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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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This chapter is 'awkward'...but then not! Enjoy :blush:


Chapter FIVE
Wooyoung was being introduced around the room by his Aunt, when an older gentleman came to introduce himself as Pastor Lee.
"Annyonghasaeyo. I am Jang Wooyoung-mida." Wooyoung introduced himself back to the pastor.
"Seyoung-shi told me that you know each other?" Pastor Lee asked.
"Yes. I know Park Seyoung-shi." Wooyoung confirmed. Looking at her.
"Do you have time today?" Pastor Lee asked Wooyoung.
"Pastor Lee , Wooyoung only came to pick up the herb plant I asked you for his Mom." His auntie said.
"I could use extra pair of hands." Pastor Lee said.
"I am happy to stay and help. To thank you for giving my Mom the plant." Wooyoung said. No reason for him to rush back to Seoul.
"Senja? That's wonderful!" Wooyoung's aunt exclaimed.
Wooyoung and Seyoung kept their distance. No one made the move to approach each other. Although both are pretty well aware of their presence, stealing glances at each other every chance they get when no one was looking. Pastor Lee announced they are about to leave. He said the stuff they will distribute is making it's way to the location. Everyone in the room was starting to go outside. Wooyoung was about to go to his car, when suddenly a hand grabbed him by the arm. It was Seyoung.
"You can't drive your car there." Seyoung told him. "We are riding that." She pointed to an old van parked near the gate. The awkwardness broke.
"That?" Wooyoung shocked to see the vehicle she was referring to. It looked like it had seen better days.
"Yes. That." Seyoung reiterated. Trying hard to supress a laugh looking at Wooyoung's expression.
"You have two choices. Either get in to your fancy car and drive back to Seoul. Or get in the van. Your choice." Seyoung looked at him before walking towards the waiting vehicle.
"Wait!" Wooyoung called out. How could a woman walk that fast? Wooyoung asked himself as he tries to catch up with Seyoung's quick long stride.
The van was cramped. It was supposed to sit seven people and there's nine of them. They were told to go to the back seat because of they are younger. The ahjussi's and ahjumma's sat in the two front seats. Seyoung went in first, followed by Wooyoung. His aunt waved at him from another van, way better looking than they are in.
"Are you okay?" Seyoung asked. Conscious how closely seated they are next to each other.
"I am alright. What about you?"
"I'm good. Thank you."
Seyoung noticed Wooyoung's hands are turning purple from the cold. The heater of the van not blowing enough. She offered one of her heat packs to Wooyoung.
"Some things never change." Wooyung quipped, accepting the heat pack she offered, their fingers briefly touching.
"How can you not bring gloves in this weather." Seyoung whispered.
"I didn't plan on going to an excursion." Wooyoung whispered back.
"You shouldn't have come." Seyoung replied.
"How can I say no when Pastor Lee gave Mom herb plants." Wooyoung replied.
"Are you two fighting?" Asked the Ahjumma sitting next to him.
"No." Seyoung answered quickly.
"Kenchana. It's normal for couples to fight." Says the ahjumma.
"He is not my boyfriend."
"It's my fault. I didn't bring my gloves."
Wooyoung and Seyoung said at the same time. Seyoung glared at him. Wooyoung smiled at her. He moved his head to one side, telling her to let it go. Ahjumma looking at them laughing.
The drive took half an hour. It was in the outskirts of town. Looking at the neighbourhood, Wooyoung understood why Seyoung told him not to drive his car. Roads are small and narrow. Houses are built very close to each other. The group are distributing coal briquettes in the neighbourhood. When all the volunteers arrived. They formed a human train to pass on each briqutte until it reaches the end of the line. Another group are waiting downstairs to give five pieces to each household. Wooyoung and Seyoung were stationed for the distribution at the bottom. She got him all he needed, from work gloves and protective cover to protect coal stains going to his jacket and got him to wear a fluro vest. They worked as a team and worked for three hours, non-stop.
"Thank you for your help today." Seyoung told him during their break.
"I'm glad I stayed." Wooyoung replied."How are you?"
"I am okay. And you?"
"Getting used to the routine again after the enlistment."
"How was it?"
"It wasn't bad. I missed everybody." Wooyoung replied.
"I can imagine."Seyoung said.
"I expect you've been busy with work?"
"This and that I would say."
"Yes?" Seyoung looked at him. Wooyoung was about was about to ask a question, when they were called by Pastor Lee. Break is over.


