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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Hahaha, not bothered of what they say against Park Seyoung, even if she does well people will stay say something negative. Criticism is good, that would make her strive harder to better herself...

Off topic on Nickhun. - if he wants to date someone, being single isn’t enough. He needs to be available first :D...he is as busy as!


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More chapters. Enjoy!


Chapter Nineteen

“The last meeting for today Sir is at 3.30pm.” Hyung Sang Woo told me.“Let’s take thirty.” I looked at my watch, I have an hour to kill until the next one.

“What do you like for a drink Sir.” Hyung asked. “Apple juice please.” I checked my mobile phone and saw Emily’s messages, asking if I am free tomorrow night to meet her friends. It’s only early days but she seem to be rushing on getting me tied down with her. I had to cancel the last date because we are closing to the launch of the first single Junho, Nick and I are co-producing. I do like Emily but juggling my schedule at current time and dating her is a little bit hard to balance. And one thing I never like in women is when they start to become too clingy for comfort.

“Your drink Sir.” He placed a tall glass of apple juice on the coffee table.

“Have you seen Park Seyoung recently?” I asked  Hyung.

“Yes, Sir.” He briefly answered.

“She’s alright I assume?” Sad that I have to ask my personal assistant about her, when all I could do was pick up the phone and tell her to come up.”Hyung.Please call Park Seyoung to come and see me now.”

“Right now, Sir?” He sounded surprised with my request.

“Yes please.” I confirmed.

“Okay Mr. Vice President.” He stood up and went out to make the call. After a couple of minutes, Hyung confirmed she is on her way up. I quickly went to the bathroom and looked at myself on the mirror. Fixed my tie and hair and quickly rinsed my mouth with a mouthwash. Then I paused and thought why am I doing this? I washed my hand, dried them and went to sit on my desk, facing the window.

“Park Seyoung is here to see you Mr Vice President.” I turned around acknowledging her arrival. “Hyung if you can please get Park Seyoung-shi a drink.” He nodded and left.

“Good afternoon Mr Vice President.” She looked radiant in pale blue top and loose fitting black square pants and flat shoes, the colour matched her pants. Her straight hair is shorter, reaching to her shoulder. She is prettier without her glasses on. Her cheeks have a soft blush of pink.

“You wanted to see me Sir.” Park Seyoung said.

“How are you?” I asked. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. “You look different without your glasses. I mean that in a good way.” I said.

“I’m well. Thank you Sir.” She answered. ”I’m wearing contact leanses.” Hyung came in bringing her a cup of tea. She thanked him before he left.

“You can talk comfortably to me. It’s not like we are strangers. We’ve established some sort of relationship before you knew who I was.” I told her.

“Fine. I’ll speak to you in comfort.” She said then took a deep breath before speaking again.”I will tell you honestly. After learning you are the VP of this company. I am finding it really uncomfortable because of what happened. But in a way, I was glad that you are who you are and not some jerk I happen to meet in a bar. It can’t be helped that we are in this situation, so I am doing my best to be professional at all cost.The last two weeks have been very tough for me but I need to make a decision. At the end of the week, I am handing in my resignation.” Seyoung said.

“Resigning? For what reason?” Surprised with what she said.

“Did you not hear what I just said?” Seyoung answered.

“I heard what you said. But I don’t see the logic why you have to leave? No one really knows what happened that night or the second time.” I told her.

“It is for the best. Sir.” Seyoung replied, her head low refusing to look at me this time.

“Park Seyoung. Do I have to ask you again to look at me when I talk to you?” I reminded her. “Wait. Are you crying?” I asked when I heard a sob.

“If there’s nothing else you want from me. I’d like to go back to work. Sir.” She quickly stood up but I stopped her.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” I asked her. “Look at me for God’s sake!” I held her face up to look at me. “I can’t.” She said in half-whisper.

“What do you mean you can’t?” I asked her again. “Tell me!”

“I’m pregnant!” She said. My hand fell from her face, stepping back. “I’m pregnant.” Pregnant? No. That is not right. I heard it wrong.

“How did that happen? Are you sure it’s mine?” Giving her a questioning look. The sting on my cheek where her palm landed heavily, brought me to my senses.

“Yes. It’s not yours because I sleep with every man I meet in the bar. So don’t worry, this child is mine.” The next thing I heard was the door closing when Park Seyoung left.


Chapter Twenty

I chased after Park Seyoung when she came out half running from the VP’s office. I had a bad feeling when he asked her to see him, it will turn out this way. She headed to the Fire Exit instead of the lift.

“Park Seyoung-shi! Wait!” I grabbed hold of her arm when I finally caught her.

“Let me go!” Trying to get herself out from my hold. “Leave me alone!” I held her in my arms, trying to calm her down. She broke out into a sob, her face on my chest, her legs giving away so I slowly sat her down on the steps.

“Sshh. It’s okay.” I whispered, rubbing her back gently. “You did well by telling him.” The phone on my pocket was buzzing. It was the Vice President.

“Yes, Mr Vice President.” I answered.

“Please cancel my 3.30 meeting. Just tell them I have an emergency situation.” VP ordered. “Where are you?”

“I am downstairs. Sir. I will be back shortly. I will make that phone call now.” Then I hanged up. I quickly made the call, with Park Seyoung crying in my arms. After a while, she lifted her face, all wet from the tears. I took my handkerchief and patted her cheeks dry. She took it from me then blowed her nose on it.

“I need to go back to work. Thank you. ” She said getting up starting to go down the stairs.

“Go home.” Seyoung refused, saying she will be fine but I insisted. “Did you drive to work?” She nodded. “Wait for me.” I said as we walked to her floor.


“When you mentioned Park Seyoung to me the other night. Did you know already?” I asked Hyung when he returned to my office.

