with Hye Won forever. If they have been living together for 1 year, they are still 'early' in their relationship and might fight alot etc but when their living together gets to 10 years, the way they communicate with each other would have surely changed. Perhaps a deeper understanding for each other, perhaps not the same type of physical passion. But that doesnt really matter to Sun Jae because as he said before, that type of love is even richer and deeper in his eyes. 

Those few lines by Sun Jae is far from a cry of uncertainty, rather it's Sun Jae's proposal to Hye Won. He's saying,

this journey called life that we only live once, would you like to join me along this journey? Some days we will fight, other days we will be all over each other but however it is, whether we've been living for 1 year or 10 years, my love for you will stay the same. If you don't take up this 'offer', it would be such a pity/such a waste/you might regret it. 

It is so easy to intepret time as a stationary concept here but Sun Jae is not talking about for 1 year or for 10 years only, he's talking about that 1 year, 10 years as part of the timeline that is called life. His whole life. Hye Won's whole life. 

I dont know how many might understand and accept this but I think what Sun Jae said in ep 15 really shines a light over all this. He might not be sure whether his heart will still be pounding crazily for Hye Won in 10 years time but he knows that in 10 years time, his love for Hye Won will only become deeper and richer.

thanks Cecilia. that was beautifully interpreted. it's reminds me of his conversation with Hyung when Hyung/HW asked 'so you've fallen for her?' and he replies 'ahh, that sounds cheap'

and he goes on to say that he gives his all to the goddess.

his love is beyond the normal. in fact, I've often think of this kind of love as pathological. it's not common and I am not sure that it's healthy. just like someone else alluded to it being similar to Love in the time of cholera, where that love is likened to an illness.

but it sure does happen even in real life. in malaysia, a long time ago, there was a lord justice, Malay, who fell in love with a Chinese lady whom he couldn't really communicate with ( language wise) and waited for her kids to grow up before she would marry him ( can't remember if her husband was dead or she was divorced) and they lived happily together till her death. it left him bereft and every Friday he would visit her grave with flowers and every anniversary of her death , he took out two pages in the local newspaper to write her a poem, one in Latin and then translated in English. the third year after her death, he committed suicide.

pathological love!

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cecilia said: And now for the explanation for Sun Jae mentioning '10 years' in his visit to Hye Won in prison
This interpretion is ingenius and I totally buy it.. however, it took me more than a day to get it properly. I must be dumb but i've read different things which pointed to this in the last few days but I only totally understood it today. This is so beautiful!!
In Ep 16, while visiting Hye Won, Sun Jae says, Where are you going, leaving your house empty?