Didn't mean to keep you waiting...just done with dinner.Got a hungry husband to feed :)


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@kdaddict1 That's nice..but it will be nicer if you get good sleep tonight :wub: I know with your line of work you got come up with ideas all the time...but you need to balance it with rest and a good night sleep...if you can try weaning yourself off from sleeping pills...try few drops of lavender oil on your pillow, huh?

My friend is saying thanks again to everyone. It was a spur of the moment writing, said she'll try a little bit of suspense...said she will make this fanfic more of a journey. Let us wait and see Chingus:wub:

Chapter SIX
The group was back in the church hall after they finished distributing coal briquettes.They were surprised to see food waiting for them. Pastor Lee went to the podium to thank everyone who took part in it. He said no one is leaving until the feast they have prepared are gone. After saying grace, dinner was served.
"Wooyoung-ah. Here take a plate. You too Seyoung." Wooyoung's Auntie offered. Urging both of them to help themselves.
Seyoung was mindful of Wooyoung because he doesn't really know anyone except her and his aunt, who is busy chatting with her friends. She stayed close to him. Once their plates are filled, they found a spot in the far end corner of the hall.
"Are you driving back to Seoul tonight?"Wooyoung asked.
"No. I'm staying for another two days." Seyoung replied.
"You are staying with someone?"
"No. I'm booked in a hotel."
"Do you have to stay?"
"I'd like to stay. I haven'tbeen in Daejon since middle school. I want to do a bit of exploring."
"Haven't been here for a long time. We did at least two shows here years ago but that was really it. We basically droved in, did a show and went back to Seoul." Wooyoung replied.
"I want to walk in the arboretum and go to the hot spring." Seyoung said.
"Apparently they have good places to see here."
"That is why I'd like to look around."
Seyoung felt the room getting warm, doesn't know if it was his presence or just the heater. She removed the scarf that was covering her neck then opened the top three buttons of her jacket, revealing the necklace she is wearing sitting just above the neckline of knit top.
"Is that the necklace I gave you in Singapore when we were in the show together?" Wooyoung asked when he noticed her necklace.
Seyoung suddenly touched her neck. It was indeed Wooyoung's present from the show, white gold necklace with a cross pendant. Since New Year's eve, Seyoung started wearing it again for no apparent reason. It has become an essential accessory since, every time she goes out. She felt the need to wear it, somehow gives her a sense of security.
"Is it?" Wooyoungasked again.
"Yes." Seyoung admitted. No point of denying it.
"I'm glad." Wooyoung replied, smiling.
After dinner and helping with the cleaning up, it was time to go home. Pastor Lee and the rest of the congregation bid everyone goodbye. Wooyoung went to see his aunt to collect the plant. And said his goodnight then went over to Seyoung who was about ready to leave.
"Seyoung-ah. Can you lead the way?I'll follow right behind you." Wooyoung asked.
Seyoung said okay and started the car. Watching closely from the rearview mirror if Wooyoung was following.
Wooyoung was right behind Seyoung. His mind and heart confused. He has moved on. Forgotten the past. Why does she have to be here? Of all places. And why is she wearing the necklace? Why after all these years? Why? All these questions Wooyoung don't even know the answers.
Seyoung thought Wooyoung was turning off at the intersection leading to the main highway back to Seoul. He didn't. Instead followed her until she reached the hotel. Wooyoung parked his car next to hers.
"I thought you are driving back to Seoul?" Seyoung asked Wooyoung when he approached.
"That was the plan. Not anymore." Wooyoung answered.
"Why?" Seyoung asked.
"Let's get you checked in. Then we can talk." Wooyoung reached for her bag. Locked her car and walked with her to the hotel.
The talk happened on the tenth floor of the hotel room Seyoung was staying. More of, where they are staying. Wooyoung booked the room next to hers. Wooyoung was pacing back and forth in front of Seyoung.
"Wooyoung-ah, please sit down. You are making my head spin." Seyoung said calmly.
"I don't know where to start." Wooyoung answered.
Seyoung looking at him.This scenario happened before years ago, when they first met in the show. At the chocolate cafe. Wooyoung looked nervous back then. Not knowing what to say.
"Why don't you start by telling me why you are here in Daejon, when you were supposed to be on your way back to Seoul." Seyoung stated.
"Because I want to be here." Wooyoung finally spilled it."I don't want the day to end leaving you."
"Why?" Seyoung asked.
"Everything came back. From the day we first met."  Wooyoung's answer was spot on of what Seyoung was exactly thinking.
"It's in the past. Years have gone."
"Exactly. It's been years but we are back to where exactly where we were back then." Wooyoung replied.
"It's purely coincidental. That's all."
"Seyoung-ah. Are you dating someone at the moment?"
"No."Seyoung replied honestly."Are you?"
"No." Wooyoung answered."Why do you still have my necklace?"
"Even if I answer your question. It doesn't matter."
"It matters to me." Wooyoung insisted."Seyoung-ah. We are no longer the twenty six and twenty seven year old Wooyoung and Seyoung anymore. We are now thirty something adults. The least we can do is be honest to each other,right?"
Seyoung could only look at Wooyoung and agree to what he said.