“No Sir. But I had my suspicion.” He replied. “How?” He told me about their chance meeting at a pharmacy.

“But she denied it, Sir” Hyung added. “When I asked her about it.”

“You mean you saw her again after that?” Hyung nodded yes.

“We live in the same neighbourhood. I only found out recently, she buys meat from my Mom’s shop. I tried to convince her to tell you.” Hyung said.

“You lived in the same neighbourhood?” Another surprising information. “Is that why she decided to tell me today?”

“No, Sir. What happened today was unplanned. She told me to mind my own business.” Hyung said.

“Did you know she was resigning?”Hyung looked surprised, he had no idea either. My hands are covering my face now, completely dumbfounded with what I found out today. “Do me a favour Hyung. Can you please make sure, she gets home safe?”

“Will do, Mr Vice President.” Hyung said and turned to leave.


Chapter Twenty-One

“Say that again?” Junho said in total shock when I told him of the news. Nick is just making his way to join us at the recording studio. “You are going to be a Dad? Who?” I told him about Park Seyoung.

“How could this thing happen? Don’t you carry condoms in your pocket? That is the rule. The only rule!” Junho showing me what he meant, flashing two packets he dug out from his jeans pocket. “You’re not even dating the woman! You don’t sleep around, man. You were never the type, unless she is your girlfriend. Or is she?”

“No.” I said, gulping down my whiskey in one shot.

“Are you sure it’s yours? It’s one night stand.” But I looked at Junho. “No?” I nodded. Junho opened his mouth but couldn’t say nothing.

“She works at the company.” I added. “I only found out later.”

“What did I miss?” Nick finally came. Junho told him the story, as expected, he is not anymore shocked than I am right now.

“What are you going to do? You’ll try to stop her from resigning and deal with the consequences? In few weeks her bump will show. She’s actually doing you a favour man. And there’s your Dad too.” Nick said.

“What is your plan? Get married?” Junho asked.

“Marriage isn’t always the solution.” Nick told Junho. “What about Emily?”

“I went out with her twice. That’s about it.” I said.

“You slept with the baby’s Mom twice.” Nick added.

“You are not really helping, Nick.” I said.

“I’m just saying.” Nick said, patting my shoulder.

“Well, that is not what I heard from the grape vine.” Junho said.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“You know how sometimes girls gossip. My sister asked me if I know about you dating Emily. I told her there was no mention on your part that you are ‘dating’ her except that you went for dinner a couple of times.” Junho explained, my phoned buzzed. It was Emily again. She’s been calling me all afternoon.

“Speak of the devil herself.” Junho said. I turned my phone off completely.

I went to Park Seyung’s apartment after meeting Nick and Junho. I’ve been ringing her phone in the last hour, but she’s not picking up. I waited patiently outside of the building, until I saw a lady going in to her apartment building and took the opportunity to get in.

“How did you get here?” Seyoung asked when she opened the door.

“That is not important. Can I come in? We need to talk.” I said.

“I think were done talking.” Seyoung replied firmly.

“Maybe for you. But not me.” I insisted. “Please.” She looked at me for a moment before opening the door wider allowing me in.

“Well?” Seyoung turned to face me, arms across her chest. Seyoung looked like a high schooler rather than a soon to be Mom with her freshly scrubbed face, dressed in short pink striped pyjamas and a matching dressing gown.

“May I?” She pointed her head to the couch and sat down. “I need to know what are your plans. I mean with…the baby.”

“I do have plans but that doesn’t include you.” She replied in sarcasm.“You don’t have the final say on this matter, you know. I am half responsible to this.” I told her. “Am I not allowed to feel this way? Look. I am not downplaying how you felt after finding out you’re pregnant. But It is the same for me too. How did you expect me to react? Like, ‘Oh yeah, I am going to be a Dad. Great! See you later?’. You think I was going to say that? I mean, after that last time, we were virtually strangers again. Yes, we work in the same company, but we never see each other.” I stood up, faced the balcony in frustration. I put both hands to my hip. “It hasn’t completely sunk in yet, but I am accepting reality and coming to terms with it. There is only one solution I can think of.” I said, turning around to face Seyoung.  “Let’s get married.”



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Guest elenskivios38

 Twit! twit! twit! sweet Na Mo Hyung and Jang Bu cheon already dating! exciting drama

so fast.Glad to hear of good rating sign that Park Se Young on the right track..good job Seyougah!:wub:

they're so cute in this scene im sure the actor cant look straight in the eyes of Seyoung just like 


Ladies ! another wedding in drama!:o  i remember someone posted Seyoung wearing wedding

gown in diffrent dramas ....she's stunning as ever :wub:Ah! when will be the real one!

See you tomorrow my dear! FIGHTING!


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Good weekend YY Nation

Tonight will be tuning in to watch Sy's drama. Also hope to see her in wedding gown. She will be so beautiful 

This week so many bad news- Suzy's breakup, kangin's fighting- in a way I am glad wy and sy staying quiet. No dating news for both cos Korean celebs don't last long. Very sad, especially breakup while the guy in military. 

Now only watching Money Flower and witch court (so far both good)

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Celebrity breakups are so common when the guy is in military service.  Joo Won and BOA also broke up . I can't understand why they can't sustain the relationship while the guy is in military service. Ordinary couples can do it why can't they hahaha. 


Always saying that they broke up due to busy schedules doesn't make sense. This has always been used as a reason for celebrity break ups in Korea hahahaha. 


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SY and JSJ dated and kissed. Their relationship is indeed moving fast hehehe. 


I  think the second lead will still fall in love with NMH. However, the receptionist will come back with their 6 year old son so that will be the start of the complications. 





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