I don't know whether it will be 1 year or 10 years, but still we need to try living together right?One day we might be fighting crazily, on another day we might be rolling around together all dayIf we don't even try those things and break up, it would be too much of a pity, wouldn't it?
Let's look at ep 15When Hye Won says to Sun Jae, I thought you said we were going to get caught? And Sun Jae says, we're doing that now. Hye Won comments that the people tailing them are probably looking forward to catching them going into a motel and rolling around together. But here listen to Sun Jae's response
"This (referring to them holding hands and walking the streets together) is way more 'jjin hae' [see translation note below]. It looks like the two of us have been living in secret for about 10 years."
I couldnt think of a word that is equivalent to 'jjin hae' here. But it includes the meanings of deep, thick, rich, of a greater scale. In other words, to Sun Jae, the fact that him and Hye Won look like they've been living together for 10 years has a much bigger impact, and has way more significance than the two of them rolling around on a bed in a motel together. People may be moved by the emotion and passion that comes during the honeymoon period of a relationship but for Sun Jae, this image of him and Hye Won having lived together for 10 years makes a much bigger statement and is more daebak than just sharing that momentary physical intimacy. Hye Won asks if this is his way of getting caught and for most people, the obvious thing is to get caught with is having sex but for Sun Jae, getting caught is not simply about physical intimacy, it's about him and Hye Won sharing their lives together. Walking on the busy streets of Hongdae and 'getting caught' there with Hye Won would have his heart pounding alot more than if they were caught having sex. (I hope I havent lost you guys yet!)
Even though Sun Jae did not swear his love for Hye Won for a lifetime, Sun Jae knows this: Love which is like a home (Think HW's metaphor for SJ!), love where two people live together and where the 'smell' of everyday life becomes richer...this type of love to Sun Jae is hotter/more passionate/more significant and it's this type of type that makes his heart flutter and beat crazily. 
If you look at what Sun Jae said in the prison visit, he mentions one year or ten years. This is not his way of saying we might be only together for a year, maybe 10 years but it's his way of expressing the progress, the journey of their love, their life which he has planned to live with Hye Won forever. If they have been living together for 1 year, they are still 'early' in their relationship and might fight alot etc but when their living together gets to 10 years, the way they communicate with each other would have surely changed. Perhaps a deeper understanding for each other, perhaps not the same type of physical passion. But that doesnt really matter to Sun Jae because as he said before, that type of love is even richer and deeper in his eyes. 
Those few lines by Sun Jae is far from a cry of uncertainty, rather it's Sun Jae's proposal to Hye Won. He's saying, this journey called life that we only live once, would you like to join me along this journey? Some days we will fight, other days we will be all over each other but however it is, whether we've been living for 1 year or 10 years, my love for you will stay the same. If you don't take up this 'offer', it would be such a pity/such a waste/you might regret it. 
It is so easy to intepret time as a stationary concept here but Sun Jae is not talking about for 1 year or for 10 years only, he's talking about that 1 year, 10 years as part of the timeline that is called life. His whole life. Hye Won's whole life. 

I dont know how many might understand and accept this but I think what Sun Jae said in ep 15 really shines a light over all this. He might not be sure whether his heart will still be pounding crazily for Hye Won in 10 years time but he knows that in 10 years time, his love for Hye Won will only become deeper and richer.

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And now for the explanation for Sun Jae mentioning '10 years' in his visit to Hye Won in prison

This interpretion is ingenius and I totally buy it.. however, it took me more than a day to get it properly. I must be dumb but i've read different things which pointed to this in the last few days but I only totally understood it today. This is so beautiful!!

In Ep 16, while visiting Hye Won, Sun Jae says, Where are you going, leaving your house empty?


I don't know whether it will be 1 year or 10 years, but still we need to try living together right?
One day we might be fighting crazily, on another day we might be rolling around together all day
If we don't even try those things and break up, it would be too much of a pity, wouldn't it?

Let's look at ep 15
When Hye Won says to Sun Jae, I thought you said we were going to get caught? And Sun Jae says, we're doing that now. Hye Won comments that the people tailing them are probably looking forward to catching them going into a motel and rolling around together. But here listen to Sun Jae's response

"This (referring to them holding hands and walking the streets together) is way more 'jjin hae' [see translation note below]. It looks like the two of us have been living in secret for about 10 years."

I couldnt think of a word that is equivalent to 'jjin hae' here. But it includes the meanings of deep, thick, rich, of a greater scale. In other words, to Sun Jae, the fact that him and Hye Won look like they've been living together for 10 years has a much bigger impact, and has way more significance than the two of them rolling around on a bed in a motel together. People may be moved by the emotion and passion that comes during the honeymoon period of a relationship but for Sun Jae, this image of him and Hye Won having lived together for 10 years makes a much bigger statement and is more daebak than just sharing that momentary physical intimacy. Hye Won asks if this is his way of getting caught and for most people, the obvious thing is to get caught with is having sex but for Sun Jae, getting caught is not simply about physical intimacy, it's about him and Hye Won sharing their lives together. Walking on the busy streets of Hongdae and 'getting caught' there with Hye Won would have his heart pounding alot more than if they were caught having sex. (I hope I havent lost you guys yet!)

Even though Sun Jae did not swear his love for Hye Won for a lifetime, Sun Jae knows this: Love which is like a home (Think HW's metaphor for SJ!), love where two people live together and where the 'smell' of everyday life becomes richer...this type of love to Sun Jae is hotter/more passionate/more significant and it's this type of type that makes his heart flutter and beat crazily. 