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Oh no!! I might not be able to sleep again! Thinking what will happen tonight at the hotel???? Wooyoung & seoyoung, hold each other tight tonight, it's your chance! Your only chance. The feeling is still there! 


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1 hour ago, standingtallyy said:

@kdaddict1 That's nice..but it will be nicer if you get good sleep tonight :wub: I know with your line of work you got come up with ideas all the time...but you need to balance it with rest and a good night sleep...if you can try weaning yourself off from sleeping pills...try few drops of lavender oil on your pillow, huh?

My friend is saying thanks again to everyone. It was a spur of the moment writing, said she'll try a little bit of suspense...said she will make this fanfic more of a journey. Let us wait and see Chingus:wub:

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Chapter SIX
The group was back in the church hall after they finished distributing coal briquettes.They were surprised to see food waiting for them. Pastor Lee went to the podium to thank everyone who took part in it. He said no one is leaving until the feast they have prepared are gone. After saying grace, dinner was served.
"Wooyoung-ah. Here take a plate. You too Seyoung." Wooyoung's Auntie offered. Urging both of them to help themselves.
Seyoung was mindful of Wooyoung because he doesn't really know anyone except her and his aunt, who busy chatting with her friends. She stayed close to him. Once their plates are filled, they found a spot in the far end corner of the hall.
"Are you driving back to Seoul tonight?"Wooyoung asked.
"No. I'm staying for another two days." Seyoung replied.
"You are staying with someone?"
"No. I'm booked in a hotel."
"Do you have to stay?"
"I'd like to stay. I haven'tbeen in Daejon since middle school. I want to do a bit of exploring."
"Haven't been here for a long time. We did at least two shows here years ago but that was really it. We basically droved in, did a show and went back to Seoul." Wooyoung replied.
"I want to walk in the arboretum and go to the hot spring." Seyoung said.
"Apparently they have good places to see here."
"That is why I'd like to look around."
Seyoung felt the room getting warm, doesn't know if it was his presence or just the heater. She removed the scarf that was covering her neck  then opened the top three buttons of her jacket, revealing the necklace she is wearing sitting just above the neckline of knit top.
"Is that the necklace I gave you in Singapore when we were in the show together?" Wooyoung asked when he noticed her necklace.
Seyoung suddenly touched her neck. It was indeed Wooyoung's present from the show, white gold necklace with across pendant. Since New Year's eve, Seyoung started wearing it again for no apparent reason. It has become an essential accessory since, every time she goes out. She felt the need to wear it, somehow gives her a sense of security.
"Is it?" Wooyoungasked again.
"Yes." Seyoung admitted. No point of denying it.
"I'm glad." Wooyoung replied, smiling.
After dinner and helping with the cleaning up, it was time to go home. Pastor Lee and the rest of the congregation bid everyone goodbye. Wooyoung went to see his aunt to collect the plant. And said his goodnight then went over to Seyoungwho was about ready to leave.
"Seyoung-ah. Can you lead the way?I'll follow right behind you." Wooyoung asked.
Seyoung said okay and started the car. Watching closely from the rearview mirror if Wooyoung was following.
Wooyoung was right behind Seyoung. His mind and heart confused. He has moved on. Forgotten the past. Why does she have to be here? Of all places. And why is she wearing the necklace? Why after all these years? Why? All these questions Wooyoung don't even know the answers.
Seyoung thought Wooyoung was turning off at the intersection leading to the main highway back to Seoul. He didn't. Instead followed her until she reached the hotel. Wooyoung parked his car next to hers.
"I thought you are driving back to Seoul?" Seyoung asked Wooyoung when he came to her.
"That was the plan. Not anymore." Wooyoung answered.
"Why?" Seyoung asked.
"Let's get you checked in. Then we can talk." Wooyoung reached for her bag. Locked her car and walked with her inside the hotel.
The talk happened in the tenth floor of the hotel room Seyoung was staying. More of, where they are staying. Wooyoung booked the room next to hers. Wooyoung was pacing back and forth in front of Seyoung.
"Wooyoung-ah, please sit down. You are making my head spin." Seyoung said calmly.
"I don't know where to start." Wooyoung answered.
Seyoung looking at him.This scenario happened before years ago, when they first met in the show. At the chocolate cafe. Wooyoung looked nervous back then. Not knowing what to say.
"Why don't you start by telling me why you are here in Daejon, when you were supposed to be on your way back to Seoul." Seyoung stated.
"Because I want to be here." Wooyoung finally spilled it."I don't want the day to end leaving you."
"Why?" Seyoung asked.
"Everything came back. From the day we first met."  Wooyoung's answer was spot on of what Seyoung was exactly thinking.
"It's in the past. Years have gone."
"Exactly. It's been years but we are back to where exactly where we were back then." Wooyoung replied.
"It's purely coincidental. That's all."
"Seyoung-ah. Are you dating someone at the moment?"
"No."Seyoung replied honestly."Are you?"
"No." Wooyoung answered."Why do you still have my necklace?"
"Even if I answer your question. It doesn't matter."
"It matters to me." Wooyoung insisted."Seyoung-ah. We are no longer the twenty six year and twenty seven year old Wooyoung and Seyoung anymore. We are now thirty something adults. The least we can do is be honest to each other,right?"
Seyoung could only look at Wooyoung and agree to what he said.


