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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Guest elenskivios38

    Ladies! the drama highlights makes me more excitied and curious about Money Flower.

Urghhh! when this will be shown so i can promote too to some parents here in our center 

who loves Kdrama.this drama has finess  and quality worth  watching:wub: 

Thats right my dear YYladies very good choice of Park Se Young in accepting this drama.she's

with veteran actors and actress:) What a JACKPOT!:D


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Good morning YY Nation 

@elenskivios38- it is great u recommending money flower to your friends and colleagues. I will also do so. Hope the rating is good.

Yay! Finally tomorrow we get to watch. Start at 8.45pm Korean time. Let's post our comments after watching here and in drama forum. 

handsome wy 

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Me too! Looking forward to Money Flower, premiering tonight. is it true it is going to run for two hours? While waiting for it...just read my friend's latest chapters...a bit more complex than I thought this time...Enjoy!


Chapter Fifteen

It has been over two months since I took over the position as Vice President. After meeting with Park Seyoung’s team, there were only two occasions that our paths have crossed. The first was when I went down one day to try out the cafeteria food with Hyung for lunch. I was on a queue waiting to be served when I saw her with a food tray looking for an empty table to sit. She walked past us briefly acknowledging me with a bow like all other employee that saw me. The second time was a week later, I left work a little late and she was at the nearby bus stop when my car have driven past, I wasn’t sure if she saw me. Or maybe she did. I was either busy with company matters or out doing other business with Junho and Nick. We are getting all the preparations ready for our first venture as music producers. Our target launch is in two months, for a singer we have picked amongst the top ten choices. It was also good for my two buddies after another failed attempt to date. After that incident in the restaurant, they’ve completely cut any communication with the two women. Min Young and Se Rah tried calling, asking them what happened. Nick and Junho told them they were too busy to see them. The last time they heard, Min Young, Doo Nah and Se Rah were hanging out with sport celebrities. I’m glad, my life isn’t as complicated as I thought it would be after the brief involvement with Seyoung.

“Come see me in my office.” Father said when I answered my office phone. Literally a man of few words. A trait I didn’t inherit from Dad. People may see him as one ruthless business man, but to his family and very close friends who knows him well, he is a good person and have my full respect.

“Yes, Dad. You wanted to see me.” I asked the moment I got to his office, he was signalling me to sit down.

“Are you dating someone at the moment?” He asked. I have a feeling where this question leads to.

“No. Wae Dad?” He rarely ask these kind of question, regarding my personal life but when he does it means something is on.

“I need you to meet someone. A girl. Daughter of one of my business acquaintance. See if you’ll get along okay.” He said.

I can only give my Dad a questioning look. We’ve made an agreement when I turned eighteen that he will not interfere with whom I should marry or date, provided I promise to take over the company when time comes. And my Dad have been true to his word. Hence, I got to date anyone I like provided they are educated and have good family background. But to be honest, the only good family background I know of, are within the circle I move around, people with money.

“I know. But just give this a try. Meet this girl. Look, you will be thirty in few months. Don’t you think it’s about time you get serious when it comes to relationship?” He added.

“Why all of a sudden Dad?” I asked him.

“I am not telling you to get married right away. I just need you to take a different approach on relationship.” Dad explained. “You are not getting younger and I’m getting older.”

“No expectations?” I asked. Dad shook his head no. As we do when we make a father and son deal, it was sealed with a hand shake.


I am Jo Sang Woo, best known as Personal Assistant to the company’s Vice President. I have always been focused on doing well in school growing up until I finished my degree in Business. Having lost my father when I was only fifteen, I took on the responsibility as head of household and look after my Mom and younger brother. My Mom’s hard work in running a small meat shop from a nearby market and my part time jobs earnings together paid off my college fees. After working in a small company for three years. I was lucky to be offered a position after rigid screening and panel interviews. My employment have strict confidentiality clause, meaning I can’t disclose any personal information about my boss to anybody, including my family. My Mom only know, I work for a conglomerate but not as personal assistant to the heir of the conglomerate. I first met Park Seyoung when I went for corporate training, a couple of months before the new VP started. I also see her in the cafeteria at lunch time either with her team or just by herself. A couple of times, I purposely would sit across the table she was seated, but she is often busy talking to someone or simply eating quietly by herself. We never formally say greetings to each other. But I was surprised when I saw her that night with the VP coming out from the bar. When I asked Mr VP if they are together, he said they are not. Since then, I haven’t seen them together again until that official meeting with Training Department and one accidental meeting when the VP joined me to have lunch at the company cafeteria. Driving her back to her apartment the morning after she stayed with the VP was an easy one, because I live in the same neighbourhood.