If you look at what Sun Jae said in the prison visit, he mentions one year or ten years. This is not his way of saying we might be only together for a year, maybe 10 years but it's his way of expressing the progress, the journey of their love, their life which he has planned to live with Hye Won forever. If they have been living together for 1 year, they are still 'early' in their relationship and might fight alot etc but when their living together gets to 10 years, the way they communicate with each other would have surely changed. Perhaps a deeper understanding for each other, perhaps not the same type of physical passion. But that doesnt really matter to Sun Jae because as he said before, that type of love is even richer and deeper in his eyes. 

Those few lines by Sun Jae is far from a cry of uncertainty, rather it's Sun Jae's proposal to Hye Won. He's saying, this journey called life that we only live once, would you like to join me along this journey? Some days we will fight, other days we will be all over each other but however it is, whether we've been living for 1 year or 10 years, my love for you will stay the same. If you don't take up this 'offer', it would be such a pity/such a waste/you might regret it. 

It is so easy to intepret time as a stationary concept here but Sun Jae is not talking about for 1 year or for 10 years only, he's talking about that 1 year, 10 years as part of the timeline that is called life. His whole life. Hye Won's whole life. 

I dont know how many might understand and accept this but I think what Sun Jae said in ep 15 really shines a light over all this. He might not be sure whether his heart will still be pounding crazily for Hye Won in 10 years time but he knows that in 10 years time, his love for Hye Won will only become deeper and richer.

I don't totally buy what u've described but I do buy a large part of it and that makes me really happy becoz this 1 yr 10 yr thing did bother me a little although I've parked it aside temporarily to revisit after I watch ep 16 subbed. I buy it mainly becoz its too inconsistent with the SJ I know to not want to be with HW forever.

The part of your post that struck me the most is the statement made by SJ that walking around as tho they've been together for 10 years is much 'hotter'. I didn't think about the connotation at first. Didn't think it had much. But reading what u've just explained I think to myself "Wow. This boy is weird. He's a 40 year old trapped in a 20 year olds body. He is just too sweet and sensitive (in a good way)."

With that kind of mindset how can he be not be thinking about spending a lifetime with HW after she has given up all she's gained over the years and committed herself to prison for him. She was his goddess right from the start but with a tiny flaw, but now even that flaw is eliminated. She's become his perfect goddess what more can he ask for?

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Guest junebugg

Ok, so let me get this straight. At Hongdae, SJ believes getting caught as a couple is more 'meaningful' (read deep) than being found on the bed, as two people enslaved to their carnality. 
So 10 years is an epithet to "the couple who have achieved 'trust, comittment and understanding,' past the initial romantic or sexual love."
With that established, we should be reading his delivery at the prison scene as, "I don't know if we will be toegther until romatic love dies out, or until we are a blissful couple....
Apologies, but it still feels severely restricted in terms of his expectation for them. My only crib over that scene (or few of them from Ep 16) is that we shouldn't have to coat any frame/dialogue with so much interpretation to make sense of them. Its alright if we will have to use epithets or cross reference episodes to lend meaning to not-so-obvious references, but the delivery written for this scene is quite far from the SJ I know. Perhaps, the actors are not to be found fault for this. If they have executed the script flawlessly up until that point, then I lay down my bets against the writer/execution team, who lost focus towards the end. 
PS - You take all the credit for making me see the Hongdae 10 year reference in new light. THANK YOU!

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And now for a final post from me.....

I've been thinking about this during the past week and it became clearer to me today
Might sound like a joke but I do feel like I'm being enslaved by SLA atm
Last 5 days i've slept a total of less than 20 hours, monday night I caught a taxi home for $100 in order to get home on time to watch ep 15, during work i'm not really working i have SLA in my head and i keep making mistakes, cant concentrate, I sleep at 5am in the morning when i have work at 9 the next day, I read the script and want to translate everything to perfection - anything less is not acceptable to me and it annoys me (you wouldnt believe how much) and today during the day, when YAI's practice video came out but I couldnt watch it (before someone captured and uploaded it), I went crazy at work - I had a headache from the blood going to my head from the urgency/desperation of wanting to watch it, I went around messaging my friends in Korea to try to ask them to help set up an account for me to watch it on this site that I couldnt join. Anyway, it just made me sit down and think "What are you doing?" Being behind in work and getting distracted do concern me but more than that, SLA is taking over my life. And I am not going to just let that happen.