Kindly tell her to make it a little longer....like the first one. So that it's not "BITIN". Please tell her To add more romantic scenes reminiscing the past rather than bed scenes...

thank you for the effort in sharing to us your friend's story. Story made me happy tho' it's just make believe...its giving me hope that it can possible happen...

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Chapter SEVEN

"New Year's eve when I started wearing this necklace again. It was the first thing I saw in my jewellery box that night.I've been wearing it since." Seyoung said.

"Why?"Wooyoung asked.

"Maybe in my subconscious, I thought of you. I thought of how you were doing. I thought how's life been keeping you." Seyoung said."And then I saw you today." 

"The other night in Itaewon. I was out wiith my 2PM brothers and other friends. I thought I saw you walking towards a waiting car." 

"Itaewon? Did you say the other night? I was in Itaewon too. The whole cast and crew went for dinner, as thanksgiving for the success of our drama. I saw a man looking at my car across the road. He was wearing a hat and glasses. Was it you?"

"It was me."Wooyoung confirmed.

"Oh my God! Wooyoung-ah." Seyoung couldn't believe what she just heard.

Wooyong moved closer and reached for Seyoung's hand.

"Coming to Daejon was an errand I did for Mom. When you saw me standing outside of the restaurant. I was answering her call. Asked if I could pick up the plant because she couldn't leave Dad, his knees are playing up. On the way here. I didn't know it was your car I've been following all along." Wooyoung said.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes. I was basically followed you all the way from Seoul. Like it was all planned. Fate is trying to tell us something, don't you think?"

"Wooyoung-ah. This is all surreal. I can't even think."

"Then don't. Let's not rush things. I'd like to know, where this is leading us to. But I want to do it with you." 

"You won't rush me?" Seyoung asked. Tears gathering around her beautiful eyes.

"I won't. Promise." Wooyoung assured her. "For now. I want you to get some good night sleep. It's been a long day for us." Wooyoung kissed the top of her head, before going to his room.