Chapter Sixteen

“Are you okay Noona?” Dok Yung asked. When he saw me nodding my head off while getting myself coffee from the staff kitchen. “Did you have a late night out?”

Aissh. Senja! What do you mean a late night out. Did you forget? We left the BBQ place same time last night? Did you think I went for another round somewhere?” I told him off.

“You are the beer or soju queen in the team but you only had ice water with a lemon wedge. I wondered why so I thought you did.” Dok Yung remarked.

“Yeah. I just didn’t feel like drinking last night. But I enjoyed the pork belly.” I said, smiling at him.

“Yes. You ate them like there was no tomorrow. Two servings easy.” Do Kyung told me. And I think he was right. It’s not like I don’t like pork belly but I always prefer beef over them. And lately, I’ve been off soju and beer. The taste and smell of it makes my stomach queasy. It’s like my body is just rejecting it. The last week, I’ve been struggling to get up each morning even when I go to bed early the night before. I really need to see a doctor, I’m sure this is a sign of early menopausal.

Noona when we finish work later. Let’s go for a round tonight.” Do Kyung suggested.

“You want to die? Are you suffering from dementia or something? You forgot we have one more training scheduled for tomorrow.” Reminding him.

“Sorry. I briefly forgot about that.” He said, scratching his head. After Do Kyung left, I gave out another yawn and it’s only ten in the morning. We have been very busy in the last few weeks. Too busy to even think of the Vice President.The most I saw of him after he came to meet the entire Training Department was a chance encounter at the cafeteria. I went straight to my parent’s house after work. Over dinner she begged me to meet Jihoon again. Mom wasn’t giving up until I promised to give it a second thought. My eldest sister and her kids happened to be there as well.

“Seyoung-ah, eat slowly. You looked like you haven’t eaten for days.” Big s ister told me. I only noticed it when she said it. I literally was shoving the braised pork ribs Mom made into my mouth, when I saw the pile of bones in a bowl next to my plate.

“Just let her. She misses her Mom’s cooking.” My Dad said. Even putting more meat to my plate, his way of saying he misses me.

Kenchana. I cooked plenty so that you can eat as many as you like.” Mom added, waving her hands to me to eat more.

“If I don’t know you have no boyfriend, I’ll probably think you are eating for two.” My sister said. The bone I was munching on fell on my plate with a clang with what she just said.

“Unnie!” I exclaimed. “How can you say that?”

“Why? I was only kidding.” My sister defended. “Mianhe.” She quickly apologized.

“Hey. Stop it and finish your dinner.” My Dad said.

With a baby? Hah! I thought. That is impossible! But then again, it is not. How long has it been since the last night? Two? Three months? Oh no! The thoughts playing in my head over and over again as I was driving back to my apartment. I was in a panic! So for my peace of mind. I dropped by a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test home kit. I went straight into the aisle where they are displayed. I couldn’t believe how many choices they are! Undecided, I bought three from different brands, when I heard someone calling my name. ”Park Seyoung-shi?” When I turned to look, it was Sang Woo, Jang Wooyoung’s assistant. And a packet of pregnancy test kit fell on the ground.

“Here. You dropped this.” Giving Park Seyoung the packet. I saw her walked into the pharmacy as I waiting for my Mom’s medications to be dispensed. She asked me this morning to pick it up on my way from work. Seyoung went from aisle to aisle looking for something, then stopped at the women’s section. I walked over to the counter when Mom’s name was called. On the way, I saw her walking towards same direction as I am, while looking at the items she had on her hands. I needed to call her attention otherwise she would have bumped into me. I must have startled her because I saw the surprise look in her face seeing me and dropped one packet on the ground. I quickly picked it up to hand it to her.

Gamsahamida.” She replied after quickly taking it from my hand. I signalled her to go first and pay for her purchases. Seyoung bowed again and stood in front of me on the queue just then another chemist came so we stood next to each to pay and left after bidding her goodnight. A car was partly blocking mine, so I rang the number displayed on the dashboard for the owner. I could hear a sound of the phone ringing, then a female voice answered. It was Seyoung, she was only few steps away from me walking towards where I was standing.