So I have got to say that I'm going to withdraw and stop translating altogether. I might pop in but I will try not to too much. I probably will be back for Baeksang (I have high expectations!). Please tweet me @ceciliase7en or PM me if you want to chat or something but yeah I will pretty much be absent from this thread as much as possible from now on!

You guys take care! 


I was going to scream "Nooooo....! Don't leave us @cecilia!" But then after reading your entire post I really wanted to give u a big BIG hug say a BIG BIG THANK YOU for all you've done for us here and tell you "It's ok cecilia. You've done so much for us already. Please go now and get your own life sorted out." But do come back someday, happy and healthy. We love you!!! Good bye and take good care!)

(and now I kneel down and pray that seungshinl doesn't leave us too! [-O< )

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Can anyone recommend a good Korean-English Dictionary on line?  There seem to be a few one can buy but I would like your thoughts on which one is the best.  Thank you.

@seungshinl?! U need a Korean dictionary?? And u are asking us for recommendation????

Oh no, is the translation taking a toll on u too?? Please pace yrself and do it slowly!

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junebugg said: @cecilia 
Ok, so let me get this straight. At Hongdae, SJ believes getting caught as a couple is more 'meaningful' (read deep) than being found on the bed, as two people enslaved to their carnality. 
So 10 years is an epithet to "the couple who have achieved 'trust, comittment and understanding,' past the initial romantic or sexual love."
With that established, we should be reading his delivery at the prison scene as, "I don't know if we will be toegther until romatic love dies out, or until we are a blissful couple....
Apologies, but it still feels severely restricted in terms of his expectation for them. My only crib over that scene (or few of them from Ep 16) is that we shouldn't have to coat any frame/dialogue with so much interpretation to make sense of them. Its alright if we will have to use epithets or cross reference episodes to lend meaning to not-so-obvious references, but the delivery written for this scene is quite far from the SJ I know. Perhaps, the actors are not to be found fault for this. If they have executed the script flawlessly up until that point, then I lay down my bets against the writer/execution team, who lost focus towards the end. 
PS - You take all the credit for making me see the Hongdae 10 year reference in new light. THANK YOU!

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Guest dualnon

ktomato said:

Can anyone recommend a good Korean-English Dictionary on line?  There seem to be a few one can buy but I would like your thoughts on which one is the best.  Thank you.

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Guest junebugg

cecilia said
I'm sure you guys are going to love some of the edited scenes - most of them are dialogue scenes between HW and SJ!
Good night all!

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Guest alambala

cecilia said: junebugg said: @cecilia 
Ok, so let me get this straight. At Hongdae, SJ believes getting caught as a couple is more 'meaningful' (read deep) than being found on the bed, as two people enslaved to their carnality. 
So 10 years is an epithet to "the couple who have achieved 'trust, comittment and understanding,' past the initial romantic or sexual love."
With that established, we should be reading his delivery at the prison scene as, "I don't know if we will be toegther until romatic love dies out, or until we are a blissful couple....
Apologies, but it still feels severely restricted in terms of his expectation for them. My only crib over that scene (or few of them from Ep 16) is that we shouldn't have to coat any frame/dialogue with so much interpretation to make sense of them. Its alright if we will have to use epithets or cross reference episodes to lend meaning to not-so-obvious references, but the delivery written for this scene is quite far from the SJ I know. Perhaps, the actors are not to be found fault for this. If they have executed the script flawlessly up until that point, then I lay down my bets against the writer/execution team, who lost focus towards the end. 
PS - You take all the credit for making me see the Hongdae 10 year reference in new light. THANK YOU!

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