Seyoung kept tossing and turning. Unable to sleep. Kept thinking of what Wooyoung said to her earlier on. How the encounter did not happen when they were at the place and time. Seyoung got up to get herself a drink and read the book she brought with her. It's no use. She looked at the time, it's nearly two in the morning. She went back to grab her jacket, put it on and went out of the door.

The sound of his room doorbell woke Wooyoung.He was surprised to see Seyoung standing outside of his hotel room.

"Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked, looking very concerned.

"I can't sleep." Seyoung said.

"Come in." Wooyoung invited, closing the door behind her.

"Is something the matter?" Seyoung only answered him with a hug. "Hey, are you okay?"Wooyoung asked again, hand rubbing her back gently.

"Please hold me." Seyoung whispered, drawing him closer. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around her tight.

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked again. His chin on top of her head.

"Nothing. I suddenly missed you." Seyoung replied, her head buried in his chest.

Wooyoung could barely hear what she said. He lifted her head to look at her.

"Say it again so I can hear you clear." Wooyoung said, moving the hair covering her face.

"I missed you." Seyoung said.

"I missed you too." Wooyoung replied. He leaned closer to give her a long, yet tender kiss. 

"Come. You can sleep here with me tonight in my arms." Wooyoung gave Seyoung another kiss, before laying themselves back to bed, locked in a sweet embrace. Sleep finally came for Seyoung.





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3 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:
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Chapter SEVEN

"New Year's eve when I started wearing this necklace again. It was the first thing I saw in my jewellery box that night.I've been wearing it since." Seyoung said.

"Why?"Wooyoung asked.

"Maybe in my subconscious, I thought of you. I thought of how you were doing. I thought how's life been keeping you." Seyoung said."And then I saw you today." 

"The other night in Itaewon. I was out wiith my 2PM brothers and other friends. I thought I saw you walking towards a waiting car." 

"Itaewon? Did you say the other night? I was in Itaewon too. The whole cast and crew went for dinner, as thanksgiving for the success of our drama. I saw a man looking at my car across the road. He was wearing a hat and glasses. Was it you?"

"It was me."Wooyoung confirmed.

"Oh my God! Wooyoung-ah." Seyoung couldn't believe what she just heard.

Wooyong moved closer and reached for Seyoung's hand.

"Coming to Daejon was an errand I did for Mom. When you saw me standing outside of the restaurant. I was answering her call. Asked if I could pick up the plant because she couldn't leave Dad, his knees are playing up. On the way here. I didn't know it was your car I've been following all along." Wooyoung said.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes. I was basically followed you all the way from Seoul. Like it was all planned. Fate is trying to tell us something, don't you think?"

"Wooyoung-ah. This is all surreal. I can't even think."

"Then don't. Let's not rush things. I'd like to know, where this is leading us to. But I want to do it with you." 

"You won't rush me?" Seyoung asked. Tears gathering around her beautiful eyes.

"I won't. Promise." Wooyoung assured her. "For now. I want you to get some good night sleep. It's been a long day for us." Wooyoung kissed the top of her head, before going to his room.

Seyoung kept tossing and turning. Unable to sleep. Kept thinking of what Wooyoung said to her earlier on. How the encounter did not happen when they were at the place and time. Seyoung got up to get herself a drink and read the book she brought with her. It's no use. She looked at the time, it's nearly two in the morning. She went back to grab her jacket, put it on and went out of the door.

The sound of his room doorbell woke Wooyoung.He was surprised to see Seyoung standing outside of his hotel room.

"Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked, looking very concerned.

"I can't sleep." Seyoung said.

"Come in." Wooyoung invited, closing the door behind her.

"Is something the matter?" Seyoung only answered him with a hug. "Hey, are you okay?"Wooyoung hand rubbing her back gently.

"Please hold me." Seyoung whispered, drawing him closer. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around her tight.

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked again. His chin on top of her head.

"Nothing. I suddenly missed you." Seyoung replied, her head buried in his chest.

Wooyoung could barely hear what she said. He lifted her head to look at her.

"Say it again so I can hear you clear." Wooyoung said, moving the hair covering her face.

"I missed you." Seyoung said.

"I missed you too." Wooyoung replied. He leaned closer to give her a long, yet tender kiss. 