“I’m sorry. Is this your car?” She asked pointing at my black Toyota Corolla.

“Yes.” I said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it. I was rushing before the pharmacy closes.” She apologized, looking quickly inside her bag to get the car keys.

“It’s okay. I’m not in a rush.” I said to her. “You remember me, right?”

“Of course, I do. You are the VP’s assistant.” She replied, still looking for the keys. “You live around here too Sang Woo-shi?” She remembered my name.

“Yes.” I said. She finally found her car keys. Waving it in the air in relief. “See you around then. Goodnight.” Then she hopped into her car and droved off.


Chapter Seventeen

“Would you like to order some dessert?” I asked Emily. She is the girl Dad was telling me about. decided to meet her for dinner a week after we had that talk. Emily is only a year younger than me. Pretty, confident and smart. Youngest of the three daughters. Did her post graduate studies overseas and recently returned home three months ago.

“No. I’m good. But I’ll have coffee. Thank you.” Emily replied. I ordered two for both of us. “You are not dating anyone?”

“No. I’m not.” I replied, looking at her. “Would you date me then?” She asked directly. I was somehow expecting this.

“I won’t answer that with either yes or no.” I told her honestly. “That’s not being fair.” She replied back. “What makes you say that?” I asked. “Because if you ask me right now if I will date you. My answer is yes.”She said. “You’ve only known me for two hours, to be exact. How can you say you already want to date me.” I asked back. “I might have a dark side, you know.”

“Do you?” Emily asked. “That makes you even more interesting.”

“Really?” I said half-laughing. Over all her company was fun. She isn’t restrained with her opinion on different matters. And I like that in women.

“Mr Vice President. Should I take you home now or you want to go elsewhere.” Hyung asked, he came to pick me ups after dinner.

“I’ll go home.” I said. “Dinner was good though.”

“That’s good to hear Mr. Vice President.” Hyung replied. “I saw Park Seyoung-shi the other night.” He said all of a sudden.

“Park Seyoung?” I clarified. “Why you suddenly mentioned her?”

“No particular reason, Mr Vice President. I just thought I’d mention it. That’s all.” Hyung said.

“How is she?” I suddenly got curious.

 “She looks well. We only talked briefly. Then she went.” Hyung answered. And I left it like that.


I looked at the black and white ultrasound print in my hand. I have been sitting in my car the last half an hour, staring at it. “Congratulations. You are eight weeks pregnant.” The doctor’s words playing in my head on repeat. I knew he used protection, well I thought he did. A man like him wouldn’t be this careless. Ottoke! These home pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, I told myself earlier. According to my research there is small percentage that they will show false positive results. A blood test and ultrasound is always the best way to confirm pregnancy. So I went on the net and searched for an OB/GYN centre to book myself an appointment. My baby. Right. I am going to be a Mom now. This tiny life living inside of me, I am loving him or her already. But my mind is in turmoil. Should I let the Vice President know? Or should I leave the company? I need to tell my parents too. How? That I got myself knocked up by some stranger? By the way, he is the Vice President of the company I work for. But the love for this baby growing inside me outweighs the challenges I might face ahead. I will protect this child, no matter what.

“Hi Mom.” I greetd when she answered the phone. “Are you and Dad home?”

“I am at home but Dad isn’t in yet.” She answered. “Are you alright? You’re not sick are you?” If there is one person in the world who knows me best. It is Mom.

“Ani. I’m okay. I’ll see you and Dad at six.” Then I hanged up. I had to bite my lower lip to stifle a cry. I may have disappointed my parents because of my idiosyncrasies growing up but I never disappointed my parents like I will be now. This is going to break their hearts.


Chapter Eighteen

“I’m sorry Mom. Dad. For disappointing you.” I said between tears, kneeling in front of them.

“Get up. Why do you have to kneel.” My Dad said, bending down to help me stand. And like what he used to do when I cry as kid, he wiped my tears and kiss me on the forehead. “It’s okay. I am not angry at you. Surprised. Yes but not angry. It’s not good for the baby.”

“My baby. You’re going to be a Mom.” Mom said, drawing me into her arms.