"Come. You can sleep here with me tonight in my arms." Wooyoung gave Seyoung another kiss, before laying themselves back to bed, locked in a sweet embrace. Sleep finally came for Seyoung.





Wow, so quick :blush:

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52 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:
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Chapter SEVEN

"New Year's eve when I started wearing this necklace again. It was the first thing I saw in my jewellery box that night.I've been wearing it since." Seyoung said.

"Why?"Wooyoung asked.

"Maybe in my subconscious, I thought of you. I thought of how you were doing. I thought how's life been keeping you." Seyoung said."And then I saw you today." 

"The other night in Itaewon. I was out wiith my 2PM brothers and other friends. I thought I saw you walking towards a waiting car." 

"Itaewon? Did you say the other night? I was in Itaewon too. The whole cast and crew went for dinner, as thanksgiving for the success of our drama. I saw a man looking at my car across the road. He was wearing a hat and glasses. Was it you?"

"It was me."Wooyoung confirmed.

"Oh my God! Wooyoung-ah." Seyoung couldn't believe what she just heard.

Wooyong moved closer and reached for Seyoung's hand.

"Coming to Daejon was an errand I did for Mom. When you saw me standing outside of the restaurant. I was answering her call. Asked if I could pick up the plant because she couldn't leave Dad, his knees are playing up. On the way here. I didn't know it was your car I've been following all along." Wooyoung said.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes. I was basically followed you all the way from Seoul. Like it was all planned. Fate is trying to tell us something, don't you think?"

"Wooyoung-ah. This is all surreal. I can't even think."

"Then don't. Let's not rush things. I'd like to know, where this is leading us to. But I want to do it with you." 

"You won't rush me?" Seyoung asked. Tears gathering around her beautiful eyes.

"I won't. Promise." Wooyoung assured her. "For now. I want you to get some good night sleep. It's been a long day for us." Wooyoung kissed the top of her head, before going to his room.

Seyoung kept tossing and turning. Unable to sleep. Kept thinking of what Wooyoung said to her earlier on. How the encounter did not happen when they were at the place and time. Seyoung got up to get herself a drink and read the book she brought with her. It's no use. She looked at the time, it's nearly two in the morning. She went back to grab her jacket, put it on and went out of the door.

The sound of his room doorbell woke Wooyoung.He was surprised to see Seyoung standing outside of his hotel room.

"Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked, looking very concerned.

"I can't sleep." Seyoung said.

"Come in." Wooyoung invited, closing the door behind her.

"Is something the matter?" Seyoung only answered him with a hug. "Hey, are you okay?"Wooyoung hand rubbing her back gently.

"Please hold me." Seyoung whispered, drawing him closer. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around her tight.

"What's wrong?" Wooyoung asked again. His chin on top of her head.

"Nothing. I suddenly missed you." Seyoung replied, her head buried in his chest.

Wooyoung could barely hear what she said. He lifted her head to look at her.

"Say it again so I can hear you clear." Wooyoung said, moving the hair covering her face.

"I missed you." Seyoung said.

"I missed you too." Wooyoung replied. He leaned closer to give her a long, yet tender kiss. 

"Come. You can sleep here with me tonight in my arms." Wooyoung gave Seyoung another kiss, before laying themselves back to bed, locked in a sweet embrace. Sleep finally came for Seyoung.





This is what you call fate! They're meant for each other! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ She's getting aggressive now, she remembers she's on her 30s now...

Sssshhhhh, 8 is coming...

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I'm sorry I'm really bad at backreading and replying to posts. I'm sorry if I missed anyone. 

On 7/8/2017 at 7:58 AM, kho39 said:

Hi...thanks @standingtallyy,  @hazeljrr_c922 , @yun84, @2handsintertwined, @chic-chic, @Gerry58 for ur kind words.Yay...lets keep the YY spirit going..haaa

Actually..for me...if can...i dun wan wy sy in any show or drama together...cos for me...if they openly together in screen ..thats mean ..they only friend..some wgm couple can openly reunion for drama,song or photoshoot cos they have nothing to hide..they only friend..

Cos i believe yy is together ..that y..after wgm...no news about them..cos they are secretly dating...( yes..they better be..haaa)

But..at least...pls ar.. our beloved YY ...give us comfirmation hint.pls...eg:. Wy pls wear puzzle ring or the hongdae cap again , sy wear the necklace again this yr...cos we had wy hongdae cap in 2014 hk jyp concert, wy puzzle ring in 2015 rose tour, sy necklace in 2016 beautiful mind drama & junk wrote yy in 2016 wildbeat show....so...for this yr 2017...another hint to make us happy ok...its ok i dont see them on screen cos i want them in real life together secretly..

You're welcome :)

On 7/8/2017 at 5:53 AM, standingtallyy said:

I agree. Too much fan service is not good. Anything that is too much is not good. Everything should be in moderation.

Yes, celebrities owe it to fans/ supporters where they are but that does not mean they have the God given right to dictate their lives. Sungmin fought for his love. Fans saw it as being inconsiderate? I think he stood on his ground, he doesn't need to approval from his fans who he should be with and when should he gets married. No woman will ever be good enough for him anyway, if coming from obsessive fans view. His Mom saying she doesn't agree with his marriage or likes his wife isn't helping her son. A Mom shouldn't do that, right? Lest should protect him from everything what is going on. She is adding fuel to the fire.

So good luck to our 2PM when that difficult decision comes:D

Know Your Name music video,hands down as the best on screen kiss Seyoung had done :wub:...you are correct there @chic-chic Seyoung did work with few JYP artist and have visited the building too.

@2handsintertwined thanks, I do enjoy and love my work.

@Gerry58 Going away is great but it's always good to come home and sleep in your own bed, isn't it?

You're welcome. I'm sorry if I offended you. 

On 7/8/2017 at 2:58 AM, Gerry58 said:

Sy has pretty eyes, love her with curls. She can cook now, during her hiatus, she learned to make pasta. Ya she is a good catch too. Think her family is quite ok cos can send her to university plus she has been acting for a while. 

I agree with you. I'm so glad she learned how to cook. She went to university? I didn't know that. 

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@standingtallyy I really love the new version of the fan fic. We're seeing a different of both of them. Though sometimes it's giving me a heart attack due to the suspense hehehe. 


@2handsintertwined Seyoung is a child actress back in 2002. She stop her entertainment activities to focus on her studies I think she just graduated several years ago majoring in art, film and theater. Before she made a comeback she's already done with university. I think she attended Sangmyung University. 

This is her graduation photo

Image result for park seyoung graduated

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Good morning YY nation! 

@standingtallyy yes had 5 hour sleep! Im good with that! Its an annual pictorial of a bank's officers, a good friend requested me to help out styling their EVPs, so I need to get up early & fetch my assistant along the way. 

Got some few minutes break & sneak out to check on you girls. Anything new? Saw the teaser, WY looks short, anyone knows his real height? Seems that what was written in their profile is a bit overstated? Is he really 178cms (5'8), some article says he is 180? @chic-chic Where can we get this Most Wanted? 

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@kho39 really she was wearing that necklace in Beautiful Mind? Need to watch it again. When I watched that drama, I didn't know YY existed. It was just a couple of months ago did I start watching WGM, just searched couples that looks interesting, that's how I found out about our YY. Got hooked until now. I'm so gullible, so please give me a hint if what your saying girls are delulus or not. Thanks for the info. 

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Good morning YY Nation 

@kdaddict1- glad u had a good night sleep. Sleeping is very important cos it helps our body to heal, many people who have insomna  can suffer from serious mental problems (I read a lot about health issues). Also our brains need to rest, that's why young kids who stay up late don't perform well in school. 

I understand some Korean guys wear inner heals in their shoes to appear taller. The best way to check is when they are in the house- where they take off their shoes. Wy is tall, Sy looks petite next to him

@2handsintertwined- Sy must be pretty smart to graduate from a good university. Her family must be financially ok to send her cos university fees are not cheap. A lot of young actresses start work after high school to support their families. 

@standingtallyy- tell your friend her latest fanfic is good. Sorry kind of busy cos my relative from Australia is visiting so I am so busy that I didn't even have time to watch kdramas. Still waiting for Sy's news. Hopefully she will get another drama soon before the year is over. She is so quiet. Praying hard we hear some news soon. 

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