“You should be angry at me. Because of the shame I brought to our family.” I said.

“Are we in Jeoson era to worry about what people say? What do you mean shame? A child is a blessing not a burden or cause shame. Remember that.” Dad reassured me.

“But you never mentioned about a boyfriend. Who is the father? Does he know?” Mom asked. I shook my head no.

“He’s a good guy. A colleague.” Well, that was half true. “You need to tell him. He has the right to know.” Dad said. I wish I can tell my parents it is not that simple. I can only nod my head. “If he will acknowledge his child, that’s good. But if he doesn’t. It will be his loss.”

I’m glad it went well. Telling my parents about my pregnancy. It is only right to love this baby the way my parents have given me love and support all these years. Though my Mom asked me to stay the night, I refused. I just want to be alone and think things through but an unexpected visitor awaits me when I got home. Sang Woo was waiting at the gate of my apartment complex. I opened my car window to greet him.

“Hello Seyoung-shi.” He greeted back.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Can I talk to you? “ He asked. I move to park my car and got out and went to sit on a bench not far from the parking area.

“How can I help you?” I asked him.

“I will apologise ahead if I may sound intruding with your personal life.” Sang Woo said. This doesn’t sound good.”Mr Vice President is seeing a woman that his father wanted him to meet. He Has been meeting her twice already.” He said.

“Why are you telling me this. I’ve got nothing to do with him.” I said.

“The other night at the pharmacy. You bought pregnancy test kits, right?” Sang Woo said, that took me by only half surprise. I had a feeling he saw what I bought.

“Don’t misunderstand. It wasn’t for me.” I denied. I have to.

“Then why looked so guilty if it wasn’t for you.” Sang Woo replied back.

“Guilty or not. It is none of your business.” I said looking at him.

“It is. Because I like you Park Seyoung-shi.” He said.

“What?” I asked in surprise.

“I said. I like you Park Seyoung.” He repeated. Loud and clear.

“This conversation is finished.” I said then walked away. I don’t need another complication right now.

“My feelings aside. The Vice President has the right to know.” I turned around and walked back to where he was after hearing that.

“Right to know what?” I asked my eyes bigger with anger towards him.

“That you are carrying his child.” He said it. “Regardless of what you think about him. The Vice President is a good man.” I looked at him, angry tears streaming down my cheeks. He took a handkerchief from his trouser pocket and wiped my tears. I grabbed it and sat down on the bench and cried those tears I held back. The tears I couldn’t cry in front of my parents. But why am I crying in front of this man?

“How can you like someone like me? Pregnant with your boss’s child? By the looks of you, you seem to be a good person.” I told him after I calmed down.

“Don’t worry about my feelings. I’ll take care of it.” Sang Woo said. “Just take care of yours.” I am now both laughing and crying with what he just said. Is this man for real?

“Let me tell you a story. Mom told me that there is this pretty lady who always come to her shop and buy beef. Mom said, she is really pretty, very nice and funny. She told my Mom that her beef is the best amongst others. Mom has grown very fond of her. So she always set aside her favourite beef. One day, this lady came and bought pork belly instead of the usual beef. She asked the lady why she is buying pork instead. The lady told her, the smell of beef is turning her off lately, and suddenly been craving for pork. Mom told me that night, she might be pregnant because she was like that when she was pregnant with me and my brother. One weekend, I helped Mom in her meat shop, hoping to meet this lady she was referring to. It was you. After you left, Mom told me you were the lady she was talking about. When I saw you coming I hid behind the counter so you won’t see me.” Sang Woo said.

“Are you Eunhye Ahjumma’s son?” Surprised to know that. ”Yes. She did tell me her son works for a large company.” I said. “Hang on. Do you live in this neighbourhood?” I asked.

“Yes. Just two streets away from here.” Sang Woo confirmed.


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Yesss i hope the rating  is good  we both know money flower had intense plotline story and strong character even unusual time slot ( 2 hours at Saturday) . As a international  fans i eagerly  wait for english subtitle. Praying  hard and best of luck for PSY since she is a female lead in this drama 

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Yes iam totally waiting for english subtitle. Ao curious because money flower received great response. Based on drama forum, money flower reached ratings 10.2% in first episode and 12.6% in second episode (correct me if iam wrong)

Double digit dramaa. Congrats seyoung . Keep up the good work. 

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